Mission Trip

Mission Trip

A Screenplay by Natalia Torrelio

Chapter 1 of the movie Mission Trip



Suspenseful, melancholy music plays as we see a young
teenage girl, named Inez Molina, lying nearly unconscious on
the ground next to a chhatri, no taller than protagonist
Erin Justice, that houses a picture of Erin's deceased son
Mickey and an urn shut tight and filled with his ashes.

Erin pushes away the two people who beat the girl. Erin is a
tall, slender brunette in her forties. Her beauty is above
average in this scene; however, she appears to have once
been goddess-like, but as she gradually lost her sanity, her
looks went with it as well. She is wearing her favorite
outfit: a navy blouse, a blood-red skirt, matching heels and
waistcoat, and an arm band with a blue puzzle piece
embroidered on it.

Erin just stands there, glaring at Inez and her pathetic
state. She holds a replica of the master sword from the
Legend of Zelda, one of her deceased husband's most prized
possessions, and plans to use it to do the unthinkable to

Meanwhile, Esperanza "Essie," Inez's sister who looks like
an older version of her, watches the scene while tied to a
tree and with her gag around her neck since she got free of
it. She does not say a word; she just waits for Erin to
explain her actions.
I indeed did promise to release
her, Essie. But I never said
anything about letting her live.
      (Raises the hilt
       of the sword
       above her head.)
My love, you are avenged.
Inez uses the very little consciousness she has left to push
herself up with her arms. Erin forces the sword through
Inez's back, and Inez coughs up blood like a geyser and

Erin, with a wide grin and a wild look in her eyes, takes a
look at her son's urn and starts laughing at Inez's dead
Exterior shot of South High School in
Cheyenne, Wyoming.

During lunch, college counselor Erin Justice is finishing up
a session with a Korean student filling out an application
for a Korean college.
                      ERIN (V.O.)
And there, we--
Cut to inside the office.
      (submits student's
--go! You're all set, now we just
gotta wait for them to say "yes."
I hope they do.
Oh, it would be a crime for Yonsei
University not to accept you.
Thanks, and thank you so much for
helping me with this process, Ms.
Justice. I don't know how I
could've done it without you.
Ms. Justice, may I ask you a
Sure, and you also may call me
"Erin" since you're almost
Ok, Erin, is it true that this is
your last year here?
Yes, yes it is. I'm going to be
the headmistress of Prince of
Peace Christian Boarding School in
Muse, Georgia. I love this here
school, but this move is going to
be just what the doctor ordered.
I'm going to make thrice the
amount of money I earn now, and my
son is going to have a much better
learning environment.
Like, what do you mean?
Erin takes a breath and begins to explain. Then cut to the
next scene.
The bell rings, and the students of Fairview all head to
The title of the movie fades in and out.
One student walks over to his locker with his head down. His
name is Mickey Justice, son of Erin. His brown hair is short
and messy, his glasses are thick and clearly have taken
damage, and his jeans torn.
A group of boy bullies walks up to Mickey, grabs him and
takes him to the bathroom. One starts to dunk his head in
the toilet.
                      BULLY #1
You loving your swirly, turdface?
Or does it need a little more
      (Moons Mickey)
No-- please-- stop!
                      BULLY #2
      (Imitates Mickey,
       drowning sound
       effects and all.)
No, please, stop!
Where'd you learn those words,
momma's boy; in one of your baby
      (Unzips his jeans
       and urinates on
       Mickey's crotch)
Eww, Mickey. Learn how to piss in
a toilet for once. Sheesh!
Mickey finally escapes their clutches, but knowing that it
looks and smells like he urinated on himself, he exits the
restroom seemingly stealthily.

However, a group of girl bullies led by Inez Molina, a
blonde "popular girl," laugh at him while eating his lunch.
      (Imitates Mickey.)
That's my lunch y'all just ate.
Oh, that's your lunch; I'm so
sorry. Did your mommy pack it with
love while she changed your
      (Pause while her
       friends laugh.)
But that raises the question: why
does she even love you? Look at
you; you're dumb, slow, you piss
your pants, and you'll never
amount to anything. If you were
smart, you'd hang yourself because
the world would be much better off
without you, fucktard. People
could actually go on with their
lives and care for people who
deserve it instead of cleaning up
after retards like you.
At 4:00, Erin walks into her house.
Mickey, I'm home.
She sees her son Mickey having a cry on the couch, which he
has been doing almost every day of sixth grade (6th grade is
considered elementary in Wyoming).

Being the mother she is, she rushes by his side to console
Honey, what's wrong?
Today... some guys shoved my head
into a toilet and pissed on me,
and then Inez ate my lunch and
said I'd never amount to anything
and that I should kill myself. Why
does this happen to me, Mom? Why?
      (hugs him)
I don't know, honey. But what I do
know is that those bullies are not
in any way, shape, or form better
than you. As a teacher, I know
that bullies do what they do
because they know they're inferior
to their victims, so they try to
brainwash their victims into
believing the opposite. Know what
I mean?
Yeah. It's just that even though
Inez is mean, she seems so
perfect; like she doesn't have any
conditions like I do.
Mickey, your Asperger syndrome may
seem like your weakness now, but
over time, it will show itself to
be an advantage over those

Son, Inez is not perfect. The fact
that she said such a thing to you
shows that she is mentally sick.
No, that implies that she can be
cured; she's twisted.
Thanks, Mom. That makes me feel a
lot better.
You're welcome. And you know what?
You only have 3 weeks left of
school, And then, we get to move
to Muse.
I hope there aren't any bullies at
my new school.
Baby, you're going to be the big
PK, principal's kid. Nobody's
going to want to touch you unless
they wanna answer to me. Speaking
of discipline, what's Inez's last
      (Gets on her
Ok, thanks. I'm going to look on
Facebook for her house's phone
number, that is, unless you want
me to tell the principal instead.
No thanks, he's never done s**t
about my situation. In fact, he
sometimes defends Inez instead of
That f*****g a*****e. Ah, there's
her number.
Erin dials Inez Molina's house phone number, and at the
Molina household, the phone rings.
Inez answers her house phone.
Molina residence.
                      ERIN (V.O.)
Hello, this is Erin Justice. Is...
Justice? You mean Mickey's mother?
                      ERIN (V.O.)
Ok, can you go tell Mickey to go
fight his own battles instead of
having his mommy do it for him?
                      ERIN (V.O.)
You must be Inez.
Who else could I be?
Just then, Inez's older sister/parental guardian Esperanza,
nicknamed "Essie," enters the house after working two
minimum-wage jobs.

Essie is 22 years old and is still in college. She wears her
blonde hair down in a relaxed way and dresses in clothing
she either bought at Walmart or the thrift shop.
                      ERIN (V.O.)
Okay, I wanted to show you some
respect, but since you used that
tone of voice with me, nice Ms.
Justice is gone. Now put your
mother or father on for me right
      (Starts crying.)
My parents aren't here, and they
never will be, you dumb b***h!
Inez Natasha Molina, that is no
way to talk to people over the
      (Takes the phone
       out of Inez's
I'm very sorry about that. I'm
Essie Molina, Inez's sister and
Hi, I'm Erin Justice, and I have
called to inform you that your
daughter has been bullying my son
Mickey at school.
                      ESSIE (V.O.)
Yes, according to my son, your
daughter has been calling him
nasty names and saying that he
needs to go kill himself. And this
didn't just happen today. It's
been going on for quite some time,
and the school's done nothing
about it obviously, so I've been
wondering if you could talk to
your sister about this.
                      ESSIE (V.O.)
Oh my god. How long is "quite some
Two school years, ever since
Mickey started fifth grade for the
second time.
Oh no, this isn't good at all. You
see, the summer before that school
year, we lost our parents to a
tornado, but I didn't know the
loss impacted her this badly.
Thanks for informing me, Ms.
Justice, and I'm so sorry for my
ignorance. I swear on a stack of
Bibles that Inez will never lay a
finger on Mickey again.
                      ERIN (V.O.)
Thank you so much, Ms. Molina.
Bye bye.
      (Hangs up the
Inez, come here.
      (Marches to Inez's
       room and opens
       the door.)
Ever heard of knocking, Essie?
You've been doing that bullying
crap ever since I became your
Yeah, so? Why should he not be
suffering while I am. "Oh, waah, I
get bullied every day." Well I
have to live in a dump all by
myself until my sister who never
has time for me gets her stupid
I-- I wish I had real parents
again. I hate being alone all the
Inez, I know you miss Mom and Dad;
I do too, but you can't go around
turning your problems into other
people's, know what I mean?
Yeah. I just hate how Mickey
thinks he's all hot s**t just
because he has a mother who is
always there for him and loves
With the way you've been treating
him, I highly doubt that he feels
that way.
Inez, you're grounded for a week.
I hope that's enough time to see
that you did a very bad thing and
have been doing it for two years.
I know you're lonely most of the
time, but when I graduate college,
it'll all change. At the end of
the summer, we'll move to a small
town on the outskirts of Atlanta.
You'll go to a nice boarding
school where you will have
roommates and plenty of dorm-mates
to be friends with. You'll also
have me as a guidance counselor,
who just happens to live near the
campus, so you can visit me
That sounds amazing.
Plus, there will be some strict
rules in place, so if this
bullying thing continues, not only
will I hear about it, but the
principal will punish you
severely. After all, it is a
Christian school.
Yes ma'am.
      (Kiss Inez)
You're the best little sister a
woman could have. I love you.
I love you too.
Before they go to bed, Mickey and Erin both say a prayer in
their separate bedrooms. When one of them speaks, the camera
should cut to the person speaking.
Dear Lord, I thank You for this
day, and thank You so much for
blessing me with this wonderful
job that I'll take in August.
...Thank You for this day, and
thank you for giving me this
opportunity to move to a new place
and start a new life.
Although my husband had to leave
us due to his untimely death due
to illness, he helped You bless me
with the most wonderful son, so
please continue looking after him
as he sits in heaven next to--
next to the Molina's.

I pray...
...for Inez's well-being, for Mom
told me that she had lost her
parents very recently. I hope that
you send her a sign that what
she's been doing to me is wrong,
and if You can, could You please
make it quick...
...considering--this might be a
rumor, but this morning, I heard
Inez might also be going to PPCBS.

In Your name I pray...
After lunch, Mickey, while walking down the hallway, sees
Inez at her locker and walks up to her to talk to her.
I just wanted to tell you that I'm
really sorry about what happened
to your parents.
What do you know about what
My mom told me that they passed
away, and...
You mean that bimbo who has to
fight your battles all the time?
You mean that bimbo who has to
fight your battles all the time?
Please don't say that word, and
can we please just make an
agreement to not speak to each
other at all, ok? Especially since
we're both still gonna go to the
same school next year?
      (Grabs Mickey's
       hair and slams
       his head against
       the locker)
How the hell do you know about
where I'm going to school, you
stalker? Oh, let me guess, your
mom told you that as well. Well,
like mother, like son, I guess.
She's a creepy bimbo, and you're a
creepy retard.
      (Finally gets the
       courage t stand
       up to her.)
Well at least I have a mother!
Inez stands there with a blank expression on her face. The
other students look upon the scene in emotional silence.
Inez runs away crying. The Principal comes from behind
Mickey and grabs his arm violently.
Office. Now.
After coming home from another crappy day at school, Mickey
angrily enters the house with a note from the principal in
his hand. This note says that he has been suspended for
three days for his "nasty comment."

Mickey takes the hose from the garden to his room, takes out
his pocketknife, self-harms for the last time, and writes a
note as he narrates.
                      MICKEY (V.O.)
Dearest Mom,
I'm very sorry to leave you like
this, but if I don't know how I'm
going to survive another year of
school with Inez. I know you're
always there for me, but you're
only one person compared to
billions who scoff and make my
life a living heck; excuse my

The principal apparently said that
I should be suspended for not
letting myself get walked all
over. So be it. Literally.
Erin arrives home at her usual time, but to an unusual
Mickey, I'm home!
Honey, where are you?
Erin, not finding Mickey in the living room, decides to
check his bedroom. There, she sees that Mickey has hung
himself with the garden hose from the lighting fixture.

Completely dumbfounded, she sees the suicide note, picks it
up, and reads it silently. Once she finds her voice again,
Erin lets out a velociraptor roar that can be heard
throughout her neighborhood. She cradles Mickey in her arms
and continues bawling.
Mickey, I'm so sorry. It's all my
fault! I never should have trusted
HER sullied word. I... should have
home-schooled you when I had the
chance instead of putting you in
that war zone with those
bullies... nay, those assassins!
The camera circles around Erin and Mickey and fades to the
next scene.
The camera continues to circle around Erin as she no longer
holds Mickey's corpse, seeing as it has been converted to
ash and placed inside an urn with pictures of him printed on
it. As she stares at the urn emotionlessly, she remembers
his smell, the softness of his hair, the sound of his laugh,
and how bright and friendly his smile was.

Meanwhile, myriads of students and faculty take seats in the
provided chairs. Erin takes a quick look away and sees that
the mourners are setting baskets and bouquets of white roses
adjacent to the urn. Erin now begins to show some emotion;
appalled and angry that the same people who shoved Mickey's
head in the toilet suddenly have respect for him now that
he's dead.

Inez and Essie finally come up behind Erin to provide their
baskets of white roses.
You know why they're giving him
white roses?
      (Erin looks at
They represent his purity, just
how perfect he...
I know what they mean, murderer.
      (Inez turns
       speechless upon
       hearing this
Essie, get over here.
      (Erin stands up to
       look Essie in the
"I swear on a stack of Bibles that
Inez will never lay a finger on
Mickey again." Were these not your
exact words?
Yes, and I'm...
Don't give me your apology. It's
worthless and sullied just like
your word.
I understand. But if there's
anything I can do for you, please
let me know.
Just. Take. Your seats. And leave
me alone.
As sad music plays, people come up to the podium one by one
to say some words on Mickey's behalf. To make it more
natural, these people will write their own eulogies, speak
them, and the audio and videos will be edited into a

Finally, as the montage ends, Erin says her final part of
her eulogy.
Mickey, you'll always be in my
heart. I am utterly devastated
now, but since you wouldn't want
to see me throw away my life for
you, I will still take my job as
Headmistress of PPCBS, and as long
as I'm there, I'll do my best to
make sure not a single parent
loses their child in the same
fashion as I did. You may rest in
                      ERIN (V.O.)
      (The camera turns
       to Essie and
       Inez. Erin thinks
       to herself.)
And may you have a perfect view on
the day that those two get cast
down to the fiery pit.



© 2013 Natalia Torrelio

Author's Note

Natalia Torrelio
Comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Added on July 16, 2013
Last Updated on July 16, 2013
Tags: Dark, horror, drama, serial killer, revenge