Me. That is all that there is, me and the canvas of my world.
My mind is filled with the unlimited inspirations for the world that shall be created.
I choose to paint the world in which I live.
I find myself on a trail running to nowhere as of yet, my canvas only has a trail
Maybe I do not have as much inspiration as I thought I had at the beginning
Well, maybe I should just walk and maybe the inspiration will come as I go
I keep walking and I keep seeing nothing but a sky of whiteness that seems to run into eternity
Where is everything? Why are there not at least some trees, or some grass, or something?
If I keep walking on the path I am on, I might just walk off the edge of the path
What is at the edge of the path? I don’t know, all I see is white!
I sure hope that at some point all this inspiration that is in my mind creates something!
Oh, there, I think I see a, what is that?! …………………………….