A Screenplay by Natalia Torrelio

This is the full version of Rima and Julia.


Rima and Julia

A screenplay/large-scale production

by Natalia E. Torrelio





















Notice: I do not claim ownership of any of the songs suggested in this script. These songs are merely my suggestions for fitting music. 

President ORussia (POR) [Prince Escalus]

Dmitry [Paris]

Ivan Ivanovich [Mercutio]
Father Vladimir (Vlad) [Friar Lawrence]

Drug Dealer [Apothecary]


Capulich [Capulet]

-Lady Capulich 


Montevsky [Montague]

-Mrs. Montevsky 





Child and Teen Tikhon 

Female voice



Baltazár Montoya

Juanito Montoya

Sra. Montoya


Katrina Maximsen

Cloud Ivanovich

Locke Ivanovich

Selphie Ivanovich




Scene 1


This is an establishing shot: It's the year 2017, when the
Presidential and Ministerial inaugurations of Russia will
take place. The weather is chilly, and the sky is covered in
a white blanket of clouds. The square is flooded with people
from all over Russia who have come just to hear the
President and Prime Minister's speeches. Propaganda is all
over the place; 40% of it is anti-gay propaganda posted by
Tikhon's followers.
The Montevsky and Capulich families are looking for places
to sit, but Rima Montevsky, the teenage herione with dirty
blonde, A-line bobbed hair and a flattish chest, just looks
around at the horrid propaganda. Rima's transgender best
friend Borislava and Julia Capulich do the same.
                      VLAD (V.O.)
      (In a somber,
       foreboding tone
       of voice.)
Two households, both alike in
In Mother Russia, where we lay our
From ancient grudge break to new
Where civil blood makes civil
hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of
these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers risk
their life,
Whose misadventured piteous
Doth with their near death
challenge their society's strife.
The fearful passage of their
death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their
parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end,
naught could remove,
Is now the traffic of our stage.
A gay couple holding hands passes by Police Chief Samarina
      (While on patrol,
       she sees the gay
Break up the love fest, you
      (She knocks both
       gays to the
       ground and gives
       them both a
       terrible beating.)
You're lucky that Tikhon's bill
hasn't been signed, or the two of
you would be dead already. Now,
out of my sight.
      (The couple exits.)
Gregor Montevsky, Rima's brother, breaks away from his group
and confronts Samarina furiously.
What did you just say? I dare you
to say it again.
Gay people are vermin. They should
be wiped from the earth.
Do you quarrel?
Quarrel? No. I despise you all,
classless gays. Your filthy,
uncivil ideology about "gay
awareness" is all blasphemy. Will
you never wake up and see the
truth about yourselves? Fools, all
of you!
I'm half straight
And half gay,
And I'm proud of it
No matter what you say.
That's it!
Sam and Gregor fight, and Gregor calls the gay couple to
help him, and the gays start winning.
Borislava hurries into the fight and breaks it up.
Part, fools;
      (Fire a warning
you know not what you do.
Tikhon Capulich, the Prime Minister-elect, walks in on the
fight in an authoritative manner.
What, art thou drawn among these…
      (Taze gay 1)
      (Taze gay 2)
      (Taze Gregor, hug
       Samarina, and
       turn to
Turn thee, Borislava. Look upon
thy death.
I do but keep the peace.
What, talk of peace? I hate the
As I hate hell, all gays, and
Rebellious subjects, enemies to
the peace,
On pain of torture from those
bloody hands
Throw your mistempered weapons to
the ground.
Three civil brawls, bred of an
airy word
By thee, Capulich and Montevsky,
Have thrice disturbed the quiet of
our streets.
If ever you disturb our streets
Your lives shall pay the forfeit
of the peace.
Once more, on pain of death, all
men desist!
      (Protests and
       grabs Borislava.)
How can you people live with
yourselves, you foul-mannered-
      (cutting Tikhon
Stop...all of you!
      (Checks his watch.)
Oh, it's about time for our
inauguration. Tikhon, please try
to act professional.
      (Walks through the
       crowd, with
       Tikhon following
       behind, up onto a
       tall stage
       surrounded by
       bodyguards.)      (The Russian
       National Anthem
Welcome, welcome, one and all. As
your new President, I, Igor Sasha
Ivanovich, will work with the
Prime Minister to solve all of
Russia's issues. Our first is the
fight between the two families:
Montevskys and Capuliches. It has
gone on too long and it will not
be tolerated any longer. And… I
will, uh, give free healthcare to
all, and all puppy-kicking will be
outlawed. And remember, farmers
are the backbone of our country,
and I will try to create world
peace, and…
      (Sees Tikhon is
       acting impatient
       and gets annoyed.)
Alright Tikhon, give your d-darn
speech, but it better be good for
that immature display of
Everyone applauds. The Anthem fades out. Members of Tikhon's
cult, the Tikhonists, are shown in the front of the audience
wearing flowing purple robes, crucifix necklaces, and
catlike masks. They also wield shotguns and decorative
fishing spears.
Welcome, welcome, welcome to my
inauguration. Thank you, Igor, for
those kind words of welcome, and
how lovely to see all your bright,
happy faces smiling up at me. As
Prime Minister, I will tackle an
issue which the President
absolutely fails to mention, for
he overlooks it, just like a
politician. Mr. Ivanovich, I
respect you, and I wish you the
best, but I must criticize you
constructively by saying that you
are not a legitimate leader.
      (POR mouths the
       word "what?")
As Russia's youngest ever Prime
Minister, at age 33, I say that
your comment about my being
"immature" just showcased why you,
with all due respect, have a long
way to go in terms of leading a
nation. It is about time the old
people step aside; out with those
who seem to have never been kids,
and in with those who can lead,
but also know childhood, know
their childhood, perfectly well.
And one thing I learned the…
hard way from my childhood is that
unless we want them to lose their
very innocence early on, it is
necessary to protect their little
minds from the extremely unusual
and stick to the conventions.
Here's an example if you don't get
my drift: Homosexuality, the
affinity of someone from one sex
for people of the same sex. Again
with all due respect, this kind of
"love," although it may be common
nowadays, is highly strange and is
a source of childhood trauma. It
has gone too far, as has
bisexuality and transgenderism.
Are we going to let these gays
ruin childrens' lives and Russia's
reputation? Nyet, we will not
stand for it. From now on, all
public displayers of homosexuality
will receive consequences to be
discussed and also to be written
in a bill of mine. And
furthermore, the mere enjoyment of
anything related to that horrible
syndrome will also be illegal, so
no more American Idol, no more How
I Met Your Mother, no more Ellen
DeGeneres, no more Gangnam Style,
no more Lord of the Rings, no more
Harry Potter, no more Nickelodeon,
no more South Park, no more
Nintendo, and no more uncensored
internet. These things all have a
type of relation to that horrid
LGBT community. Furthermore, the
mere utterance of the word "gay,"
also illegalized. Gays, never
again will you cause psychological
torture to another child, because
from this point on, you will all
be silenced; if you think about
spreading your sinful philosophies
and worldviews with us normal
people, then consider us deaf!
During the speech, Rima's face goes as pale as fresh snow,
as if she's about to have a heart attack induced by how
shocked/disgusted she is.
Honey, honey, settle down; you'll
give yourself an ulcer.
Thank you all for electing us, and
we are thrilled to serve Mother
Scene 2 
Rima sprints to her bedroom with tears in her eyes, slams
the door shut, shoves her pillow into her face and screams.
She then pulls her red, swollen-eyed face out of the pillow
and takes 3 deep breaths
I am no freak! I am a normal
human being, just like everybody
else. There's nothing wrong with
me. Narrow minded fools; what is
wrong with these people?
Enter Borislava
Good morrow, cousin.
Is the day so young?
But new struck nine.
Ay! me, sad hours seem long.
What sadness lengthens Rima's
Did thou see what happened today?
The way they punished that
That could have been my fate,
Dost thou not laugh?
No coz, I rather weep.
Good heart! At what?
At thy good heart's oppression.
I told you this before you ever
came here.
Russia is a different place, very
different from Sweden.
People are utterly orthodox and
conservative, people are...I don't
know... afraid.
Really? Afraid? Of what...?
Yes.. afraid...afraid of what they
don't understand. Afraid of
change, maybe.
But that's what makes it dangerous
for you, if you tell them, Rima.
Right now, no one else knows
you're gay...
Why, Rima, art thou mad?
Not mad, but bound more than a
madwoman is,
Shut up in prison, kept without my
Whipped and tormented and...
Hey, it could be worse. You could
have been born in the wrong body
like me. That garbage from
Dick-hon's mouth is just a bill on
Capitol hill, but this entire
childhood of having a penis is a
hill I'd love to get over as
quickly as possible.
      (She sighs sadly,
       and then perks
You know, the daughter of Capulich
is having a masquerade party, and
we could go if you want.
That's a wonderful offer, but how
are we going to be allowed in?
We're not invited.
Who says that we have to be
invited? You and I are friends
with Ivan, the President's nephew,
and the party is at the Kremlin
Palace, so there's no way we won't
be allowed in.
That's a great idea, but are you
sure that will work?
Have I ever been wrong?
Well, there was that one time...
Ok, ok, ok. Forget it, I'm not
entirely perfect, but…
You know, you're right. I trust
you, and I can't stay home. When
is this party?
      (Leaving Rima's
Later tonight. I'll pick you up.
Sweet! Do svidaniya.
Scene 3 
The parents of Rima dine and drink tea together, alone for a
change. Mrs. Montevsky is extremely worried about Rima.
      (A bit suspicious.)
How are you, my love? Your brow
has the look of trouble.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
I am concerned… that there be
trouble in this house. I worry of
late about our daughter, Rima.
      (Happy, chuckling
       tone of voice.)
Rima? But Rima is doing fine, my
love. She is doing well with her
studies, she has friends, she is
not shut up in her room at all
hours of the day; she is out in
the world, finding her way.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
This is my fear; that she has
strayed too far from our gaze. And
that she now has gotten some
terrible, dangerous ideas into her
       concerned, almost
What kinds of ideas?
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
Have you not noticed that she
shows no interest in the fine
young gentlemen who call on her.
That she refuses their advances
and avoids their company even
though she has our full support.
Of course I have. But still I
miss your purpose. What are you
trying to say my dear? Spit it out
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
I have a suspicion; I cannot name
its origin….call it a woman's
intuition if you must, but I fear
that Rima may be…
Yes, yes, out with it! But be
careful what you say. This is no
light matter, I fear.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
My love, I knew it would be this
way…we must never speak of it
again, forgive me.
      (Raises his fist
       to her
Never…you shall speak woman, da!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
      (Raises her voice
       and speaks
I think Rima might be gay. There
I've said…
Shut your mouth, you wretched
woman. You speak of vile sin and
      (Paces off, away
       from her,
       speaking angrily
       in Russian to
Etogo ne mozhet bytʹ YA ne
mogu v eto poverit.
      (Stomps back to
       his wife and
       points his finger
       at her.)
I will not have such language in
this house!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
But my love, you must hear me; we
must talk about…
      (Still shouting.)
Be gone from my sight…Rima knows
better than to pretend such filth
in this house. No Montevsky would
dare choose such a vile life for
themselves….to be damned for all
eternity? This is beneath us, it
is beneath Rima…. YA ne pozvolyu
etomu sluchitʹsya!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
But what if we have no choice, my
love….what is she has no choice?
Nyet! Shut it... I will not hear
another word about this.
Mrs. Montevsky rushes away, sobbing, head in hands.
Montevsky tries to carry on without her but is still
fuming…. Finally, he slams down his fork and knife and gets
up from the table as well and exits the dining room in the
opposite direction. He sees a picture of Rima on the mantle,
pauses to look at it, sighs, and prays.
Dear Lord, you know I'm no
homophobe, but Tikhon's speech
today made me not only fear for
Russia, but also for Rima's life
and future. If your grace is with
us, I ask that you don't let his
bill become a law. Your will be
done, Amen.
Scene 4 
4:00 PM
The POR sits with an outraged, angry expression behind his
rectangular granite desk in his perfectly square office.
Tikhon and Samarina stand in front of him, shocked to hear
that the President disapproves of the bill.
What? How could you disapprove of
my lovely bill, the bill I
summarized in my inaugural speech?
How could I? How could I not? It
is unethical, immature, and
unconstitutional, as was that
bloody inaugural speech of yours.
The bill is meant to save Russia
from the scourge of the devil.
And all you care about is taxing
Russia, you politician.
Tikhon, Samarina, I am the
President, and I say this bill has
      (Slam veto stamp
Joke's on you, Igor. This is the
21st century, so I can just print
another copy.
Oh, Tikhon, you are so childish.
Tikhon, please, be wary of your
blood pressure.
Tikhon, if you really want this to
become a law, then I suggest
waiting for another President to
take office.
      (Tikhon gets an
Well, this is a good suggestion in
theory, but the thing is that we
so-called "politicians" actually
have morals and respect for the
Constitution. Now, please, both of
you get out of my sight.
Tikhon and Samarina walk out of the office and down the
hall. Tikhon has an evil smirk on his face as he talks to
his wife.
The walls turn black, the floor turns a dark shade of gray,
the windows disappear, and the two villains look like a red
spotlight is shining down upon them
So, he says that I have to wait
for another President to sign the
bill, but, the way I see it, the
future Presidents are too stupid
to do so. Hmm, but what if
I became President?
But how are you going to do that?
No offense Tikhya, but you may
have turned most of your voters
away from you with your speech.
In the event of the President's
sudden passing, the Prime Minister
must take his place for three
months, until the next President
takes office.
Igor Ivanovich gets slain tonight.
Scene 5 
Nana enters and frantically shoves the evil couple as she
runs past, thus getting rid of the dark special effects in a
comedic fashion.
                      LADY CAPULICH (O.S.)
Nana! Nana!!!
      (Lady C. is now
Nana enters the room where Lady Capulich is. It is a large
powder room with numerous mirrors, vanities, and cases
overloaded with makeup. The smells of roses and potpourri
fill the air
Lady Capulich is sitting back in a chair with her brunette
hair filled with curlers and face covered in a greenish-blue
facial mask.
Yes, Madam?
                      LADY CAPULICH
Where's my daughter?
I bade her come. God forbid, where
is this girl? Julia!
                      JULIA (O.S.)
I'm coming!
Julia enters the room, fully prepped for her party. She is a
brunette just like her mother, but way more beautiful. Her
wavy hair cascades down her back like a waterfall, her
complexion is acne-free and pale, but not too pale, and her
body one of the sexiest in Russia.
Yes, mother, what is your will?
                      LADY CAPULICH
'Marry' is the theme I came to
talk of.
Tell me, daughter Julia,
How stands your disposition to be
It is an honor I dream not of.
                      LADY CAPULICH
Well, think of marriage now;
younger than you,
Here in Russia, ladies of esteem,
Are made already mothers: by my
I was your mother much upon these
That you are now a maid. Thus then
in brief:
The honorable Dmitry seeks you for
his love.
A man, young lady. Lady, such a
As all the world--why, he's a man
of wax.
                      LADY CAPULICH
Yes, the President's son, Dmitry
You know, mother. Um, you see, you
know how some people are different
from others?
                      LADY CAPULICH
What? What are you talking about?
Well, um, uh, I do not know how to
say this any other way than to
just say it...
      (Deep breath.)
Mother, I don't want to marry a
                      LADY CAPULICH
      (So angry that she
       can't even yell.)
What? Daughter, I do not have time
for your rambling. You must marry
Dmitry. You'll learn to love him.
Mother if you would please let me
speak... I do not wish to marry
him. I... I don't want Dmitry
Ivanovich. It does not matter if
he is the finest man in Russia. I
do NOT love him! I refuse to marry
unless I marry someone whom I
love, and that is--
                      LADY CAPULICH
      (Slaps Julia.)
How dare you talk like that! Since
the days of our ancestors, we
Capuliches have married into the
finest families in Russia. We are
a family of pride and elegance,
and Dmitry Ivanovich is a great
young man. You will not ruin the
family name.
      (Shoos Julia out
       of the room.)
Until you belong to Dmitry instead
of me, you are grounded.
But mom, my 18th birthday party is
                      LADY CAPULICH
Fine, as of tomorrow then, you're
      (Slam door.)
                      LADY CAPULICH
Fine, as of tomorrow then, you're
      (Slam door.)
      (Bursts into tears
       and runs to the
       nearest bathroom
       to bawl.)
I... I don't understand. This is
ridiculous. I don't want to be
what others want or expect me to
be. I want to be myself, but I
also want to be loved by my
family. Oh! What do I do? I want
people to understand, but how can
I tell this family, my family...
that I'm gay?
      (Cries some more.)
Scene 6 
The city square is full of life, there are grand fireworks
rocketing from Kremlin's property, and many invitees wearing
creative, gaudy costumes are thrilled to get to Julia's
Rima is dressed as Rihanna, with a lovely bright red wig, a
sparkling night-blue gown, and some makeup over her right
eye to make it look like a black eye.
Ha ha! I say, this is going to be
quite a grand, old time, right
Borislava- I mean Borislav?
Borislava is dressed as Chris Brown, with a false moustache
and a bald cap.
Why do I have to be a guy and wear
a moustache? And why do I have to
be Chris Brown? This is NOT fair.
Because I called dibs on the girl
costume already. Now, where is
                      IVAN (O.S.)
      (In Nicki Minaj's
You a stupid hoe, you a, you a
stupid hoe.
The camera shows Ivan wearing a green wig, brown suit coat,
pink leggings, a corset, and a women's girdle.
Borislava looks at Rima like "Really?"
      (Joins the group.)
Did someone say "Ivan?" Nice
'stache, Borislava.
And how are you, Rima?
I'm doing well, and I'm ready to
meet the woman of my dreams,
whoever she might be.
Good girl! Following your dreams
instead of just dreaming them.
It's obvious that Queen Mab hath
been with you.
Queen Mab?
She is the fairies' friend, and
she comes
In shape no bigger than a diamond
On the fore-finger of a coffee
shop barista,
Drawn by a tiny team in
Across women's noses as they lie
Her wagon-spokes made of lady
bugs' legs,
with traces of the moonshine's
watery beams,
Sometimes she driveth o'er a
lover's neck,
And then dreams she of kissing
foreign throats
Of love five-fathom deep; and then
Drums in her ear, at which she
starts and wakes,
And being thus aroused swears a
prayer or two
And sleeps again. This is she....
Peace, peace, Ivan, peace. Thou
talk'st of nothing.
Supper is done, and we shall come
too late. Let us be gone.
I fear, too early: for my mind
misgives. Some consequence yet
hanging in the stars shall
bitterly begin her fearful date.
With this night's revels and
expire the term. But she, that
hath the steerage of my course,
Direct my sail. On, my dear
Rima, Borislava, and Ivan leave the shot, and the camera now
focuses on Tikhon and Samarina.
Both antagonists look diabolical and attractive. Tikhon's
blond hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he is wearing an
expensive Armani tuxedo with a red tie. Samarina wears a
fiery red floor-lenghth dress; matching earrings, lipstick,
and tiara; and her bleach-blonde hair in a bun.
They search for a drug dealer and find him.
What ho, drug dealer!
                      DRUG DEALER
Who calls so loud?
It's the Prime Minister, you
                      DRUG DEALER
I have a name, you know. Mikhail
Drogovitch is the name, selling
the drugs is my game. What do you
Let us talk about the President,
shall we?
                      DRUG DEALER
President Ivanovich? That fascist
who's messing up the economy and
making it impossible for me to get
a real job?
      (Speaks as if he
       is singing.)
Igor is an oppressive man,
He crushes your dreams if he can,
We both want him to breathe his
So please, do listen to my plan:

Sell us a pow'rful potion, fast,
That creates madness that will
Said wondrous potion I then will
Pour straight into this crystal

Then my cousin Peter shall fill
That glass with vodka, little
Then Gregor M. will down the
Now he's a machine that can

He'll kill the Pres'dent, that
We will frame him, and if all's in
The LGBT's all go to the "clink,"
The LGBT's all go to the "clink."
                      DRUG DEALER
Bravo! Mazel tov!!!
Um, hehe, here's your potion.
Thank you, Mr. Drogovitch. You
just played a big role in the
saving of Russia and in the second
coming of the Messiah.
Scene 7 
Rima, Ivan, Borislava, Tikhon, and Samarina enter the
massive ballroom whose marble floors, walls and columns have
traces of gold and platinum, whose crystal chandeliers
sparkle in the warm light, and whose atmosphere is as
festive as can be. Everyone is eating rich hors d'oeuvres,
dancing to happy music, taking duckface pictures for
facebook, and drinking expensive vodka.
DJ, can you please turn the music
      (The music turns
Welcome, gentlemen. Ah ha, my
Which of you all will now deny to
Welcome, gentlemen, to my
daughter's Coming of Age.
According to tradition, the first
dance is reserved for my beautiful
daughter. Without further ado,
everyone give Julia a round of
Julia appears wearing a pink, pastry-shaped strapless dress
and a Mardi Gras mask of the same color. A Russian waltz
song comes on, and Capulich and his daughter dance. Julia
catches a glimpse of Rima and gives a loving look to her
without Capulich knowing. Rima and Borislava talk while
those two are dancing.
Rima, have you seen a lady that
you fancy yet?
No...not really...
Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er
saw true beauty till this night.
The waltz stops, and everyone claps.

Gangnam Style plays, and everyone dances to it except
Tikhon, who pulls Capulich.
What, dare those gay-loving freaks
come hither,
To fleer and scorn at our
Now, by the stock and honor of my
To strike them dead, I hold it not
a sin.
How now, nephew. Wherefore storm
you so?
Uncle, these people are gay
activists, and enemies to our way
of life.
Villains that are hither come in
To scorn at our solemnity this
Young Rima is it?
T'is she!
Content thee, let her alone.
Even though she is a liberal,
Someone who shames us with their
I would not for the wealth of all
the town
Here in my house do her
I'll not endure her!
She shall be endured! I say, she
shall! Go to,
you'll not endure her? God shall
mend my soul.
You'll make a mutiny among my
Why uncle, t'is a shame.
Endure her and be quiet, or for
shame, I'll make you quiet.
Samarina pulls Tikhon aside angrily, not knowing he was
putting on an act.
Darling, please don't do that.
It's just an act. If look too calm
under these circumstances, what
with "Gang-gang Style" or whatever
playing and those activists at the
party, it will look suspicious,
and my plan may be uncovered.
Capulich talks into a mic.
Anyhow, as of now, my daughter is
no longer a Capulich, for she will
very soon be handed off to the
strong, brave, intelligent,
chivalrous son of our President,
Lord Dmitry Igor Sasha Ivanovich.
Dmitry, dressed as PSY, slowly and romantically approaches
My lady, Julia
      (Julia blushes
       because she
       doesn't know what
       to say.)
Oh, your flower-like face; your
silky, soft hair. Is your name
Pepsi, 'cause I gotta have it.
Everyone groans, Capulich glares at everyone, and the
groaning stops.
If you were a booger, I would pick
you first.
Capulich himself groans.
DJ, turn the music back on!
DJ turns on a romantic song and everyone becomes too
distracted to notice what else is going on besides slow
dancing. All the couples dance, even Tikhon and Samarina,
and Ivan and Borislava.
May I have this dance, My Lady?
Lord Dmitry, I am extremely
flattered, but you must excuse me
for a brief moment. I am very
Whatever you desire, my Julia.
He kisses her hand, and she walks away to go cry in the
bathroom about having to marry him, but then she bumps into
Rima who just finished peeing.
      (Avoiding gaze.)
Excuse me. I can get clumsy
      (Also looking
I'm sorry.
Both look up at the same time.

Cue happy, romantic music as they first see each other.
      (Touches Julia.)
What's your name?
Does it matter?
      (Rolls her eyes
Yes, let us forgo that formality.
      (Touch Julia's
I know only that you are
As are you. Is no one about?
      (Glances around
Then I must admit that you are
      (Smiles, tries to
       kiss Julia.)
If I profane with my unworthy hand
this holy shrine, the gentle sin
is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims,
ready stand,
to smooth that rough touch with a
tender kiss?
      (Hold Rima's hands)
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your
hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in
For saints have hands that
pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers'
Have not saints lips, and holy
palmers too?
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must
use in prayer.
O, then, dear saint, let lips do
what hands do;
They pray: Grant thou, lest faith
turn to despair.
Saints do not move, though grant
for prayers' sake.
Then move not while my prayer's
effect I take.
      (Kiss Julia.)
Thus from my lips, by thine, my
sin is purged.
Then have my lips the sin that
they have took.
Sin from my lips? O, trespass
sweetly urged! Give me my sin
      (Kiss Julia again.)
You kiss by th' book.
Rima pulls Julia in for a long kiss, and the two girls
stroke each other's waists and hug.
Nana walks toward the couple.
Miss Julia, Mister Dmitry is
waiting for you on the dance
      (Catches them
Nana, you must not say anything at
all! Understand? If not, my family
would kill me!
Oh, child. Just because I love you
so, this will be a secret between
us. But hurry! If not they will
start to suspect something.
Rima and Julia separate and blow air kisses at each other.
What should I do Nana? I can't
love another girl....in this
place. But, I must know, I can't
bear this.... what is her name?
Her name is Rima, the enemy of
your brother.
My only love sprung from my only
Whatever happens now, I suspect it
will not end well...
I have always known this day would
come, that one day I would have to
face my sexuality....but now, is
it not enough that we are gay? But
I must also love a loathed enemy?
Scene 8 
The air is cool, the sky is clear, the stars are out, and
the moon is full. Julia's balcony overlooks the garden. A
perfect romantic setting.
Rima sneaks into the garden and sees Julia sitting on her
balcony with her brown hair down and a guitar by her side.
      (As she's sneaking
She jests at scars that never felt
a wound.
But, soft! What light through
yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Julia is the
Arise, fair sun, and kill the
envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with
That thou her maid art far more
fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!
Julia, madly in love with Rima and also angry at how gays
are treated in Russia, covers a Kim Petras song that relates
to how she's feeling.
There is no easy way, 'cause every
way is hard
There is no imitation of
everybody's heart
There are no limits, and no
So why you want to tell me my love
is a disease?
      (Hums the rest of
       the verse.)
She speaks!
O, speak again, bright angel!
O Rima, Rima, wherefore art thou
Deny thy father and refuse thy
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn
my love and I'll no longer be a
'Tis but our sexuality that is
their enemy.
We art ourselves, not straight.
What's "lesbian"? It is not hand,
nor foot,
nor arm nor face, nor any other
belonging to a woman. We are still
the same people.
"Lesbian" is just a label, a name.
What's in a name? That which we
call a rose
by any other name would smell as
So Rima would, were she not Rima
And so are all people no matter
their sexuality,
forget society, Rima, and take all
I take thee at thy word
Call me but love and I'll be
forever yours;
Why must we hide? As long as we
live, I want you by my side!
Rima! What are you doing here? If
they do see thee, they will murder
I have night's cloak to hide me
from their eyes;
And but thou love me, let them
find me here.
How did you know where to come?
By Love, that first did prompt me
to inquire.
He lent me council, and I lent him
Thou knowest the mask of night is
on my face;
Else would a maiden blush bepaint
my cheek
For that which thou hast heard me
speak tonight.
Fain would I dwell on form -fain,
fain deny
What I have spoke; but farewell
Dost thou love me?
I know thou wilt say "Ay;"
And I will take thy word. Yet, if
thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove false. O gentle
If thou dost love, pronounce it
By yonder blessed moon I swear-
O, swear not by the moon, the
inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her
circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise
What shall I swear by?
Do not swear at all;
Or if thou wilt, swear by thy
gracious self,
Which is the goddess of my
And I'll believe thee.
If my heart's dear love--
Well, do not swear. Although I joy
in thee,
I have no joy of this contract
It is too rash, too unadvised, too
Too like the lightning, which doth
cease to be
Ere one can say it lightens.
Sweet, good night!
This bud of love, by summer's
ripening breath,
May prove a beauteous flow'r when
next we meet.
Good night, good night! As sweet
repose and rest
Come to thy heart as that within
my breast!
O, wilt thou leave me so
What satisfaction canst thou have
The exchange of thy love's
faithful vow for mine.
I gave thee mine before thou didst
request it:
and yet I would it were to give
      (Looks around,
       making sure
       nobody is there,
       hugs Rima)
Three words, dear Rima, and good
night indeed.
If that thy bent of love be
Thy purpose marriage, send me word
So thrive my soul--
Nana calls to Julia from offscreen.
A thousand times good night!
A thousand times the worse, to
want thy light!
Love goes toward love as
schoolgirls from their books
But love from love, toward school
with heavy looks
Nana calls again, louder and more insistent.
Good night, good night! Parting is
such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good night till
it be morrow. Goodnight.
      (Kisses Rima)
Rima walks away smiling and thrilled to be in a
Scene 9 
Borislava and Ivan walk off the palace grounds completely
wasted. They are singing quite loudly while Ivan holds
Borislava like a princess.
      (Singing with
       BORISLAVA in
99 bottles of vodka on the wall,
99 bottles of vodka, take one
down, pass it around, you've got…
ninety… EIGHT bottles of vodka on
the wall!!!
The two drunks laugh, and Gregor pulls up to them in his
Hello Ivan, hello coz. I'm here to
pick y'all up.
      (Sees how drunk
       they are.)
Wow, you guys are wasted.
I know, right?
Oh, Cousin, that canNOT be good
for you.
                      TIKHON (O.S.)
      (In a sneering,
       snakelike tone.)
Oh, come on, they're just having a
good time.
Tikhon enters the shot.
Hey, I know you. You're Prime
Minister Capulich, the knave that
tazed me earlier.
      (To Gregor, lying.)
I am, and I most sincerely
apologize for my despicable
      (To the drunk
Um, can you both please get out of
here? This is a private matter.
Y-y-yes, sire.
      (Sings in unison
       with BORISLAVA
98 bottles of vodka on the wall…
Borislava and Ivan: 98 bottles of
vodka! Take one down, pass it
around, you've got… 97 bottles of
vodka on the wall!
Tikhon discreetly calls PETER to pour a glass of vodka.
Tikhon holds the glass behind his back, Peter pours, and
Tikhon spikes it with the potion.
Here, have some drink.
No, thanks, I'm their designated
Come on, we're Russians. That
small glass can't intoxicate you.
Gregor drinks the vodka and gets high off the potion in the
Hey, this is so amazing. I"I feel
like I'm getting lighter, like I
can fly, like I can do anything.
Hey, I think I'm a superhero.
      (Playing along.)
Oh, a superhero? What's your name?
Look, a crime.
Samarina drags POR into the shot with little luck, but
enough to make the scheme work.
Samarina Capulich, where the devil
are you taking me?
      (Gives POR her
Help! He stole my purse!
Have no fear! Captain Vodka is
      (Takes out a
Vodka dagger, activate!
Gregor runs at POR with the knife. POR tries to run away,
but Samarina knocks him over; Gregor stabs POR and kills
him. Tikhon's face lights up because his plan worked; he
high-fives Samarina and kisses her.
Scene 10 
At POR's large funeral, almost 5:00 a.m. The Capuliches,
Dmitry, and the crowd are in black; Tikhon is in his usual
outfit, and Samarina is wearing a black, furry coat over her
red dress.
The weather is chilly, and it is about to rain.
We are gathered here early this
morning to celebrate the life and
mourn the passing of our great
former President, Igor Ivanovich.
Although he hath governed us for
not even a full day, he will
always be in our hearts. Dmitry,
son of Igor, you have my
condolences, and you are more than
welcome to live at the Kremlin
Palace with us Capuliches, and
your lover, Julia. However, like I
said in my inaugural speech, out
with the old, in with the new.
Russian law states that when the
President passes away, a new
President will be elected three
months later, and in the meantime,
the Prime Minister must take on
the Presidential role. Wait, Prime
Minster… that would be… me.
The people in cat masks and purple robes march onto the
stage on which Tikhon stands. Samarina dons a ruby-encrusted
cat mask.
Anyway, you all deserve to know
how the President died: he was
murdered by that drunken gay wad
Gregor Montevsky! This is more
than exactly what I was talking
about. First, they go around
ruining the lives of our
posterity, and now they're
brutally killing their beloved
leaders. There is a word for this:
evolution. How much longer before
they rise up and start killing us
all, throwing us in cages, gassing
us, lighting our babies on fire,
and maybe even forcing us to
compete in gladiatorial, Hunger
Games-style combat?
Bottom line: gays are evil; they
are the children of Beelzebub
himself, and I have the duty of
sending them back to the fiery
pit. People of Russia, hear my
Word. Thanks to me and this
      (Holds up the
... the answer to those questions
will be "never." First off, the
bill states that as long as I'm in
power, you must address my wife
and me as "Your Divinity." You
must no longer call the policemen
"cops" or "policemen;" you must
call them "Apostles" and the
police chief a "Prophetess." This
Prophetess will also be my
second-in-command. Apostles, as
soon as you receive your new
uniforms, don them. After that,
you will no longer fish for
regular criminals; you will be
fishing for gays. When I sign the
bill, I demand all of you to
search high and low for homos,
bisexuals, transgenders, and even
people you merely suspect of being
these things. They are to be
arrested and sent to a large,
walled-off, high-security Russian
territory in Antarctica: Yershov
Labor Camp.
Apostles grab Gregor and carry him away as he futilely
struggles. Rima then tries to save him, but then gets shoved
aside and bawls. Julia consoles her new girlfriend and gives
her a look of "We really need a good way of hiding our
Montage: Apostles don their new uniforms which resemble
those that Tikhon's followers wore at the inauguration. They
then roam the streets arresting gays, lesbians,
transgendered people, bisexuals, and even people falsely
accused of being these things.

These people are then shown at Yershov Labor Camp building
their own cell blocks manually and suffering as Apostles
whip them and shout death threats and offensive slurs.

The Camp itself is just as Tikhon described it. It is a
humongous elliptical plot of land surrounded by a
5-meter-high, white, razor wire-topped gate. This plot of
land is also surrounded by guard towers.
The mood is scary, tragic and hopeless.
Tikhon and Samarina return to the black, red-spotlit
environment from scene 4. But this time, Tikhon sits behind
the President's desk.
My Dear, what time is it?
It is 5:15.
Great Scot! So far, 827 freaks,
and counting, populate Yershov. At
this rate, all of Rusky's LGBT
community will be out of sight and
out of mind when my Presidency is
      (Sigh of
Christ resurrected himself in
three days, and I, Tikhon
Leviticus Capulich, will resurrect
Russia in three months. I am
justice, I am the law, I… am the
Second Messiah.

Act 2

Scene 1 
The subtitle "1 month later" appears at the bottom of the
Establishing shot: the time is dark. for most of the day,
Apostles roam the streets, randomly arrest people they
suspect of being gay, and roam the streets some more.

One of the killers shown is Prophetess Samarina, whose
uniform consists of a blood-red cat mask, a matching
floor-length fur coat, and a form-fitting matching bodysuit.
She grabs two teenage boys who merely say the word "gay" and
hoists them up into a chopper destined for Yershov.

Large screens the size of those in movie theaters are
everywhere, and they are used for propogandic purposes.
Special anchorpeople called "criers" show up on the screens
and, with the speakers set at an extremely high volume,
spout anti-gay and Tikhonist propoganda and heavily censored
news 24/7, even when the characters are talking.
Borislava is shown looking out her bedroom window at a
street swarming with Apostles, who are just about to take a
dinner break.
Knowing this, she sneaks out of her house and goes to
Starbucks to work on a song she's been writing.
      (Singing to music
       coming from her
There's nobody who decides about
my life and me
There's nobody who can tell me who
I ought to be
It might seem hard, but still so
plain to see
This is the real me. Yeah.
Ivan brings Borislava some coffee.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I
suck at poetry, much unlike you.
Aw, thanks, Ivan.
Seriously, you are amazing! That
song really does bring manly tears
to my eyes. It's so meaningful.
It sure is. It's about my struggle
as a transgendered girl to be seen
as normal.
I wish people here saw you as
normal like your parents, Rima,
and I do. Being transgendered is
not a disease; it's what makes
you, you. And you, Borislava, are
an extremely strong and beautiful
      (Borislava puts
       her hands to her
       face and starts
       crying tears of
Borislava, I've had a crush on you
since the first year of secondary
Rima and Julia enter the cafe. Rima is dressed in masculine
clothes and a false hipster moustache.
Awww, that's so romantic.
I guess it's now a double date.
      (Stand up to hug
Rima! Julia! I'm so elated to see
you two! I've been locked up in my
room by my overprotective parents,
and I haven't been able to use my
phone. Oh, I've been so worried
about you.
Locked up in your room?!
My parents grounded me for 3
months to keep me "safe from
trouble," A.K.A. Tikhon's cronies.
Ain't that stupid? How are the
Apostles going to know whether I
have a dong, and how would they
suspect it? Like Aladdin said,
"You're only in trouble if you
get caught." Hmm, speaking of
that, how have you and Julia not
been caught?
It's quite simple really. First, I
told my mother that I did not want
to marry Dmitry until all of
Russia's gays were at the Camp.
She agreed to that, so then we
went on to phase two: having Rima
dress as a man so we could appear
to be an opposite-sex couple. My
parents think we are just friends,
of course.
Then, 2 months from now, Tikhon
will once again be a powerless
Prime Minister, and imprisoning us
for our sexual preferences will
once again be against the law, so
Yershov Labor Camp will be closed.
Thus, Russia will never be truly
gay-free, so she'll never marry
Dmitry, and she'll run away and
come live with me. Ahh, that'll be
a perfect way to celebrate our
2-month wedding anniversary.
Wedding anniversary?!
Tomorrow, I'm going to ask a
priest to marry us, and then, the
day after, we're going to get
Ohhhh, I'm so proud of everyone!
Me too. My cousin's getting
married, and it turns out that I'm
my crush's crush.
      (Ivan's face
       lights up.)
Ivan, I love you too. Would you
like to go, maybe, for a walk
Of course!
Peter pulls Ivan back behind the counter.
Get back to work.
      (To Peter)
Ok, boss
      (To his friends)
See y'all later
Borislava, Rima, and Julia walk out of the cafe, and Ivan
gets back to work.
Peter, it turns out, was recording all of this on his phone,
and he tries to send the recording to Tikhon, but the
internet is down and there's no reception.
Damn it all!
Scene 2 
The air is still nippy, but there is not a cloud in the sky,
and the sunrise is gorgeous. The Apostles still march out in
the streets and hide on rooftops looking for gays to
Father Vladimir kneels down in the massive cathedral,
complete with grand marble columns and elaborate 18-meter
high stained-glass windows, to thank God for this morning.
The grey-eyed morn smiles on the
frowning night,
Chequering the eastern clouds with
streaks of light,
And flecked darkness like a
drunkard reels
From forth day's path and Titan's
fiery wheels:
Now, ere the sun advance his
burning eye,
The day to cheer and night's dank
dew to dry.
Rima enters the cathedral with an excited grin on her face.
Father Vladimir! How art thou this
fine morning?
Not better than you, my dear Rima.
To what do I owe this visit?
Well Father... I am in love.
This is great, my dear! And who is
the lucky man?
Well Father...it's not a man.
What do you mean, my dear?
Oh Father, I am so sorry that I
came to you with this request, but
I had no one else to turn to.
Are you telling me that you wish
to marry another woman?
Yes. Her name is Julia.
I know, I know it is a crazy thing
to ask of you, especially in a
place like Russia, but we are
sincere, we are in love, and we
will not allow sadistic and warped
people like
"His Divinity, the Messiah," "Her
Divinity, the Prophetess,"
      (Stop mocking.)
or the Apostles tell us how we
must live our lives. Gay is the
      (Vlad shuts her up
       and gestures that
       the authorities
       might be watching
       them, and Rima
So will you help us, Father? Can
      (Now getting
This is no simple blessing you ask
of me my child. The issue of
homosexuality is a controversial
one, not only in Russia, but here
in this church, as well. I must
be very careful. The wrong
decision here could ruin my
reputation, my career, and betray
the trust of some of my closest
I understand, Father. I am only
here because I trust you, and I
will trust in your decision here
as well, whatever it will be.
Oh Rima….what shall I do, what
shall I do?
      (He paces back and
       forth, deep in
       resolves himself
       and turns.)
You and Julia are in love? And
you both understand the potential
consequences of this thing? Then,
I will do it.
      (Ecstatic, with
       tears in her
Oh Father, thank you so much!
Rima kisses Vlad on the cheek and exits
Farewell, my child, and may God
help us all.
      (Begins pacing
What to do, what to do?
My heart feels right, but my brain
hasn't got a clue...
I feel like I should approve of
their love,
But then there's God watching from
I promised I would help.
I promised.
      (Start getting
       scared and
Forgive me, O Lord
I repent!
I beg forgiveness of thee.

To help would be to sin,
and the devil would surely grin
But to betray my dear old friend
Would bring guilt to no end.
Tikhon comes in for his morning prayer, and Vlad looks at
him with interest and relief. Tikhon is praying in Russian.
Vo imya Ottsa, i Syna , i Svyatogo
Dukha, aminʹ.
      (To himself)
Tikhon! God is sending me a
      (To Tikhon)
Hail, Divinity.
      (Stands up.)
Hail father. You hath interrupted
me in prayer to the other Messiah.
What other…? I'm sorry, my son,
but I must ask a favor of you. It
pains me to say this, but I cannot
lie, especially in the Lord's
house. I have consented to marry
Rima and Julia tomorrow.
Their love was so beautiful and
pure, I promised to help. Now I
realize what I have done. You must
mercifully stop the ceremony
      (Starts to leave.)
But you mustn't hurt them. They
are blind under the eye of God.
They know not what they've done
But they've sinned none-the-less.
The Lord is telling me to put a
stop to this mess.
God is merciful, "The Other
Messiah" is merciful, so you must
be too!
Bah! They deserve punishment for
their transgressions.
You cannot, and will not, triumph
Love? Love?! Hahaha! This is not
love. Did you not ever read
Leviticus 20:13? "If a man lies
with a man as one lies with a
woman, both of them have done what
is detestable. They must be put to
death; their blood will be on
their own heads." This is lust of
the lowest echelon. O, how do you
even call yourself a priest? Heck,
are you even heterosexual?
      (Looks at the
No, son. I am celibate. Since the
day I did a great evil in the eyes
of the Lord and also in your eyes…
So you're confessing to committing
a gay act?
Yes, I am. Since that fated day,
May 24, 1993, my regret for that
moment was so powerful that I
decided to give up sex entirely.
Tikhon freezes up, on the brink of having a PTSD attack.
F-F-For the records, please tell
me specifically every detail about
your crime.
It was a dark, rainy evening on
the day I mentioned earlier. I had
finished teaching a ballet class
to 9-year-old boys, and all had
left except one boy; I believe his
name started with a "T."
Tikhon's face turns white, and he breaks into a cold sweat
and starts hyperventilating.
The camera zooms into his eye and then into his brain.
The footage is in black and white.
The studio's floors are made of smooth wood, and the walls
are covered in mirrors. The young boy dancers dressed in
black leotards leave the studio, with the exception of
Tikhon, whose parents are late.
A younger, handsome, somewhat flamboyant Vlad approaches
My, my Tikhon. Your leotard looks
just astonishing. Have I ever told
you that?
                      CHILD TIKHON
Y-yes, sir.
Oh, Tikhon, there's no need to be
shy around me. Now, do you like
magic tricks?
                      CHILD TIKHON
I can make milk shoot out of your…
Vlad gives a pedo smile to Tikhon.
The camera only show Vlad's and Tikhon's shadows as Vlad
molests the child.
                      CHILD TIKHON
No! No!!! Stop touching me there!
In the square office no bigger than a public restroom, Dr.
Chekov, an old, gray-haired, mustachioed therapist, sits in
a large, velvet-covered chair with a notepad and pen and
taking notes.
Teenage Tikhon lies on a long, black couch with a vengeful
and somber look on his face and his hands folded over his
Tikhon, I understand your pain,
and I know that kind of thing
should never happen to a child. If
anything could make you feel
better, what would it be?
                      TEEN TIKHON
A world where every gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender,
including him, is gone somehow
because of me, that's what. That's
why I want to work in the Russian
government when I grow up.
The camera zooms out of his eye.
Tikhon slowly breaks out of his cold sweat and
It's-- it's you.
      (The fear turns to
Apostles! After him!
The Apostles break into the cathedral and try to arrest
Vlad. They refuse to fire their guns because they are afraid
of accidentally shooting Tikhon.
Vlad is too quick for the Apostles, and while getting away,
he triggers one of their smoke bombs.
Thou will not escape mine
vengeance, gay pedophile.
Watch me.
      (Outside the
Oh, no, what have I done?
Tikhon and the Apostles cough and try to fan away the smoke.
Tikhon's iPhone rings, and he answers it.
Peter, I'm trying to do my
Heavenly Father's will. What do
you want?
                      PETER (V.O.)
      (Through the
Oh, thank goodness you finally
answered. Until just now, there
has been no reception, and the
internet has been acting very
stupid. Since I finally have
contact with you, I have some
crimes to report.
Crimes? You have pimples, your
voice always cracks, and you work
at a bloody Starbucks. What crimes
could you possibly tell me about?
Your Calculus teacher gave you too
much homework?
                      PETER (V.O.)
Just listen to this recording.
Tikhon receives the recording from the previous day and
plays it.
      (To himself)
Borislava is transgendered? Her
whole family shall be punished.
That makes four criminals to bring
to justice. Yes, I finally get to
punish the man who scarred me for
life, who stole my very childhood.
But, my cousin is in that group
and" I cannot kill a family
member. Argh! What am I saying?
It's 3 homos and a tranny.
      (Calls Samarina on
       the phone.)
Darling, I want you to gather your
men and have them find and slay
those Four Horsemen now.
Scene 3 
Julia is relaxing on a bench with a rose in her hand and a
smile on her face. Her short, semi-sexy dress is as blue as
the sky that is out now.
Borislava and Ivan, on their date, come strolling down to
where Julia is.
Your parents thought you were gay
back then?
Yep. But they were completely
wrong. If I were gay, I would look
in the mirror and see a boy who
loves other boys. However, when I
look in the mirror, I see"I see a
girl who's a person.
Ivan spots Julia, and his jaw drops.
Baby, are you looking at other
      (Turns head.)
Holy Saint Francis! I think I just
became bisexual. Wow, Julia, you
look stunning.
Thanks Borislava. And if you don't
mind me asking, what are you and
Ivan talking about?
I was about to tell him the story
of my transgendered life, and boy,
is it a long one.
      (In a joking, sexy
I love 'em nice and long, if you
know what I mean.
You naughty child. Ok, here goes.
17 years ago, I was born into a
middle class household. I was a
bouncing, plump, young baby girl,
but what I did not know was that I
was in the wrong body, and I had
the wrong name to go with it. My
name was Borislav. On the inside,
I was 100% female; I never wanted
to wear my boy clothes or play
with my cars and action figures,
but I preferred my cousin Rima's
Barbie dolls, dresses, tutus, and
leotards. My parents just thought
I was gay at the time, or maybe it
was a phase that would pass. But
it wasn't. Oh, the tantrums I
threw, the sleepless nights I had
to go through. It continued until
I was eight years old, when my
parents took me to Dr. Chekov, who
diagnosed me with gender identity
disorder. He suggested that my
parents buy me a new wardrobe
consisting of girl's clothes,
underwear, and swimsuits; and also
that they legally change my name.
Plus, he suggested that they put
me on blocker drugs at age 11 and
estrogen at age 13! I was so
happy, and I felt almost complete,
but it wasn't all peaches and
cream. I was bullied at school"I
was called names like "slag" and
"tranny," and I got shoved inside
lockers and shizz like that. When
I was 14 and already had my b***s,
some a-hole pushed me so that my
butt got stuck in the locker, and
boy, I was wedged in there until a
really cute, open-minded rich boy
helped me out. Guess who he is.
Um, Ivan?
Wow, that's a very touching and
inspiring story.
Mmmhm! And these are my last weeks
of having my pee-pee. In two
months, I will get gender
reassignment surgery. Oh,
everything will be so perfect.
I'll have my V and my boyfriend,
I'll be ungrounded, and Dick-hon
will have lost his power.
Honestly, girl, I would really
love to shake hands with that Dr.
Chekov guy.
A helicopter swiftly flies overhead.
A screen just next to the garden shows a crier, a handsome
man with black hair, a clefted chin, large cheekbones, and
an even larger smile.
      (From the screen.)
This is Crier Hansel Fridov,
saying congratulations, Apostle
Juanito Herod Montoya, for
incarcerating Dr. Rimsky Chekov as
punishment for helping trangender
children. This arrest has helped
you surpass the record of
Prophetess Samarina Capulich
      (Pissed off.)
      (She throws a
       stone sculpture
       of a book at the
I don't want to live on this
planet anymore. Actually, I love
this planet. It's those homophobes
that need to leave.
I know, right? This is so freaking
low! Like, when's your cousin
going to leave us alone and
respect the fact that He made us
this way?
Um, Tikhon didn't make us; our
parents did.
Girlfriend, I'm talkin' 'bout good
ol' Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Morgan
Freeman, the big man in the sky,
the capital H-I-M.
I'm beautiful in my way,
Cause God makes no mistakes,
I'm on the right track, baby,
I was born this way.
Don't be a drag, just be a queen.
SHHHHH! Just because I hate the
Apostles doesn't mean I want to be
martyred by them.
Hey, look who's talking,
      (The girls laugh.)
Ah, here cometh thy lady.
Scene 4 
Rima enters the garden at a fast pace and with a huge smile.
      (Hugs her tightly)
Oh, Julia, he said "yes."
Julia, too excited to speak, kisses Rima's lips.
Borislava and Ivan take the romanticness in and start making
out as well.
As the couples stare into their significant others' eyes,
the crier speaks up.
And now for some tunes.
"A Very Special Love" by Sarah Geronimo is played as the
couples take part in a romantic slow-dancing scene.
After much hurried searching, Vlad enters the rose garden,
all tuckered out.
Make haste! Make haste!
But why? Is not the wedding
Rima, the sooner we get married,
the sooner we will be together.
You're right.
Rima smiles at Julia and they both kneel to be married, and
Borislava and Ivan stand aside, hold each other and smile.
So smile the heavens upon this
holy act,
That after hours with sorrow chide
us not!
These violent delights have
violent ends
And in their triumph die, like
fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume: the
sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own
And in the taste confounds the
Therefore love moderately; long
love doth so;
Rima, do thou takest Julia,
whether the sun shine or the sky
rain or snow?
I do.
And Julia, do you take Rima as
your faithful wife?
Do you take her in both times of
joy, and times of unhappy strife?
I do.
Then by the--power vested in me
by--God for eternal life
Do I hence pronounce you, Rima and
Julia, loving wife and wife.
Loud, happy music plays as they lean in for a kiss.
Suddenly, Apostle Juanito Montoya, the deadliest Apostle,
crashes the wedding, and Samarina and some other Apostles
This man is 22 years old, 6'8" tall and has spiky brown
hair. Behind his feline mask is a scraggly beard, a cocky
look in his brown eyes, and a pretty face.
I found 'em!
Samarina and the other Apostles grab the 5 people in the
garden. Samarina is grabbing Julia.
I--how did you know? We told
nobody of this wedding! Julia!
      (To Juanito.)
Well done, Montoya; you will be
promoted to Vice Prophet for your
good deeds.
      (To Julia)
JULIA! You hath besmirched the
name of the Capulich family!
      (To Rima)
And you! Oh, Rima, you sicken me!
Incarnation of Succubus, how dare
you possess the soul of my
cousin-in-law! You must die!
Please, no, I never wanted this!
Montoya, go and castrate him, let
him bleed to death, and be sure to
record it with this HD camera.
That way, he will never again
molest a young boy, even in hell,
and my dear husband will know of
this fact.
Yes, Your Divinity.
Juanito restrains Vlad and carries him away while Vlad
screams his lungs out.
Julia wiggles out of Samarina's grip and b***h-slaps her.
Samarina knocks her to the ground. Rima tries to get out of
her Apostles' grips, but they're too strong.

Samarina is about to kill Julia with suffocation when
Borislava bites the hand that is over her mouth and shouts.
Try and stop me, ladyboy!
      (She calls an
       Apostle to hold
       Julia and stand
Tikhon told me all about you. Your
ungodly half-and-half anatomy has
already sealed your fate, and will
send you to your death, followed
by my treasonous cousin and yours.
Juanito enters to tell Samarina some good news.
Divinity, I just did it! Vladimir
is dead now.
      (Points at
Hey, is that a ladyboy? Hey,
tranny, don't you realize that
you're committing a heinous
Samarina and Juanito laugh.
A furious Ivan knocks his Apostles out cold and steps up to
fight Samarina.
Consort! What, dost thou makes us
minstrels? And thou make minstrels
of us, look to hear nothing but
discords. Here's my fiddlestick!
      (Holds up his
Here's that shall make you dance!
Zounds Consorts!
Ivan slashes at Samarina.

Samarina avoids being killed, but her left eye is sliced in
Juanito shoots Ivan in his right shoulder and paralyzes his
(Ivan's) right arm.
Ivan keels over in pain, but then looks up at his opponents
and makes a pun.
I can still take you on
Ivan lunges at Samarina, trying to stab her.

Samarina shoots Ivan in the forehead with her revolver.
Then, she takes the blood from the wound and spreads it on
his forehead as a reference to the Bible verse Tikhon quoted
A plague on this society!!!
Borislava, Rima, and Julia look at the horrid spectacle in
fear and melancholy.

Borislava, seeing that the only man to love her as a
girlfriend, is choked up.
O Rima, Rima, brave Ivan's dead!
That gallant spirit hath aspired
the clouds,
Which too untimely here did scorn
the earth.
Rima squirms out of the Apostles' clutches and knocks them
out with her martial arts skills. She goes on to beat up the
other Apostles, including Juanito, and dodge their bullets
until the Prophetess has nobody to cover her.

She then confronts Samarina.
Die, fiend. You don't belong in
this world.
It was not by my doing that I was
brought to power. I was called
here by into this position by God,
who wished to make me a Savior,
alongside my lover.
Savior? You and your hateful
husband slaughter innocent people
just for being different.
All of his victims were sinful and
deserving of death,
      (Lowers voice.)
including President Ivanovich.
Trust me, I'm the wife of the
Messiah, the daughter-in-law of
God himself.
Your words are as empty as your
blasphemous soul. Mankind ill
needs a savior such as you.
What is a man? A miserable little
pile of secrets. But enough talk;
have at you!
Samarina fires three of her four remaining shots at Rima,
but they all miss because of Rima's quick reflexes.

Julia's parents and Peter, out for a walk, come across the
spectacle, followed by the rest of the Montevsky family.

Rima then slides under Samarina's legs, grabs the gun out of
the holster, and shoots her with the last bullet.

Rima, seeing what she just did, tries to get away, but
Juanito wakes up, grabs her and ties her up.
Tikhon walks in on the crime scene, takes a long look at it,
and rushes to Samarina's side.
      (Freaking out.)
Samarina!!! Honey, Are you okay?
Holy Saint Francis, you're
      (holds her.)
Shhhshshshsh. You're going to be
okay, you're going to live, right?
Samarina shakes her head side to side, and Tikhon's heart
skips a beat.
      (Using all her
       strength to

She stares vacantly into space as her life flashes before
her eyes.
Scene 5 
This scene jumps locations and times all the time because it
is Samarina's life flashing before her eyes.
All dialog in this scene sounds echo-ey, and all the colors
in the visuals are reduced, but not gone.
Samarina's 2-year old face is dissloved over the foreground.
It is extremely cute and full of happiness, and as it
approaches 10 years of age, the happiness grows
Until her face becomes 10 years old, her memories being
shown are nothing but laughter and happy moments such as
opening Christmas presents, playing catch with her sister,
and listening to her mother sing.
Then, the loud pounding of a baseball bat on a girl's head
resounds, and Samarina's young, happy face quickly snaps
into a face of shock, sadness, anger, and hatred. As the
horrid memories fly by, the face ages into the beautiful yet
somewhat gaunt face of present-day Samarina.
Her memories being shown are those of being kidnapped by
lesbian pedophile Helga Yershov and then said criminal
introducing herself to her victim.
Please don't hurt me, ma'am!
      (With a creeper
Aww, don't call ma'am; call me
Helga Yershov. I'm your best
Then, the flashes show Samarina being sexually, physically,
and mentally abused by her captor throughout the years.
Samarina's face disappears from the foreground, and she, as
an adult, is shown handcuffed in a shed, listening to Tikhon
and Helga argue.
As of this time, Tikhon is only a policeman, not a dictator,
prime minister, nor Apostle.
                      TIKHON (O.S.)
Open the damn shed now!
                      HELGA (O.S.)
I'm telling you there's nothing in
there. I swear on the Bible.
                      TIKHON (O.S.)
Well I'm telling you that I was
not born yesterday, so I say
you're lying. OPEN THE SHED OR
                      HELGA (O.S.)
Do it.
A gunshot is heard, and Tikhon barges into the shed.
From Samarina's point of view, Tikhon runs over to her,
kneels beside her, and looks her in the eyes.
      (Startled and
       ecstatic at the
       same time.)
You-you saved me.
What is your name?
S-s-s-s-Samarina S-s-Smirnoff
Tikhon realizes he's looking at the girl who appeared on the
"Missing" posters a few days before he was molested. His
face shows this realization.
Samarina? Samarina?!
The colors return, the echo stops, and Tikhon's realization
face morphs into a worried one full of tears.
Scene 6 
Still from Samarina's POV.
Now it's a third-person POV again.
Borislava, Julia, and their families are still at the crime
scene, Rima is tied up, and all Apostles except for Juanito,
who is technically now the Prophet, are unconscious
Tikhon cradles Samarina in his arms and weeps. He then lays
the corpse down and leaps to his feet in an angered,
vengeful frenzy.
      (Shouting and
Where are the vile beginners of
this fray?! WHERE THE F**K ARE
      (Still upset about
       her boyfriend's
Your Divinity, I can discover all
The unlucky manage of this fatal
There lies that b***h, slain by
young Rima,
That slew my boyfriend, brave
                      LADY CAPULICH
Sama, my cousin; O my brother's
O Divinity, O cousin, husband. O,
the blood is spilt.
O my dear in-law, President, thou
are not a foe,
For blood of ours, shed blood of
O cousin, cousin!
Borislava, who began this vile
Samarina hit the life of stout
Samarina here slain, whom Rima's
hand did slay.
                      LADY CAPULICH
I beg for justice, which thou,
Tikhon, must give,
Rima slew thy wife, Rima must not
      (Sarcastic, for he
       knows the answer.)
Rima slew her, she slew Ivan.
Who now the price of her dear
blood doth owe?
Not Rima, Chief, she was Ivan's
Her fault concludes but what the
law should end,
The life of thine wife.
And for that offence
immediately we must slay her
Juanito c***s his gun.
Slay her hence?
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
Slay her hence?
But noble...
Tikhon aims his AK-47 at Borislava.
You dare question my leadership,
      (Desperate to save
       Rima's life.)
Nononononono, She was about to
tell you of a creative way to
execute Rima.
You could send her to Yershov for
life; after all, said camp does
have living conditions most horrid
and fatal. That way, Rima may die
and will be separated from Julia,
and then thy cousin just might
kill herself and save you the
Julia is no cousin of mine, but
fair enough! I will amend my bill
to stay true to the deal, but I
shall add my own twist. As of 48
hours from now, Rima, Borislava,
and all gays are sentenced to a
life of hard labor in Yershov,
Russian-Antarctic Territory.
Scene 7 
This scene will be done in mime, with some sad music.

The Capuliches have a private funeral service for Samarina.

In the Kremlin Palace living room, Lord and Lady Capulich,
Julia, Peter, Dmitry, and even Nana are mourning Sam's death
and glaring at Julia.

Tikhon is bawling over the loss of his wife and he turns to
Julia. He lunges at her and tries to strangle her, but
Capulich, Peter, and Dmitry hold him back. Tikhon stops and
exits to start preparing for the televised funeral service
which will be in 2 days.

Lord and Lady Capulich and Dmitry give furious glares to
Julia because of her unauthorized marriage to another woman,
who happens to be a killer.

The parents walk over to Julia and beat her, and Dmitry

Nana runs away, and Julia calls her a coward.

Dmitry goes down on one knee to propose to Julia, but she
says "no." She then receives another beating.

Julia still says "no" until her father threatens to slit her
throat; then she says "yes" to marrying Dmitry.
Scene 8 
The sun is setting, and some clouds roll in to cover the
Later that same day, Samarina's funeral/Julia's wedding to
Dmitry occurs in the city square, and many citizens attend,
dressed entirely in black formal wear, matching cat masks,
and silver crucifix necklaces.

Tikhon and Prophet Juanito are dressed similar this way as
well, except Tikhon's face is showing, and Juanito wears a
black robe.
Rima gives one last look to Julia as she (Rima) and
Borislava are thrown into a helicopter destined for
The chopper flies away, leaving Julia with a
crocodile-smiling Dmitry.
I pronounce you, Dmitry and Julia,
husband and wife. You may kiss the
Dmitry kisses Julia as tears stream down her face.
I do love a good wedding.
Especially this one, because it
just goes to show that you can
find love even in the most
hopeless of places. Julia married
the finest man in Russia at this
funeral, a dark, solemn event
where we are here to send a
strong, beautiful, goddess-like
woman to a better place. Her name
is Samarina Vesna Capulich
Smirnoff. Born in 1983, she was
raised in Stalingrad by her loving
parents and older sister. Much
like myself, she was living a
happy-go-lucky childhood until May
21, 1993, when she was
      (Tries to fight
       back tears.)
abducted and forced to live under
most unspeakable living
conditions. She could have easily
killed herself, but she stuck it
out and gained an adamant hatred
against gays, for her captor was
      (Now starts to
      (He stops crying.)
And worst of all, it's all my
fault. I have been much too
lenient with the freaks and have
brought dishonor to my Heavenly
Father; I know this for a fact
because He spoke to me through
Samarina's cadaver. But have no
fear, civilized folk, for things
are going to be quite different
now. Prophet, have you hacked
every satellite worldwide?
Yes, my liege.
Good. Now show the entire world
that the Messiah has returned.
Juanito nods and then fiddles with his Macbook until all
televisions in the world have turned on and they all show

This dystopian phenomenon is shown onscreen to evil Latin
Attention, world. This is the
Messiah of Russia telling you to
have no fear. Though the gays may
still be turning into bloodthirsty
anarchists, I am currently in the
process of trying to protect you
all. Think of me as the bodyguard
of all who are civilized; no,
think of me as the Second Coming
of Christ. For all of your sakes,
I have amended my anti-gay bill so
that it states that I am in power
till the day I die. Also, everyone
around the world, rich and poor,
old and young, powerful and
powerless, do you want to receive
wealth and honor beyond your
wildest dreams?
      (Everyone around
       the world gasps.)
Then by law, I need you all to
join my Apostle force and start
capturing every LGBT you suspect,
worldwide. I will give 50 million
rubles to any Apostle who sends 20
heathens to Yershov Labor Camp in
Antarctica. I will let every
leader of the world know of their
country's monthly quota for
capturing freaks. If this quota is
not met, the disobedient nation
will have a high risk of being
either destroyed or colonized.
Gentlemen, It's time for the era
of the New New Testament, an era
during which we follow the 16
Commandments: the Ten made by God,
and,in honor of the six years I
have spent with my wife, Six made
by me.
Montage: Tikhon is officially coronated.

The montage continues as Tikhon gives a voice-over
explaining the New Six Commandments.
                      TIKHON (V.O.)
One: Thou shalt not have a
romantic attraction to anyone of
the same sex.
Two: Thou shalt not change thy
gender, for it is vandalism of
God's work.
Three: Thou shalt not say words
such as "gay" or "bi," for speech
can be very manipulative.
Four: Thou shalt work together to
get rid of the scourge. You all
are required to be an Apostle and
help thy country meet its arrest
quota lest it become a part of the
Empire. Your captives must be sent
to Yershov Labor camp, the mere
waiting room of their castigation.
The Apostles arrest not just Russian gays, but every gay
worldwide, including big-name celebrities like Ellen
DeGeneres, Kim Petras, and Neil Patrick Harris.

A map shows that other countries around the world are either
becoming a member of the United Empire of Tikhonist Russia,
or they are becoming a part of Russia itself. The Capital is
moved to what was formerly Dubai, UAE, and renamed

Inmates are shown building statues in the images of Tikhon,
Samarina, and Juanito; building The Church of Capulich, a
large stadium to be used for battle royales; and dying in
the process.

The next two commandments are to be revealed in the third

The world has entered a dark age.

Act 3

Scene 1  
This scene is a story within a story.
The subtitle "Fourteen Years Later" appears at the bottom of
the screen.

The camera reveals the metropolitan city of Samarina, where
the propaganda screens are now the length and width of
Olympic swimming pools. Tikhon's face is on the screen, as
it is three times a day, and reading the Six New
Five: Thou art required to watch
every Exorcism, a weekly sporting
event that prevents the
overpopulation of Yershov and
exponentially increases the safety
of the civilized folk.
Six: Thou art required to
      (Dramatic pause.)
The camera cuts to high up in the clouds over Antarctica and
zooms down below them.
Six large, gray, 5-story buildings shaped like capital T's
are shown from the sky. These buildings make up the living
area of the expanded Yershov Labor Camp, which now makes up
most of Antarctica.
Cut to the inside of the camp, where many inmates wearing
nothing but rags are carving more statues glorifying Tikhon.

A young girl, who was most likely innocent, is shown sitting
in the snow, shivering, and devouring her own feces due to
severe malnourishment. Her arms and legs have absolutely no
muscle on them.
Baltazar Montoya, the gay son of Juanito, is shown for the
first time. He looks at the little girl and is thoroughly
sickened because of the spectacle. Baltazar takes a raw
herring out of his pocket and gives it to the little girl.
She takes it gratefully, horks it down, and smiles at him.
A bell rings, and all the prisoners go inside the building
and back into their cells.
Baltazar is shown praying to God, the real God, in his cell.
Across the hall, the little girl (whose name is Katrina)
tells cellmates/mother figures Rima and Borislava about
Baltazar's good deeds.
Baltazar, a thousand blessings
upon you!
Baltazar smiles and thanks God for His grace.

Suddenly, a computerized female voice sounds throughout the
                      FEMALE VOICE
Vladlena DeSinna has committed
suicide. She will not compete in
this weekly Exorcism. Taking her
place: Baltazar Montoya.
Baltazar, startled by this, starts to cry because he feels
strong mixed emotions. He is scared to die, happy to have a
chance to go to heaven and end his miserable life, excited
to possibly win the Exorcism, angry to have to see Tikhon's
face in person, etc.
An Exorcism is a weekly sporting event that takes place in
the Church of Capulich every Saturday. During this event, 60
inmates are delivered to the Church, which is really a giant
colliseum, and forced to fight to the death until one
remains. These games can take minutes, hours, or even days.
Two Apostles curtly open Baltazar's cell and escort him out
of the camp and onto a chopper.
The Church of Capulich is 150 meters tall and about 1
kilometer in diameter.

In front of the main entrance is the City Square of
Samarina, crowded with people and with two giant stone
tablets in the center. The tablets have the Six New
Commandments engraved on them, and between them is a statue
of Samarina looking calm and graceful. Across the Square
from the Church is Tikhon's grand palace, the former Burj
Julia Ivanovich-Capulich, now a grown woman, is seen with
her husband Dmitry, their pre-teen son Cloud, their
8-year-old son Locke, and their baby daughter Selphie.
Dmitry wears an Apostle uniform minus the mask.

As they walk toward the stadium, Julia wears a neutral
expression to keep herself from crying.
Tikhon is revealed in front of the Ivanoviches. He now has
long, gray hair, a Stalin moustache, and a goatee. He wears
a white tuxedo with a red tie and white dress shoes.
The Ivanovich family lines up for the VIP entrance behind
Tikhon and Juanito. They greet each other.
      (To Dmitry,
Ah, good to see you, Vice Prophet.
Your wife is as beautiful as ever;
oh, and I see a lot of her in
little Selphie
      (To Dmitry's sons,
       trying to be hip.)
Yo, what up, dudes? Ready to see
some heathens kill each other?
Cloud and Locke nod. Tikhon smiles.
A guard Apostle sits at the VIP entrance. Other Apostles
give their guns to him.
No guns allowed. Right this way.
No guns allowed. Right this way.
No guns allowed. Right this way.
      (To Juanito and
Oh, right this way, Your
Divinities. You may take your guns
      (To Dmitry)
No guns allowed. Right this way.
The inside of the Church of Capulich is absolutely grand.
The shape of the stadium is that of a large doughnut. There
is an immense, circular, sandy field for the inmates to
fight in, which is in a 9-meter-deep pit. 2 meters above the
pit is a row of boxes, luxurious spaces reserved for VIP's
and their friends and family. Above the boxes are 3 million
seats arranged in tiers, all filled with screaming sadists
and some people who were forced to be there. The Church is
surrounded by six of those giant screens, each facing the
stadium. They are supported by tall, hexagonal cylindric
pylons shaped like integral signs so they can be in
everyone's view.
Welcome to this week's Exorcism!
I'm Hansel Fridov here in the box
of Their Divinities, Messiah
Tikhon Capulich and Prophet
Juanito Montoya. Also, the Vice
Prophet and family are here.
      (To Tikhon)
Your Divinity, thank you for
allowing me to watch this Exorcism
with you.
Don't mention it, Crier. It's my
best pleasure to make you my
company. In fact, for your service
to the UETR, I bought you a ticket
to the Sozhaleniye Exorcism.
Oh, Your Divinity, You shouldn't
      (To Juanito)
Ahem, let's give His Divinity The
Prophet some love. Your Divinity,
what's your opinion of today's
      (Smiling and
Well, I think they're pretty
interesting. I heard one inmate
actually hung herself at the last
minute, so someone else had to
take her place. I can't wait to
see who it is.
You will find out soon.
      (Turns on his
       attached to his
Demons, Heathens, Wretched
Scourge, Show yourselves to us, I
Doors in the walls of the pit open, and all 60 inmates walk
into the pit.

Baltazar walks in with an apprehensive look on his face. He
then sees a familiar face up in one of the boxes. This is
the face of his father, Juanito Montoya.
Juanito looks into his son's eyes and starts to wonder.
Who's that college-age boy?
That's Baltazar Montoya. Why?
      (Outraged and
That's my son. What's he doing in
the pit? You told me he'd been
I fibbed, now can you stop
      (Into the mic.)
Say the pledge!
The fighters say the pledge.
We are Legion, for we are many. We
who are about to die bow to Your
      (Stands up and
       stretches out his
The floodgates open and the pit fills with near-freezing

Dangerous marine life, such as sharks and moray eels, is
released, and a Jet-ski is dropped into the water by an
overpassing helicopter.

47 of the contestants die instantly either by drowning or by
freezing to death, so 13 remain, including Baltazar and
former drag queen Rudolph Sage. This man has a similar build
to Juanito, but is slightly shorter, and his bald scalp is
tattooed pink.

Rudolph reaches the Jet-ski and uses it to run over his
opponents one by one. Lastly, he attempts to hit Baltazar,
and almost succeeds, but the latter ducks underwater just in
time. Baltazar finds a moray eel lunging at him, but he
grabs it by the neck and swims up with it.

Baltazar shows his face to his assailant. Rudolph tries
again to hit Baltazar with the Jet-ski, but Baltazar throws
the eel at his neck, the eel bites, and Baltazar wins.
While all this is happening, Julia is cringing in mental
agony because of all the deaths of fellow gays she's
witnessing. When the eel bites through Rudolph's neck, she
throws up.

Note: The reason she's not at Yershov is that Tikhon
pardoned her when she married Dmitry because she's family
and presumably gave up her homosexuality. He's very

Juanito also cringes and fidgets, but only when his son is
about to be killed. He sighs with relief when Baltazar wins.

The rest of the people in Tikhon's box cheer, whoop, and act
The water resides, and Tikhon announces the winner loudly
and excitedly.
Baltazar Montoya is victor!!!
No, Your Divinity, your uncle's
name is Viktor.
I mean Baltazar didn't die,
Stroganoff brain.
Baltazar stands up on the wet sand and raises his arms in
joy because he thinks his life from now on will be great
since he won, but he's wrong.

Two burly Apostles enter the pit, grab Baltazar's arms, and
take him to be "cured," or lobotomized.
Baltazar walks down a long, gray hallway to the operating
room, still guided by Apostles.

He is then strapped to a hospital bed and sedated. He does
not fight much.

An Apostle/doctor takes out an ice pick, places the point in
the inner corner of Baltazar's right eye, takes out a small
hammer, and nails the ice pick into his head.

The camera shows Baltazar's face, now with two black eyes.
After the operation, Baltazar is driven back to his mother
and father's household.
Baltazar's face shows no desire of living anymore. He is now
mentally retarded and emotionally disabled, with the
exception of the guilt he feels for murdering another man.
He cannot even feel love for his family.
Baltazar enters Tikhon's Palace and makes his way to the
Prophet's living quarters. When he enters them, Juanito and
his wife run to him and hug him tightly.
Baltazar! Oh, my son!
                      SRA. MONTOYA
It's so great to have you back!
When his parents let go of him, Baltazar rapidly heads
toward the kitchen and overdoses on medicine offscreen.
A thump is heard coming from the kitchen. Juanito and his
wife run to the kitchen and find their son lying on the
floor, dead.

Both of their hearts skip a beat. They collapse on the
ground and mourn over their deceased son. Juanito then
stands up in rage and throws a tantrum, smashing a bust of
Tikhon, throwing a portrait of Samarina, and knocking over a
prisoner-made Tikhon statue, all while shouting, cursing,
and adlibbing in Russian.
Scene 2 
Rima, Borislava, and Katrina shiver in their cell. Two
Apostles come by to talk to them.
      (Opens cell.)
Oy! Good news, Katrina. Since
Baltazar's gone, you get to have
your own cell.
      (He drags Katrina
       out of the cell
       and into the one
       across the hall.)
As for you two, Montevsky and
Montevsky, it's rape time.
      (Plays Rock Paper
       Scissors Lizard
       Spock with the
       other Apostle.)
Hah! Lizard poisons Spock, so I
take the lesbi, and you take the
Since the movie is rated PG-13, this sex scene isn't "too"
sexy. Borislava is laid on the bed on her stomach, and Rima
is laid on her back. The Apostles proceed to fornicate with
the women as Rima pulls a picture of Julia out from under
her pillow. She looks at it, and sad music starts to play.
Julia sits in a comfortable chair in the living room of the
Vice Prophet's quarters. She is about to have a nightly cry
over her Schrodinger's-catted lesbian lover Rima when her
sons enter the room laughing and shouting like kids.
      (To his brother.)
Let's play Exorcism.
Yeah! I'll be Baltazar.
I'll be Sage.
The boys re-enact the most recent Exorcism. Cloud pretends
to be Sage, killing competitors by driving a Jet-ski. Locke
exaggerates Baltazar's trying to swim.
       flamboyant tone)
Ohmigawd, guys; I'm drowning! This
is sooo not fabulous.
Julia slams her fist down on a table and leaves the living
room to be by herself. The boys continue their re-enactment.
A sad romantic song plays as Julia and Rima both go through
memories of being together, and at the end of the montage,
Julia even tries to draw a picture of what Rima may look

Tikhon catches her in this act and sneers, hinting at
something wicked he may do the next day.
Scene 3 
The Square is crowded with people from all across the
Empire. They have all come for the A.R., the Apprenticial
Tikhon, Juanito, Dmitry, and families stand on a
6-meter-high marble stage. This stage is a 1m-tall slab of
marble held up by statues of "freaks" who suffer under the
My children, the third of February
has once again arrived.
Everyone applauds except Julia, Juanito and his wife.
In two days, a day of dark
memories will be upon us:
Sozhaleniye. This exact day is the
anniversary of Samarina's
abduction, the anniversary of when
Vladimir won the trial when my
parents sued him for his
molestation of me, and the day of
Samarina's death. Everything that
happened on this day was related
in one way, it was caused by a
freak. These memories of ours
should not be celebrated, but
mourned forever. However, what
should be, and what is, celebrated
is that we are getting closer and
closer to a future where February
5th will have no need of being
called Sozhaleniye, because the
freaks will be extinct, unable to
cause any more of these memories,

Now, on to the subject of this
year's Sozhaleniye Exorcism. 100
contestants will be chosen from
Yershov tonight, but as you all
know, they will not kill each
other. They will either kill or be
killed by six armed fighters
randomly selected from the
civilian crowd. By law, the only
crowds that should exist are the
underaged, the elderly, and the
Apostles; but for many reasons,
this is not the case. For one
thing, being an Apostle takes a
lot of physical, mental, and
psychological fitness that some
people unfortunately lack. For
another thing, some people may not
be interested in joining the
force, but instead may pursue
another dream; and I understand
this, after all I can't do some
kind of Jedi mind-meld with
everyone to make them interested.

Unfourtunately, the law is the
law, and every civilian of age is
breaking one that deserves
punishment not as severe as life
in Yershov, but almost as
frightful. Sozhaleniye is the only
day when I, with much guilt in my
heart, actually kinda do force
people to be Apostles, six people
to be exact. Since they only go to
training for a day, they are not
true Apostles Per se; they are
Apprentices. But enough talk. The
time has come to select 3
courageous men and 3 strong women
to become this year's Apprentices
to the Apostles.
Juanito and Dmitry bring out two giant fishbowls filled with
small cards. Tikhon first draws some cards from Juanito's
      (Drawing cards
       from one bowl.)
Xavier Tyson.
      (He goes up
Elphias Khrennikov.
      (He goes up
Ulfat Osmann.
      (He goes up
And now for the women. Ahem, Sonya
Nikonov, come on up.
      (Everyone in the
       audience gasps.
       She goes up
Suong Ha.
      (Everyone gasps
       again. Tikhon
       gets confused and
       then goes back to
       calling names. He
       gives a slight
Julia Ivanovich.
Julia steps forward, already onstage, with her heart in her
Our Apprentices, Xavier Tyson,
Julia Ivanovich, Elphias
Khrennikov, Suong Ha, Ulfat
Osmann, and Sonya Nikonov. Give
them a round of applause.
Only 60% of the audience applauds, much less applause than
the other Apprenticial Raffles got.
Scene 4 
Dmitry storms into the throne room where Tikhon is.
He marches to where Tikhon is...
Ah, nice to see you, Vice--
... and slaps him in the face. Tikhon calls for security,
and some Apostles grab Dmitry.
How dare you physically abuse the
How dare I abuse you? How dare you
put my wife in that horridly fatal
position? That's the better
question here. You know she would
never harm a fly, let alone kill
100 "freaks."
Dmitry, don't be so silly. That
raffle was pure luck. Anyone could
have been in your wife's shoes.
      (Opens briefcase
       and takes cards
       just like the
       ones in the bowls
       out of it.)
Julia Ivanovich. Julia Ivanovich.
Julia Ivanovich. Julia, Julia,
Julia, Julia, Julia, Julia, Julia,
      (Throws handful of
       cards at Tikhon.)
Then how did I draw Sonya's and
Suong's names, hmm?
By doing what a true Republican
would do: bullshitting it! One,
Suong Ha is underaged, so by law,
she shouldn't be in the pit unless
she was an inhabitant of Yershov.
Two, Sonya already won an
Exorcism. Not just any Exorcism,
but the longest one ever, the
tenth Sozhaleniye Exorcism, which
lasted three weeks straight. You
obviously thought of these names
in your head.
Hey, these Exorcisms are slipping
in ratings, so I needed some
famous faces in there somewhere.
An All-star and UETR's youngest
ever Olympic gymnast; that's a
I don't care about the stupid
ratings and why you made two
celebrities into Apprentices. All
I care about is why you really
want my wife to be in the pit.
Oh, Dmitry. I never wanted to tell
you this, but-- your wife is still
I'm serious. I saw her in the
hallway, drawing a picture of Rima
and crying over it.
Because of a stupid picture. Just
like the fifth one.
He's referring to the fifth Sozhaleniye Exorcism.
Dmitry, Dmitry, Dmitry. If you
want your wife to survive so much,
why don't you go over to the bad
part of the city and ask a druggie
for some Hypnozene?
      (Dmitry is
You know, the drug that Gregor
took and then afterward killed
your father?
Why don't you go get it, Your
Because that drug was outlawed a
year ago, and I'm no hypocrite.
Unlike you, Mr. "I'm an Apostle,
so that makes me able to slap
Fine, I'll do it.
      (Walks toward the
       door, then turns
       around at the
By the way, how appropriate is it
that the major import of Samarina
is crabs!
Be gone.
Scene 5 
Dmitry walks down a run-down street with few streetlights,
carrying a shotgun for protection.

He spots the drug dealer from Act One.
Hey, come hither, man. I see that
thou art poor. Hold, there is
5,000 rubles. Now let me have some
Hypnozene so that my wife may be
protected in the Church a day from
                      DRUG DEALER
Ohh, you're Mr. Ivanovich, I
assume? Anyhow, such a drug I do
have, but the rule of the
Exorcisms is death to any he that
utters them.
Art thou so bare and full of
wretchedness? The world is not thy
friend nor the world's law. The
world affords no law to make thee
rich. Then be not poor, but break
it, and take this.
                      DRUG DEALER
My poverty, but not my will,
I pay thy poverty, and not thy
                      DRUG DEALER
Put this in any liquid thing you
will, distribute it to thy wife,
and have her drink it off. May her
strength agility be increased and
her free will be decreased.
A Crier shows up on a nearby screen.
Hold it right there.
                      DRUG DEALER
You'll never take me alive!
      (Runs away)
People of UETR, put down those
remotes and tablets, because I
have a special news bulletin.
Tikhon has given me the identities
of the freaks who will fight in
this year's Sozhaleniye Exorcism,
and heeeeeeere they are!
The screen shows the silhouette of a very notable "freak"...
                      CRIER (V.O.)
Our first freak may be a dumb
blonde, but lemme tell you, she's
a total grenade. A hot tempered
Succubus-child who actually
murdered His Divinity's lover,
give a cold round of boo's to...
      (Screen shows this
       "freak" in color)
Dmitry gasps.

All over Samarina and the UETR, people scream insults and
curses at Rima's image and throw weapons, Bibles, garbage,
and even excrement at the screens.
Scene 6 
Rima looks out the barred window and reminisces about Julia
some more. She recites "If I Could Tell You" by Auden.
Time will say nothing but I told
you so
Time only knows the price we have
to pay;
If I could tell you I would let
you know.

If we should weep when clowns put
on their show,
If we should stumble when
musicians play,
Time will say nothing but I told
you so.

There are no fortunes to be sold,
Because I love you more than I can
If I could tell you I would let
you know.

The winds must come from somewhere
when they blow,
There must be reason why the
leaves decay;
Time will say nothing but I told
you so.

Perhaps the roses really want to
The vision seriously intends to
If I could tell you I would let
you know.

Suppose the lions all get up and
And the brooks and soldiers run
Will Time say nothing but I told
you so?
If I could tell you I would let
you know.
Rima starts to cry again, and Borislava comforts her.
The female voice brings bad tidings.
                      FEMALE VOICE
Attention inmates of Building 5,
Floor 5: the following prisoners
from this floor will compete in
this year's Sozhaleniye Exorcism:
Katrina Maximsen, Borislava
Montevsky, Rima Montevsky. You
have 15 minutes till departure
from the camp. That is all.
The Rima and Katrina are overcome with emotion, while
Borislava is slightly less phased.
How now, news from Samarina, and
it's not explained at all. What
the devil is Soldier-Lasagna Day
or whatever? It doesn't help that
we've been trapped in this dump
with no access to the outside
You don't know about Sozhaleniye?
It's the most horrific holiday in
all of human history.
How do you know about it? Do you
know why it's so horrific?
It's because I was told about it
by my two daddies, but they made
sure I never watched it. They were
so good to me from when they saved
me from the streets to when they
got executed and I was sent here;
I remember that Christmas day when
they found me in a dark alley,
wearing nothing but rags and
having flea-ridden, dreadlocked
hair. They didn't blow me off or
shoo me like everyone else did.
They gave me a good home, the
opposite of what Tikhon did for
the whole world.
      (Sobs and then
Sorry, I really lost focus there
for a while. Anyway, in order for
me to get as little exposure to
His bloodthirsty regime as
possible, but just enough so that
I'm not ignorant, they would tell
me stories of the Exorcisms,
including the ones that happened
on Sozhaleniye. These Exorcisms
would not have the usual 60
so-called "freaks" fighing in the
Church, but they would have from
100 to 500 people fighting in
there, including six people who
weren't even inmates. The worst
thing about it is that some say
that the amount of fighters
depends on how Tikhon is feeling,
and it does NOT take that much to
piss him off.

Here's the story of the Fifth
Sozhaleniye, the one that happened
on my birth year. Tikhon's own
cousin Peter Capulich was taking
an art class at the University of
Samarina. One day, the class was
painting portraits of Samarina
herself, but Peter made a mistake
and painted a portrait that made
Samarina look like she
had--Cajones. Tikhon got so angry
about it that he sent the entire
class to this camp, and boy, were
they a big class of a whopping
1,008 students. He made them all
compete in the Exorcism along with
1,008 other inmates and the 6
That's 2,022 people.
Yes, and 2,021 deaths, for there
was only one survivor. They all
fought in a giant paintball field
filled with traps and enclosed by
a bulletproof net.
Ha, ha, ha, a paintball field,
just because one of those people
painted balls on Samarina. Ugh.
It lasted for two hours and
thirteen minutes. Bombs burst,
bullets zoomed, and friends,
brothers, sisters, cousins, and
lovers saw each other die. In the
end, Peter won, but there was no
need to cure him because he was
already traumatized beyond belief.
now he lives in a mental asylum
and is beyond help.
Wow, your fathers sure knew a
whole lot. You must really miss
I do, but the good news is that
all our lives are done for, and we
can all meet our loved ones up in
The bars open for the three women to get out.
It's time.
      (She and Katrina
We who are about to die...
      (Raises middle
...salute you.
Scene 7 
The sun rises on the day of Sozhaleniye. People flock to the
city square to bestow gifts upon the deceased Prophetess.
The people bawl in an over-the-top manner just like the
North Koreans did when Kim Jong-il died.
In the afternoon, the citizens start buying merchandise for
the upcoming Exorcism. This includes t-shirts, posters, beer
mugs, action figures, flags, and effigies of the contestants
for burning. They also bet on who will win.
Julia sits by herself in the green room, depressed.
Tikhon, disguised as a priest, walks into the room to give
Julia the Hypnozene.
Ah, you're Julia Ivanovich, I
presume? I'm so sorry thou art in
this predicament. If there's
anything I can do for you, name
it, and it shall be done.
Oh father, I do not think anything
can be done now. My lovely wife
was banished to Yershov Labor Camp
14 years ago, and now I have to
fight her.
Take thou this vial, being then in
And this distilled potion drink
thou off;
When presently through all thy
veins shall run
A cold and drowsy humour, for no
Shall keep his native progress,
but surcease:
No warmth, no breath, shall
testify thou livest;
And in this borrow'd likeness of
shrunk death
Thou shalt continue two and forty
And then awake as from a pleasant
In the mean time, against thou
shalt awake,
Shall Rima by my message know our
drift. She shall disguise herself
as you, an armed Apprentice, she
shall win,
And hither shall she come: and she
and I
Will watch thy waking, and that
very night
Shall Rima bear thee hence to a
hiding place
And this shall free thee from this
present shame;
If no inconstant toy, nor womanish
Abate thy valour in the acting it.
Give me, give me! O, tell not me
of fear.
Drink it off now.
Julia drinks the potion and falls into a strong high. Tikhon
removes the disguise and smirks.
Scene 8 
It is about time for the heathens to fight, and the crowd is
going crazy with excitement. Epic, dramatic music plays to
get them even more pumped up.

The pit is filled with craggy, black lava rocks like the
crater of a volcano.
Once again, Tikhon, the Montoyas, and the Ivanoviches are in
the same luxurious box.
Tikhon, with a vengeful demeanor, speaks into a mic and
tries to quiet the spectators down.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have
your attention, please?
      (Everyone quiets
Welcome to the 14th Sozhaleniye
Exorcism. After a long day of
mourning over the loss of my wife,
t'is the time to celebrate. 100
freaks have been selected from the
Camp to fight in the Church this
year, and this year's group is
quite special because 2 of the 5
people involved in the unholy
wedding that killed Samarina are
in tonight's grouping of freaks.

Ahem; Demons, Heathens, Wretched
Scourge, show yourselves to us, I
All 100 inmates, including Rima, Borislava, and Katrina,
march into the pit.
Freaks, for the fourteenth time,
things will be different. There
will be no survivors among you,
but instead, six civilians,
trained in the ways of the
Apostles, will slaughter you in
front of this large crowd. These
civilians are known as the

And here they are!
All six Apprentices come out into the pit, in a Star of
David formation. They are dressed like modern versions of
medieval knights, wearing gilded titanium chain maille,
matching cat masks, and riding black race horses in silver
maille. The Apprentices each wield a golden gauntlet, both
with an attached 1m-long blade on the outer part of each

Julia and her horse, both hopped up on Hypnozene and eager
to kill, diverge from the group, leaving only 5 Apprentices
Looks like we have ourselves an
eager beaver, so let's skip the
pledge, and let's play a little
game of "The Floor Is Now Lava."
A hole in the middle of the pit shoots lava high into the
sky, and it rains down on some fighters and kills them

Gradually, the floor starts turning into lava as the
Exorcism goes on. It appears that the Apprentices are
winning until Borislava unhorses young Suong Ha and pushes
her into the lava. Borislava, Rima, and Katrina mount the
horse and try to kill Apprentices while avoiding death in
the process.
More people and horses die either by murder or by falling
into the lava until only 5 people remain.

These five are Rima, Borislava, Katrina, Sonya, and Julia.
Also, the only land that is not covered in lava is an island
in the middle of the pit with that hole in the middle, and a
crater just in front of Tikhon's box.
Julia and Borislava take each other on while Sonya attempts
to kill Rima and Katrina. It starts out as a fair and even
fight until Sonya starts to overpower her opponents.

Borislava, distracted by this, uses some cheap shots to kill
Sonya by breaking her neck and leaving her body on land.
This turns out to be a big mistake as Julia, still high,
sneaks up on Borislava and stabs her in the back.
Rima and Katrina, phased by what they just witnessed take a
short moment to mourn.

Rima reluctantly takes Sonya's gauntlet blades and starts to
fight Julia, not knowing nor caring who is behind the mask.
Katrina stands off to the side and cheers her mother figure

Tikhon sits comfortably in his box and smiles with
satisfaction over the epic duel taking place. The others in
this box just put on their poker faces.
Rima finally wins the duel by skewering Julia's neck.
      (Giggling crazily.)
Yes, yes, YES! Take that, you
monster. You have some nerve just
killing people just because
they're different and because
they've been in prison, without
any care of what they are going
through or what their
relationships are. You're just as
bad as Tikhon...
You know, Katrina, now that the
Apprentices are all deceased, you
have to kill Rima in order for the
Exorcism to end.
Katrina refuses.
Nay, you just might be worse. At
least Tikhon actually shows his
face! So, foul stranger, as an
additional punishment for your
senselessly barbaric ways, I'm
going to dishonor your countenance
by showing it to the world, so
that everyone will be able to
look into the windows to your
cold, black soul.
Just before Rima does what she intends to, a tropical storm
rolls in and starts raining in the Church and cooling the
lava down to solid rock.

Rima unmasks the Apprentice, revealing a face that she has
been wanting to see ever since her imprisonment: Julia's

Rima, speechless and breathless, drops the mask to the
floor, and immediately starts throwing a crying fit while
embracing her lover's corpse.
Dmitry holds his children tightly, crying as well.

An elderly Lord and Lady Capulich, sitting in the general
audience, also embrace each other and rethink their beliefs
in their nephew's philosophy and worldview.

Two other elderly couples, Borislava's and Rima's parents go
to console and bond with the Capuliches.
What an emotional turn of events
now, folks. But like I said, no
Apprentices means only one
survivor. So who's gonna die: the
kid or the assassin?
If this were a perfect world,
neither of us.

In fact, in a perfect world, these
games wouldn't be happening.
Yershov Labor Camp, the UETR, and
Sozhaleniye all would not exist.
People would be free to live their
own lives and make their own
choices without being controlled
by their government. They would be
free to marry whoever they loved,
whether it be someone of the
opposite sex or of the same sex.

But that's not how it is now. Look
at this entire world, people. We
live in a world where if you have
a certain love that one man does
not tolerate, you're destined to
either die or be lobotomized.

That's NOT how it should be, not
just according to us humans, but
according to God and Jesus as
well. He created us to love one
another and find our other half,
whether it is in the form of
someone of your opposite or same
gender. He created some people
whose genders didn't match their
bodies to test their faith in Him,
not so they could be gladiators.

People of the world, whether you
agree with me or not, you must
know that gay love is still what
it is: love. And love is meant to
be free and true, but this
dictator tries to imprison it
everyday. So will you help me and
the other Yershovians set it
Gay is the way! Gay is the way!
Gay is the way! Gay is the way!
Gay is the way.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
Gay is the way!
The entire audience in the Church starts chanting the chant.
Gay is the way!
                      LADY CAPULICH
Gay is the way!
Gay is the way!
Even the people in Tikhon's box start chanting. All except
for Tikhon.
Never in all of human history has
there been such a treasonous
demonstration of this magnitude.

Apostles, I demand all of you to
send every single audience member
into the pit. Quickly, before all
the lava cools down. What are you
waiting for? The Son of God
commands you all.
      (Another pause.)
Tikhon takes out his AK-47 and shoots Dmitry, Cloud, Locke,
and even baby Selphie to death.

Tikhon wastes all the bullets. Juanito wrestles Tikhon to
the ground and picks him up.
Son of God, you call yourself?
Let's see you walk on water then.
Juanito throws Tikhon out of the box and into a crater in
the pit. Despite it being quite a long fall, Tikhon
survives, but only because his fall was broken by a jagged

On the rock, Tikhon's feet break in such a way that the
front 5 cm of both feet splits in half
You. Prophet Montoya, you're no
Prophet of mine. You're just a
Judas. Judas!
Don't ever call me Judas, and
don't ever call me Prophet. My
name is Juanito Montoya. You
killed my son. Prepare to die.

Apostles, hear my command. If you
know you can throw your spear
without hitting any audience
members, then I want you to throw
it at "His Divinity" right now.
All Apostles throw their spears into the pit. Tikhon grits
his teeth and accepts that he is about to die until all the
spears miss him.
Are you all for real?
Sorry, Your Divinity, but the
Movie Bible prohibits all evil
henchmen from having good aim.
Tikhon starts to laugh like a maniac.
He limps over to the former island in the middle, now with
only some lava puddles and the hole still remaining.
So I'm not the Son of God, eh;
Then why did I survive the fall?
Why did all the spears miss me?
Why have I literally taken over
the world?

That's right. You have no answer
because you all know I'm right and
you're wrong. You all have
committed treason tonight, but I
know I still have some followers
outside the Church. With their
help, I will kill all of you,
Tikhon takes Julia's body by her hands and severs them by
cremating her body in the lava.

Rima, angered and sickened by this, runs after Tikhon and
has an epic swordfight with him. They gradually make their
way to the hole in the middle as they fight. Tikhon seems to
be winning since Rima's wounds, including a stab in each
wrist and each foot, are causing too much blood loss.
Rima falls down on her knees, and Tikhon drops Julia's hands
and gloats.
Have fear, Succubus-child, for the
Messiah hath passed Judgment upon
Katrina picks up one of Julia's hands and stabs Tikhon in
the side.

Rima uses her last ounce of life to stand up and talk to
You're no Messiah. You're nothing
more than a bloodthirsty tyrant.
Now taste the fires of hell.
Rima strikes Tikhon in the chest, causing him to fall into
the hole and burn to death.

She then falls flat on her back with her arms stretched out
to each side, her hands limp, and her legs straight.
Katrina Maximsen is the victor of
tonight's Exorcism, and may this
be the very last one.
Everyone around the world and in the Church takes a moment
of silence for all of Tikhon's victims, and for Rima, the
woman who saved the world just as the True Messiah, not the
Fake one, did.
Scene 9 
In the middle of the city square, Rima's and Borislava's
bodies, as well as Julia's remains, are put on display for
everyone to mourn.

Everyone holds a candle, lays a bouquet of flowers at Rima's
side, and watch multiple cranes with wrecking balls make
their way to the Church of Capulich and fleets of choppers
carrying the first freed Yershov inmates back home.

Katrina says a eulogy into a microphone.
A glooming peace this morning with
it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show
his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of
these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some
For never was a story of such
tears of man
Than this of Julia and Rima, two
heroic lesbians.
As the credits roll, we see the world becoming a better
place. All the countries have gone back to being independent
for the most part, the Capital of Russia has not changed its
place, but it has changed its name to St. Rima. The stone
tablets and Samarina statue have been torn down and replaced
with a statue of Rima and Julia holding hands. The offensive
stage in the square has been replaced with a beautiful slab
of white marble engraved with carvings of a straight couple,
a gay couple, and a lesbian couple surrounded by roses.


© 2014 Natalia Torrelio

Author's Note

Natalia Torrelio
This is a very long writing, I know, but it's worth a good read as well as a constructive critique.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on October 26, 2014
Tags: Love, romance, lesbian, gay, lgbt, play, script, dystopia, shakespeare, adaptation