Take My HandA Story by nseddyThis is my first Drabble entry for the Friday Fictioneers group.Enjoying a caffé mocha at my local Starbucks, a handsome but ashen man with deep blue eyes and silvery hair sits down next to me. “Take my hand Jasmine.” He says reaching out and smiling. “Excuse me?” “You have to come with me.....” Sirens wail outside. I see a young blonde man, bounding up the steps towards me, gun in hand. He turns, raises his weapon and fires at the police. They return fire. I feel multiple bullets hit me as I fall to ground. Reaching up I take the man’s hand. We float away leaving my lifeless body behind. © 2014 nseddyAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on May 7, 2014 Last Updated on May 8, 2014 Tags: drabble afterlife friday fictio Author