Rima and Julia- Act 1

Rima and Julia- Act 1

A Screenplay by Natalia Torrelio

This is the story of two star-crossed lovers, two teenage Russian lesbian girls who must face the prejudice of the government and their own families. Act 2 is on the way, but this does take time.


Rima and Julia

A screenplay/large-scale production

by Nicolas A. Torrelio





















Notice: I do not claim ownership of any of the songs suggested in this script. These songs are merely my suggestions for fitting music. 

President Of Russia (POR) [Prince Escalus]

Dmitry [Paris]

Ivan Ivanovich [Mercutio]
Father Vladimir (Vlad) [Friar Lawrence]

Drug Dealer [Apothecary]


Capulich [Capulet]

-Lady Capulich


Montevsky [Montague]

-Mrs. Montevsky





Child and Teen Tikhon 

Female voice



Baltazár Montoya

Juanito Montoya

Sra. Montoya



Act 1

Scene 1

This is an establishing shot: It's the year 2017, when the
Presidential and Ministerial inaugurations of Russia will
take place. The weather is chilly, and the sky is covered in
a white blanket of clouds. The square is flooded with people
from all over Russia who have come just to hear the
President and Prime Minister's speeches. Propaganda is all
over the place; 40% of it is anti-gay propaganda posted by
Tikhon's followers.
The Montevsky and Capulich families are looking for places
to sit, but Rima Montevsky, the teenage herione with dirty
blonde, A-line bobbed hair and a flattish chest, just looks
around at the horrid propaganda. Rima's transgender best
friend Borislava and Julia Capulich do the same.
                      VLAD (V.O.)
      (In a somber,
       foreboding tone
       of voice.)
Two households, both alike in
In Mother Russia, where we lay our
From ancient grudge break to new
Where civil blood makes civil
hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of
these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers risk
their life,
Whose misadventured piteous
Doth with their near death
challenge their society's strife.
The fearful passage of their
death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their
parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end,
naught could remove,
Is now the traffic of our stage.
A gay couple holding hands passes by Police Chief Samarina
      (While on patrol,
       she sees the gay
Break up the love fest, you
      (She knocks both
       gays to the
       ground and gives
       them both a
       terrible beating.)
You're lucky that Tikhon's bill
hasn't been signed, or the two of
you would be dead already. Now,
out of my sight!
      (The couple exits.)
Gregor Montevsky, Rima's brother, breaks away from his group
and confronts Samarina furiously.
What did you just say? I dare you
to say it again.
Gay people are vermin. They should
be wiped from the earth.
Do you quarrel?
Quarrel? No! I despise you all,
classless gays! Your filthy,
uncivil ideology about "gay
awareness" is all blasphemy! Will
you never wake up and see the
truth about yourselves? Fools! All
of you!
I'm half straight
And half gay,
And I'm proud of it
No matter what you say!
That's it!
Sam and Gregor fight, and Gregor calls the gay couple to
help him, and the gays start winning.
Borislava hurries into the fight and breaks it up.
Part fools!
      (Fire a warning
You know not what you do!
Tikhon Capulich, the Prime Minister-elect, walks in on the
fight in an authoritative manner.
What, art thou drawn among these…
      (Taze gay 1)
      (Taze gay 2)
      (Taze Gregor, hug
       Samarina, and
       turn to
Turn thee, Borislava. Look upon
thy death!
I do but keep the peace.
What, talk of peace? I hate the
As I hate hell, all gays, and
Rebellious subjects, enemies to
the peace,
On pain of torture from those
bloody hands
Throw your mistempered weapons to
the ground.
Three civil brawls, bred of an
airy word
By thee, Capulich and Montevsky,
Have thrice disturbed the quiet of
our streets.
If ever you disturb our streets
Your lives shall pay the forfeit
of the peace!
Once more, on pain of death, all
men desist!
      (Protests and
       grabs Borislava.)
How can you people live with
yourselves, you foul-mannered-
      (cutting Tikhon
Stop...all of you!
      (Checks his watch.)
Oh, it's about time for our
inauguration. Tikhon, please try
to act professional.
      (Walks through the
       crowd, with
       Tikhon following
       behind, up onto a
       tall stage
       surrounded by
       bodyguards.)      (The Russian
       National Anthem
Welcome, welcome, one and all. As
your new President, I, Igor Sasha
Ivanovich, will work with the
Prime Minister to solve all of
Russia's issues. Our first is the
fight between the two families:
Montevskys and Capuliches. It has
gone on too long and it will not
be tolerated any longer. And… I
will, uh, give free healthcare to
all, and all puppy-kicking will be
outlawed. And remember, farmers
are the backbone of our country,
and I will try to create world
peace, and…
      (Sees Tikhon is
       acting impatient
       and gets annoyed.)
Alright Tikhon, give your d-darn
speech, but it better be good for
that immature display of
Everyone applauds. The Anthem fades out. Members of Tikhon's
cult, the Tikhonists, are shown in the front of the audience
wearing flowing purple robes, crucifix necklaces, and
catlike masks. They also wield shotguns and decorative
fishing spears.
Welcome, welcome, welcome to my
inauguration. Thank you, Igor, for
those kind words of welcome, and
how lovely to see all your bright,
happy faces smiling up at me. As
Prime Minister, I will tackle an
issue which the President
absolutely fails to mention, for
he overlooks it, just like a
politician. Mr. Ivanovich, I
respect you, and I wish you the
best, but I must criticize you
constructively by saying that you
are not a legitimate leader.
      (POR mouths the
       word "what?")
As Russia's youngest ever Prime
Minister, at age 33, I say that
your comment about my being
"immature" just showed how stupid
of a President you are. Don't you
see? It is about time the old
people step aside; out with those
who seem to have never been kids,
and in with those who can lead,
but also know childhood, know
their childhood, perfectly well.
And one thing I learned the…
hard way from my childhood is an
issue more corrupting than that
trivial family feud:
Homosexuality, no, every mental
disorder shared by the LGBT
community. It has gone too far!
Are we going to let these gays
ruin Russia's reputation? Nyet!
From now on, all public displays
of homosexuality will be
punishable by death most
torturous! And furthermore, the
mere enjoyment of anything related
to that horrible syndrome will be
punishable by life in prison, so
no more American Idol, no more How
I Met Your Mother, no more Ellen
DeGeneres, no more Gangnam Style,
no more Lord of the Rings, no more
Harry Potter, no more Nickelodeon,
no more South Park, no more
Nintendo, and NO! MORE!
all have a type of relation to
that horrid LGBT community.
Furthermore, the mere utterance of
the word "gay" will be grounds for
torture! Did I mention that gay
acts are punishable by slow and
painful death? BECAUSE I DID! SO
During the speech, Rima's face goes as pale as fresh snow,
as if she's about to have a heart attack induced by how
shocked/disgusted she is.
Honey, honey, settle down; you'll
give yourself an ulcer.
Thank you all for electing us, and
we are thrilled to serve Mother


Rima sprints to her bedroom with tears in her eyes, slams
the door shut, shoves her pillow into her face and screams.
She then pulls her red, swollen-eyed face out of the pillow
and takes 3 deep breaths
I am no freak! I am a normal
human being, just like everybody
else! There's nothing wrong with
me! Narrow minded fools! What is
wrong with these people?!
Enter Borislava
Good morrow, cousin!
Is the day so young?
But new struck nine.
Ay! me, sad hours seem long.
What sadness lengthens Rima's
Did thou see what happened today?
The way they punished that
That could have been my fate,
Dost thou not laugh?
No coz, I rather weep.
Good heart! At what?
At thy good heart's oppression.
I told you this before you ever
came here.
Russia is a different place, very
different from Sweden.
People are utterly orthodox and
conservative, people are...I don't
know... afraid.
Really? Afraid? Of what...?
Yes.. afraid...afraid of what they
don't understand. Afraid of
change, maybe.
But that's what makes it dangerous
for you, if you tell them, Rima!
Right now, no one else knows
you're gay...
Why, Rima, art thou mad?
Not mad, but bound more than a
madwoman is,
Shut up in prison, kept without my
Whipped and tormented and...
Hey, it could be worse. You could
have been born in the wrong body
like me. That garbage from
Dick-hon's mouth is just a bill on
Capitol hill, but this entire
childhood of having a penis is a
hill I'd love to get over as
quickly as possible.
      (She sighs sadly,
       and then perks
You know, the daughter of Capulich
is having a masquerade party, and
we could go if you want.
That's a wonderful offer, but how
are we going to be allowed in?
We're not invited.
Who says that we have to be
invited? You and I are friends
with Ivan, the President's nephew,
and the party is at the Kremlin
Palace, so there's no way we won't
be allowed in!
That's a great idea! But are you
sure that will work?
Have I ever been wrong?
Well, there was that one time...
Ok, ok, ok. Forget it, I'm not
entirely perfect! But…
You know, you're right. I trust
you, and I can't stay home. When
is this party?
      (Leaving Rima's
Later tonight. I'll pick you up.
Sweet! Do svidaniya!

Scene 3

The parents of Rima dine and drink tea together, alone for a
change. Mrs. Montevsky is extremely worried about Rima.
      (A bit suspicious.)
How are you, my love? Your brow
has the look of trouble.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
I am concerned… that there be
trouble in this house. I worry of
late about our daughter, Rima.
      (Happy, chuckling
       tone of voice.)
Rima? But Rima is doing fine, my
love. She is doing well with her
studies, she has friends, she is
not shut up in her room at all
hours of the day; she is out in
the world, finding her way.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
This is my fear; that she has
strayed too far from our gaze. And
that she now has gotten some
terrible, dangerous ideas into her
       concerned, almost
What kinds of ideas?
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
Have you not noticed that she
shows no interest in the fine
young gentlemen who call on her.
That she refuses their advances
and avoids their company even
though she has our full support.
Of course I have. But still I
miss your purpose. What are you
trying to say my dear? Spit it out
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
I have a suspicion; I cannot name
its origin….call it a woman's
intuition if you must, but I fear
that Rima may be…
Yes, yes, out with it! But be
careful what you say!!!! This is
no light matter, I fear.
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
My love, I knew it would be this
way…we must never speak of it
again, forgive me.
      (Raises his fist
       to her
Never…you shall speak woman, da!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
      (Raises her voice
       and speaks
I think Rima might be gay. There
I've said…
Shut your mouth, you wretched
woman! You speak of vile sin and
      (Paces off, away
       from her,
       speaking angrily
       in Russian to
Etogo ne mozhet bytʹ YA ne
mogu v eto poverit!!!
      (Stomps back to
       his wife and
       points his finger
       at her.)
I will not have such language in
this house!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
But my love, you must hear me; we
must talk about…
      (Still shouting.)
Be gone from my sight…Rima knows
better than to pretend such filth
in this house. No Montevsky would
dare choose such a vile life for
themselves….to be damned for all
eternity?! This is beneath us, it
is beneath Rima…. YA ne pozvolyu
etomu sluchitʹsya!
                      MRS. MONTEVSKY
But what if we have no choice, my
love….what is she has no choice?
Nyet! Shut it... I will not hear
another word about this!
Mrs. Montevsky rushes away, sobbing, head in hands.
Montevsky tries to carry on without her but is still
fuming…. Finally, he slams down his fork and knife and gets
up from the table as well and exits the dining room in the
opposite direction. He sees a picture of Rima on the mantle,
pauses to look at it, sighs, and prays.
Dear Lord, you know I'm no
homophobe, but Tikhon's speech
today made me not only fear for
Russia, but also for Rima's life.
If your grace is with us, I ask
that you don't let his bill become
a law. Your will be done, Amen.

Scene 4

4:00 PM
The POR sits with an outraged, angry expression behind his
rectangular granite desk in his perfectly square office.
Tikhon and Samarina stand in front of him, shocked to hear
that the President disapproves of the bill.
What?! How could you disapprove of
my lovely bill, the bill I
summarized in my inaugural
How could I? How could I not? It
is unethical, immature, and
unconstitutional, as was that
bloody inaugural speech of yours!
The bill is meant to save Russia
from the scourge of the devil.
And all you care about is taxing
Russia, you politician.
Tikhon, Samarina, I am the
President, and I say this bill has
      (Slam veto stamp
Joke's on you, Igor. This is the
21st century, so I can just print
another copy.
Oh, Tikhon, you are so childish.
Tikhon, please, be wary of your
blood pressure.
Tikhon, if you really want this to
become a law, then I suggest
waiting for another President to
take office. (Tikhon gets an idea)
Well, this is a good suggestion in
theory, but the thing is that we
so-called "politicians" actually
have morals and respect for the
Constitution. Now, please, both of
you get out of my sight.
Tikhon and Samarina walk out of the office and down the
hall. Tikhon has an evil smirk on his face as he talks to
his wife.
The walls turn black, the floor turns a dark shade of gray,
the windows disappear, and the two villains look like a red
spotlight is shining down upon them
So, he says that I have to wait
for another President to sign the
bill, but, the way I see it, the
future Presidents are too stupid
to do so. Hmm, but what if
I became President?
But how are you going to do that?
No offense Tikhya, but you may
have turned most of your voters
away from you with your speech.
In the event of the President's
sudden passing, the Prime Minister
must take his place for three
months, until the next President
takes office.
Igor Ivanovich gets slain tonight.


Nana enters and frantically shoves the evil couple as she
runs past, thus getting rid of the dark special effects in a
comedic fashion.
                      LADY CAPULICH (O.S.)
Nana! Nana!!!
      (Lady C. is now
Nana enters the room where Lady Capulich is. It is a large
powder room with numerous mirrors, vanities, and cases
overloaded with makeup. The smells of roses and potpourri
fill the air
Lady Capulich is sitting back in a chair with her brunette
hair filled with curlers and face covered in a greenish-blue
facial mask.
Yes, Madam?
                      LADY CAPULICH
Where's my daughter?
I bade her come. God forbid, where
is this girl? Julia!
                      JULIA (O.S.)
I'm coming!
Julia enters the room, fully prepped for her party. She is a
brunette just like her mother, but way more beautiful. Her
wavy hair cascades down her back like a waterfall, her
complexion is acne-free and pale, but not too pale, and her
body one of the sexiest in Russia.
Yes, mother, what is your will?
                      LADY CAPULICH
'Marry' is the theme I came to
talk of.
Tell me, daughter Julia,
How stands your disposition to be
It is an honor I dream not of.
                      LADY CAPULICH
Well, think of marriage now;
younger than you,
Here in Russia, ladies of esteem,
Are made already mothers: by my
I was your mother much upon these
That you are now a maid. Thus then
in brief:
The honorable Dmitry seeks you for
his love.
A man, young lady! Lady, such a
As all the world--why, he's a man
of wax.
                      LADY CAPULICH
Yes, the President's son, Dmitry
You know, mother. Um, you see, you
know how some people are different
from others?
                      LADY CAPULICH
What? What are you talking about?
Well, um, uh, I do not know how to
say this any other way than to
just say it...
      (Deep breath.)
Mother, I don't want to marry a
                      LADY CAPULICH
      (So angry that she
       can't even yell.)
What?! Daughter, I do not have
time for your rambling! You must
marry Dmitry! You'll learn to
love him.
Mother! If you would please let me
speak... I do not wish to marry
him! I... I don't want Dmitry
Ivanovich! It does not matter if
he is the finest man in Russia! I
do NOT love him! I refuse to marry
unless I marry someone whom I
love, and that is--
                      LADY CAPULICH
      (Slaps Julia.)
How dare you talk like that! Since
the days of our ancestors, we
Capuliches have married into the
finest families in Russia. We are
a family of pride and elegance,
and Dmitry Ivanovich is a great
young man. You will not ruin the
family name!
      (Shoos Julia out
       of the room.)
Until you belong to Dmitry instead
of me, you are grounded!
But mom, my 18th birthday party is
                      LADY CAPULICH
Fine, as of tomorrow then, you're
      (Slam door.)
                      LADY CAPULICH
Fine, as of tomorrow then, you're
      (Slam door.)
      (Bursts into tears
       and runs to the
       nearest bathroom
       to bawl.)
I... I don't understand. This is
ridiculous! I don't want to be
what others want or expect me to
be. I want to be myself, but I
also want to be loved by my
family. Oh! What do I do? I want
people to understand, but how can
I tell this family, my family...
that I'm gay?
      (Cries some more.)

Scene 6

The city square is full of life, there are grand fireworks
rocketing from Kremlin's property, and many invitees wearing
creative, gaudy costumes are thrilled to get to Julia's
Rima is dressed as Rihanna, with a lovely bright red wig, a
sparkling night-blue gown, and some makeup over her right
eye to make it look like a black eye.
Ha ha! I say, this is going to be
quite a grand, old time, right
Borislava- I mean Borislav?
Borislava is dressed as Chris Brown, with a false moustache
and a bald cap.
Why do I have to be a guy and wear
a moustache? And why do I have to
be Chris Brown?! This is NOT
Because I called dibs on the girl
costume already. Now, where is
                      IVAN (O.S.)
      (In Nicki Minaj's
You a stupid hoe, you a, you a
stupid hoe!
The camera shows Ivan wearing a green wig, brown suit coat,
pink leggings, a corset, and a women's girdle.
Borislava looks at Rima like "Really?"
      (Joins the group.)
Did someone say "Ivan?" Nice
'stache, Borislava!
And how are you, Rima?
I'm doing well, and I'm ready to
meet the woman of my dreams,
whoever she might be.
Good girl! Following your dreams
instead of just dreaming them.
It's obvious that Queen Mab hath
been with you!
Queen Mab?
She is the fairies' friend, and
she comes
In shape no bigger than a diamond
On the fore-finger of a coffee
shop barista,
Drawn by a tiny team in
Across women's noses as they lie
Her wagon-spokes made of lady
bugs' legs,
with traces of the moonshine's
watery beams,
Sometimes she driveth o'er a
lover's neck,
And then dreams she of kissing
foreign throats
Of love five-fathom deep; and then
Drums in her ear, at which she
starts and wakes,
And being thus aroused swears a
prayer or two
And sleeps again. This is she....
Peace, peace, Ivan, peace! Thou
talk'st of nothing.
Supper is done, and we shall come
too late. Let us be gone!
I fear, too early: for my mind
misgives. Some consequence yet
hanging in the stars shall
bitterly begin her fearful date.
With this night's revels and
expire the term. But she, that
hath the steerage of my course,
Direct my sail! On, my dear
Rima, Borislava, and Ivan leave the shot, and the camera now
focuses on Tikhon and Samarina.
Both antagonists look diabolical and attractive. Tikhon's
blond hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he is wearing an
expensive Armani tuxedo with a red tie. Samarina wears a
fiery red floor-lenghth dress; matching earrings, lipstick,
and tiara; and her bleach-blonde hair in a bun.
They search for a drug dealer and find him.
What ho, drug dealer!
                      DRUG DEALER
Who calls so loud?
It's the Prime Minister, you
                      DRUG DEALER
I have a name, you know. Mikhail
Drogovitch is the name, selling
the drugs is my game. What do you
Let us talk about the President,
shall we?
                      DRUG DEALER
President Ivanovich? That fascist
who's messing up the economy and
making it impossible for me to get
a real job?
      (Speaks as if he
       is singing.)
Igor is an oppressive man,
He crushes your dreams if he can,
We both want him to breathe his
So please, do listen to my plan:

Sell us a pow'rful potion, fast,
That creates madness that will
Said wondrous potion I then will
Pour straight into this crystal

Then my cousin Peter shall fill
That glass with vodka, little
Then Gregor M. will down the
Now he's a machine that can

He'll kill the Pres'dent, that
We'll frame and kill him, and if
all's in sync,
The LGBT's go extinct,
The LGBT's go extinct.
                      DRUG DEALER
Bravo! Mazel tov!!!
Um, hehe, here's your potion.
Thank you, Mr. Drogovitch. You
just played a big role in the
saving of Russia and in the second
coming of the Messiah.

Scene 7

Rima, Ivan, Borislava, Tikhon, and Samarina enter the
massive ballroom whose marble floors, walls and columns have
traces of gold and platinum, whose crystal chandeliers
sparkle in the warm light, and whose atmosphere is as
festive as can be. Everyone is eating rich hors d'oeuvres,
dancing to happy music, taking duckface pictures for
facebook, and drinking expensive vodka.
DJ, can you please turn the music
      (The music turns
Welcome, gentlemen! Ah ha, my
Which of you all will now deny to
Welcome, gentlemen, to my
daughter's Coming of Age!
According to tradition, the first
dance is reserved for my beautiful
daughter. Without further ado,
everyone give Julia a round of
Julia appears wearing a pink, pastry-shaped strapless dress
and a Mardi Gras mask of the same color. A Russian waltz
song comes on, and Capulich and his daughter dance. Julia
catches a glimpse of Rima and gives a loving look to her
without Capulich knowing. Rima and Borislava talk while
those two are dancing.
Rima, have you seen a lady that
you fancy yet?
No...not really...
Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er
saw true beauty till this night.
The waltz stops, and everyone claps.

Gangnam Style plays, and everyone dances to it except
Tikhon, who pulls Capulich.
What, dare those gay-loving freaks
come hither,
To fleer and scorn at our
Now, by the stock and honor of my
To strike them dead, I hold it not
a sin!
How now, nephew. Wherefore storm
you so?
Uncle, these people are gay
activists, and enemies to our way
of life!
Villains that are hither come in
To scorn at our solemnity this
Young Rima is it?
T'is she!
Content thee, let her alone.
Even though she is a liberal,
Someone who shames us with their
I would not for the wealth of all
the town
Here in my house do her
I'll not endure her!
She shall be endured! I say, she
shall! Go to!
you'll not endure her? God shall
mend my soul!
You'll make a mutiny among my
Why uncle, t'is a shame!
Endure her and be quiet, or for
shame, I'll make you quiet!
Samarina pulls Tikhon aside angrily, not knowing he was
putting on an act.
Darling, please don't do that.
It's just an act. If look too calm
under these circumstances, what
with "Gang-gang Style" or whatever
playing and those activists at the
party, it will look suspicious,
and my plan may be uncovered.
Capulich talks into a mic.
Anyhow, as of now, my daughter is
no longer a Capulich, for she will
very soon be handed off to the
strong, brave, intelligent,
chivalrous son of our President,
Lord Dmitry Igor Sasha Ivanovich!
Dmitry, dressed as PSY, slowly and romantically approaches
My lady, Julia
      (Julia blushes
       because she
       doesn't know what
       to say.)
Oh, your flower-like face; your
silky, soft hair. Is your name
Pepsi, 'cause I gotta have it.
Everyone groans, Capulich glares at everyone, and the
groaning stops.
If you were a booger, I would pick
you first.
Capulich himself groans.
Turn the music back on!
DJ turns on a romantic song and everyone becomes too
distracted to notice what else is going on besides slow
dancing. All the couples dance, even Tikhon and Samarina,
and Ivan and Borislava.
May I have this dance, My Lady?
Lord Dmitry, I am extremely
flattered, but you must excuse me
for a brief moment. I am very
Whatever you desire, my Julia.
He kisses her hand, and she walks away to go cry in the
bathroom about having to marry him, but then she bumps into
Rima who just finished peeing.
      (Avoiding gaze.)
Excuse me. I can get clumsy
      (Also looking
I'm sorry.
Both look up at the same time.

Cue happy, romantic music as they first see each other.
      (Touches Julia.)
What's your name?
Does it matter?
      (Rolls her eyes
Yes, let us forgo that formality.
      (Touch Julia's
I know only that you are
As are you. Is no one about?
      (Glances around
Then I must admit that you are
      (Smiles, tries to
       kiss Julia.)
If I profane with my unworthy hand
this holy shrine, the gentle sin
is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims,
ready stand,
to smooth that rough touch with a
tender kiss?
      (Hold Rima's hands)
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your
hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in
For saints have hands that
pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers'
Have not saints lips, and holy
palmers too?
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must
use in prayer.
O, then, dear saint, let lips do
what hands do;
They pray: Grant thou, lest faith
turn to despair.
Saints do not move, though grant
for prayers' sake.
Then move not while my prayer's
effect I take.
      (Kiss Julia.)
Thus from my lips, by thine, my
sin is purged.
Then have my lips the sin that
they have took.
Sin from my lips? O, trespass
sweetly urged! Give me my sin
      (Kiss Julia again.)
You kiss by th' book.
Rima pulls Julia in for a long kiss, and the two girls
stroke each other's waists and hug.
Nana walks toward the couple.
Miss Julia, Mister Dmitry is
waiting for you on the dance
      (Catches them
Nana, you must not say anything at
all! Understand? If not, my family
would kill me!
Oh, child! Just because I love you
so, this will be a secret between
us. But hurry! If not they will
start to suspect something!
Rima and Julia separate and blow air kisses at each other.
What should I do Nana? I can't
love another girl....in this
place. But, I must know, I can't
bear this.... what is her name?!
Her name is Rima, the enemy of
your brother.
My only love sprung from my only
Whatever happens now, I suspect it
will not end well...
I have always known this day would
come, that one day I would have to
face my sexuality....but now, is
it not enough that we are gay? But
I must also love a loathed enemy?

Scene 8

The air is cool, the sky is clear, the stars are out, and
the moon is full. Julia's balcony overlooks the garden. A
perfect romantic setting.
Rima sneaks into the garden and sees Julia sitting on her
balcony with her brown hair down and a guitar by her side.
      (As she's sneaking
She jests at scars that never felt
a wound.
But, soft! What light through
yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Julia is the
Arise, fair sun, and kill the
envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with
That thou her maid art far more
fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!
Julia, madly in love with Rima and also angry at how gays
are treated in Russia, covers a Kim Petras song that relates
to how she's feeling.
There is no easy way, 'cause every
way is hard
There is no imitation of
everybody's heart
There are no limits, and no
So why you want to tell me my love
is a disease?
      (Hums the rest of
       the verse.)
She speaks!
O, speak again, bright angel!
O Rima, Rima, wherefore art thou
Deny thy father and refuse thy
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn
my love and I'll no longer be a
'Tis but our sexuality that is
their enemy.
We art ourselves, not straight.
What's "lesbian"? It is not hand,
nor foot,
nor arm nor face, nor any other
belonging to a woman. We are still
the same people.
"Lesbian" is just a label, a name.
What's in a name? That which we
call a rose
by any other name would smell as
So Rima would, were she not Rima
And so are all people no matter
their sexuality,
forget society, Rima, and take all
I take thee at thy word
Call me but love and I'll be
forever yours;
Why must we hide? As long as we
live, I want you by my side!
Rima! What are you doing here!? If
they do see thee, they will murder
I have night's cloak to hide me
from their eyes;
And but thou love me, let them
find me here.
How did you know where to come?
By Love, that first did prompt me
to inquire.
He lent me council, and I lent him
Thou knowest the mask of night is
on my face;
Else would a maiden blush bepaint
my cheek
For that which thou hast heard me
speak tonight.
Fain would I dwell on form -fain,
fain deny
What I have spoke; but farewell
Dost thou love me?
I know thou wilt say "Ay;"
And I will take thy word. Yet, if
thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove false. O gentle
If thou dost love, pronounce it
By yonder blessed moon I swear-
O, swear not by the moon, the
inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her
circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise
What shall I swear by?
Do not swear at all;
Or if thou wilt, swear by thy
gracious self,
Which is the goddess of my
And I'll believe thee.
If my heart's dear love--
Well, do not swear. Although I joy
in thee,
I have no joy of this contract
It is too rash, too unadvised, too
Too like the lightning, which doth
cease to be
Ere one can say it lightens.
Sweet, good night!
This bud of love, by summer's
ripening breath,
May prove a beauteous flow'r when
next we meet.
Good night, good night! As sweet
repose and rest
Come to thy heart as that within
my breast!
O, wilt thou leave me so
What satisfaction canst thou have
The exchange of thy love's
faithful vow for mine.
I gave thee mine before thou didst
request it:
and yet I would it were to give
      (Looks around,
       making sure
       nobody is there,
       hugs Rima)
Three words, dear Rima, and good
night indeed.
If that thy bent of love be
Thy purpose marriage, send me word
So thrive my soul--
Nana calls to Julia from offscreen.
A thousand times good night!
A thousand times the worse, to
want thy light!
Love goes toward love as
schoolgirls from their books
But love from love, toward school
with heavy looks
Nana calls again, louder and more insistent.
Good night, good night! Parting is
such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good night till
it be morrow. Goodnight.
      (Kisses Rima)
Rima walks away smiling and thrilled to be in a


Scene 9

Borislava and Ivan walk off the palace grounds completely
wasted. They are singing quite loudly while Ivan holds
Borislava like a princess.
      (Singing with
       BORISLAVA in
99 bottles of vodka on the wall,
99 bottles of vodka, take one
down, pass it around, you've got…
ninety… EIGHT bottles of vodka on
the wall!!!
The two drunks laugh, and Gregor pulls up to them in his
Hello Ivan, hello coz. I'm here to
pick y'all up.
      (Sees how drunk
       they are.)
Wow, you guys are wasted!
I know, right?
Oh, Cousin, that canNOT be good
for you.
                      TIKHON (O.S.)
      (In a sneering,
       snakelike tone.)
Oh, come on, they're just having a
good time.
Tikhon enters the shot.
Hey, I know you. You're Prime
Minister Capulich, the knave that
tazed me earlier!
      (To Gregor, lying.)
I am, and I most sincerely
apologize for my despicable
      (To the drunk
Um, can you both please get out of
here? This is a private matter.
Y-y-yes, sire.
      (Sings in unison
       with BORISLAVA
98 bottles of vodka on the wall…
Borislava and Ivan: 98 bottles of
vodka! Take one down, pass it
around, you've got… 97 bottles of
vodka on the wall!
Tikhon discreetly calls PETER to pour a glass of vodka.
Tikhon holds the glass behind his back, Peter pours, and
Tikhon spikes it with the potion.
Here, have some drink.
No, thanks, I'm their designated
Come on, we're Russians! That
small glass can't intoxicate you.
Gregor drinks the vodka and gets high off the potion in the
Hey, this is so amazing. I�"I feel
like I'm getting lighter, like I
can fly, like I can do anything.
Hey, I think I'm a superhero!
      (Playing along.)
Oh, a superhero? What's your name?
Look, a crime!
Samarina drags POR into the shot with little luck, but
enough to make the scheme work.
Samarina Capulich, where the devil
are you taking me?
      (Gives POR her
Help! He stole my purse!
Have no fear! Captain Vodka is
      (Takes out a
Vodka dagger, activate!
Gregor runs at POR with the knife. POR tries to run away,
but Samarina knocks him over; Gregor stabs POR and kills
him. Tikhon's face lights up because his plan worked; he
high-fives Samarina and kisses her.


Scene 10

At POR's large funeral, almost 5:00 a.m. The Capuliches,
Dmitry, and the crowd are in black; Tikhon is in his usual
outfit, and Samarina is wearing a black, furry coat over her
red dress.
The weather is chilly, and it is about to rain.
We are gathered here early this
morning to celebrate the life and
mourn the passing of our great
former President, Igor Ivanovich.
Although he hath governed us for
not even a full day, he will
always be in our hearts. Dmitry,
son of Igor, you have my
condolences, and you are more than
welcome to live at the Kremlin
Palace with us Capuliches, and
your lover, Julia. However, like I
said in my inaugural speech, out
with the old, in with the new.
Russian law states that when the
President passes away, a new
President will be elected three
months later, and in the meantime,
the Prime Minister must take on
the Presidential role. Wait, Prime
Minster… that would be… me!
The people in cat masks and purple robes march onto the
stage on which Tikhon stands. Samarina dons a ruby-encrusted
cat mask.
Anyway, you all deserve to know
how the President died: he was
murdered by that drunken gay wad
Gregor Montevsky!!! See what I
mean? Gays are evil; they are the
children of Beelzebub himself, and
I have the duty of sending them
back to the fiery pit! People of
Russia, hear my command. As long
as I'm in power, you must address
my wife and me as "Your Divinity."
You must no longer call the
policemen "cops" or "policemen;"
you must call them "Apostles" and
the police chief a "Prophetess."
Apostles, as soon as you receive
your new uniforms, don them. After
that, you will no longer fish for
regular criminals; you will be
fishing for gays You must go out
there and kill every LGBT person
Tikhon shoots Gregor. Rima then rushes to her dead brother's
side and bawls. Julia consoles her new girlfriend and gives
her a look of "We really need a good way of hiding our
Montage: Apostles don their new uniforms which resemble
those that Tikhon's followers wore onstage. They then roam
the streets killing gays, lesbians, transgendered people,
bisexuals, and even people falsely accused of being these
The mood is scary, tragic and hopeless.
Tikhon and Samarina return to the black, red-spotlit
environment from scene 4. But this time, Tikhon sits behind
the President's desk.
My Dear, what time is it?
It is 5:15.
Great Scot! So far, 827 freaks,
and counting, have died by my hand
in 15 minutes. At this rate, all
of Rusky's LGBT community will
have gone extinct when my
Presidency is over!
      (Sigh of
Christ resurrected himself in
three days, and I, Tikhon
Leviticus Capulich, will resurrect
Russia in three months. I am
justice, I am the law, I… am the
Second Messiah.


© 2013 Natalia Torrelio

Author's Note

Natalia Torrelio
I am an aspiring actor/scriptwriter. This is my first time showing my work to the world, so please give me constructive feedback, reviews, and suggestions; emphasis on "constructive". Please keep it classy, ok?
[EDIT] I just tweaked my script based on the first review I got. What do you think?

My Review

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Featured Review

The dialogue is great, you're a talented writer! I do have a few notes of constructive criticism:

-There's very little direction, don't be afraid to describe the environment/character actions more. Paint a more vivid picture in the reader's mind.
-The formatting could be a bit clearer. Here's a good site that shows how a screenplay should generally be formatted: http://www.scriptfrenzy.org/howtoformatascreenplay

Good work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Natalia Torrelio

12 Years Ago

Thanks for your review. Though I find the rules of the margins to be quite tedious to format/re-form.. read more

12 Years Ago

Scriptbuddy.com helped me big-time in creating my first screenplay (http://www.writerscafe.org/writi.. read more


The dialogue is great, you're a talented writer! I do have a few notes of constructive criticism:

-There's very little direction, don't be afraid to describe the environment/character actions more. Paint a more vivid picture in the reader's mind.
-The formatting could be a bit clearer. Here's a good site that shows how a screenplay should generally be formatted: http://www.scriptfrenzy.org/howtoformatascreenplay

Good work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Natalia Torrelio

12 Years Ago

Thanks for your review. Though I find the rules of the margins to be quite tedious to format/re-form.. read more

12 Years Ago

Scriptbuddy.com helped me big-time in creating my first screenplay (http://www.writerscafe.org/writi.. read more

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1 Review
Added on February 15, 2013
Last Updated on February 20, 2013
Tags: Love, romance, lesbian, gay, lgbt, play, script, dystopia, shakespeare, adaptation