![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by Ocularfracture![]() When psychological therapist Miranda gets a call from her best friend's boyfriend, she discovers that her friend appears to be having some sort of mental breakdown.![]() Blank. White. Unchanging. Such is the wall. A plain, flat surface without any pictures… without even any
scratches, or smudges. If one were to look closely, they could just barely make out
the slight bumps and imperfections in the paint. But She hasn’t spoken a word, or moved from the spot, and for
the last three hours, she has barely blinked, just stared at the wall, some
song on loop. I take another look at the clock and decide it’s time to try
shaking her again. “ I squint at her against the evening sunlight, flooding in
through the windows. Her eyelids flickering, nostrils gently flaring… she
remains rigid, not speaking. Barely breathing. “ Even as I say these words, as I reach out and place my hand
on her cheek, she remains completely rigid, as through I’m not even there. “Well,” I say. “That’s alright. I’ll give you a few more
minutes. I’m going to go talk to your boyfriend.” Her eyelids flutter again, and I can see that she’s trying
hard not to blink. I shake my head and get up out of the arm chair, crossing
the room to the back door. Pushing the long blinds aside, I slide the door open
and step out onto the balcony where Floyd is sitting on a porch swing, reading
a book. “Anything?” he asks, looking up. I shake my head, looking away. “What was she doing when this started?” I ask him. He frowns and looks back down at the yellowing pages of the
old book. “I don’t know,” he says quietly. “I was in the shower. She
was fine before that… We came home from the mall, and she put that new CD on,
and she was fine. So I told her to hang out, and I’d take a shower, and then we
could go have lunch. And when I came back, she was like that. She had that damn
song on loop and wouldn’t move, or look at me, or even speak.” I continue to look away from him, digging a cigarette out of
my pocket and lighting it. We both knew that this was strangely not like “Did you try turning off the music?” I ask. Floyd sighs, still frowning. “It didn’t really cross my mind,” he says. “Should I be
feeling stupid?” “Nah,” I tell him. “Don’t do that. It might not even help,
but I just wondered if you’d already tried it.” He looks away. “Since you didn’t,” I continue, “I’m gonna get in there and
give it a shot. But I need you to go ahead and stand by in case anything
happens.” “What do you mean?” Floyd looks me in the eye, fear engraved
in his face. “It’s nothing to worry about,” I assure him. “It’s just that
I’ve had patients before who kind of cling to a certain object, sometimes a
song… sometimes they get hostile when you try to take it away. But it’s I flick my cigarette off the balcony as Floyd stands,
leaving his book sitting on the swing. I slide the door back open, and together, we walk inside. “Hey,” I try once more, kneeling down in front of her chair,
and placing a hand on her arm. “You gotta snap out of it, hun. You’re scaring
your boy toy. And you’re scaring your buddy here.” The muscle inside her arm twitches slightly, I assume from
holding her knees up to her chest for so long. “You’re gonna break eventually,” I say. “You can’t sit like
that forever.” I look at Floyd and give him a small nod to indicate that he
should turn off the music. I watch as he cautiously presses a button on the little CD
player, and then suddenly, the room is flooded in a deafening silence. I smile at him and then start to turn my head back to I gasp, falling backward onto the floor. “WHAT THE F**K!” Before I can get my bearings, I find that “YOU SHUT THE F**K UP!” she snaps, raising a foot into the
air, and looking down at me. She brings the foot crashing down, and I flinch,
preparing myself for another kick in the face… But the blow never comes. I open my eyes to see Floyd wrestling her on the floor,
trying like hell to keep her restrained. “Help!” he shouts at me, as I sit up, wiping blood from my
upper lip. I grab my black leather bag from the chair I’d been sitting
on and dig through it, looking for the syringe case. “Miranda, what are you doing!?” shouts Floyd again. “She’s
pretty effing strong here!!” I can’t find the damned case in my bag, and time is of the
essence, so I fling myself at the pile of squirming human being, instead, and
pinch the base of She shrieks and tries desperately to throw me off, until finally,
she goes limp and no longer fights us. “What--- what is wrong with you?” she breathes. “What did
you do to me?” She’s slurring, slightly. “Did you have anything to drink?” I ask her. She doesn’t
answer me, so I look to Floyd, who just sort of shrugs. “Not as far as I know,” he says. “But anything could have
happened while I was in the shower…” I roll my eyes and hoist “Can you help me get her in bed?” I ask. Floyd grabs her feet, and together we heave her up off the
carpet and carry her down the hall to the bedroom. We lay her gently in bed and I ask Floyd if he can leave the
room for a bit so I can talk to “Make her some dinner,” I tell him. “If she hasn’t eaten
since breakfast, then I imagine she’s starving by now.” Floyd steals one last worried glance at Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I wipe a tear off her
cheek. “Listen,” I say softly. “I’m here as a friend, not
necessarily as a doctor. I do want to
help you in any way I can, but you need to remember that first and foremost, I
am your friend, and you can trust me.” “I’m not going to haul you off to a nut hut, or anything
like that. I just want to know why you’re suddenly having some sort of
breakdown… and on such a beautiful spring day. You should be out having lunch
with Floyd… What happened to you?” She sniffles and more tears leak out of her eyes. “Okay,” I tell her. “Sit up a bit, when you feel
comfortable. I’m gonna go get you a tissue.” She nods and I venture back into the bathroom, looking for
tissues, only to find none. “Looks like toilet paper’s gonna have to do the
trick for now,” I mumble to myself. I grab the whole roll and bring it out to
Alice, who is sitting up, her back against the headboard. “Good to see you moving,” I tell her, ripping off a length
of T.P. and drying her face. “They don’t deserve to die…” “Come again?” She brings her hands to her face and begins to sob. “ My voice is drowned out by her sobs, and I sigh. “I’ll be right back again,” I tell her, my voice slightly
raised. “You sound like you need a drink of water.” I leave the bedroom, closing the door behind me, a bit
harder than intended, and march down the hall and into the kitchen, where Floyd
is cutting chicken on the counter. “Any luck?” he asks. I tell him no. “She’s crying, though. Which is a good sign. I think she
needs some water, though.” Floyd uses the knife to point to the fridge. “Bottom shelf in the door,” he says. I wrench open the fridge and extract a cold bottle of water. “Miranda…” I close the fridge and turn to face him. “Yeah?” “Is… Do you think He’s thumbing the blade of the knife, and I can’t quite tell
if he means to be threatening or not. All the same, I straighten up and look him in the eyes. “I can’t commit anyone against their will,” I tell him. “Not
unless they’re an obvious danger to themselves or someone else. And right now, He sets the knife down on the cutting board. “What about earlier?” he says. “When she was attacking us?” I blow out a huge breath. “I don’t really know, Floyd. She’s stable now. But until I
get her to talk, I really don’t know what’s going to happen with her.” I turn to head back to the bedroom, when I’m stopped in my
tracks by a pair of arms around my waist. Floyd rests his head on my shoulder. “Thank you,” he says. “For taking the time to come make sure
“Well, she’s my friend… There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for
her.” He lets go of me and I turn around to face him. “She’s lucky to have that kind of friendship,” he says. I smile, blushing a bit. “Well, you know... She’s lucky to have you in her life,
too.” Floyd grunts a little, frowning, and brushes his blonde hair
out of his face. “I’m nothing special,” he says. “But yeah… you should get
back to her now… make sure she’s okay.” “Yeah,” I nod. “Well, you’ll be the first to know when I
shake something out of her.” I give Floyd a little grin and then head back toward the
bedroom. I push open the door to find “Ah,” I say. “You’re looking a million times better! Here,
drink this.” I hand her the bottle of water. “And let’s see if we can get that
voice up to par, hm?” She continues to drink. Before long, she’s finished the entire bottle, and sits,
staring at it, as though wondering where all the water went. “Thirsty much?” “It’s okay,” I tell her. “So… How’s your voice working out
now?” “I don’t"okay, I guess…” “That’s great, Poor The moment I make mention of that, her blue eyes begin to
fill with tears once more. “Listen,” I say, softly, “You’re around people who care
about you. Your man is in the kitchen making you what looks like it’s going to
be one hell of a dinner. And I’m your best friend. Whatever is on your mind,
we’re not going to judge you for it, okay?” “It’s that song…” she says. I smile patiently. “What’s it called?” I ask, trying to take things slowly. “It’s called… ‘Congratulations,’ I think,” she says with a
sniff. “That song you were listening to on loop out there?” I ask,
to which she nods. “But that song sounded so calm and relaxing,” I say to her.
“How could such a pretty song make you feel so sad inside?” “Because…” “Yes? Please continue…” “Can we go outside?” she asks. “I don’t want to talk in
here… I need air.” I nod, and I nod, and I help her out of bed and lead her out
of the room and past the kitchen where Floyd has something sizzling in a pan. He waves as we pass, but doesn’t say a word. Together, Alice and I emerge onto the balcony and sit
side-by-side on the cushiony porch swing. “You smoke, right?” she asks. I tell her I do, and she asks if she can try one. “What do you wanna start smoking for?” I ask. “It’s a dirty
habit. And it’s expensive, and hard to quit.” “But it relaxes you, right?” I shrug. “It relaxes me,” I tell her. “But I’ve been smoking for
years…” “Just give me one,” she says firmly. I shrug and pull out the crumpled package, drawing out a
smoke and lighting it for her. She takes it and sucks in a huge puff. Within moments, she’s doubled over, coughing her brains out. “You see what I mean?” As she blows it out, though, she collapses into another fit
of violent coughing, yet refuses to let me take it away. “So what about this song?” I ask, trying to distract her
from taking another drag off the cigarette. “When you listen to it…” “When I listen to it,” she says in barely more than a
whisper, “I can… I can see them dying.” My eyes widen before I can stop them. “Who?” I press. “Who do you see dying?” “I don’t know,” she says. “It’s… not clear. Every time it
plays I can see it just a little bit more clearly… All I know is that… two
people are dying. Being murdered, actually…” She looks up at me, searching my face for any sign of doubt.
But I just look at her seriously. “Well…” I say. “I won’t lie to you… That is a bit strange.” “But,” I go on to say, “I don’t think you’re crazy, or
anything. I know you haven’t lived here long, so it could just be your new
apartment. Do you know if anyone died here?” “No,” says “That’s probably not a good idea, She looks at me, eyes wide, stunned. “But…” “Listen.” I take “Can you?” I persist. “Can you promise me that?” “I don’t know,” she says. “I really feel like if I listen
long enough, I can see who is being murdered, and maybe I can save them.” “But “I’m not trying to make money,” says “It’s still fresh in your mind,” I tell her. “After a good
night’s sleep, I just know you’ll feel differently. As long as you do not listen to it any more today.
Okay? Can you at least promise me that you won’t listen to it for the rest of
the day?” “Fine,” she says. “But I’m telling you. Tomorrow I’ll still
feel the same, and no one is going to stop me listening if I do. I have to see
who they are. I have to try to help them.” “Alright then, as long as we can agree on something. Now
give me that cigarette.” She takes one more drag off it, and then hands it over. I
toss it over the side of the balcony. “Let’s go in,” I say. “Floyd will be done with your dinner
soon.” I help her up and lead her inside, to where Floyd is setting
the table. He asks me to stay for dinner. “I can’t possibly,” I tell him. “I think “She can have some time with me after dinner,” he says.
“Please stay. It’s the least we can offer you after you came out of your way to
help us out.” I take a breath and shrug. How can I say no to that? I agree to stay long enough to have dinner, and then I’d
leave. Once dinner’s through, I offer to help clean up, but neither
will have it, and so we say our goodbyes and I leave. But before I do, I take Floyd aside. “Don’t let her listen to that CD,”I tell him. “Can you hide
it from her?” “Yeah,” he says. “Definitely! Do you think it’ll help?” “I think it will,” I tell him. “I really think it will.” © 2012 Ocularfracture |
Added on April 10, 2012 Last Updated on April 10, 2012 Tags: psychological, trigger song, music, vision, premonition, friends, mental, crazy psychosis, therapist AuthorOcularfractureBennington, NEAboutI've been writing since I learned how. I'm not saying that 5-year-old work was any good. All's I'm sayin' is that the passion has been there as far back as I can remember. My mother always read me sto.. more..Writing