![]() NEW WAR:: NOT JUST A WALK IN THE PARK!A Story by Dreadnought Oblivion![]() this story chronicles Zeke's wondrous battle in the halfway point between the trade tower, and the space port.![]() NEW War: Not Just a Walk in
the park: The
Serfkora transport was approaching the tower ruins fast, by this time the roar
of its engines seemed as loud as a low flying jet. Zeke wasted no time; he
turned and headed toward the path leading to his only chance, Zonelae space
port. There
was a long path between Federation Trade Tower 121 and the Space Port Zonelae
and it was a beautiful path surrounded by a high reach wood. It started with a
weak slope that lead to a long winding side walk that broke off to loop around
a serene lake, with a garden that, when looked upon from a high place, showed a
gorgeous designs of the planet earth, before leading to another slope back up
to where Zonelae was. Now though, the Serfkora invasion squads had burned
everything, even the lake had been vaporized. There
was about a mile of distance from the middle of the front courtyard to the
path, but with Zeke’s long strides and adrenaline fueled fast pace he reached
the first block of the path quickly. From the top of the slope partially
concealed behind a large tree Zeke stole a quick look at the path below.
Scattered loosely around the path was about a dozen Razler soldiers. That was
the least of his worries though; besides the Razlers there was a massive Insect
looking creature. The monster wore incredibility dense armor featuring a shiny
red metallic paint coat. The creature was armed with a rocket launching gun and
several other heavy artillery weapons; this creature was a Krostile, the
largest ground unit the Serfkora had ever shown. Zeke tried to estimate his chances,
they were to spread out for a grenade, and to numerous for a frontal assault;
guerilla warfare was the only option. Zeke
glanced behind him; the transport was almost upon the tower now, too late to do
anything about that now. Instead of staying open and vulnerable, he dashed into
the woods and to the edge of the slope. Zeke braced himself and loaded his gun
before starting down the hill. As soon as he started down there was a blur of
movement to his left, he turned to face it, weapon shouldered. A Razler was
approaching him! In a fit of surprise, Zeke lost his footing and began to roll
into a tree about the middle of the hill. His head bashed off of the trunk,
disorientation soon followed. The Razler was quick to swoop in on his position,
but then when death seemed imminent, the monster hesitated. Fighting off a
pounding headache and foggy vision, Zeke took the best aim he could and shot
off as many rounds as he had in a clip into the monster’s chest. It stood for a
moment before finally keeled over, dead. The Razler had a weak weapon, and
little ammo left so Zeke left its belongings behind. He
tried to shake off the foggy feeling before he stood up, eventually his visions
focused and his headache calmed to a dull throb. He got to his feet shakily and
reloaded his weapon. The ground was still spinning, and his whole body was
shaking but he pressed onwards anyway one slow controlled step at a time. As he
approached the bottom of the slope he noticed the burnt carcasses of the
animals’ native of these woods. Birds lay covered with a coating of chars,
foxes with the same black coating. There was one body though that stood out, at
first it could have been mistaken as an animal, but when he really looked at
it, he saw that it was a human corpse. The body was burnt, but he could see the
bullet holes still, and from the look of his clothing’s remains, he was a
civilian. Rage cleared his head, blinding anger overcame the pain in his head, but
he was smart enough to control himself from rushing in with guns blazing. Save
for going back to the tower that was now probably crawling with Serfkora
soldiers, the only other option that wouldn’t immediately kill him was to climb
one of the trees and snipe some off. It took him awhile but he managed to climb
up the tree and nestled himself on a thick limb. His gun had no scope, so his
shots would have to involve patience. He shouldered the rifle and looked
through the sight; the nearest Razler was still too far for a reliable shot to
land, so he waited calm and steady. For a half an hour no one came close enough
for a clean shot and for a while he debated rethinking his plans. Then it
happened; two Razlers suddenly bolted upright and walked in a marching line,
one directly behind the other. Zeke took the chance to reload his gun with
piercing clips, and within the minute they were in perfect angle for a twofer
head-shot. He held his breath, steadied his hands, and relaxed. Then Ba-booom, boom, click! He only had two
rounds of piercing shots, and not going to take chances, used both. White blood
splattered out of their helmets, and then a high pitched squeal of agonizing
pain shattered the lull of the valley lake. An angry roar exploded from the
Krostile’s four pronged mouth. Three other Razler’s rushed into the woods, the
other seven formed a semi circle around the Krostile. Zeke unclipped a frag
grenade and chucked towards the incoming party. The explosion sent two of the
advancing Razler’s back knocked off of their feet; the other’s head was blown
off, and was flying around the valley. A fresh clip went into the rifle, and
Zeke polished off the two other advancers. The Krostile barked another roaring
command at the other Razlers; two more broke off in a full sprint, shooting a
wave of bullets into the forest. They were much faster than other Razler’s and
their armor glistened in the sun. Zeke shot off another burst, but they
ricocheted off of the polished armor these Razler’s wore. It made sense now;
these two were Advanced Guards, higher ranked soldiers that had better
abilities in combat. Zeke pulled out his handgun, with a slower rate of fire,
this gun had more power per shot. He took close aim, and let out two bullets
into the side of one of the Razler’s helmets. After the fifth shot landed it
went limp, white blood everywhere. The second wasn’t too stupid; it realized
the shots were coming from above and reloaded, spraying hot bullets into the
canopy above. Zeke
leapt from his spot to another limb behind the tree trunk and then killed the
other Razler as well. Now the Krostile was pissed, it pointed to the tree tops
and roared, scattering the last five Razlers in an attack formation Zeke
recognized from the battle at the tower, albeit lacking a few soldiers. The
Krostile itself launched rockets to the treetops, knocking many of the dead
trees down. The whole forest had already been devastated by the prior attacks,
so it came as a surprise for Zeke to see some of them so strong. A nearby
explosion rocked the tree, forcing Zeke roughly towards the ground below. In
desperate struggle, Zeke grabbed for anything to hold onto and caught a branch
dangling from a tree that had had its top blown off. He stopped for a moment,
and then the branch gave way. Back in a state of free fall Zeke’s hands flailed
aimlessly in an attempt to remain aloft and catch onto good holding again. This
time he caught his hand in a hollow of the tree he had fallen out of. He had
dropped his gun in his fall as well as his side arm; he was still too far up to
land safely, but he had no time to debate his options this time. Another rocket
tore through the forest, and this one knocked the tree Zeke was hanging from
out of the ground. Zeke
pressed his feet up against the base of the tree and kicked off, flying
forward. He landed crouched and then rolled away from the falling tree. When he
was in the clear from being crushed, he got back into a crouch and looked
around. He noticed first that his guns were under the tree trunk now, useless to
him. Then he realized that two of the Razlers were killed by stray rockets, and
another had been under the tree. That left two of them. Zeke pulled out the
melee weapon and activated it. Still crouched in a fighting stance he waited
for movement. This is where the super soldier training kicked in. One Razler
appeared suddenly behind the fallen tree, and came in shooting spurts of
bullets towards Zeke’s head. He had just enough time to duck and roll before
losing his brain, and then preformed a sweeping motion with the staff. The
electroshocks made the Razler flinch, giving Zeke his opening. Zeke flung the
top part of his staff into the jaw of the Razler, knocking it back; he then
smashed it into the side of the monster’s helmet. Zeke kept pressure there, administering
constant shock waves into its head. After a minute or so, the thing was dead.
The last Razler also withdrew his staff, a higher end model. This one was also
part of the Advance Guard, so it was granted better equipment. It leapt at Zeke,
weapon ready for a humanly fatal attack. Its rank gave it enough confidence to
attack with equal weapons, it had a death wish. Zeke knocked the Razler’s
attack to the side, and then flung his own into the monster’s abdomen. Zeke
gave one last brutal stab to its neck, piercing the shield polished armor, and
bursting through its fleshy neck. Needless to say it was slain. Yet, another
rocket explosion nearby reminded Zeke that this battle was not over. Zeke
could see through the fallen trees that the monstrous Krostile was still there,
angry as ever. It was brandishing its rocket launcher with one hand, a
testament to its immense strength. Zeke had only his bloodstained staff with
half of its charge, and three grenades left to combat the towering Krostile. It
attacked first; firing a rocket straight towards Zeke, its trail of fire
ignited the dead woods. Zeke rolled out of the way and then again to get in an
advantageous position. He was crouched again, staff out, ready for his next
move. He ignored the massive explosion from the rocket. The monster aimed its
launcher again and pulled the trigger. Zeke leapt to his left and landed in the
same crouched position, but no rocket had launched, it was empty. The monster’s
face went blank for a moment before it roared again. It dropped the gun and
sprinted for the ammo bank they had stored in the dried up lake. Zeke took a
deep breath and looked around for help. He had ended up near where the one
Razler had its head blown off. The decapitated carcass still had a working side
arm and some extra clips for it; the main weapon was shouldered when the grenade
detonated, it was useless. Zeke strapped his staff and took the magnum and some
clips, as well as more grenades. The Razler’s staff had also been damaged in
the explosion. By this time the Krostile was back in its original positions and
was reloading the launcher. The
gun was not nearly human looking. The barrel was long and expanded to vast
proportions at the end, and the rockets were loaded in to these bud like
extensions that, when being reloaded, opened up like a flower. It took a while
to load the heavy rockets into the gun, but the Krostile’s incredible strength
made it a much quicker process. By the time Zeke had readied his small gun, the
monster had released two rockets that twirled around each other, heading straight
for him. Zeke hopped forward and fell to the ground, from his laying position
he shot of six bullets at the Krostile’s massive head. They embedded themselves
in the flexible shock absorbing armor of the Krostile and bounced right out.
The monster seemed to chuckle as it stomped on the wasted bullets. The
fire was spreading now; it had caught onto a lot of the nearby trees and was
destroying much of the right side of the forest. The Krostile didn’t care, he
shot off every last of the rockets, sweeping the ground in all directions: Up, Down, Left, Right, Middle, everywhere Zeke
could have dodged. He shot at the bottom row of rockets hoping to detonate them
faster, he managed to shoot one hard enough to throw it into the one to its
left, the collision caused an explosion that soon detonated the whole lot of
them. The
creature was mad now; it had to run back for more rockets. It turned to run,
exposing an exposed section that gave Zeke a great shot. He quickly reloaded
his gun and ran forward, shooting from the hip at the exposed flesh of the Krostile.
When the first bullets pierced the fiend it fell forward in pain, but quickly
continued. Zeke acted fast though. He ran forward, still shooting, and threw
two of his grenades at the dried lake. The detonation was merciless. The cache
of rockets detonated in a spectacular fashion. A groan of agony told Zeke that
his large opponent was dying. A
few minutes later, Zeke was barricaded in a small building once used for
housing various gardening equipment. He had barricaded it, and activated its
defense shielding that allowed it to survive the first attack. Zonelae could
wait, he needed rest. © 2010 Dreadnought OblivionAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on February 24, 2010 Last Updated on February 24, 2010 Author![]() Dreadnought OblivionSome Town, PAAboutIm a student, but between school, sports, college prep stuff, and chores; there isn't much time in my days more..Writing