Missing Him

Missing Him

A Poem by Stephen

My Grandfather, Father, and Friend


Missing Him

A doctor's appointment,
for Paw Paw Jack
I waited in the foyer, 
as they took him back

just a checkup, 
all it was you see
to check his health, 
to prevent what could be

a graduation, 
he had to attend
for it was my senior year, 
highschool about to end

he gave his all, 
to ensure my success
I gave my all,
for him to impress

Time ticked by, 
I waited and waited
still no news,
I became deflated

The doctor came out, 
said he was keeping him
so I waited, 
my mind beginning to swim

I went to see him, 
in his room
but nurses were running, 
why? I could only presume

Standing outside, 
lifelight approaching
taking my Paw Paw Jack
for death he was encroaching

In ICU, 
I saw him again
unable to speak, 
my dad, my friend

a tube in his mouth,
to preserve his life
close by was I,
and my mom, his wife

After a while, 
he was able to talk
his spirit not broken
fighting death's clock

Telling his jokes, 
as he always did
to make people laugh, 
sadness he hid

Given a choice, 
where to die
he chose home, 
as death came nigh

he spoke with us all, 
one by one
to ensure we knew, 
he loved everyone

as to that, 
there was no doubt
he was a man of love, 
shown day in and day out

We gathered around, 
he took his last breath
his spirit gone
freed by death

there was a time,
in which he said, 
Lord let me attend, 
my son's graduation ahead

There was an empty seat, 
at graduation
not able to attend,
was my inspiration

I know he watched, 
from Heaven instead
but here with me, 
I wish he wasn't dead

Even now, 
I miss him so
I wish he were here, 
much to him I owe

© 2015 Stephen

My Review

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This is beautiful. I can sense how strong the love is in your family. I am sure, without doubt, that he would be proud to know that your memory of him inspired such lovely writing. This is very touching.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Seems you talk from own experience. If so I'm truly sorry. If not it is truly well written.

Posted 9 Years Ago

This filled my eyes with tears.. stuffy inside even as I write. At this moment being reminded at what doesn't and does matter. this was deeply sad, loving and heartfelt. my condolences and a very truly beautifully write..

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and for your kind words
silent poet

9 Years Ago

You're very welcome
That was too touching. I could feel something in those words. It makes one wonder, especially as father's day comes close, about the people in our lives and how special they are and will always be. Thank you for sharing this poem, well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading. We to often forget the importance of spending time with loved ones and how speci.. read more
Very sweet and touching. Great poem!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading. I appreciate the appraisal friend
A sweet and sad poem with a strong story and message behind. I like it very much.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading. I appreciate your appraisal my friend
This poem brought tears to my eyes. Although I am lucky to still have my grandpa he has not been the same person after his stoke two years ago and I miss who he was very much. Beautiful poem.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Sorry to hear that happened..thanks for taking the time to read it.
This poem is so touching, I haven't lost my dad myself but just reading this work brought tears to my eyes, so very beautiful.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for taking time to read it. Thanks for the appraisal. Im glad you liked it
What an absolutely beautiful poem about a lost loved one. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you shared this.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for the appraisal. Thanks for taking the time to read friend

9 Years Ago

No problem. You're a good writer.

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11 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2015
Last Updated on May 13, 2015
Tags: Grandfather, friend, father, death, jokes, laugh, Heaven, graduation, love, home



Pensacola , FL

I am very interested in writing. Love to read others writings and really find the meaning within that writing. I love to write to be able to hopefully add meaning to others lives or help them in a tim.. more..
