Eight Reasons I Why Left The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsA Poem by Natasha ZoyaEight reasons why I left MormonismEight Reasons Why I Left The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Eight Stephanie Meyer, Twilight. She tried to convert Lestat to Mormonism Didn’t get the memo from Anne Rice Lestat loves Louis, not Belle
Seven Three hours of boredom Enough to hang myself I’ve endured this since birth Somehow, I’m still breathing
Six I
love to swear like a sailor At four, I screamed “F**k” During Sacrament, tried shaming me Shaming me didn’t work
Five Joseph Smith, E. L. James What do they have in common? Both love making s****y fanfiction That are shittier than the original
Four Body curvy and busty Not my fault, yet it is my fault I’m asking for it My fist is asking to kiss your face
Three Why
do the men get fifty wives? Why can’t I have fifty husbands? It wouldn’t be right, might turn gay Ever thought it would turn lesbian?
Two Wait! Black people are children of Cain? Native Americans are evil Jews? Being Gay is a choice? This sounds like a scam
One I went to college Truth b***h-slapped me to reality Evolution is way cooler Than The Garden of Eden © 2017 Natasha ZoyaReviews
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