The Hypocrite

The Hypocrite

A Poem by Ocularfracture

Dedicated to a friend who left me in ruins when I was in a dark place, and all I needed was a good friend. Dedicated to her, who now finds herself in the same dark place.

What I once was, now so are you.
Remember what you put me through?
Remember nights where things you said
Would circle round inside my head?
And sleep would never visit me,
I cried and wished that you could see
How horrible I felt inside--
A pain that only you'd provide.
Now thank your stars that I'm not you,
and I would never put you through 
those things through which you once put me
and cause you so much agony
despite how one could easily spit
on such a filthy hypocrite.

© 2012 Ocularfracture

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Added on July 11, 2012
Last Updated on July 11, 2012
Tags: dark, poetry, hypocrite, hypocrisy, stab, blow



Bennington, NE

I've been writing since I learned how. I'm not saying that 5-year-old work was any good. All's I'm sayin' is that the passion has been there as far back as I can remember. My mother always read me sto.. more..
