Burning of the midnight oil
I forged documents
to break across the border
melting the wax
it dripped upon the paper
stamping the seal
I rode out equestrian style
in ambling gait
fixating gaze to trotted trail
Luna shining down
saw the movement in shadows
my weary eyes
but these were just corners
on my ride
I heard the howling banshee
in the distance
screaming deep some one's vengeance
heavy in sigh
for knowing it was relative
chill upon air
the snort of the steed
all of me
said yes hasten to border
as crows fly
soon I would be there
to finally rest
but these crows edging in
swooping from nest
darken the once lightened path
spurring my beast
we raced as travelers one
nearing the post
came sounds of the guns
as bullets flew
knocking me down in slide
and there again
wailing sounds of banshee cry