![]() More Pretty WeedsA Poem by nunldon![]() Another![]() ![]() Tell me that I'm right and I'll tell you that you're wrong. The top of one ladder leads to the bottom of another. To give an idea is not to lose it. Life is the solution to the problem which never ends. Hell exists upon the basis of our own psyche. There can be everywhere. It would be a shame to have all and not know it. The forces have courses. If your pen runs out, throw it away, so you don't try to use it on some other day. To do away with truth is to do away with everything. A thought is transformed when spoken and when written it is transformed again. The sky starts at your feet. (Stewart Brand) It's generally the answer which begs the proper question. Superceding is love's domain. Truth is a ghost. Life merely pretends better than us. Only perpetuation grows old. If time is money, why do we seldom have both? Do you have to hurry to be first or to make it last? Were you as you were? I think that whoever said, "possession is nine tenths of the law", was possessed. I like them all more than any other. Sex: Big word for just three letters. Everything created me. I'm perfectly flawed. Freedom is a scary thing. The quality that is only ours, must be God. To get back at God, one must go to it. It sees itself as its opposite. (There is a bunch more but I think I better stop here, for now.) © 2012 nunldon |
StatsAuthor![]() nunldonPocatello, IDAboutArtist returning to school after 23 years. Good decision! I enjoy photography, drawing, singing/playing drums (music), reading and writing! more..Writing