Rima and Julia- Act 2

Rima and Julia- Act 2

A Screenplay by Natalia Torrelio

Tikhon has driven Russia into a dark cloud, but Rima, Julia, and Borislava only look at the silver linings. Will the heroines have their fairytale ending, or will "The Messiah" rise again?


Rima andJulia

A screenplay/large-scale production

by Nicolas A. Torrelio





















Notice: I do not claim ownership of any of the songs suggested in this script. These songs are merely my suggestions for fitting music. 

President ORussia (POR) [Prince Escalus]

Dmitry [Paris]

Ivan Ivanovich [Mercutio]
Father Vladimir (Vlad) [Friar Lawrence]

Drug Dealer [Apothecary]


Capulich [Capulet]

-Lady Capulich 


Montevsky [Montague]

-Mrs. Montevsky 





Child and Teen Tikhon 

Female voice



Helga Yershov

Baltazár Montoya

Juanito Montoya

Sra. Montoya




Scene 1

The subtitle "1 month later" appears at the bottom of the
Establishing shot: the time is dark. for most of the day,
Apostles roam the streets, randomly kill people they suspect
of being gay, and roam the streets some more.

One of the killers shown is Prophetess Samarina, whose
uniform consists of a blood-red cat mask, a matching
floor-length fur coat, and a form-fitting matching bodysuit.
She kills two teenage boys who merely say the word "gay."

Large screens the size of those in movie theaters are
everywhere, and they are used for propogandic purposes.
Special anchorpeople called "criers" show up on the screens
and, with the speakers set at an extremely high volume,
spout anti-gay and Tikhonist propoganda and heavily censored
news 24/7, even when the characters are talking.
Borislava is shown looking out her bedroom window at a
street swarming with Apostles, who are just about to take a
dinner break.
Knowing this, she sneaks out of her house and goes to
Starbucks to work on a song she's been writing.
      (Singing to music
       coming from her
There's nobody who decides about
my life and me
There's nobody who can tell me who
I ought to be
It might seem hard, but still so
plain to see
This is the real me. Yeah.
Ivan brings Borislava some coffee.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I
suck at poetry, much unlike you.
Aw, thanks, Ivan.
Seriously, you are amazing! That
song really does bring manly tears
to my eyes. It's so meaningful.
It sure is. It's about my struggle
as a transgendered girl to be seen
as normal.
I wish people here saw you as
normal like your parents, Rima,
and I do. Being transgendered is
not a disease; it's what makes
you, you. And you, Borislava, are
an extremely strong and beautiful
      (Borislava puts
       her hands to her
       face and starts
       crying tears of
Borislava, I've had a crush on you
since the first year of secondary
Rima and Julia enter the cafe. Rima is dressed in masculine
clothes and a false hipster moustache.
Awww, that's so romantic!
I guess it's now a double date.
      (Stand up to hug
Rima! Julia! I'm so elated to see
you two! I've been locked up in my
room by my overprotective parents,
and I haven't been able to use my
phone. Oh, I've been so worried
about you.
Locked up in your room?!
My parents grounded me for 3
months to keep me "safe from
trouble," A.K.A. Tikhon's cronies.
Ain't that stupid? How are the
Apostles going to know whether I
have a dong, and how would they
suspect it? Like Aladdin said,
"You're only in trouble if you
get caught." Hmm, speaking of
that, how have you and Julia not
been caught?
It's quite simple really. First, I
told my mother that I did not want
to marry Dmitry until Russia was
completely gay-free. She agreed to
that, so then we went on to phase
two: having Rima dress as a man so
we could appear to be an
opposite-sex couple. My parents
think we are just friends, of
Then, 2 months from now, Tikhon
will once again be a powerless
Prime Minister, and killing us
will be considered murder. Thus,
Russia will never be truly
gay-free, so she'll never marry
Dmitry, and she'll run away and
come live with me. Ahh, that'll be
a perfect way to celebrate our
2-month wedding anniversary.
Wedding anniversary?!
Tomorrow, I'm going to ask a
priest to marry us, and then, the
day after, we're going to get
Ohhhh, I'm so proud of everyone!
Me too! My cousin's getting
married, and it turns out that I'm
my crush's crush.
      (Ivan's face
       lights up.)
Ivan, I love you too. Would you
like to go, maybe, for a walk
Of course!
Peter pulls Ivan back behind the counter.
Get back to work!
      (To Peter)
Ok, boss
      (To his friends)
See y'all later
Borislava, Rima, and Julia walk out of the cafe, and Ivan
gets back to work.
Peter, it turns out, was recording all of this on his phone,
and he tries to send the recording to Tikhon, but the
internet is down and there's no reception.
Damn it all!

cene 2                                                       
The air is still nippy, but there is not a cloud in the sky,
and the sunrise is gorgeous. The Apostles still march out in
the streets and hide on rooftops looking for gays to kill.
Father Vladimir kneels down in the massive cathedral,
complete with grand marble columns and elaborate 18-meter
high stained-glass windows, to thank God for this morning.
The grey-eyed morn smiles on the
frowning night,
Chequering the eastern clouds with
streaks of light,
And flecked darkness like a
drunkard reels
From forth day's path and Titan's
fiery wheels:
Now, ere the sun advance his
burning eye,
The day to cheer and night's dank
dew to dry.
Rima enters the cathedral with an excited grin on her face.
Father Vladimir! How art thou this
fine morning?
Not better than you, my dear Rima!
To what do I owe this visit?
Well Father... I am in love!
This is great, my dear! And who is
the lucky man?
Well Father...it's not a man.
What do you mean, my dear?
Oh Father, I am so sorry that I
came to you with this request, but
I had no one else to turn to.
Are you telling me that you wish
to marry another woman?
Yes! Her name is Julia.
I know, I know it is a crazy thing
to ask of you, especially in a
place like Russia, but we are
sincere, we are in love, and we
will not allow sadistic and warped
people like
"His Divinity, the Messiah," "Her
Divinity, the Prophetess,"
      (Stop mocking.)
or the Apostles tell us how we
must live our lives! Gay is the
      (Vlad shuts her up
       and gestures that
       the authorities
       might be watching
       them, and Rima
So will you help us, Father? Can
      (Now getting
This is no simple blessing you ask
of me my child. The issue of
homosexuality is a controversial
one, not only in Russia, but here
in this church, as well. I must
be very careful. The wrong
decision here could ruin my
reputation, my career, and betray
the trust of some of my closest
I understand, Father. I am only
here because I trust you, and I
will trust in your decision here
as well, whatever it will be.
Oh Rima….what shall I do, what
shall I do?
      (He paces back and
       forth, deep in
       resolves himself
       and turns.)
You and Julia are in love? And
you both understand the potential
consequences of this thing? Then,
I will do it!
      (Ecstatic, with
       tears in her
Oh Father! Thank you so much!
Rima kisses Vlad on the cheek and exits
Farewell, my child, and may God
help us all.
      (Begins pacing
What to do, what to do?
My heart feels right, but my brain
hasn't got a clue...
I feel like I should approve of
their love,
But then there's God watching from
I promised I would help.
I promised.
      (Start getting
       scared and
Forgive me, O Lord
I repent!
I beg forgiveness of thee.

To help would be to sin,
and the devil would surely grin
But to betray my dear old friend
Would bring guilt to no end.
Tikhon comes in for his morning prayer, and Vlad looks at
him with interest and relief. Tikhon is praying in Russian.
Vo imya Ottsa, i Syna , i Svyatogo
Dukha, aminʹ.
      (To himself)
Tikhon! God is sending me a
      (To Tikhon)
Hail, Divinity.
      (Stands up.)
Hail father. You hath interrupted
me in prayer to the other Messiah.
What other…? I'm sorry, my son,
but I must ask a favor of you. It
pains me to say this, but I cannot
lie, especially in the Lord's
house. I have consented to marry
Rima and Julia tomorrow.
Their love was so beautiful and
pure, I promised to help. Now I
realize what I have done. You must
mercifully stop the ceremony
      (Starts to leave.)
But you mustn't hurt them! They
are blind under the eye of God.
They know not what they've done
But they've sinned none-the-less!
The Lord is telling me to put a
stop to this mess!!
God is merciful, "The Other
Messiah" is merciful, so you must
be too!
Bah! They deserve punishment for
their transgressions.
You cannot, and will not, triumph
Love? Love?! Hahaha! This is not
love! Did you not ever read
Leviticus 20:13? "If a man lies
with a man as one lies with a
woman, both of them have done what
is detestable. They must be put to
death; their blood will be on
their own heads." This is lust of
the lowest echelon!!! O, how do
you even call yourself a priest?
Heck, are you even heterosexual?
      (Looks at the
No, son. I am celibate. Since the
day I did a great evil in the eyes
of the Lord and also in your eyes…
So you're confessing to committing
a gay act?
Yes, I am. Since that fated day,
May 24, 1993, my regret for that
moment was so powerful that I
decided to give up sex entirely.
Tikhon freezes up, on the brink of having a PTSD attack.
F-F-For the records, please tell
me specifically every detail about
your crime.
It was a dark, rainy evening on
the day I mentioned earlier. I had
finished teaching a ballet class
to 9-year-old boys, and all had
left except one boy; I believe his
name started with a "T."
Tikhon's face turns white, and he breaks into a cold sweat
and starts hyperventilating.
The camera zooms into his eye and then into his brain.
The footage is in black and white.
The studio's floors are made of smooth wood, and the walls
are covered in mirrors. The young boy dancers dressed in
black leotards leave the studio, with the exception of
Tikhon, whose parents are late.
A younger, handsome, somewhat flamboyant Vlad approaches
My, my Tikhon. Your leotard looks
just astonishing! Have I ever told
you that?
                      CHILD TIKHON
Y-yes, sir.
Oh, Tikhon, there's no need to be
shy around me. Now, do you like
magic tricks?
                      CHILD TIKHON
I can make milk shoot out of your…
Vlad gives a pedo smile to Tikhon.
The camera only show Vlad's and Tikhon's shadows as Vlad
molests the child.
                      CHILD TIKHON
No! No!!! Stop touching me there!
In the square office no bigger than a public restroom, Dr.
Chekov, an old, gray-haired, mustachioed therapist, sits in
a large, velvet-covered chair with a notepad and pen and
taking notes.
Teenage Tikhon lies on a long, black couch with a vengeful
and somber look on his face and his hands folded over his
Tikhon, I understand your pain,
and I know that kind of thing
should never happen to a child. If
anything could make you feel
better, what would it be?
                      TEEN TIKHON
A world where every gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender,
including him, is dead because of
me, that's what. That's why I want
to work in the Russian government
when I grow up.
The camera zooms out of his eye.
Tikhon slowly breaks out of his cold sweat and
It's-- it's you.
      (The fear turns to
Apostles! After him!
The Apostles break into the cathedral and try to arrest
Vlad. They refuse to fire their guns because they are afraid
of accidentally shooting Tikhon.
Vlad is too quick for the Apostles, and while getting away,
he triggers one of their smoke bombs.
Thou will not escape mine
vengeance, gay pedophile!
Watch me!
      (Outside the
Oh, no, what have I done?
Tikhon and the Apostles cough and try to fan away the smoke.
Tikhon's iPhone rings, and he answers it.
Peter, I'm trying to do my
Heavenly Father's will. What do
you want?
                      PETER (V.O.)
      (Through the
Oh, thank goodness you finally
answered. Until just now, there
has been no reception, and the
internet has been acting very
stupid. Since I finally have
contact with you, I have some
crimes to report.
Crimes? You have pimples, your
voice always cracks, and you work
at a bloody Starbucks. What crimes
could you possibly tell me about?
Your Calculus teacher gave you too
much homework?
                      PETER (V.O.)
Just listen to this recording!
Tikhon receives the recording from the previous day and
plays it.
      (To himself)
Borislava is transgendered? Her
whole family shall be punished!
That makes four criminals to bring
to justice. Yes, I finally get to
punish the man who scarred me for
life, who stole my very childhood.
But, my cousin is in that group
and�" I cannot kill a family
member. Argh! What am I saying?
It's 3 homos and a tranny.
      (Calls Samarina on
       the phone.)
Darling, I want you to gather your
men and have them find and slay
those Four Horsemen now!!!

Scene 3                                                            
Julia is relaxing on a bench with a rose in her hand and a
smile on her face. Her short, semi-sexy dress is as blue as
the sky that is out now.
Borislava and Ivan, on their date, come strolling down to
where Julia is.
Your parents thought you were gay
back then?
Yep. But they were completely
wrong. If I were gay, I would look
in the mirror and see a boy who
loves other boys. However, when I
look in the mirror, I see�"I see a
girl who's a person.
Ivan spots Julia, and his jaw drops.
Baby, are you looking at other
      (Turns head.)
Holy Saint Francis! I think I just
became bisexual. Wow, Julia, you
look stunning!
Thanks Borislava. And if you don't
mind me asking, what are you and
Ivan talking about?
I was about to tell him the story
of my transgendered life, and boy,
is it a long one.
      (In a joking, sexy
I love 'em nice and long, if you
know what I mean.
You naughty child. Ok, here goes.
17 years ago, I was born into a
middle class household. I was a
bouncing, plump, young baby girl,
but what I did not know was that I
was in the wrong body, and I had
the wrong name to go with it. My
name was Borislav. On the inside,
I was 100% female; I never wanted
to wear my boy clothes or play
with my cars and action figures,
but I preferred my cousin Rima's
Barbie dolls, dresses, tutus, and
leotards. My parents just thought
I was gay at the time, or maybe it
was a phase that would pass. But
it wasn't. Oh, the tantrums I
threw, the sleepless nights I had
to go through. It continued until
I was eight years old, when my
parents took me to Dr. Chekov, who
diagnosed me with gender identity
disorder. He suggested that my
parents buy me a new wardrobe
consisting of girl's clothes,
underwear, and swimsuits; and also
that they legally change my name.
Plus, he suggested that they put
me on blocker drugs at age 11 and
estrogen at age 13! I was so
happy, and I felt almost complete,
but it wasn't all peaches and
cream. I was bullied at school�"I
was called names like "slag" and
"tranny," and I got shoved inside
lockers and shizz like that. When
I was 14 and already had my b***s,
some a-hole pushed me so that my
butt got stuck in the locker, and
boy, I was wedged in there until a
really cute, open-minded rich boy
helped me out. Guess who he is.
Um, Ivan?
Wow, that's a very touching and
inspiring story.
Mmmhm!And these are my last weeks
of having my pee-pee. In two
months, I will get gender
reassignment surgery! Oh,
everything will be so perfect.
I'll have my V and my boyfriend,
I'll be ungrounded, and Dick-hon
will have lost his power.
Honestly, girl, I would really
love to shake hands with that Dr.
Chekov guy.
A gunshot sounds in the distance.
A screen just next to the garden shows a crier, a handsome
man with black hair, a clefted chin, large cheekbones, and
an even larger smile.
      (From the screen.)
This is Crier Hansel Fridov,
saying congratulations, Apostle
Juanito Herod Montoya, for
shooting Dr. Rimsky Chekov as
punishment for helping trangender
children. This kill has helped you
surpass the kill record of
Prophetess Samarina Capulich
      (Pissed off.)
      (She throws a
       stone sculpture
       of a book at the
       screen, as a
       reference to
       Orwell's "1984.")
I don't want to live on this
planet anymore. Actually, I love
this planet. It's those homophobes
that need to leave.
I know, right? This is so freaking
low! Like, when's your cousin
going to leave us alone and
respect the fact that He made us
this way?
Um, Tikhon didn't make us; our
parents did.
Girlfriend, I'm talkin' 'bout good
ol' Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Morgan
Freeman, the big man in the sky,
the capital H-I-M!!!
I'm beautiful in my way,
Cause God makes no mistakes,
I'm on the right track, baby,
I was born this way!
Don't be a drag, just be a queen!
SHHHHH! Just because I hate the
Apostles doesn't mean I want to be
martyred by them!
Hey, look who's talking,
      (The girls laugh.)
Ah, here cometh thy lady.

Scene 4                                                            
Rima enters the garden at a fast pace and with a huge smile.
      (Hugs her tightly)
Oh, Julia, he said "yes!"
Julia, too excited to speak, kisses Rima's lips.
Borislava and Ivan take the romanticness in and start making
out as well.
As the couples stare into their significant others' eyes,
the crier speaks up.
And now for some tunes.
"A Very Special Love" by Sarah Geronimo is played as the
couples take part in a romantic slow-dancing scene.
After much hurried searching, Vlad enters the rose garden,
all tuckered out.
Make haste! Make haste!
But why? Is not the wedding
Rima, the sooner we get married,
the sooner we will be together!
You're right.
Rima smiles at Julia and they both kneel to be married, and
Borislava and Ivan stand aside, hold each other and smile.
So smile the heavens upon this
holy act,
That after hours with sorrow chide
us not!
These violent delights have
violent ends
And in their triumph die, like
fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume: the
sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own
And in the taste confounds the
Therefore love moderately; long
love doth so;
Rima, do thou takest Julia,
whether the sun shine or the sky
rain or snow?
I do.
And Julia, do you take Rima as
your faithful wife?
Do you take her in both times of
joy, and times of unhappy strife?
I do.
Then by the--power vested in me
by--God for eternal life
Do I hence pronounce you, Rima and
Julia, loving wife and wife.
Loud, happy music plays as they lean in for a kiss.
Suddenly, Apostle Juanito Montoya, the deadliest Apostle,
crashes the wedding, and Samarina and some other Apostles
This man is 22 years old, 6'8" tall and has spiky brown
hair. Behind his feline mask is a scraggly beard, a cocky
look in his brown eyes, and a pretty face.
I found 'em!
Samarina and the other Apostles grab the 5 people in the
garden. Samarina is grabbing Julia.
I--how did you know? We told
nobody of this wedding! Julia!
      (To Juanito.)
Well done, Montoya; you will be
promoted to Vice Prophet for your
good deeds.
      (To Julia)
JULIA! You hath besmirched the
name of the Capulich family!
      (To Rima)
And you! Oh, Rima, you sicken me!
Incarnation of Succubus, how dare
you possess the soul of my
cousin-in-law! You must die!
Please, no, I never wanted this!
Montoya, go and castrate him, let
him bleed to death, and be sure to
record it with this HD camera.
That way, he will never again
molest a young boy, even in hell,
and my dear husband will know of
this fact.
Yes, Your Divinity.
Juanito restrains Vlad and carries him away while Vlad
screams his lungs out.
Julia wiggles out of Samarina's grip and b***h-slaps her.
Samarina knocks her to the ground. Rima tries to get out of
her Apostles' grips, but they're too strong.

Samarina is about to kill Julia with suffocation when
Borislava bites the hand that is over her mouth and shouts.
Try and stop me, ladyboy!
      (She calls an
       Apostle to hold
       Julia and stand
Tikhon told me all about you. Your
ungodly half-and-half anatomy has
already sealed your fate, and will
send you to your death, followed
by my treasonous cousin and yours.
Juanito enters to tell Samarina some good news.
Divinity, I just did it! Vladimir
is dead now!
      (Points at
Hey, is that a ladyboy? Hey,
tranny, don't you realize that
you're committing a heinous
Samarina and Juanito laugh.
A furious Ivan knocks his Apostles out cold and steps up to
fight Samarina.
Consort! What, dost thou makes us
minstrels? And thou make minstrels
of us, look to hear nothing but
discords. Here's my fiddlestick!
      (Holds up his
Here's that shall make you dance!
Zounds Consorts!
Ivan slashes at Samarina.

Samarina avoids being killed, but her left eye is sliced in
Juanito shoots Ivan in his right shoulder and paralyzes his
(Ivan's) right arm.
Ivan keels over in pain, but then looks up at his opponents
and makes a pun.
I can still take you on
Ivan lunges at Samarina, trying to stab her.

Samarina shoots Ivan in the forehead with her revolver.
Then, she takes the blood from the wound and spreads it on
his forehead as a reference to the Bible verse Tikhon quoted
A plague on this society!!!
Borislava, Rima, and Julia look at the horrid spectacle in
fear and melancholy.

Borislava, seeing that the only man to love her as a
girlfriend, is choked up.
O Rima, Rima, brave Ivan's dead!
That gallant spirit hath aspired
the clouds,
Which too untimely here did scorn
the earth.
Rima squirms out of the Apostles' clutches and knocks them
out with her martial arts skills. She goes on to beat up the
other Apostles, including Juanito, and dodge their bullets
until the Prophetess has nobody to cover her.

She then confronts Samarina.
Die, fiend! You don't belong in
this world!
It was not by my doing that I was
brought to power. I was called
here by into this position by God,
who wished to make me a Savior,
alongside my lover.
Savior?! You and your hateful
husband slaughter innocent people
just for being different!
All of his victims were sinful and
deserving of death,
      (Lowers voice.)
including President Ivanovich.
Trust me, I'm the wife of the
Messiah, the daughter-in-law of
God himself.
Your words are as empty as your
blasphemous soul. Mankind ill
needs a savior such as you.
What is a man? A miserable little
pile of secrets! But enough talk;
have at you!
Samarina fires three of her four remaining shots at Rima,
but they all miss because of Rima's quick reflexes.

Julia's parents and Peter, out for a walk, come across the
spectacle, followed by the rest of the Montevsky family.

Rima then slides under Samarina's legs, grabs the gun out of
the holster, and shoots her with the last bullet.

Rima, seeing what she just did, tries to get away, but
Juanito wakes up, grabs her and ties her up.
Tikhon walks in on the crime scene, takes a long look at it,
and rushes to Samarina's side.
      (Freaking out.)
Samarina!!! Honey!!! Are you okay?
Holy Saint Francis, you're
      (holds her.)
Shhhshshshsh. You're going to be
okay, you're going to live, right?
Samarina shakes her head side to side, and Tikhon's heart
skips a beat.
      (Using all her
       strength to

She stares vacantly into space as her life flashes before
her eyes.

Scene 5 
This scene jumps locations and times all the time because it
is Samarina's life flashing before her eyes.
All dialog in this scene sounds echo-ey, and all the colors
in the visulas are reduced, but not gone.
Samarina's 2-year old face is dissloved over the foreground.
It is extremely cute and full of happiness, and as it
approaches 10 years of age, the happiness grows
Until her face becomes 10 years old, her memories being
shown are nothing but laughter and happy moments such as
opening Christmas presents, playing catch with her sister,
and listening to her mother sing.
Then, the loud pounding of a baseball bat on a girl's head
resounds, and Samarina's young, happy face quickly snaps
into a face of shock, sadness, anger, and hatred. As the
horrid memories fly by, the face ages into the beautiful yet
somewhat gaunt face of present-day Samarina.
Her memories being shown are those of being kidnapped by
lesbian pedophile Helga Yershov and then said criminal
introducing herself to her victim.
Please don't hurt me, ma'am!
      (With a creeper
Aww, don't call ma'am; call me
Helga Yershov. I'm your best
Then, the flashes show Samarina being sexually, physically,
and mentally abused by her captor throughout the years.
Samarina's face disappears from the foreground, and she, as
an adult, is shown handcuffed in a shed, listening to Tikhon
and Helga argue.
As of this time, Tikhon is only a policeman, not a dictator,
prime minister, nor Apostle.
                      TIKHON (O.S.)
Open the damn shed now!!!
                      HELGA (O.S.)
I'm telling you there's nothing in
there! I swear on the Bible.
                      TIKHON (O.S.)
Well I'm telling you that I was
not born yesterday, so I say
you're lying! OPEN THE SHED OR
                      HELGA (O.S.)
Do it!!!
A gunshot is heard, and Tikhon barges into the shed.
From Samarina's point of view, Tikhon runs over to her,
kneels beside her, and looks her in the eyes.
      (Startled and
       ecstatic at the
       same time.)
You-you saved me.
What is your name?
S-s-s-s-Samarina S-s-Smirnoff
Tikhon realizes he's looking at the girl who appeared on the
"Missing" posters a few days before he was molested. His
face shows this realization.
Samarina? Samarina?!
The colors return, the echo stops, and Tikhon's realization
face morphs into a worried one full of tears.

Scene 6 
Still from Samarina's POV.
Now it's a third-person POV again.
Borislava, Julia, and their families are still at the crime
scene, Rima is tied up, and all Apostles except for Juanito,
who is technically now the Prophet, are unconscious
Tikhon cradles Samarina in his arms and weeps. He then lays
the corpse down and leaps to his feet in an angered,
vengeful frenzy.
      (Shouting and
Where are the vile beginners of
this fray?!!! WHERE THE F**K ARE
      (Still upset about
       her boyfriend's
Your Divinity, I can discover all
The unlucky manage of this fatal
There lies that b***h, slain by
young Rima,
That slew my boyfriend, brave
                      LADY CAPULICH
Sama, my cousin! O my brother's
O Divinity! O cousin! husband! O,
the blood is spilt
O my dear in-law! President, thou
are not a foe,
For blood of ours, shed blood of
O cousin, cousin!
Borislava, who began this vile
Samarina hit the life of stout
Samarina here slain, whom Rima's
hand did slay.
                      LADY CAPULICH
I beg for justice, which thou,
Tikhon, must give,
Rima slew thy wife, Rima must not
      (Sarcastic, for he
       knows the answer.)
Rima slew her, she slew Ivan!
Who now the price of her dear
blood doth owe?
Not Rima, Chief, she was Ivan's
Her fault concludes but what the
law should end,
The life of thine wife.
And for that offence
immediately we must slay her
Juanito c***s his gun.
Slay her hence?!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
Slay her hence?!
But noble...
Tikhon aims his AK-47 at Borislava.
You dare question my leadership,
      (Desperate to save
       Rima's life.)
Nononononono! She was about to
tell you of a creative way to
execute Rima.
You could put her in a prison camp
for life; said camp can have
living conditions most horrid and
fatal. That way, Rima may die and
will be separated from Julia, and
then thy cousin just might kill
herself and save you the trouble.
Julia is no cousin of mine, but
fair enough! I will amend my bill
to stay true to the deal, but I
shall add my own twist. As of 48
hours from now, Rima, Borislava,
and all gays are sentenced to a
life of hard labor in Antarctica.

Scene 7 
This scene will be done in mime, with some sad music.

The Capuliches have a private funeral service for Samarina.

In the Kremlin Palace living room, Lord and Lady Capulich,
Julia, Peter, Dmitry, and even Nana are mourning Sam's death
and glaring at Julia.

Tikhon is bawling over the loss of his wife and he turns to
Julia. He lunges at her and tries to strangle her, but
Capulich, Peter, and Dmitry hold him back. Tikhon stops and
exits to start preparing for the televised funeral service
which will be in 2 days.

Lord and Lady Capulich and Dmitry give furious glares to
Julia because of her unauthorized marriage to another woman,
who happens to be a killer.

The parents walk over to Julia and beat her, and Dmitry

Nana runs away, and Julia calls her a coward.

Dmitry goes down on one knee to propose to Julia, but she
says "no." She then receives another beating.

Julia still says "no" until her father threatens to slit her
throat; then she says "yes" to marrying Dmitry.

Scene 8 
The sun is setting, and some clouds roll in to cover the
Later that same day, Samarina's funeral/Julia's wedding to
Dmitry occurs in the city square, and many citizens attend,
dressed entirely in black formal wear, matching cat masks,
and silver crucifix necklaces.

Tikhon and Prophet Juanito are dressed similar this way as
well, except Tikhon's face is showing, and Juanito wears a
black robe.
Rima gives one last look to Julia as she (Rima) and
Borislava are thrown into a helicopter destined for
The chopper flies away, leaving Julia with a
crocodile-smiling Dmitry.
I pronounce you, Dmitry and Julia,
husband and wife. You may kiss the
Dmitry kisses Julia as tears stream down her face.
I do love a good wedding.
Especially this one, because it
just goes to show that you can
find love even in the most
hopeless of places. Julia married
the finest man in Russia at this
funeral, a dark, solemn event
where we are here to send a
strong, beautiful, goddess-like
woman to a better place. Her name
is Samarina Vesna Capulich
Smirnoff. Born in 1983, she was
raised in Stalingrad by her loving
parents and older sister. Much
like myself, she was living a
happy-go-lucky childhood until May
21, 1993, when she was
      (Tries to fight
       back tears.)
abducted and forced to live under
most unspeakable living
conditions. She could have easily
killed herself, but she stuck it
out and gained an adamant hatred
against gays, for her captor was
      (Now starts to
      (He stops crying.)
Things are going to be different
now. Prophet, have you hacked
every satellite worldwide?
Yes, my liege.
Good. Now show the entire world
that the Messiah has returned.
Juanito nods and then fiddles with his Macbook until all
televisions in the world have turned on and they all show

This dystopian phenomenon is shown onscreen to evil Latin
Attention, world! This is the
Messiah of Russia saying that
things are going to be different
now. I have amended my anti-gay
bill so that it states that I am
in power till the day I die. And
furthermore, everyone around the
world, rich and poor, old and
young, powerful and powerless, do
you want to receive wealth and
honor beyond your wildest dreams,
or should I launch an ICBM at your
      (Everyone around
       the world gasps.)
Then I need you all to join my
Apostle force and start killing
and capturing every LGBT you
suspect, worldwide. I will give 50
million rubles those who kill 20
of those heathens and 200 million
rubles to any Apostle who sends 20
heathens to Helga Yershov Labor
Camp in Antarctica. It's time for
the era of the New New
Montage: Tikhon is officially coronated.

The Apostles kill and arrest not just Russian gays, but
every gay worldwide, including big-name celebrities like
Ellen DeGeneres and Neil Patrick Harris.

A map shows that other countries around the world are either
becoming a member of the United Empire of Tikhonist Russia,
or they are becoming a part of Russia itself. The Capital is
moved to what was formerly Dubai, UAE, and renamed

Inmates are shown building statues in the images of Tikhon,
Samarina, and Juanito; building The Church of Capulich, a
large stadium to be used for battle royales; and dying in
the process.

The world has entered a dark age.


© 2013 Natalia Torrelio

Author's Note

Natalia Torrelio
I am an aspiring actor/scriptwriter. This is my first time showing my work to the world, so please give me constructive feedback, reviews, and suggestions; emphasis on "constructive". Please keep it classy, ok?
Act 3, the final act, is coming own the pike, but it will be quite an intense one, so it will take time.

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Added on February 25, 2013
Last Updated on February 25, 2013
Tags: Love, romance, lesbian, gay, lgbt, play, script, dystopia, shakespeare, adaptation