To Turn Away

To Turn Away

A Poem by Odin Roark

Whether in business, relationships, family or politics, many are lured into acquiescence, obviating personal conviction, a mind and heart priceless endowment that is ours to cherish, or squander.

To Turn Away
      by Odin Roark

To turn away…

is to ignore happiness
merely waiting for sorrow to fade,
patience with the casting of a candlelight’s flicker,
forming the courageous smile before facing decisions,
where teachings unexpected create sense awareness
akin to dolphin-speak,
not to be heard,
but to be felt.

To turn away…

is to assume
sadness longs not for your smile,
but the succumbing of your sorrow,
even as love is always ready to bathe together 
in luxuriant waters so expectant experience can enjoin
in human nature’s floatation of being,
not fearing. 

To turn away…

is for those
who reject reality’s paradox,
that state of mind where
dismissing dreams as counter-intuitive
is but slavery’s chaining to someone else’s reality,
where a coerced choice borne out of dismay,
teaches stop signs spell nothing but danger.

To turn away…

is when one’s inner instinct,
knowing cautionary signals,
to stop,
and listen,
is the essence of innate imagination,
chooses to look everywhere,
but ahead.

To turn away…

is to avoid staring a precipice head on,
accepting that a possible mistake
in casting one’s integrity as a key
to understanding today’s lesson,
is to potentially never learn,
become a casualty in remaining
but a shadow of others.

© 2016 Odin Roark

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Added on January 31, 2016
Last Updated on January 31, 2016
Tags: integrity


Odin Roark
Odin Roark

Talent, OR

Background in NY/LA entertainment and arts, Now Novelist/Poet/Humanist. Two novels published: ECHOSIS, 3 WAY MIRROR. Poems published in "Said and Unsaid" Vol 1. In 2012 - 2 volumes of my poetry were.. more..
