Mission Trip- Chapter 2

Mission Trip- Chapter 2

A Screenplay by Natalia Torrelio

The movers are lifting all of Erin's stuff onto the truck.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Erin has just finished packing
her suitcase, so she goes into Mickey's room to decide what
and what not to keep.
On top of his dresser, Erin sees a trophy that Mickey won in
the county spelling bee in 4th grade and next to it, a
picture of Mickey as a baby, herself, and her husband. She
gives a long look to both reminders of her lost family
members while the camera shows, in the background, a white
rose bush outside of Mickey's window.
Erin faces the small chhatri from the flashforward scene,
places Mickey's urn under it, and kneels.
You've... always wanted to go to
India... haven't you, Mickey?
Hey lady, all your stuff's
Erin stands up. The mover reaches out his hand to receive a
tip, and Erin gives him two dollars.
      (Muttering and
       walking away)
Cheapskate b***h.
Erin looks up to the heavens and makes an expression that
says "You have no idea what I'm going through." She sheds a
tear and goes inside her house.
The campus of PPCBS is quite a beautiful one, almost like
something you'd see in Harry Potter. Green grass and
beautiful flowers cover almost all of the ground, and every
building has an 1800's American architectural style to them.
That is, except for the theater and a small beige building
no larger than a middle-class house. The latter is where
Erin's new office is located.

Thus, we see her heading there, ready to be given a tour of
the school by former headmaster Phil Greenwood.
Well, if it isn't Headmistress
Justice. Good to see you, Erin.
Hello Mr. Greenwood.
Shall we begin the tour of your
new domain?
That's what I came here for, isn't
      (Phil chuckles,
       and they both
       begin walking
       over to the
       science building.)
So, pardon my forgetfulness, but
how many students attend this
school again?
About 10,200.
      (Vegeta impression)
It's over 9,000!
Erin cringes and grunts.
What's the matter?
My son used to like Dragonball.
Used to?
He passed away... no, he was
murdered weeks ago.
Oh, in the name of the Angel, I'm
terribly sorry for your loss! Do
you know who did that terrible
Perfectly well. It's a girl named
Inez Molina, and she, along with
her posse and some other bullies,
bullied Mickey to the point of
Tragic, extremely tragic. Well, on
the bright side, I'll remind you
that this school prides itself on
its discipline and the lack of
bullying that comes from it. I
like to call schools like this one
"educational utopias" because the
good nature of our students and
faculty creates a social
environment that's perfect for
filling your head.
That's beautiful, Phil. I wish
Mickey was here to see this. By
the way, what building are we in,
Mr. tour guide?
Oh, curse my old geezer attention
span, we're in the science
building. And to your left is Mr.
Moore's classroom.
The door to this classroom opens, revealing Adam Moore, a
shaggy-haired, bearded little person who is quite attractive
for his height.
Hello, you two. Yes, this is my
classroom, and I'm Adam Moore.
Hey, Adam. I'm Erin Justice, your
new boss. I'm really looking
forward to working here at this
school and...
      (To Erin)
Yeah, I can imagine.
      (To Phil)
Mr. Greenwood, can I talk to her
about our prestigious science
program one-on-one?
Erin and Adam enter the classroom/chemistry lab. It looks
just like a regular chemistry classroom, with numerous
desks, lab stations, and a closet full of instruments and
So Adam, what do you teach?
AP Chemistry and AP Bio, but
that's not what I wanted to
discuss. Ms. Justice, don't listen
to what Greenwood has to say. He's
a bullshitter. I heard all of his
idealistic ramble all the way from
A bullshitter? But he can't be.
You see, when he first interviewed
me, he said he was leaving the
school to be a pastor.
Because pastors don't have to deal
with the issue of bullying,
especially when they formerly ran
a school that has one of the
largest bully problems in the
      (Sigh ans pause.)
Ms. Justice, let me show you
      (Opens his desk
       drawer and pulls
       out a yearbook.)
This is the most recent yearbook
published, seeing as it's the
2013-14 yearbook, of course.
      (Opens the book.)
Let's skim, shall we? Okay, we
have the usual, cliched yearbooky
stuff. The classes and their
members, the superlatives, here's
a page about the drama club, a
page dedicated to Stinkwood. And
look at this gem.
      (Turns to a
       section of the
       yearbook with one
       page each
       dedicated to a
Welcome to the "En Memoriam"
Adam briefly hands Erin the book.
      (Flips through the
By the Angel, it goes on forever.
Mortal Instruments fan, eh? Just
like old Floppywood, except I
imagine you'll be way better at
the job; but I digress.
      (Gestures to a
       line that reads
       "Cause of
It gets worse.
      (Keeps flipping
Cause of death: suicide. Cause of
death: suicide. Cause of death:
suicide. Suicide, suicide,
suicide, suicide, suicide.
And that's not even the most
fucked up part. That distinction
goes to the fact that this section
is in every past yearbook. I
swear. Again, I think I know why
Phil wants to be a priest: because
nobody bullies anyone at church,
so he won't be responsible for any
more deaths due to his
incompetence. He can just stand up
on his pedestal wearing his pretty
dress and saying that "the Lord
works in mysterious ways," and
nobody will bat an eye nor give
him a glare. He's passing the buck
to you, Ms. Justice. Welcome to
educational dystopia, and I wish
you the best of luck.
      (Opens the door)
Ahem, shall we continue, Erin?
Thank you for your insight, Adam.
Sad music plays as Erin and Phil continue their tour of the
entire school, but Erin barely pays attention. Her mind is
muddled with thoughts of becoming attached to certain
students and then reliving Mickey's death hundreds more
times because of it. Then, the camera shows that she was
given some time to free-roam and that it is cloudy outside.
As she walks around, white roses start appearing, and as
she tries to get away from them, more appear, and it's left
to the audience to decide whether she's hallucinating.
And this is your new office. It
may seem empty now, but I'm sure
you'll find a way to improve it.
Th-th-thank you.
Well, that concludes our tour.
Have a good evening, Headmistress.
Erin doesn't say a word. Instead, she takes a framed picture
of her and Mickey from her purse, places it on the desk, and
lays her head down to cry.
Erin trudges to her car looking a mess with her smudged
Adam walks up to her and starts walking with her.
Been crying?
What's wrong?
My son was actually bullied to the
point of suicide, and...
Jesus, I'm so sorry.
...and to think that I'll have to
relive his death through those of
other children!
Not if you do something about it.
Yeah, what am I gonna do? Give the
death penalty?
I'm sorry for snapping at you.
Don't worry about it. I understand
your grief.
Thank you, Adam. You're... kinda
You know any good restaurants
around here? I'm still new to the
Of course. There's Calliope's
Greek Bistro, and it's right next
to that Mongolian Barbecue place
that went out of business.
Erin widens her eyes, and we see a flashback to Mickey's
last weekend alive.
Mickey sits in his room quietly, eyeing a knife that he uses
for self-harm.

He grabs the knife and is about to make the first cut when
Erin knocks on his door. He hides the knife.
Darling, it's 7:00.
Mickey smiles at his mother and follows her to the living
room. There, they watch their favorite television show
"Noshing with the Newtons." It's a show in which a couple of
British comedians/food critics known as Ned and Nancy Newton
go to various restaurants that got negative reviews, eat
their food, and crack jokes about whatever flaws they come
      (On the TV)
We are back with "Noshing with the
Newtons." And today, we are going
to eat at Tawagoto Mongolian
Barbecue in Muse, Georgia.
Muse, Georgia: that's where we're
Nancy, did you know that this
restaurant is apparently so bad
that it's going out of business?
Yes I do, and I also know that we
are going to eat at a place that
is literally named "s**t"
according to Google Translate.
News flash, dumb Americans, not
every word in an Asian language
means "great warrior." Now let's
go inside.
Show Erin and Mickey holding each other, smiling, and having
a tender moment while cutting to later in the episode on TV.
Ugh, look at this. The squid's so
raw it's still telling Spongebob
to piss off.
My chicken's so rubbery that Durex
called and asked for the recipe.
Cut to the end of the episode.
Well, that was frightfully
disgusting, wouldn't you say?
We went in expecting Mongolian
barbecue, but instead we got
served mongoloid barbecue.

Well, that wraps up our episode of
Noshing with the Newtons. Tah tah.
Cut back to the present. Erin is hyperventilating.
Ms. Justice, are you ok? You look
like you're having an asthma
No, I'm fine. It's just that I had
a flashback to his last days.
Actually, I don't think you
understand my grief and think I
flew over the cuckoo's nest.
No, no, no. I don't think you're
crazy. You're just understandably
scarred by your offspring's death.
And no, I'm not a stalker, I'm a
psychology minor.
      (Erin cracks a
       tiny smile.)
I got you to smile.
You did indeed. So, even though
I'm your boss, you think maybe we
can do something together
sometime, like have dinner or go
to the movies?
By the Angel, yes. Anyway, how did
we get off on this tangent? Oh,
the restaurant. When you see
Emilia Brasilia's gay strip club,
you know you're close to it.
Thanks, Adam. See you in the fall.
See ya.
The camera focuses on Erin just driving to the restaurant
Adam suggested. She sees Emilia Brasilia's gay strip club
and knows she is close.

Then the camera focuses on a tall, pink, luminescent sign in
the shape of a plus-sized woman's silhouette. Below where it
says the name of the establishment in violet cursive font,
it reads "Hoe of the month: Pandora Rose."

During this exterior shot the beginning of Britney Spears'
"If U Seek Amy" is faintly heard.
Now that the focus is inside the club, the song can be heard
more clearly.

The club looks like an ordinary strip club, with very dark
lighting except for the stage, which is very brightly lit
with all the colors of the gay rainbow. Even its floor
lights up.

The first verse plays as some exotic dancers do their jobs
using poles, chairs, or nothing. The dancers are all
biologically male. Some are in drag, and others are solely
clad in a speedo or thong.

Near the end of the first verse, a latina's voice cries out
on the speakers.
Please welcome our hoe of the
month, the sexy Pandora Rose!
As Emilia Brasilia's voice is heard, an aesthetically
beautiful and sexy transvestite named Pandora walks onstage.
She wears bright red knee-high boots, a shiny sleeveless
black leotard, and lipstick, nail polish, and a handbag
that matches her boots. Pandora also has naturally long,
dark-brown hair.

The moment the first chorus starts, Pandora does an erotic
chair dance that gets a roar from the crowd. Money starts
flying from the audience to the stage. Pandora picks it all
up after a small part of the second verse, and after
examining the money for a short while, she runs offstage and
to Emilia's desk with a smile on her face.
What are you doing, tranny? You
haven't finished dancing yet; you
barely even started.
B***h, I'll tell you what I'm
doing. I'm ditching this perv hole
to follow my dreams, that's what.
Emilia, I quit. I'm done being a
s**t. I mean, dancing's fun, but
getting my butthole stretched
everyday makes me feel like I'm in
Oh, no no no no no! You can't quit
There's this guy who is
threatening me with death if he
doesn't see you.
Hmm, quite a shame. But look at it
this way: I got my whole life
ahead of me. You don't, old timer.
An old, creepy biker dude steps out of the restroom. His
name is Edwin Ferrero.
Who's an old timer?
      (Sees Pandora)
Mmmm, is this that hoe of the
Not anymore, baby. I'm quitting,
taking this moolah with me and
buying me a restaurant.
Edwin gets angry and takes Pandora's bag.
Very funny, hon. Now gimme my bag.
Give it! Give it!
Not till you f**k me, hoe.
I'll f**k you up.
Pandora tries to hit him, but instead she gets grabbed and
duct taped by him. Edwin then takes her outside and throws
her in the side car of his motorcycle.
You're "cumming" with me.
Edwin drives off toward a dark area where he can rape
Erin enters her car after eating dinner, expecting to go
home. She sees Mickey in the passenger seat and does a
double take.
Mom, I live.
Erin, speechless and breathless, tries to hug Mickey, but
she realizes he is only a hallucination. She starts her
car's engine and exits the restaurant's parking lot.
That way.
Erin then turns in the direction opposite her house.
Oh God, I'm completely off my
No, Mom, I live.
Suburban Extended stay is a shady hotel with an even shadier
area behind it. Perfect for rapists to do their duty.
During this scene, Erin is still driving her car, so when
she or Mickey speaks, the camera cuts to inside her car.
Meanwhile, a tape-gagged Pandora is thrown out of the side
car by her kidnapper.
Chill, b***h. When my load's
inside your pooper, this purse
goes back to you, okay?
Pandora attempts a shriek with no luck.
Erin turns toward this dark area.
By the Angel, it's like my
subconscious took the wheel.
I live!
No you don't Mickey. You were
brutally murdered by that... Inez,
No, Mom. I live.
      (Gestures toward
Edwin begins to lube up his penis. This gives Pandora ample
opportunity to kick him with her bound legs. She does so.

As Edwin stumbles backwards, Erin crashes her car into him
and a building, thus killing the rapist bloodily.
Erin slowly exits her car, completely fazed. She observes
her surroundings and sees that she killed a man and that
there is a tied up transvestite at her feet.
Jesus! Are you ok? Here.
      (Takes a
       pocketknife out
       of her purse and
       cuts Pandora
There, you're free to go.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
miss. That galoot was about to
stick his STD-ridden dick in me,
but next thing you know, you crash
your car into a building...
I don't care! I love it!
You're pretty funny. What's your
Pandora Rose, with Rose being my
last name. And yours?
Erin Justice, with Justice being
my last name. Where do you live?
Ugh, yeah. Funny thing: I don't
have a home.
Oh no, that's awful. Would you
like me to walk you back to my
Walk? Your car doesn't look that
bad, so let's drive.
Shot of Erin driving her car, now reduced to a jalopy, into
her driveway.
Cut to Erin and Pandora in the kitchen.
Yes, please. Stripping, dancing,
and almost getting raped really
takes a lot out of a girl.
Especially one with a sausage like
      (She receives her
       coffee, and Erin
       sits down.)
So, tell me about yourself. Where
do you work? Any children?
I used to have a son named Mickey,
but he committed suicide weeks
S**t, that's awful.
      (Starts to sob.)
He was only 13 years old.
Aww, there, there; everything's
gonna be ok. What drove him to
commit suicide?
He was bullied. Bullied to the
point of suicide just for being
smarter than everyone and seeing
the world in a different way. The
ringleader of them all was this
twat named Inez Molina.
Oh my God, f**k bullying, and f**k
anyone who has ever committed that
act. I remember when I was in that
crappy orphanage. Those boys would
always hit me, ridicule me, and
call me names like "tranny." I
almost committed suicide at that
same age, but instead, I ran away.
I left behind a life of pain and
misery and started saving money to
buy my very own restaurant, my
      (Pulls out a
Pandora's Box!
The drawing is a pencil-sketched picture of the former
Tawagoto Mongolian Barbecue place, except at the front door,
there is a giant standee of a cartooned Pandora spreading
her legs. The door serves as the standee's vagina.
I'm sorry for laughing. You have a
great sense of humor, Pandora.
Gracias, Erin.
So, as for my job, I'm the
headmistress of Prince of Peace
Christian Boarding School. But
that's not really saying much.
That school has one of the worst
bullying problems in the nation,
and it's not going to get any
What do you mean? You're the
headmistress of a large boarding
school, the queen of a large area
where people not only learn, but
live. You CAN solve the problem.
Yeah, what am I supposed to do,
administer the... death penalty.
That's... that's it.
I see a little light bulb above
your head!
Those parents put their children
in that school not expecting to
see them for months. That means if
I were to kill a bully for his or
her crimes, his or her parents
wouldn't hear about it until it's
way too late. And best of all
nobody can prove that I did it.
They could have died of a disease,
botulism, a car accident, maybe
even killed in action on... a
mission trip.

Yes, that's exactly why God gave
me this job. He wants me to save
the lives of victims who have a
promising future ahead and ending
the lives of those bullies, who
will most likely end up working at
Woman, I think you just read my
Great minds think alike, Pandora.
That's why you are going to help
me carry out my killings, hide
them, and in the end, avenge the
death of my son.
      (Starts to pray)
Wonderful Messenger, I know you
are taking good care of Mickey up
in heaven, and I pray that he sees
every bit of righteous judgment
that I pass onto these criminals
known as bullies. I will have
vengeance and redemption in his
and Your name, Amen.
My trusted accomplice, we have
hard work to do, and only two
months to do it.


© 2013 Natalia Torrelio

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Added on July 29, 2013
Last Updated on July 29, 2013
Tags: Dark, horror, drama, serial killer, revenge