The Man and the Spirit.

The Man and the Spirit.

A Chapter by numbers17

Nate and his apprentice Sasha investigate a haunting happening inside of the Hannover estate. They find the job to be a bit more complicated...


There exist places in our universe far reaching from time and space. One such place is a world known as Terresama, a world comprised of floating continents separated from each other by a distance of air instead of water. The people of this world travel from land to land on flying ships never really knowing what lay below the continents. Due to the unknown nature they have decided to call the space below “The Abyss” or “The Void”. An important place in Terresama is a series of small floating lands known as The Islands. They are an important trading hub for all the lands. Each one hovers at different levels slightly above the other. Most importantly, The Islands are seen as the last place where all mystical things in nature happen.

                “Nate this is not enough,” a grizzly looking man named Gilbert said to him. Nate had been in a bit of a daze after the last few weeks. He had spent most of his time on a sky barge trying to return to Berry Grove that exhaustion consumed him. The jump from ship to ship was too much of a time consuming process.  He looked at the open pouch on the table and then back up at Gilbert with his weary green eyes.

                “I figured it wouldn’t be. How many components can I get for this much?” Nate asked now placing his head on the hard wooden table. Gilbert let out a gritty sounding sigh and rubbed his pepper colored beard. Nate had been worried that he had wasted Gilbert’s time and thought that he may have made him angry, but Gilbert had a calm look on his face. This was surprising to Nate as Gilbert had been prone to a temper.

                “Not all of the components that you need on this list. I can give you Hensweed, Lycarium Powder and Cat’s eye, but the Old Bone and Kill Root are going to cost more,” Gilbert said picking up a bag from next to his chair.  “I am going to be honest Nate with this amount of Royals you are lucky that I’m even giving you this.”

                “I don’t suppose I could get the rest on credit,” Nate said lifting his head up and rubbing his eyes. His robe even began to feel heavy around his body as he shifted in his chair slightly.

                “Please, Nate, the last time I gave you something on credit it took four months before I received payment,” Gilbert said turning his head slightly making the scar across his cheek more visible in the light.

                “That was some time ago and I was a younger more irresponsible man back then,” Nate said trying to take his mind away from the fact that he was about to turn 38.

                “How about this,” Gilbert said taking the bag back off the table and slinging it over his body. “You take me to the job so that I can make sure to collect from you there and you can have the components.”

                “Deal, but I don’t think Mr. Hannover is going to like the idea of more ‘commoners’ standing around his mansion.”

                “Hannover,” Gilbert stood up prompting Nate to stand up as well, “well this sounds more interesting then what you’ve made it out to be. I thought you just said this alchemy was for some dumb aristocrat.”

                “He is some dumb aristocrat,” Nate replied shrugging a little. “A man too worried about appearances and high society is just that: dumb.” Gilbert smiled and gestured Nate outside the door of his house. Gilbert had lived quietly since he was a Knights-Guard, but still loved to do work with various sources along the Islands. Nate just so happened to be one of them and thought himself to be lucky as Gilbert had to shake his old distrust of Sorcerers and Alchemist to work with him. Over the years as he aged his anger began to subside and his personality was more of a Grandfather that you didn’t want to mess with.

                Nate quickly grabbed the money pouch lying on the old wooden table and stuffed it into his robe as he walked out into the cool night breeze. The Island that he currently was on, Lerntos, was third highest island out of the five. Nate had always appreciated the consistent seasons that this Island provided, but hated that the aristocracy happened to enjoy this too and claimed many spaces of land. Berry Grove, the small town just ahead of them, was a city not too caught up with the role of high society.

                “You said Hannover didn’t like having too many commoners there,” Gilbert said as they were walking.

                “Yes,” Nate replied raising his hood over his head.

                “Did you bring someone with you to the mansion?”

                “I have an apprentice now.”

                “You,” Gilbert laughed greatly, “an apprentice! I thought you said you would never take up someone as such.”

                “Did I say that?” Nate grin was hidden under his hood, “I suppose someone like me can change his mind.”

                “So who is the boy?”

                “It’s a girl actually.”

                Gilbert just shook his head, “And she’s at the mansion right now?”

                “Yes, I left her to hold the protection spell I placed in the Hannover garden. She’s capable enough I think. Of all the problems for a rich man like Hannover to have and he manages to get a spirit haunting him.”

                “Well, I hope she can handle it until we get there.”

                “She can.” Nate pointed to a small group of lights in the distance. “You know the way. The Hannover estate is not too far from here.”



                Sasha didn’t like Hannover pacing behind her as she meditated. The barrier her master created was strong and way beyond the kind of magic she was capable of. Sasha, however, did know how to maintain a barrier spell despite not being able to cast one and a spell of this magnitude required her complete attention. Hannover was not providing the kind of serenity that she needed to keep complete focus.

                “Okay, I’m trying to focus here and I need you to get out of here,” Sasha demanded of Hannover. He stopped and glared at her. When Nate and Sasha arrived at the mansion earlier that day Hannover had a look of desperation in his eyes. He had attempted to dress himself properly wearing an embroidered brown vest with a white undershirt and matching brown slacks. As the night had slowly came about his appearance began to waver. His shirt was no longer tucked in and his thin black hair was mangled as if he had just awoken from sleeping on the ground. Sasha felt something rise from her stomach every time she had to look at his pit stains. The only kempt part of him was his mustache.

                “This is my home and I’ll go wherever I damn please you toad!” Hannover spat at Sasha. Sasha shot him an angry look.

                “Well, stop moving then so I don’t break my concentration. I would hate for that spirit to get out of the barrier,” Sasha said this with a malicious smile thinking that the man deserved to be haunted anyway. Hannover just mumbled something to himself and sat on a stone bench next to a bush of blue roses.

                Sasha then turned back to the barrier that was in front of her. She was sitting cross legged on the floor and it seemed as if the moonlight was shining directly on the garden. The garden seemed clear in the light blue glow of the moon. Behind her were the double doors leading into the main hall of the mansion. In front was the amazing garden of blue roses, amber petals and white blossoms. She wondered, before the spell was cast, how a man so bitter could have a garden such as this.

                In the center of a marble mosaic was the barrier. It was a clear barely visible triangle that flashed a bright light every so often. Master Nate had said that it was the spirit trying to escape, but whenever it happened it caused Sasha to jump a little. She had not seen the ritual performed to contain the spirit inside of the barrier. Just Master Nate coming to her and telling her that he had to leave to obtain more components and that it was up to her to maintain the barrier.

                It required absolute concentration and an outstretching of her being to keep it maintained. She had already grown beyond having to say incantations thanks to Master Nate and used the power of her will. It felt as if a tingling sensation moved up from her chest through her arms and settled at her fingertips. Sasha felt as if she could touch the barrier and move it around without leaving that spot. A feeling of weightlessness surged through her as though she was no longer sitting on that hard marble, but in the air and beyond the walls of the mansion.

                “Release me,” a deep voice echoed. Sasha opened her eyes and saw that she was no longer in that garden. Before her was now an empty void. There was no light, but she felt as though it was not necessary because everything was made to be black. Sasha slowly rose from her sitting position and tried to make sense in her mind where she was at.

                “Release me,” the voice cried out again. A great flash filled the place and for a moment she was bathed in a bright white light before it slowly subsided. She looked up and the sky was filled with dark clouds that formed into violent angry faces.

                “Who’s there?” Sasha called out. It was silent and Sasha did not like that. She decided that she needed some light in this place. Her hand closed into a tight fist and she concentrated her will into that part of her body. She quickly opened it and sparks flew out of her palm, but no light. Terror had not come over her yet, but she was beginning to be worried.

                Athos!” She cried out and this time a small ball of fire was hovering over her palm. She knew Master Nate would not like her using incantations, but she didn’t care at this particular moment.  The fire lit up the area, but Sasha noticed that it didn’t really help. It was still very black, but she could see a great thin fog fill the area that she was in.

                “Release me little girl,” the voice cried out. The sound came from behind her and she turned to look, but no one was there. It suddenly dawned on Sasha that she was possibly in contact with the spirit inside of the barrier.

                “I can’t do that,” Sasha said to the darkness, “my master put me in charge of you and I don’t want to let him down.” A low growl came from the sky.

                “You will not hold me forever,” the voice sounded almost as if it was gurgling, “you are no priest little girl.”

                “I can and I will.”

                “I will riiiipppp you apppparrrttt,” the spirit sounded as if it was crying.

                “Lame,” Sasha said sardonically.

                “You mock me?”

                “You don’t scare me,” She retorted quickly as if she was blowing him off.

                “You willll be a husk of bone and flesh when I am released! RELEASE ME!” The voice was booming now.

                “Get bent.”

                Sasha was broken from her trance and was now staring directly at the garden again. There was no booming voice this time and Hanover had continued his pacing. The wind had picked up and started blowing her long purple hair in her face. The barrier was flashing more now and Sasha could feel that tingling sensation slowly move back into her chest.

                “When is that damned man getting here?” Hanover asked. He was biting his fingernails.

                “Soon, now shut up and let me concentrate.”


                “I’m surprised you haven’t asked me about the job,” Nate said walking past the large iron gates of the Hannover estate.

                “Should I have asked?” Gilbert adjusted the bag over his back.

                “I’m just saying that most people would have.”

                “Okay, what’s the job?”

                “Well when you say it like that it makes me not want to tell you.”

                “Wait a second, first you want to tell me and now…”

                “No, I didn’t say I wanted to tell you,” Nate said interrupting Gilbert, “I was just wondering why you haven’t asked.”

                “Oh just tell me,” Gilbert said. His face was getting slightly red which was a good indication of his irritation with this conversation.

                “Okay, I was hired by Mr. Hannover a few days past to get rid of a haunting.”

                “Why didn’t he call a priest?” Gilbert asked looking towards the mansion. Nate usually sat down when he talked to Gilbert and had forgotten how big he was.

                “That’s what I asked, but he said he didn’t want the spirit at rest he wanted it destroyed.”

                “That’s mighty dark stuff Nate.”

                “When I arrived this morning he was, well, persuasive.”

                “He offered you a lot of Royals.”

                “More than I know how to spend.”

                They stopped at the two large double doors that served as the entrance into the mansion. Nate looked over at Gilbert who seemed to be marveling at the uniqueness and grand nature of the mansion. Despite his bitterness Nate had been stunned at the size and complexity of the mansion. High pillars and pure white marbling made it stand out among the other houses at the Estates. There were enough rooms to house everyone in Berry Grove and enough space for a few more.  

                Nate pushed open the door and was suddenly struck with a high blast of wind that knocked the hood off of his head. He felt as if his brown hair was about to be ripped off of his head as he began to struggle to move his way inside of the mansion. As he moved inside he noticed that many of Hannover’s expensive items were circling the grand hall in erratic motions. Nate felt as if he walked into pure chaos.

                “Sasha!” Nate cried out. “Sasha where are you?” The wind was loud and priceless items were smashing against the wall. “Damn it girl, I need you here right now!”

                Nate looked over and saw his young purple headed apprentice clutching tightly to a stairway banister as the wind looked to try to pick her up. Next to her was Hannover, who was well beyond his breaking point, crying out and screaming for it all to stop. Nate looked over to Gilbert who seemed to be contemplating the situation and unsure of what to do about it.

                “Gilbert!” Nate yelled out. “I need you to stand away from me!” Gilbert simply nodded and began to edge against the wall to a set of green couches that have not yet lifted.

                Nate looked around the room in his best attempt to catch a glimpse of the spirit. He managed to piece together that the spirit had broken the barrier and would have even been angry that Sasha could not uphold it, but he would have to deal with that later. Nate held out his palms flat as he was going to cast a calming spell.

                Celici Urobos Selim, tranquility and peace,” Nate chanted moving his hands in counter clockwise motions. It was a simple spell, but it did not take effect instantly. He began to use his incantation words again and chant the spell. “Celici Urobos Selim, tranquility and peace.”  The winds slowly began to die down and the ferocity of it was limited. Nate said the chant and moved his hands in the motion again. Finally the wind died and all of the priceless items fell to the floor. Nate closed his eyes and calmed his will back inside of him. He gave a stern look at Sasha.

                “What happened?” Nate asked Sasha as he was making a b-line over to her.

                “Master,” Sasha cried as she said this still shaking on the floor, “I-I don’t know the barrier started to break and I couldn’t keep control of it.”

                “Get up!” Nate forced her to her feet. Her robes were looking tattered as if they had been used and neglected for a long period of time. “I find it hard to believe a spirit would break a barrier when they barely know where they are to begin with. It’s your fault Sasha.”

                “I’m sorry master,” Sasha sobbed again, “I didn’t know what to do. I felt my will drain after it talked to me…”

                “It talked to you?” Nate felt the anger leave him and turn to sincere curiosity. “What did it say?” Sasha wiped away her tears with the sleeves of her robe.

                “It told me to release it and then it threatened me,” Sasha said choking back the last of her tears.

                “What exactly did it say?” Nate said getting onto one knee and grabbing her by both shoulders. Sasha looked to pause in contemplation.

                “It said it was going to tear me from limb to limb or something like that.” Sasha was looking directly at Nate. His head turned away from Sasha to Hannover who was trying in vain to smooth out his ruffled hair.

                “You son of a b***h,” Nate yelled out to Hannover. He quickly stood up and threw out his hand in a binding spell that caused Hannover to fly against the wall with hands and feet bound in golden rope. “You did not tell me that this was a revenge spirit!” Hannover gritted his teeth and glared at Nate.

                “What’s a revenge spirit?”  Gilbert asked pushing himself from behind the green couch in the corner.

                “Revenge spirit,” Sasha said in an excited tone. She ran over to a messy pile of broken glass and items and started to rummage through them. Eventually she tugged a purple satchel with the words, “MAGIC IS LIFE” embroidered in gold on the flap, from the carnage. She reached in and started to thumb through a large worn leather book. “Here,” she pointed at a page, “A revenge spirit is the essence of a former human who had felt they had been wronged in life or in death. A revenge spirit usually targets the person they perceive to have wronged them especially if the death of the spirit was violent. The revenge spirit is not the spirit of the deceased, but rather an essence left over of the deceased desires to punish or bring justice to the one who has wronged them. If visible the revenge spirit takes up a bright red caporal form that does not actually represent the deceased, but rather the form of their hatred. It will never stop until the person they think should be punished is either exposed or eradicated from this life. Exercise extreme caution when dealing with a revenge spirit as it is not afraid to harm others until it obtains justice. A high level priest is recommended for handling this spirit. Note: The weakness of the revenge spirit is in its limitations. Like most spirits it cannot leave the area that the person had died, but may use possession to obtain its goals. When dealing with this your best bet is to either leave the area of the haunting or just kill the person who the revenge spirit is after.”

                “I think that sums it up, thank you Sasha,” Nate glanced at her. Sasha smiled at this compliment.

                “How was I supposed to know,” Hannover said, “I don’t know anything about magic or the world of spirits. That’s why I hired you. You are supposed to be the one who knows everything.”

                “Yes, but I can’t figure it out unless I get all the information and you told me that this was just a haunting,” Nate replied seething. He flicked his hand which caused Hannover’s hands and legs to be freed from the magical ropes. Hannover fell to the floor and slowly began to rise to his feet. He rubbed his wrist and glared Nate.

                “I suppose you are going to want a raise then,” Hannover looked as if he regretted saying it.

                “That would be nice, but my work here is done,” Nate replied. He turned and began walking out the door.

                “Wait just one moment you cannot leave my employment!” Hannover protested.

                “I can Mr. Hannover. Revenge spirits are difficult to deal with and my suggestion to you is to just move so you aren’t bothered anymore.”

                “Well you just can’t expect me to leave. The Hannover estate has been in my family for seven generations and I won’t just abandon it.” Hannover was sounding frantic, “I will double my original salary, 10,000 Royals!” Nate stopped when he heard this. Anyone looking directly at him would have seen a contained excited expression on his face, but no one was looking directly at him.

                “10,000 Royals for each of us as well Mr. Hannover?” Nate asked turning to Hannover.

                “Excuse me?”

                “I would like 10,000 Royals for my associates as well. This includes my apprentice and my supplier.” Nate gestured over to Gilbert who had a stunned expression on his face. Hannover looked as if he wanted to back out of this, but finally resigned.

                “You win, Mr. Griffon, 30,000 Royals now just please get rid of this spirit it has been making my life a living hell.”

                “Not a problem,” Nate said cheerfully, “we’ll handle this quickly and you can enjoy your life spirit free.” 

                Sasha let out a little yelp and Nate took it as a sign that she was very excited with the prospects of gaining 10,000 Royals. Gilbert made a b-line over to Nate and whispered into his ear, “10,000 Royals Nate that’s more than enough to cover the costs of the materials. Why would you do something like this for me?”

                “You have lived in that shack for too long Gilbert. I know you make a good living as a freelance guard and go out into the wilds to obtain materials for me, but I figured I would be doing you a favor. You deserve this money my friend. I know you do not like to feel like you are indebted to another person, but look at this as a gift. You need not worry anymore about your troubles. Besides, maybe you can afford a decent shave once you obtain payment,” Nate replied.

                Gilbert laughed greatly at the joke and slapped Nate on the back causing him to lurch forward a slightly. “Well, okay my friend, but I have a code and I will be in debt to you. Anything that you need you just let me know and I will be in your service.” Gilbert thumbed his nose. “Now, what do you need me to do?”

                “Let me see the bag and I’ll look at the materials we have at hand. I think we can still use what I required, but it might require a bit more of magic than alchemy.” Gilbert slung the bag into his hand and handed it over to Nate who began to rummage through its contents.


                “Sasha I am going to need your help as well,” Nate said looking into the bag. Sasha had still felt a little hurt from her master snapping at her earlier, but held in her feelings because the prospect of 10,000 Royals was more than enough to make up for the outburst.

                “Yes master, what do you want me to do?” Sasha replied walking over to him in a hurried pace.

                “I need to you clear the debris from the floor so we can make a circle. Take this lake salt,” Nate reached into his pocket and pulled out a large clear bottle filled to the brim with white flakes, “take note of how this needs to be done. Make a Mechielian Circle in the center of the room. This is important because this is where the spirit was last seen. The circle must be in perfect line with equal distanced points connecting to a small x in the center. Are you following?”

                “Yes master.”

                “Then do it please.”  Nate tossed Sasha the bottle who fumbled with it before holding it firmly with both her hands. Sasha began sweeping the broken objects and glass across the floor with her feet to make sure that there was a clearing in the center of the room. After she had made sure that there were no more objects in the clearing she began to pour the salt, stopping to glance at her book, in a perfect circle. When the task was completed she wiped the sweat from her brow with the sleeve of her robe.

                “Mr. Hannover you are going to be the most important part of this,” Nate said to the worn looking rich man.

                “M-me, but I do not know any magic,” Hannover replied.

                “You do not need to. The revenge spirit is attracted to you and you need to be standing in the middle of this circle when I call upon it. If you do not do this then the spell will not work,” Sasha saw Nate point to the small x in the circle. “Oh and Mr. Hannover, I cannot stress enough for you to not leave this circle. If you wish to keep your life then you will not leave this circle.”

                “And I will be safe?” Hannover asked. Sasha sat down on the floor watching Master Nate and Hannover discuss back and forth about his safety. Her master continued to stress that he would be fine as long as he does not leave the circle to the point of obvious annoyance. After the back and forth, that seemed to go on for too long, Hannover carefully stepped over the salt barrier and stood upon the small x in the center of the circle. Her master then began to place items from out of the worn bag in a neat line on the floor.

                “Sasha, over here,” Nate called to her. Sasha stood up and hurried over to her master. “I need you to throw each of the items into the circle as I call the spirit out. I have placed them in order so it is idiot proof.” Sasha grimaced when he said the word idiot, but saw that he took no notice. Nate began to roll the sleeves on his robe and Sasha saw several strange markings tattooed on his forearms. She had only seen them once and when she asked her master he provided no explanation to what the runic markings meant.  Her master knelt in front of the circle and began whispering a chant under his breath placing his left hand under each marking and moving down his forearm slowly.  “Sasha, now.” He said rising.

                Nate placed his forearms together with his hands flat and fingers pointing upwards. “For the ruin of all, into the light I command you.” The spectacle looked fantastic that Sasha almost forgot to throw the first bit of material into the circle. She quickly picked up a piece of root and threw it into the middle of the circle and it caused a horrific flash of red.

                “Away from the black void, into the light I command you.” She had a small bit of grey powder in her hand and threw it into the circle. A loud groan commanded the room that it was horrific to listen to, but looking over at her master Sasha could see that he was not fazed by this.

                “Anger and disdain do not hold, into the light I command you.” This time she threw in the Lycarium powder. It was large amount of a blue substance that made most alchemy possible. It burned as she threw it into the circle and smelled of unwashed feet. Sasha made a note in her mind to bring nose plugs next time she handled this stuff.

                “Into the light I command you.” Sasha threw in the other ingredients every time her master had chanted this. Every time she did strange things happened in the house. The house would creak or whispers would come from the long hallways in the distance. Even though there was light it seemed as if a shadow was falling over the house. Like a dark cloud moving over the sun on a bright day. Hannover moved awkwardly in the circle flinching every time something strange happened in his home.

                At the last chant and the throwing in of the material a piercing scream echoed in the halls of the house and Sasha quickly covered her ears.  It was beyond torture to the ears to hear this high pitched wail. Finally a dark red face appeared above Hannover. It twisted and contorted forming various shapes too horrible to be recognized under normal circumstances. For a moment Sasha swore she could see the figure of a small child whose screams were silent.

                “ It…hurts…” the red figure said resting on a form that looked like a melting face without a jaw.

                “Why does it hurt?” Nate asked the figure and placing his palms to his sides.

                “I’m…so…HAPPY!”  The face contorted into many faces of the same figure. “PLEASE…no…MoRE!”

                “Do away with it! Now!” Hannover screamed. “Do not look at it or you will be sucked into the void!”

                “What happened to you?”  Nate approached the outside of the circle.

                “It...hurts…it…hurts…it…hurts…it…hurts…” the spirit replied. The sense of dread and fear had been replaced by sorrow. Like a wave crashing down on her Sasha had a strong feeling of grief. Tears streamed out of her eyes uncontrollably. Something felt very wrong. Under the skew of her tears she could still see her master standing strongly and plain faced in front of the spirit.

                “Tell me, spirit,” Nate paused, “I am here to help.”

                “Pa…pa…it…hurts...I…am…so…HAPPY!” Quick images moved through Sasha’s mind. She could barely make most of them out as they had moved so fast. A small young boy was celebrating his birthday in a large garden. A happy mother holding a baby. The young boy again running through a large hall, in fact, it was this room. Then it turned ugly. There was an angry man hitting the young boy. There were so many images of the man harming the young boy. Sasha could almost feel the pain each time the fist fell upon the young boy. Him pleading for him to stop as they just kept coming. The images then quickly moved to the young boy weeping in front of a grave stone. Sasha could feel loneliness and sorrow fill her soul as she was feeling what the boy was feeling. The man was more violent now. The attacks were no longer happening in dark rooms and when they were alone, but now in daylight and in front of servants.

                Everything slowed down and Sasha found herself standing in a room. The young boy was sitting in a chair looking out a window watching as two birds were flying past. She wanted to so much stand over him and give him comfort, but she knew that this was only an image and she could just watch. He had bruises on his arms and she could tell that he winced every time that he moved. Sasha thought that he looked no older than 7. A door slammed open from behind Sasha and she turned quickly to see who made the noise.

                There, standing in the doorframe, was a slightly younger Hannover. He did not have his distinct mustache, but it was definitely him. He strolled over to the boy’s large bed and placed a large box with holes on the top on it. “Come over here William.” Hannover said to him sternly.

                “Yes, sir,” Williams voice sounded cold and distant as if he was drained of all happiness. He stood up and turned to Hannover stopping when he saw the large box on his bed.

                “William, do you know what today is?” Hannover kept his voice very cool. William just looked down as if he was expecting something to happen to him. “Today is your birthday. Look, I got you something.” The boy eyed the box and then eyed Hannover before edging over to his bed. He was scraping his feet across the floor and Sasha could tell that he was quite scared.

                “There is no need to be afraid William. Just open up the box and look what I have gotten for you.”  Hannover was smiling as he said this.

                William stood over the box and it moved slightly. He recoiled at this, but then quickly removed the cover to it and out popped a small puppy. It was a little black dog that wagged its tail as it attempted to jump out of the box. The box then fell over and the puppy fell on its back wiggling as it tried to turn over.

                “For me?”  William asked looking down at the little creature.

                “Yes,” Hannover laughed, “I knew that you always wanted a puppy. Well I looked forever for the right one, but this one just stood out in the market and I knew you would love it.” He sighed looking down at the puppy as it pranced about on the bed. “Son, I know I have not always been a good father to you, but I am hoping that this makes up for everything. I want to be there for you now and this is my way of saying sorry.”

                William looked as if he almost had tears in his eyes, but he was smiling. He slowly went for the puppy which jumped up into his arms and began to lick at his face. The boy was laughing now as the puppy struggled to get more licks in, “Oh papa I am so happy!” William cried out.

                “Good, now think of a name for the little thing and get ready because we have a big birthday dinner ready for you downstairs,” Hannover turned to the open door. William Hannover started scratching the puppy behind the ear and placed it back down on the bed. The puppy jumped around and William laughed as he climbed on the bed with the little dog. Sasha smiled at the scene and admired how adorable the little puppy was.

                “I’m going to name him Shanks papa! I think that’s a great name don’t you?”William said looking at his father with admiration.

                “A very fine…” Hannover said his backed turned to his son. He placed his hands on his hips and sighed. “I tried to keep this up, but I just can’t do it.”

                “Do what papa?” William asked. Hannover stood there silent for a moment just shaking his head.

                “You know you are a son of a w***e, a b*****d that I have to put up with every day for appearances and I just can’t stand to look at that face.” Hannover turned to William with anger and malice in his expression. William was scared now, but the puppy near him was unaware of what was going on. “You don’t deserve any of what you are given. I treat you like my own flesh and blood but you are not. You are less than the servants in MY home and you will never be like me. No, no, no,” Hannover was rambling now, “Never like me. You don’t deserve what I’ve worked for or what my family has done. You do not deserve to inherit this. A son of a w***e deserves nothing and I should stop pretending.”

                Hannover walked over to the bed and began to grab for the puppy.

                “No papa, what are you doing?” William yelled out. Hannover twisted the boy’s wrist as he struggled with him for the puppy. Sasha heard a distinct crack as William cried out in pain and started to cradle himself.  “No, papa, please don’t hurt him,” William cried out. Sasha now ran over to the young boy, but her hand just passed through him. It angered her that she could do nothing.

                “A son of a w***e does not deserve gifts. He only deserves pain!” Hannover had the puppy by the scruff neck and looked at it. Its tail wagged for a moment and the puppy was staring directly at Hannover’s mean face. His whole hand now grasped the neck tightly as his lifted the puppy up high in the air and began to bash it on the floor with great anger. Sasha heard a high pitched yelp come from the puppy combined with a dull thud. Hannover did not stop as he began to smash the mangled corpse again and again as those thuds turned in wet splatters. Sasha fumed where she could only watch.

                She turned to William whose wail was just as saddening as hearing the puppy’s death throws. His face was half buried in his pillow and his wrist was swelling up. Hannover stood there grinning and threw the bloody and mangled corpse of the puppy on top of William who only cried louder as it bled out on his bed.

                “Happy Birthday you b*****d,” Hannover said staring down at the blood splatter on the floor.

                “I hate you!” William cried with his eyes closed tightly, “I hate you so much!”

                “What was that?” Hannover’s head snapped over to William’s direction.

                “I said I hate you! I wish you were dead!”

                “Wish I was dead?” This seemed to greatly anger Hannover, “WISH I WAS DEAD!” Hannover grabbed William by the collar of his shirt slapped him on the back of his head. The slap was so loud that it caused Sasha to wince when she heard it. “YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO IS DEAD YOU SON OF A W***E!”

                “No papa! It hurts! It hurts!” William cried out, but his cries were deaf to Hannover’s ears. Hannover lifted the boy up with ease and began to slam him hard against the wall. The boy screamed every time his head hit the wall and blood began to trickle down his face. “Stop…it…hurts…” William spit a couple of teeth from his mouth.

                “NOW DIE!” Hannover screamed out and threw William through his window. The window that earlier held a peaceful scene was now the gateway to his pain. It was almost as if everything was slowed down as Sasha looked out the window. William was flailing through the air eyes wide with terror as he fell to the garden below. Sasha turned away quickly horrified by what she just witnessed before she was brought back to reality.


                The room was cold and Nate saw Sasha collapse into a ball weeping. Hannover grasped his head knowing that everyone had just seen the images. He fell to his knees and looked determined to not look at anyone. The spirit above him was just a shapeless form of red as if it was waiting for something to happen. Nate sniffed a little bit as the gruesome scene had gotten to him as well although not as much as Sasha. He had thought to leave her alone right now.

                “Look at me Hannover,” Nate said coldly, “I said look at me!” Hannover lifted his head slowly his eyes sunken into his face and a look of dread.  Nate stared at him unable to stay anything clearly. Out of all the things he had experienced in his life nothing came close to the amount of twisted cruelty Hannover projected on his own son.

                “You killed your son,” Gilbert said his face was red and Nate knew that his rage could boil over at any moment, “how can a man be so twisted and cruel to do that to his own child?” Gilbert was searching for answers, but Nate knew none would satisfy him.

                “He was not my son!” Hannover shouted. “His w***e of a mother laid with one of the servants while I was away on Julian Island. She gave birth to a servant’s b*****d!”

                “He was still a child! A young boy looking for love from a parent he thought was his own and you only shown him hate and contempt. In all my years as a Knight I have not seen one act with so much hate in their heart.” Gilbert spat. Nate started to feel guilty that he had Gilbert come along.

                “My business is my own. I’m not paying you to ask question just to give me peace!” Hannover was grasping hard now.

                “I will not touch dirty money Nate. I refuse.” Gilbert said. Gilbert picked up his belongings and began to move to the door. He turned his head before leaving, “Do with him what you will and I will turn a blind eye.” With that he was gone into the night.

                The revenge spirit began to form again and a great wind picked up in the house. A wail echoed through the halls again. “I’m glad that a revenge spirit is not the actual soul of the dead. It is just a manifestation of the anger and grief brought upon by terrible acts of violence.” Hannover looked at Nate contemplating what he was going to say next. “In a world of magic users, alchemy and priest we have ways to keep these things from getting reckless. We like to keep the peace and a balance in a world that hovers above the void and out of the eye of the Nether realm. Sometimes we forget that it is not only the mystical creatures and villains of those worlds that try to destroy the peace and balance to this world. There are those who stand upon the edge of the sanity and do as much harm as this spirit that is before us. I like to think there is justice in this world, but there is no amount of justice that can be enacted on you to make what you have done right.”

                “What are going to do?” Hannover’s voice quivered. Nate smiled.

                “There are many interesting things you can do with a Mechielian Circle. It can be used to call upon spirits of old and bring forth others for entrapment and send them to oblivion. Yet, if you break the circle while the spirit is in our realm many…unfortunate things can happen. I have seen an unlucky few be pulled into the Nether realm kicking and screaming because the circle was broken. Who knows what kind of terror they have seen in the deep of that terrible world?”

                “Mr. Griffon don’t, I will pay you whatever you want just stop!” Hannover pleaded.

                “Oh I will get my reward Mr. Hannover,” Nate calmly stepped over to the circle and kicked some salt away quickly stepping back after that, “Your son is looking forward to seeing you. I’m sure you have much to discuss.”

                The room exploded in a great red light as the wails and torment of so many souls echoed in the halls of the Hannover Estate. Hannover arose and tried to run, but something kept him from leaving the circle. The great red form had created a hand and it had him by the leg. He fell to the floor and began to claw at it. His screams almost outdid the ones that echoed in the halls. “Nate! Please, do something! No! No! Nooooo!”

                “I’m sorry Mr. Hannover, but there is nothing I can do for you.”

                The hand slowly lifted him up and the red form opened up into a black lidless void. It turned him over and Hannover was staring directly up at it. His face bloomed in terror and endless screams as the Nether realm began to swallow him. The two doors to the garden slammed open as the red form began to quickly move out into the night as if it was being sucked out into the sky. The last things Nate heard where the wails of a terrorized Hannover.


                Sasha was still cowering on the floor in grief as she attempted to gain her composer, but found herself unable to do so. She felt two arms pick her up and for a moment thought that the revenge spirit was going to take her as well. That was until she felt a hand lightly stroke her hair and the voice of her master whisper in her ear, “Shhh, everything’s going to be alright.”

                She turned her head up to her master not understanding how this man who had always been stern and unforgiving about her lessons had suddenly shown some compassion. There was a look of concern on his face and his eyes searched for a way to comfort her. Sasha began to cry again and threw her arms around Nate as he put his arms around hers and began to stroke her back.

                After a while, without and words, Nate and Sasha began to walk away from that terrible place with her unable to erase from her mind the images and events that unfolded. Nate finally spoke to her as they cleared the gates of the estate.

                “Sasha, there are things in this world that no amount of training can fully prepare you for. I can teach you everything thing I know in hopes that you will do great things with your life and apply it well to help others in theirs. Yet, the one thing I cannot prepare you for is experiencing what lies in the heart of men. We are capable of so much good, but the evil that surrounds and corrupts us sometimes drags us into an abyss of sorrow. What you saw in there is by no means the full extent of what a man is capable of and I had hoped that you would not see something such as that in your lifetime. I am reminded, though, that sometimes things such as this are completely out of my hands. I can only give you tools in which to fight it so one day we can all gain something in this world.”

                “What is that master?”

                “A little bit of peace. It’s something that everyone strives for. We realize that there is still good out there and it is something worth protecting. One can wish and hope that things had turned out better for poor William, but they did not and we are going to have to accept that and move on. If we dwell too much on the evil that Hannover committed or any other evil that befouls these Islands it will corrupt us and turn us into something that we are not. We have to take the time we have now and always strive to do some good even if it doesn’t always turn out that way. Do you understand what I am saying my apprentice?”

                “Yes, master, I understand.”

                “Good.”  Nate began to hurry along and Sasha ran to catch up.

                “Where are we going to now Master?”

                “We will go to Berry Grove for some rest and then wherever the skies will take us!” Nate stopped for a moment and looked out into the streets of the quiet town. Sasha almost ran into him, but halted at the last moment.

                “Sasha,” he said, “Your birthday is coming soon is it not?”

                “Yes, I will be thirteen in eight days master.” She replied.

                “It’s settled. We will have a party to celebrate.”

                “Oh, but master you don’t have to…”

                “Of course I do,” he said smiling down at her, “and I just thought of the perfect gift.”



© 2010 numbers17

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My favorite part about this chapter was that you made the intentions of each character clear from the beginning. However, I am a little confused at Sasha's personality: at first she is not scared of the spirit, but then she is scared of Nate. She tells the spirit to piss off and cowers when Nate finds out that she couldn't control the spirit. Her grief is understandable, but there is a contradiction in her personality.

I'm wondering if this is an entire short story in a collection of tales about this place because there was a clear beginning, middle and end. I thought the beginning was a little rough but once you got past the backstory it flowed really well. There were a few spelling mistakes that I think were just a result of spellcheck screwing you over.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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I didn't have time to read it all, but out of the amount I did read I'll say this: I like it soo far. Its well done, but the block of info in the star could be worked in a different way, like how you nonchantly bring in Royals as money or the idea of arisocrats and alchemy. Hopefully I'll be able to read all of it sometime. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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My favorite part about this chapter was that you made the intentions of each character clear from the beginning. However, I am a little confused at Sasha's personality: at first she is not scared of the spirit, but then she is scared of Nate. She tells the spirit to piss off and cowers when Nate finds out that she couldn't control the spirit. Her grief is understandable, but there is a contradiction in her personality.

I'm wondering if this is an entire short story in a collection of tales about this place because there was a clear beginning, middle and end. I thought the beginning was a little rough but once you got past the backstory it flowed really well. There were a few spelling mistakes that I think were just a result of spellcheck screwing you over.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 14, 2010
Last Updated on December 14, 2010