![]() Chapter SixA Chapter by Ocularfracture![]() Sunny agrees to bring Remy back to her house where she leaves him to nap while she goes to work.![]() When I look back on the days that I spent with Sunny Skye, I
find that some details are blurry. After all that’s happened, I can assume that
there are good reasons for it, but I’ve always thought of my memory as one of the
most important things I could possibly possess, and so it pains me to think
that there are some things that I don’t remember well. I can no longer recall how our breakfast tasted, or even how
my portrait of Sunny looked. I don’t remember much of what we talked about as
we ate, or even if we finished all of our breakfast. But one thing I do remember above all was how she smelled.
Sunny’s scent was strong, but not overpowering"a warm, exotic herbal fragrance
that calmed me to the core, no matter what the situation. “It’s organic Shea butter,” she told me, rubbing a thick
white cream onto her hands. “It does great things for my skin. Doesn’t it smell
lovely? I nodded, my eyelids drooping, a dumb, happy smile on my
face. Replacing the small bottle in her bag, Sunny leaned over the
steering wheel of her car and looked at me. “Are you ready?” she asked. “Ready for what?” “Are you ready to visit my house now? The second date has
come to a close, and as promised, you’re now welcome to visit my humble abode.
Would you like to accept?” I laughed lightly, but even that seemed to take more energy
than I had. “I would love to come to your house,” I told her. “But do
you have enough time?” Sunny, for some odd reason, looked down into the front of her
dress where I knew that silky black bra was hiding. “It’s only half past seven,” she told me. “We’ve got two
hours before I have to leave for work. If you like, you can nap at my place
while I’m gone. Then we will be together as soon as I come home.” “That sounds like a wonderful thing to wake up to,” I told her.
“But are you sure you’re okay with having a strange guy sleeping around your
house while you’re gone?” She smiled, turning the engine. “You’re not a strange guy,” she said. “I know every inch of
you.” My face reddened again, leading me to wonder when that would
finally stop happening. “Yeah, I know… But you’ve only known me"“ “About a day,” said Sunny, backing out of her parking spot.
“I know that. But it doesn’t matter. I like you a lot, you like me a lot, and I
feel like I’ve known you for years already. Does it not feel the same to you?
Do you think of me as a stranger?” “Of course not,” I said, Sunny’s words resounding through my
head, making more sense than anything I could have thought up on my own. “I
know exactly what you mean, and I do feel the same… I just really want to make
sure that you’re okay with everything, you know? I… I care about you.” “I care for you, too, Remy. And don’t worry. If I have any
problems with anything, you’ll be the first to know. I promise.” I wanted to open my mouth. I wanted to say something. My
brain turned over several times, stopping just short of coherent thought, and
finally, I just gave up, letting my mouth fall shut, unable to match Sunny’s
words in any way. As we drove, I found it was difficult to keep my eyes open.
I tried focusing on cars, hoping that counting all cars of a certain color
would somehow keep me awake. But my stubborn eyes fluttered shut for what seemed like
only a moment, and then Sunny was calling my name again. “Poor sleepy thing,” she said as I opened my eyes to see her
peering at me through dim light. “Where are we?” I asked, sitting up straight and digging the
crust out of my eyes. “We’re inside of my garage,” she said with a smile. “I guess
you missed the drive over, huh? If you’re that tired, I can just take you home,
and we can do this some other time.” “No, no,” I said. “I’m fine, really. I’m totally awake now.
I just needed a little nap.” I smiled at her, trying to look convincing. It must have
worked, because she just tapped me on the nose and got out of the car. Stifling
a yawn, I followed suit and joined Sunny on the other side of the overly-large
garage where a single door was set in the middle of the wall. “Are you ready?” she asked breathlessly, as though she were
about to unveil something strange and mysterious. “Of course,” I smiled. “I’ve been ready all along.” Sunny bowed her head and turned away. A moment later, a
crack of white light appeared around the edges of the door as she pushed it
open, slightly. “Come,” she said, stepping inside and holding the door for
me. I slipped in after her, the smell of many different herbs
and oils rushing up to greet my nose as I did. All at once, I felt relaxed and
at peace. Not tired, as before, but simply serene. We were in a small, white room with only a decorative table
against a wall, and a mirror. A spiraling staircase stood in for one of the
walls, and Sunny sat down on it, taking off her shoes. “Should I take mine off, too?” I asked. “Only if you want to,” she said. “I’m not a neat freak or
anything. I just like to keep my shoes near the garage door so I don’t forget
them on my way out.” “Makes sense,” I said, kicking my own shoes off and
arranging them neatly next to the door. Sunny stood and offered me her hand. “Let’s go,” she said softly as she laced her warm fingers through
mine. Slowly, she began her ascent, seeming almost to glide in all
her elegance. Around and around we went, up and up, until I could see a
slightly messy yet wide room coming into view. Sunny, however, bypassed the
room and continued up the stairs. “What was that?” I asked, trying my best not to sound out of
breath. “Storage and art,” she said. “My main floor is further up.” I let my jaw do its thing since Sunny had her back turned
anyway. “What on Earth do you do for a living?” I asked. “I told you, I’m a secretary.” “Whose?” I laughed. “The President’s?” “Someone important.” Sunny shot me a sly grin over her
shoulder as the staircase finally ended and we arrived in an enormous room with
shiny, wooden floors. “Feel free to look around,” she said. “I’m going to go
change into my work clothes now.” Releasing her hand, I watched as she disappeared down a
perfect hallway and into a room that I couldn’t see. I let out a huge breath and took a few steps into what I
guessed was her living room. She had a cute little set of wicker furniture- a
loveseat, a glass-top table, and one of those huge chairs shaped like a bowl.
The walls, for the most part, seemed to be made out of several floor-to-ceiling
windows that looked out over a busy city. My stomach gave an uncomfortable jolt. How must my messy,
one-bedroom apartment have looked to someone like Sunny, with her huge and
beautiful house? I suddenly felt very small and pathetic. Shaking my head, I
continued to explore the room. In the middle of the floor was a shaggy brown and green rug
with patterns of leaves on it, matching the cushions of the wicker furniture
set, and along the few bits of wall that weren’t windows, were a series of
tall, glass shelves covered in various things. I tiptoed over to the shelves, the mixture of the height and
my lack of sleep causing me to fear that I would somehow fall over and break
everything. Holding onto the wall, I inspected the contents of the
nearest shelf. Such a strange variety of things there were. On the highest
shelf, I noticed a family of small, ornate dolls… figurines, I suppose one
would call them. Each figure was in its own peculiar position, and painted in
bright, vivid colors. One doll, somewhere off to the left caught my attention more
that the rest, and being as careful as possible, I picked it up for a closer
examination. The figurine was of a girl with long, silver hair, reaching
down to touch her toes, her long, elegant legs stretched out at an angle. Her
head was lifted only enough to reveal her narrow, inquisitive eyes, which
seemed almost life like, and she was dressed from head to toe in a skin-tight
metallic-red body suit. “Ah,” came Sunny’s voice. I jumped, nearly dropping the
delicate doll. “I see you’ve found Ateria, the temptress.” “How do you get around without making so much as a sound!?”
I demanded, my heart pounding. Rather than answer, Sunny just smiled, collecting the doll
from my sweaty hands. “Do you like her?” she asked. “I made her myself, along with
all the others up there. Somehow, though, Ateria is my favourite. I probably
put the most effort into her.” “You… made her?” I took another look at the doll in Sunny’s small hands,
searching for any imperfections. She was so realistic. Even the folds in her
clothing looked completely perfect. “I sculpted her out of clay,” Sunny said. “And then painted
her by hand. What do you think?” “I… Well, I’m impressed to say the least! This is amazing,
Sunny! You actually made this? I am
astounded.” Sunny beamed from ear to ear. “Thanks!” she said. “I don’t get too many compliments on my
work, so it’s really nice to hear that someone likes them so much.” “How could you not
get compliments? The amount of detail you were able to pour into these
figurines is just… Stunning! Remarkable!” Sunny giggled, handing the doll back to me. “If you like her that much, she’s yours.” My smile melted away, replaced by shock. “Oh, no,” I said. “Seriously, you put a lot of effort into
this… I could never accept such an invaluable gift. Besides, you said yourself
that this one’s your favourite.” “Well, what am I going to do with them?” Sunny asked,
patting me on the shoulder. “All they do is sit around my house collecting
dust. There’s really no good use for them here. No one ever comes over to see
them, or anything.” “Yeah, but Sun"“ “No buts. She’s my gift to you! Please accept her with my
affections.” “Well thank you,” I said softly. “This is the nicest gift
I’ve ever received. I will take good care of her.” Sunny hugged my back. “I know you will,” she said. “That’s why I’m giving her to
you.” Clutching the tiny doll to my chest, I continued looking
through the random objects on Sunny’s shelves. “What is all this stuff?” I asked, inspecting a coarse, grey
rock with a hole through the center. “Oh, just stuff I pick up here and there,” she said, hugging
me from behind. “A lot of them I went looking for specifically… Others I just
stumbled upon.” “That’s cool. Any reason you keep them on display like
this?” Sunny shrugged. “Better than having them stuffed in a box somewhere. I like
to look at them.” “Hey!” I said, bending down to pick up a small, velvet
drawstring bag from a lower shelf. “Is this what I think it is?” “Depends,” said Sunny, squeezing me around the middle. “What
do you think it is?” Carefully, I tugged at the drawstrings, revealing a stash of
beautiful polished stones. “I used to have some of these!” I cried, tipping the pretty
treasures into my hand. “My parents went on vacation once when I was about
twelve or so… Some kind of second honeymoon thing, I guess, so I had to stay at
my grandma’s house while they were gone. But when they came back, they brought
me a little satchel of pretty stones just like this! Man… I really miss them.
These ones look a lot like those.” “You miss them?” Sunny asked. “What ever happened to them?” Frowning, I thought back to the day I’d lost them. “Um… I gave them to some kid,” I told her. “I was at the
park by myself… It was a cold and cloudy day, so no one else was there. That
was my favourite time to go.” “If you were there alone, then how did you end up giving
your rocks away?” Sunny kissed my shoulder. I thought back to that day, forcing myself to recall as many
details as possible. “It’s actually weird,” I said. “It was getting dark. I was just…
sitting on a swing, not even swinging. And the next thing I knew, some weird
girl was sitting down on the swing next to mine, just smiling. She didn’t even
say anything, she just sat there for a bit… And then after awhile, she stood up
and handed me this weird ring.” “A ring?” “Yeah… Actually…” I lifted my right hand to reveal the ring that I’d never
stopped wearing since the day it was given to me. Sunny’s eyes moved across the
thick silver band, widening slightly as they rested on the round, red gem in
the center. “That’s interesting,” she said. “Really interesting… So what
happened to your rocks, then?” “Well…” I closed my eyes, hoping to rid myself of physical
distractions. “She handed me the ring and then just turned and started walking
away… But I felt like I should give her something in return, so I caught up to
her and let her have my bag of stones.” Sunny nodded as though my strange story made perfect sense
to her. “Did you find out what the ring was for?” I shook my head. “No… I never did. And I never saw her again, either… Hell, I
didn’t even get her name. She never said a single word to me… I wonder if she
was a mute…” I tumbled the rocks around in my hand for a moment,
realizing for the first time how stupid it probably was to have given away
something my parents brought me as a gift. “So why did you keep the ring?” Sunny asked. “I mean, like…
why do you wear it around?” I shrugged, blushing slightly. “I, um…” Sunny giggled at me, squeezing my waist again. “You fell in love with her at first sight, didn’t you?” “I wouldn’t go that
far,” I retorted. “But the whole experience was very mysterious, and kind of
left me in shock. I can’t say that I loved her per se, but she did sort of
become my personal obsession. I just… I always hoped that someday I’d find her
again and have the chance to ask her what it was all about. I just wore the
ring so that if we ever crossed paths again, she’d know it was me.” “Well it’s been, what? Like, twelve years now? Do you think
that she’d still remember?” I sighed, tipping the stones back into their bag and
replacing them on the shelf. “I don’t know,” I said honestly. “But I don’t care so much
anymore. The ring has just become something I always wear. I mean, if I saw her
again, I’d ask her about it of course, but the thing is, I don’t even remember
what she looks like anymore, so she’d have to find me, and I don’t think that’s
gonna happen.” Sunny nodded slowly, looking at the clock. “Well, it would be cool if you ran into her sometime,” she
said. “Anyway, I have to leave in awhile, so I’d like to show you around the
house and get you familiarized with it. You’re still cool with staying here,
aren’t you?” “Sure,” I said. “As long as you’re cool with having me
here.” “I wouldn’t have brought you over if I wasn’t.” Sunny took my hand and led me around the room. “This is the living room, obviously. Not too exciting, huh?”
She tugged me out to a slightly smaller room with more tall windows. In the
middle of the room was a medium-sized table that seemed to be built into the
floor. A stained glass lamp hung from the ceiling directly over it, shining on
what I assumed was a hand made bowl filled with fresh fruit. “So I guess you don’t get to rearrange in here, huh?” Sunny looked confused for a moment. Then she laughed. “I don’t generally do much of that,” she told me. “I like
things to stay the same, at least where my furniture is concerned. Anyway, this
is my dining room, obviously. And the kitchen is right through here.” She led me through a sort of archway, decorated with flowery
vines and into a vast, beautiful kitchen. “Wow,” I said, gaping out at the shiny, marble counter tops.
“I know a couple of people who would totally kill for a kitchen like this. It’s
so big!” “The counter space is the best part,” said Sunny, pulling
open her fridge and extracting something in a can. “Do you want anything to
drink?” I shook my head as my eyes darted around, admiring how neat
and organized everything seemed to be. “No? Okay, then. But if you get hungry, you can help
yourself to anything you find. The fridge is here, of course. Pantry’s over
here.” She indicated a tall set of double doors set into the wall across from
the refrigerator. “Don’t hesitate. What’s mine is yours. Now follow me.” She left the kitchen through another archway which ended up
back at the stairs between the living room and the hallway that Sunny had
disappeared down previously. Smiling at me over her shoulder, she started in
that direction, letting go of my hand to open the canned drink she was holding.
“Here is the bathroom,” she said, pushing open a door on her
left. “There’s also one in my bedroom which is right in here.” I followed her through the door at the end of the hallway
and into a large, dark room with an impressive bed. “If you don’t like it this dark,” she said, “you can just
pull these curtains aside.” With one hand, she demonstrated, revealing another
set of enormous windows. The curtains fell shut again as she retracted her
hand, resting it on my shoulder. “The TV is also in here,” she said, steering me toward the
wall facing the bed. “Just slide these shutters open, and voila! The remote’s
on my bedside table.” Puzzled, I tried the shutters, only to find a large, flat
screen TV set into the wall. “Your house is just too cool,” I said wearily. “Mine must
have seemed like such a cesspool to you.” Sunny shoved me rather violently, pushing me down onto her
abnormally comfortable bed. “Home is where the heart is,” she said, plopping down next
to me. “As long as it’s comfortable and filled with love, even a cardboard box
can be homey.” “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” “Am not!” Sunny laughed, poking me in the ribs. “I like your
home. I liked being in it with you, and I can’t wait to go back and do it
again! Now give me some sugar, because I’m about to leave.” Craning my neck, I reached in and kissed Sunny’s lips. “Do you have to
go?” I asked, the ghost of disappointment lingering in my voice. “Yes, sadly, I do. But if you just tuck yourself in all nice
and cozy here, you’ll fall asleep in no time. And once you’re asleep, time will
pass by without you. I’ll be right here next to you again in no time at all.” Softly, she kissed my forehead, before getting to her feet
and gliding over to the door. “Take good care of yourself, Remy Clover. I’ll see you
tonight.” Sunny blew me a kiss, and then she was gone. She was gone, and I was suddenly completely alone in a huge
and unfamiliar house with no idea where I was and with no way of leaving. If I hadn’t been so tired, things might not have seemed so
terrifying. My mind wandered, expecting me to believe that this was all a trap
and that in mere moments, the house would explode, killing me. However, I was completely aware of how tired I was, and as
such, I was able to differentiate between genuine fear and irrational fear
brought on by a tired mind. Pulling the TV shutters open, I dropped my pants and crawled
under Sunny’s sinfully soft blankets to channel surf myself to sleep. © 2012 Ocularfracture |
StatsAuthorOcularfractureBennington, NEAboutI've been writing since I learned how. I'm not saying that 5-year-old work was any good. All's I'm sayin' is that the passion has been there as far back as I can remember. My mother always read me sto.. more..Writing