![]() Pretty WeedsA Poem by nunldon![]() I've collected these aphorisms together from my portfolio.![]() We're going to come. Don't give up; give down. Time conquers itself. Where you get to, is only where you left off. The moment dead became something; it ceased. The element of truth is a quark. We'll all survive; eventually. Rulers don't draw the line; they just help. Time, like God, is limited no more than the confines of our use of it. I feel so less depraved! All knowledge lies in confusion. Protest; contest. Growing is accompanied by growth. When you feel loved by God, man, you know it's a woman. He is not he,to himself, unless he is me. Temptation rules; if you give in to it. Be a witness to your own story. leaves rustle to appease, the silence of the breeze. That it is just; is just that. It is the thought which pops the balloon. I'm very Proud of the fact that I'm not very proud. Take advantage of yourself. Can I love? Tell us all and we'll both know. Only knowledge can produce doubt. New word: mastress.
© 2012 nunldonAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() nunldonPocatello, IDAboutArtist returning to school after 23 years. Good decision! I enjoy photography, drawing, singing/playing drums (music), reading and writing! more..Writing