Nether clash: Heroes united

Nether clash: Heroes united

A Story by nounanirt

In an epic crossover between One Punch Man and Rainimator's Minecraft series, the tyrannical Naues, leader of the Nether, launches an invasion on City Z. His army of ghasts, blazes, and wither skeleto


Prologue ( the nether conference)

In the blazing, smoky depths of the nether, three creepy figures gathered around a big, glowing table to plan their attack on City Z. The table, made of obsidian and brimstone, cast eerie shadows on the walls. The heat made everything wavy, making them look even scarier. Their eyes glowed with evil plans, reflecting the flames around them.

For the past three days, their spies had been gathering info on City Z, checking out the heroes: Tatsumaki, Saitama, Genos, Metal Bat, and Fubuki. The spies came back with detailed reports on the heroes' powers and the city's defenses.

King Naues, a huge guy with molten skin, red horns, and eyes like blazing coals, leaned over the table. He looked super powerful and in charge.

Naues: "We will strike here and here," he said, pointing at spots on the map. "General Hogsworth will attack with the pigmen warriors on the left side of the city. At the same time, Kralos will lead the wither skeletons on the right side. This way, we surround the heroes and take them down. Any questions?"

Kralos, a scary warrior with a skeleton body and dark armor, spoke up.

Kralos: "What if they beat our forces? What do we do then?"

General Hogsworth, a huge pigman with big tusks and muscles, nodded.

General Hogsworth: "Yeah, these heroes are super strong. This 'One Punch Man,' Saitama, can destroy enemies with one punch. How do we beat them?"

Kralos looked back at King Naues.

Kralos: "Do you have a backup plan?"

King Naues straightened up, his fiery aura getting stronger.

Naues: "Yes, if they survive our first attack, we'll send in the wither titan. It will crush them. If they still survive," his voice got super creepy, "I'll finish them off with Herobrine and the nether star! We won't let humans beat us! Follow me, and we'll show them that the nether empire is unstoppable!" Naues' arms crackled with dark energy, his red eyes glowing. "Also, we have Boros and his aliens as allies. If we lose, they'll make sure the heroes are finished."

Kralos and General Hogsworth bowed, "All hail King Naues!"

King Naues, full of confidence and evil, turned sharply.

Naues: "Get the troops ready. We attack at night," he ordered. He walked out of the room, leaving everyone feeling tense and excited.

The cavern echoed with the sounds of the nether forces getting ready. The air was thick with the promise of chaos and destruction, as the nether realm prepared to unleash its fury on City Z.

Chapter 1- The invasion part 1

The heroes of City Z stood atop a tall building, their silhouettes outlined against the darkening sky, keeping watch over the city. The distant hum of urban life provided a deceptive sense of calm, occasionally interrupted by flickering neon lights and the soft rustling of the wind.

Genos, his mechanical body glinting under the moonlight, turned to Saitama with a concerned expression. "Sensei, I hope nothing bad happens tonight," he said, his voice tinged with unease. "I have a bad feeling about something, but I can't pinpoint what."

Tatsumaki, floating slightly above the ground with her green hair billowing around her, added, "Yeah, tonight is unusually peaceful, but I can't shake this sense of something ominous approaching." Her voice carried a note of worry, her sharp eyes scanning the horizon.

Metal Bat, his indestructible bat resting casually on his shoulder, smirked confidently. "Well, whatever it is, we'll handle it like always. No matter what comes our way, we'll take it down."

Fubuki, standing close to her sister, tried to offer comfort. "Don't worry, big sis," she said softly, holding Tatsumaki's hand. Her psychic energy glowed faintly, a reassuring presence amid the growing tension.

Genos squinted into the distance, his advanced sensors picking up something unusual. "I think I see something..." he said, his voice trailing off as he peered into the darkness.

Saitama: "What is it?" he asked, stepping beside Genos. His usually nonchalant demeanor turned serious as he followed Genos' gaze. In the distance, a massive portal began to materialize, its swirling vortex casting an eerie glow over the city.

Tatsumaki's eyes widened in horror at the grotesque figures emerging from the portal. "What in the world am I seeing?" she exclaimed, her voice rising. Pig-like men were attacking from the left side of the city, their grotesque forms brandishing rusty swords, while legions of skeletal warriors charged from the right, their bony hands gripping ancient weapons.

Genos' eyes blazed with determination. "Let's go. We have to save the city," he declared, already hearing the distant screams of terrified civilians.

With a wave of her hand, Tatsumaki lifted the heroes into the air, flying them swiftly toward the advancing armies. The city below was a chaotic scene of fleeing citizens and crumbling buildings, illuminated by the eerie light of the portal.

Saitama quickly devised a plan. "Me, Tatsumaki, and Genos will take the skeletons on the right. Metal Bat and Fubuki, you handle the pigmen on the left," he instructed, his tone calm and commanding.

The heroes split up, each heading to their designated positions with unwavering resolve.

Saitama, Tatsumaki, and Genos arrived to confront the army of withering skeletons. Saitama surveyed the countless enemies with a sigh. "Geez, that's a lot of enemies, but I've faced worse. This shouldn't be too difficult," he said, his tone almost bored.

Genos, his face set in a grim expression, charged up his blasters. "I won't be easily defeated," he roared, firing barrages of lasers at the wither skeletons, blowing them into pieces. However, some skeletons managed to break through, slashing at Genos with their poisonous blades.

Genos winced as the poison took effect. "Stay at a distance. Their swords are poisoned," he warned, clutching his wounds before destroying the skeletons with a flurry of machine gun punches and more laser blasts.

Meanwhile, Tatsumaki used her psychic powers to hurl cars and debris at the skeletons, crushing them into piles of bones. The relentless waves of enemies seemed never-ending. Saitama sighed, "They just don't give up, do they?" as he obliterated half of the wither skeleton army with a single, devastating punch.

Suddenly, a silver-armored nether warrior wielding a massive axe stepped forward, his eyes burning with hatred. "So you're the famous Saitama?" he growled.

Saitama glanced at him, unimpressed. "Yes, and who might you be?"

"I am Kralos, the wither knight, and I will take your head for destroying my fellow wither skeletons," Kralos declared, charging forward with a roar.

Saitama shrugged. "You picked the wrong opponent," he said nonchalantly, catching the axe with his teeth and breaking it into pieces effortlessly.

Kralos stumbled backward in disbelief. "How are you so strong?" he stuttered, fear creeping into his voice.

Saitama explained with a casual shrug, "Well, I did 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 100 sit-ups and ran 10 kilometers daily for about a year. It made me very strong."

Kralos' eyes widened in shock. "What? That's insane! Please spare me! I'll do anything."

Saitama considered for a moment. "Hmm, I guess I can spare you. You're not much of a threat anyway," he said, knocking Kralos unconscious with a light slap. The wither skeletons, seeing their leader defeated, retreated in disarray.

As the three heroes turned, they saw Metal Bat locked in combat with an armored pigman wielding a sword and shield, while Fubuki used her psychic powers to push back the pigmen army.

General Hogsworth, the pigman leader, lunged at Metal Bat but feinted to the side at the last second. However, Metal Bat predicted his movement and struck him on the side of the head, causing him to squeal and stumble backward.

General Hogsworth let out an enraged squeal, his voice echoing with fury as he charged forward with all his might. He slammed his heavy, iron-clad shield against the side of Metal Bat's head with a resounding crash, stunning the hero momentarily and causing him to stagger. Without missing a beat, Hogsworth delivered a swift, forceful kick to Metal Bat's chest, driving the air from his lungs.

Metal Bat, his eyes blazing with fierce determination, roared defiantly, "The more I get injured, the stronger I become!" He swung his bat with all his might, striking the ground with such force that a massive shockwave erupted, sending debris flying and knocking General Hogsworth off his feet.

General Hogsworth growled and thrust his diamond sword into Metal Bat's chest, but the attack barely fazed him. Metal Bat quickly struck back, knocking the Pigman General to the ground. "You're a worthy opponent," Metal Bat panted, blocking a blow with his bat. "But the Nether will never win!"

Metal Bat's eyes narrowed. "Come at me and show me what you got, pig head!" he taunted, baiting Hogsworth into attacking.

Hogsworth growled and charged, striking at Metal Bat's chest. However, he made the fatal mistake of falling for Metal Bat's trap.

Hogsworth's eyes widened in fear as Metal Bat suddenly appeared behind him, his eyes gleaming with fury. With a powerful swing, Metal Bat brought his weapon crashing down on Hogsworth's head, killing him instantly in an explosion of rocks and debris.

Looking down at the crumpled form of the Pigman General, Metal Bat sighed. "He was a worthy adversary, but unfortunately, he fell for my death blow bait."

Saitama, his expression one of mild boredom, asked, "Is the battle over yet? I want to go get ice cream."

Tatsumaki shook her head in amusement as she watched the remaining wither skeletons and pigmen retreat back to their realm. "I think we did it," she said, her voice tinged with relief.

Fubuki, still holding Tatsumaki's hand, asked, "Are we safe now, big sis?"

Genos, his sensors alert, pointed to the sky. "It seems like we got more company," he said.

As he spoke, the sky darkened ominously, and a new fleet of ghasts, blazes, and a towering wither giant emerged from a swirling portal.

Saitama sighed. "Looks like we're not done yet," he said, his tone resigned as the heroes prepared themselves for the second wave of attack. The air crackled with anticipation as they readied their weapons and powers, determined to protect City Z from the relentless onslaught.

Chapter 2- the invasion part 2

Tatsumaki's POV: 

The cities echoed with cries of anguish, terror, and pain as the second wave of pigmen and withering skeletons slaughtered the civilians, reinforced by the fleet of ghasts and blazes in the air. Buildings burned, mothers cried, alarms blared, and blood spilled everywhere as the next army of the nether descended upon City Z.

"We must stop them!" Tatsumaki cried desperately to Fubuki as they both used their psychic powers to hurl objects at the army of the nether. Their combined might sent debris and enemy soldiers flying, but the onslaught seemed endless.

A child began to cry as a withering skeleton stabbed his mother in front of him and approached with a menacing look in its hollow eyes. Tatsumaki saw this and hurled an object at the skeleton, smashing it into pieces.

"Thank you!" the child cried, hugging Tatsumaki tightly.

"It's my duty," she said, smiling as she stroked the boy's hair. "This place is not safe for you. You must go!"

Genos appeared beside them. "I will take the boy to the nearest shelter," he offered, taking the boy's hand and flying off to safety.

A crying mother ran to Tatsumaki and pointed desperately at a burning building. "My son is trapped in there. Please save him!"

"Don't worry, your son is safe with me," Tatsumaki assured her with determination in her eyes as she flew over to the building. Entering the inferno, she found a group of blazes, wither skeletons, and pigmen surrounding a terrified boy.

"Turn around and face me, you monsters!" she cried, hurling objects at the mobs. A few skeletons and pigmen crumbled under her ferocity, but the more skilled enemies leapt at her, slashing and stabbing with relentless aggression.

Tatsumaki dodged the attacks and unleashed a huge tornado, throwing them around like ragdolls. The blazes shot fireballs at her, but she stopped them mid-air with her psychic power and hurled them back, blasting the blazes into oblivion. She grabbed the crying child and flew out of the burning building.

The mother saw her son and ran over. "Thank you!"

"It's my pleasure," Tatsumaki smiled before heading back to where Fubuki was fighting against the nether army.

She saw Saitama and Genos fighting side by side, obliterating any mobs that got too close to the cowering citizens behind them. "We must take down that giant skeleton," Saitama said, pointing at the towering figure above.

"Can't you just kill it with one punch?" Tatsumaki asked, confused.

"I tried, but it doesn't seem to work for some reason," Saitama responded, equally puzzled. "I think it's infused with some kind of power that makes it immune to my punches."

"We must find another way to stop it, or the citizens will be crushed if it gets too close," Tatsumaki said, her resolve hardening. "We will not let our efforts be in vain."

She walked up to Saitama and held his hand. "I love you," she whispered.

Saitama's eyes widened in surprise before softening. "I love you too," he said, pulling her forward and kissing her deeply.

Genos's POV: "There's too many of them, Sensei!" Genos cried desperately to Saitama as he fired barrages of lasers at the continuous waves of wither skeletons and pigmen. He glanced over and cringed in disgust at the sight of Saitama kissing Tatsumaki.

"Eww, never mind, Sensei!" he said, refocusing on the battle as more mobs surged forward.

Metal Bat's POV: Meanwhile, Metal Bat fought alone against the hordes until he saw a crying girl on the ground, a huge pigman brute towering over her. "Ugh, screw this!" he groaned, leaping forward and knocking the brute away with a powerful swing of his bat.

The pigman brute grunted and lunged again, but Metal Bat smirked and sent it flying with a fierce blow. "Are you alright?" he asked, pulling the girl to her feet.

"My hero!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"Ummm, thank you," Metal Bat said awkwardly.

"Metal Bat! We need your help now!" Saitama's voice called out urgently.

"Sorry, gotta go," he said, running over to Saitama.

"We need you to use your Death Blow against that giant skeleton," Saitama said, pointing up.

Metal Bat glanced up to see Genos fighting furiously against the titan. "Help me!" Genos cried as the titan's fist collided with his chest, sending him crashing into a building.

Tatsumaki and Fubuki desperately tried to disorient the titan with their psychic powers, but it simply tossed them aside and continued its advance toward the center of the city.

"I got this, Saitama," Metal Bat said, leaping towards the titan. He smacked its cheek hard, causing it to stumble. "Let's see how you deal with this!" he yelled, using his strength-difference ability to send the titan flying into a building.

The titan growled and hurled a fallen building at Metal Bat. "Ha! You think a mere building can stop me?" Metal Bat laughed, dodging quickly and appearing above the titan's head. "Take this, you big pile of bones," he growled, delivering a devastating blow to its head.

The titan shook its head, stunned, and grabbed Metal Bat, opening its mouth to devour him. However, Metal Bat teleported behind the titan using his Death Blow ability. "Say goodnight," he growled, bringing his bat down and killing the titan instantly.

The titan staggered and fell to the ground with a deafening crash.

"You did it!" Saitama exclaimed as the enemy army began to retreat.

"I did it..." Metal Bat muttered, smiling.

End of Metal Bat's POV But before the heroes could celebrate, a tall purple-robed skeletal figure with a crown and a spear walked out of the portal, accompanied by a flying, burning skeleton. The figure's eyes glowed red, and his arm crackled with electricity as he glared at the heroes.

"So... it seems you defeated my army and the titan," the tall figure said. "You have made the mistake of challenging my empire, and now you shall pay the price!"

His voice echoed around the city as a huge thunderstorm hovered above.

"Prepare to be destroyed!!!"

Chapter 3- The last battle

Tatsumaki's Perspective:

"Prepare to be destroyed!" King Naues's voice reverberated through the city, making Tatsumaki's emerald eyes blaze with fury. "Destroyed?" she fumed, clenching her fists. "I'll show him my true power!"

"You think you can defeat me? I am the S-class Rank 2 hero!" Tatsumaki shouted, pointing accusingly at King Naues.

Unfazed, King Naues retorted, "You don't scare me, little girl," pointing his spear at her.

Tatsumaki's anger flared at the insult. "I am not a little girl! I'll make you regret invading this city!" she yelled, hovering in the air with her psychokinesis.

She began hurling insults at him: "Bald head! Skull head! Avocado!"

King Naues rolled his eyes and punched her in the gut, sending her flying. As she struggled to regain her breath, he approached with a menacing grin.

"Oh well, I guess you have to die first. You underestimate my power," he said, his eyes glowing white.

"Bring it on, fat head!" Tatsumaki shouted back.

King Naues laughed coldly, using Herobrine's power to teleport in front of her and uppercut her, sending her airborne. He appeared above her, grabbed her, and threw her into a building, the impact shattering windows and sending debris flying.

"Behold the power of the Nether and Herobrine combined!" he yelled, charging his spear with electrical energy from the thunderstorm that brewed above.

Tatsumaki tried to dodge, but he zapped her with a huge burst of electricity, knocking her to the ground. He teleported in front of her, grabbed her hair, and slammed her into the ground. Summoning a massive lightning bolt, he struck her, causing a huge explosion that sent shockwaves throughout the city.

"You will pay for that!" Tatsumaki yelled, hurling debris and rocks at him with her psychokinetic powers. The air crackled with energy as she poured everything she had into her attack.

"You think you can stop me? I am immortal!" King Nause jeered, teleporting above her and kicking her into the ground, creating a huge crater. His laughter echoed as he saw her struggle to rise.

Tatsumaki tried to stand but was pummeled by swift, lightning-fast punches from all directions. Each blow felt like a sledgehammer, and she could feel her strength waning.

"Enough of this!" she yelled, pushing him back with a repulsive wave, blood dripping from her nose and mouth. Her vision blurred, but her determination remained unbroken.

"Just give up, and I might give you a painless death," he laughed coldly. "My power is beyond your comprehension."

"I will never give up, you tyrant!" Tatsumaki growled, summoning a huge concrete hand to attack him as a distraction. She hoped to buy herself some time, even if it was just a few seconds.

"Your little tricks won't fool me," King Naeus jeered, teleporting behind her and slicing her with his ender arm blades, creating deep red and bloodied gashes all over her body. The pain was searing, but she refused to let him see her weakness.

Tatsumaki dodged just in time, punching him in the face with a powerful burst of psychokinetic energy. She poured every ounce of her remaining strength into the blow, determined to make him feel her wrath.

"Your powers are pathetic!" he mocked, recovering quickly and impaling her stomach with his spear. The pain was excruciating, and she screamed, her emerald eyes dimming as blood poured from the wound.

"And now the so-called S-class Rank 2 hero falls," King Naeus laughed, his red eyes glowing menacingly.

"I am not afraid of you," she said defiantly, trying to stand. But Naues stomped on her face, breaking her nose and pinning her down.

"Tatsumaki!" Fubuki yelled, hurling a massive rock at Naeus, trying to catch him off guard.

King Naues anticipated the move, teleported out of the way, and stabbed Fubuki in the back, shoving her to the floor.

"Die!" he roared, charging his spear with electrical energy and unleashing a powerful beam, blasting Fubuki and overwhelming her defenses. The blast echoed like a thunderclap, and the ground shook beneath their feet.

Fubuki fell to the ground, groaning weakly after taking the full burst of the electrical energy. "I am sorry, big sis," she whispered to Tatsumaki, her eyes dimming as she died.

"No..." Tatsumaki murmured, tears streaming down her face as she cradled her sister's lifeless body. The pain in her heart was unbearable, but her rage fueled her resolve.

"Ha ha ha !" King Naues laughed mockingly and pushed Tatsumaki aside. "Now it's your turn, green-haired girl," he growled, raising his spear to deliver the killing blow.

Tatsumaki's Flashback:

Tatsumaki's emerald eyes blazed with cold fury as she glared up at Naues. In that moment, a torrent of memories crashed over her�"the carefree days of childhood spent with Fubuki, their laughter echoing in the wind, their spirited arguments that now seemed so trivial in the face of this devastating loss. She had sworn an oath to shield Fubuki from harm, to protect her sister no matter the cost. But now, Fubuki lay dead, and the weight of that failure bore down on Tatsumaki like a crushing wave. The anguish of her loss twisted into a seething rage that crackled with raw psychic energy, making the air around her hum with palpable intensity.

"It's all because of you," she seethed inwardly, her glare piercing Naues with an intensity that matched the blazing fire in her eyes. Every memory of Fubuki fueled the inferno raging within her soul, each cherished moment now a painful reminder of what had been taken from her. Her entire being trembled with power as she focused on Naues, her resolve hardening into an unyielding determination. The ground beneath her cracked and trembled under the pressure of her burgeoning psychic force, a testament to the storm of emotions brewing inside her. Her heart, a shattered vessel, bled with every beat, each throb a reminder of the void Fubuki's absence had left behind.

"Fubuki's death will not be in vain," she declared fiercely, her voice laced with sorrow and righteous anger as she lunged at Naues once more, catching him off guard with her ferocity.

"You killed my sister! You'll pay for this, you heartless monster!" Tatsumaki's scream tore through the air, carrying with it the weight of her grief and the fury of her resolve. She summoned all her psychic prowess, gathering it into a swirling vortex of power that engulfed Naues with its destructive force. The wind howled around them, debris swirling in chaotic frenzy, but Naues seemed almost nonchalant in the face of her onslaught.

Before she could react, Naeus had her in his firm grasp, his large skeletal hand closing around her throat. He lifted her off the ground, the tornado dissipating as her concentration broke. Tatsumaki struggled against his grip, gasping for breath as he tightened his hold. The pressure around her neck intensified, and she could feel her strength waning. Naeus's expression was one of cold, unfeeling malice, his eyes devoid of any compassion as he began to choke the life out of her. The ground beneath them cracked under the force of Naeus's oppressive power, and Tatsumaki's vision began to blur.

"Any last words, little human?", he smirked sadistically at Tatsumaki's pain and squeezed tighter around her throat.

Genos POV:

Enough!" Genos yelled, blasting Naues away from Tatsumaki with his cyborg cannons. The force of the blast created a crater where Naues had stood.

King Naeus laughed mockingly, flicking dirt off his robe as he got back up and glared at Genos. "You must be the S-class Rank 16 hero," he mused. "Are you ready to die, you worthless piece of metal?". "You can't stop the inetivable".

"You will pay for what you have done," Genos said, his eyes burning with determination as he fired a barrage of lasers. Each shot was precise, aimed to inflict maximum damage.

"Your advanced technology is no match for ancient powers," Naue laughed, dodging the attacks and blasting Genos with electrical energy, knocking him from the air. Sparks flew as Genos crashed into the ground, his systems struggling to cope with the damage.

"This guy is strong," Genos thought, barely dodging a slash from Naues's spear. The weapon's edge hummed with power, and Genos knew he couldn't afford any mistakes.

"Machine gun blows!" Genos shouted, unleashing a barrage of punches. His fists moved faster than the eye could see, each strike a blur of metal and fury.

Naues quickly punched him in the face, knocking him down. The impact left Genos dazed, but he forced himself to stand.

"Prepare for the ultimate showdown!" Naues yelled, summoning a huge storm of electricity and tearing Genos apart with lightning bolts. Each bolt struck with unrelenting force, and Genos felt his systems overloading.

"Sensei, help me!" Genos cried as the electricity disintegrated him. His last thought was of his mentor, the one person who might be able to stop this monster.

Saitama's Perspective:

"You monster!" Saitama yelled in anger as his disciple vanished, his ashes disappearing into the air. The sight of Genos being destroyed filled him with a rare fury.

King Naues loomed over Tatsumaki with a sadistic grin, relishing her feeble attempt to escape his grasp. His grip tightened cruelly on her shoulders, eliciting a whimper from her trembling form.

"Where do you think you're going, little girl?" he taunted mockingly, his voice dripping with malice as he squeezed harder, causing Tatsumaki to gasp in pain.

"You killed my sister and Genos. Let go of me!" Tatsumaki demanded defiantly, though her struggle was futile against Naues's overpowering strength. Her spirit burned with defiance, but her body betrayed her under his relentless grip.

Turning his attention to Saitama, Naues pressed the sharp tip of his spear against Tatsumaki's vulnerable neck, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

"Tell me where the Hero Association building is, and perhaps I'll consider sparing her," he hissed, starting a chilling countdown from ten.

"Let go of her!" Saitama's voice thundered with righteous fury as he stepped forward, unable to bear the sight of Tatsumaki's plight.

"I don't take orders from you, bald fool," Naues sneered coldly, increasing the pressure of the spear against Tatsumaki's skin, drawing a bead of blood. The sight of her blood seemed to please him, his grin widening as he relished her helplessness.

"I said... Let go of her!" Saitama's voice boomed with unprecedented intensity, his resolve pushing him to act. In a blink of an eye, he lunged forward with blinding speed, his fist connecting with Naues's form and sending him hurtling through the air with bone-crushing force. The impact was cataclysmic, the building behind Naues shattering into rubble upon his impact.

Tatsumaki looked up at Saitama with a mixture of relief and gratitude, her voice barely a whisper as she murmured her thanks and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Despite the pain and exhaustion etched on her face, a faint smile tugged at her lips.

Saitama blushed awkwardly at the unexpected gesture. "Don't mention it. Just stay behind me," he reassured her with a newfound seriousness, his eyes fixed on Naues who staggered out of the wreckage, his red eyes blazing with unbridled hatred.

"It seems I have finally found a worthy opponent," Naues growled ominously, his voice resonating with a chilling undertone as millions of Nether portals materialized behind him, unleashing a horde of nightmarish creatures�"wither skeletons and pigmen flooding into the world. The sky itself darkened with their malevolent presence, casting an eerie shadow over the battlefield.

Tatsumaki clutched Saitama's arm tightly, her earlier gratitude now replaced with a steely determination. She knew this battle would test them like never before, but she also knew she wouldn't face it alone.


Saitama looked up and saw a fleet of ghastly blazes led by a burning skeleton. Their fiery eyes glowed with malice, and the air was thick with the scent of sulfur.

"It looks like the battle is not over yet," Saitama said, darting head-on toward Naue as the battle between the Nether and the heroes of City Z resumed.

Naues summoned his power, creating a storm of electrical energy that crackled menacingly in the air. "You will fall like the others," he declared, his voice booming.

Saitama clenched his fists, his expression determined. "I've had enough of your threats," he said, his voice steady. "It's time to end this."

As the two forces clashed, the city trembled under their power. Wither skeletons and pigmen swarmed the streets, attacking anything in their path. The heroes of City Z fought valiantly, but the sheer number of enemies was overwhelming.

Saitama charged at Naues, his fist glowing with energy. "Consecutive Normal Punches!" he shouted, unleashing a flurry of blows that connected with Naue's body, each punch causing shockwaves.

Naues staggered back, his armor cracking under the force of Saitama's punches. Each strike reverberated through the city, the sheer power of Saitama's attacks shaking the very foundation of the ground they stood on. Buildings nearby trembled, windows shattering from the shockwaves, and people fled in terror, seeking shelter from the destruction.

Saitama turned his head away from Naues for one second and watched as the Blazing Skeleton flew down towards Tatsumaki with deadly speed. The skeletal figure, wreathed in flames, looked like a harbinger of doom descending from the heavens. Its fiery eyes locked onto Tatsumaki, who was already engaged in a fierce battle with a horde of lesser enemies. She glanced up, sensing the imminent danger, but she was surrounded and had little room to maneuver.

Saitama turned to Metal Bat and yelled urgently, "Go help Tatsumaki! I will distract Naues and buy you time." His voice was a mix of command and desperation, knowing that even Tatsumaki might struggle against such a formidable foe alone.

Metal Bat nodded without hesitation, his eyes reflecting determination and resolve. He gripped his weapon tightly and with a massive leap, soared into the air towards the Blazing Skeleton. The wind roared past him as he ascended, his mind focused solely on intercepting the fiery menace before it could reach Tatsumaki.

Naues, seething with rage and pain from Saitama's relentless assault, saw an opportunity in Saitama's brief distraction. Summoning his remaining strength, he launched a powerful counterattack, his massive fist aimed directly at Saitama. The hero barely managed to dodge, the blow grazing his cheek and causing a shockwave that leveled nearby structures.

Saitama quickly regained his footing, eyes narrowing with determination. He knew he had to keep Naues occupied, no matter the cost. With renewed vigor, he charged at Naues, their clash echoing like thunder through the city. Each collision sent ripples of force through the air, a testament to the titanic struggle between these two powerful beings.

Meanwhile, Metal Bat closed in on the Blazing Skeleton, his bat glowing with an intense aura. With a mighty swing, he struck at the skeletal figure, flames bursting on impact. The two clashed mid-air, a fierce battle of strength and willpower. Tatsumaki, seeing her opportunity, unleashed a psychic wave that cleared the enemies around her, preparing to join the fray and support Metal Bat.

The city below became a battlefield of epic proportions, heroes and villains locked in combat, their fates intertwined in this moment of chaos and courage.

Chapter 4- The last battle part 2

Metal bat and Tatsumaki POV:

Metal Bat roared with unrestrained fury, his muscles bulging as he swung his bat with relentless force. Each swing connected with the blazing skeleton, sending sparks flying into the air. His eyes blazed with determination as he used his strength-difference ability to smack the burning entity into a nearby building, causing the structure to shudder under the impact. Tatsumaki, floating nearby, hurled cars and oil trucks with her psychic powers, the vehicles crashing into the burning skeleton and slamming it further into the crumbling edifice.

"You attack him on the left, and I will attack on the right," Tatsumaki whispered to Metal Bat, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. They split up, coordinating their assault with a practiced precision.

The blazing skeleton, now buried under a heap of debris, ascended from the wreckage with a guttural growl. "You dare challenge the Blazing Doom?" it roared, its voice echoing with ancient malice. "I have slain mighty warriors and even witches! Prepare to burn to ashes!"

"We'll see about that," Tatsumaki retorted, her eyes narrowing as she summoned endless waves of rocks and cars, hurling them at the Blazing Doom with unyielding force.

The Blazing Doom let out a menacing laugh as it blasted through the onslaught of rocks and cars with ferocious speed. It thrust itself forward, its skeletal form a blur of fiery motion, and slammed into Tatsumaki's abdomen, winding her. Each punch it delivered was more forceful than the last, its fists lighting her clothes and skin on fire before it tossed her back to the ground with a final, brutal blow.

"Ha ha ha," the Blazing Doom chuckled, its voice dripping with malevolence as it loomed over the weakened burning Tatsumaki. "Even if you manage to defeat me, you will be too weak to fight our great Nether King, and you will die. Your efforts are futile."

The Blazing Doom hissed out the last few words, its skeletal face contorted in a mocking grin, and dived down again to finish Tatsumaki off. But Tatsumaki, her spirit unbroken, glared up defiantly. She summoned a powerful burst of psychokinetic energy, blasting the Blazing Doom away and sending it hurtling into the path of Metal Bat.

Metal Bat's eyes gleamed with fierce determination as he intercepted the Blazing Doom, also known as Infernius. He swung his bat with lethal precision, smacking Infernius back toward Tatsumaki. With a mighty effort, Tatsumaki hurled a large fallen building at the blazing skeleton, crushing it under tons of concrete and steel.

The Blazing Doom roared furiously, its voice echoing through the night as it broke free from the rubble. It flew towards Tatsumaki again, its skeletal form burning with renewed fury. But Tatsumaki, undeterred, summoned a meteor from the sky with her immense psychic power. The massive rock hurtled down and crushed the Blazing Doom, completely obliterating its fiery body and leaving only its skeletal head, which gleamed red once before dimming into lifelessness.

"We defeated him," Tatsumaki puffed, her voice tinged with exhaustion but triumphant. She turned away from the smoldering remains of Infernius and gave Metal Bat a high five, their hands meeting in a gesture of hard-won victory.

Saitama POV: 

Meanwhile, Saitama still fought against King Naeus as he dealt a powerful punch knocking him backwards. King Naeus red eyes gleamed brighter as he unleashed a powerful burst of electricity and flames both combined with the nether and Herobrine's power. 

Saitama surprisingly found himself getting pushed back and is a little frightened as he began to feel pain and he began to burn up from the intense ferocity of King naus's fury. 

"Leave him alone!" Tatsumaki and Metal Bat yelled in unison as they lunged at King Naues. Their combined assault, however, was met with a brutal counterattack. The Nether flames and Herobrine's electrical power fused into a devastating force, creating a fiery storm that pushed them back and seared their skin.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" the mad king cackled, his laughter echoing ominously across the battlefield. With a sinister grin, he intensified his power, scorching the ground and forcing Saitama, Tatsumaki, and Metal Bat onto their knees. The oppressive heat and electricity made every movement excruciating.

Naues chuckled in amusement, savoring their helplessness. "Now, I'll drain all your energies," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Once you're powerless, I will be unstoppable. Twice as powerful as before!" His eyes gleamed with dark triumph as he began to siphon their strength, the life force of the heroes visibly flowing towards him.

Suddenly, a massive fist collided with Naues from behind, sending him crashing into a nearby wall and halting his onslaught. The heroes looked up in surprise to see Blast, the S-Class Rank 1 hero, standing tall and resolute.

King Naues staggered to his feet, his laughter turning into a snarl. "Well, well, well," he sneered, dusting off his tattered robes. "If it isn't the S-Class Rank 1 hero. Unfortunately for you, I have some backup." With a sinister grin, he gestured, and from the shadows emerged Speed-o'-Sound Sonic and Garou, both grinning evilly.

Blast's eyes narrowed as he turned to Saitama. "We'll handle the Nether king," he said decisively. "Tatsumaki and Metal Bat, you take on the Deadly Ninja and the Hero Hunter."

With a nod of understanding, the heroes sprang into action. Tatsumaki and Metal Bat squared off against Sonic and Garou, while Blast and Saitama prepared to face the wrath of King Naues. The final showdown had begun, and the fate of City Z hung in the balance.

"I have waited a long time for this," Speed-o'-Sound Sonic growled, an evil smirk spreading across his face as he and Garou advanced toward Tatsumaki and Metal Bat.

"Count me in," a voice rang out. Atomic Samurai, with his katana gleaming, strode into the fray.

"You will pay for challenging the Nether Empire!" Aurora Goldfist, another formidable pigman general, roared as she charged at Atomic Samurai, her weapon poised to strike.

Atomic Samurai merely shrugged, his expression calm. With a swift, precise motion, he countered her attack, slicing Aurora Goldfist into pieces before she could even react.

"Atomic Samurai! You're here!" Tatsumaki called out, her relief evident. "Help us take down Garou and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic!"

With a determined nod, Atomic Samurai positioned himself alongside Tatsumaki and Metal Bat, ready to face the two dangerous criminals. The battle was about to escalate to new heights, and the heroes prepared themselves for the fierce confrontation ahead.

Tatsumaki, Metal Bat and Atomic Samurai POV:

As the battle raged on, the heroes and villains clashed with unparalleled ferocity. Tatsumaki, her eyes glowing with psychokinetic energy, hurled massive chunks of debris at Speed-o'-Sound Sonic. Metal Bat, his strength surging with every blow, swung his bat with relentless fury, aiming for Garou.

Sonic dodged Tatsumaki's attacks with incredible agility, his movements a blur as he closed in on her. "You're fast, but can you keep up with this?" Tatsumaki snarled, increasing the speed and intensity of her telekinetic assaults.

Sonic's smirk faltered as he narrowly evaded another barrage. "You're good," he admitted, "but not good enough."

Meanwhile, Metal Bat and Garou were locked in a brutal melee. Metal Bat's swings were powerful and precise, but Garou's adaptive fighting style kept him on the defensive. "You call yourself a hero?" Garou taunted, blocking a heavy strike with his forearm. "You're nothing but a thug with a bat."

"I don't need to be fancy to beat you down!" Metal Bat roared, delivering a crushing blow that sent Garou sprawling.

Just as Garou began to recover, Atomic Samurai entered the fray, his blade flashing with deadly precision. "Let's finish this together," he said to Metal Bat, who nodded in agreement.

Sonic, seeing his ally in trouble, attempted to flank them, but Tatsumaki's relentless assault kept him at bay. "I won't let you interfere!" she shouted, sending a wave of force that knocked Sonic off balance.

With a coordinated effort, Metal Bat and Atomic Samurai pressed their advantage against Garou. The hero hunter struggled under their combined assault, his defenses crumbling. "You're finished, Garou," Atomic Samurai declared, his sword cutting through Garou's defenses and landing a decisive blow.

Garou collapsed, defeated but alive. "This isn't over," he muttered, before losing consciousness.

As Tatsumaki and Metal Bat turned their attention to Sonic, the deadly ninja made a desperate move. "I'll take you all down with me!" Sonic screamed, launching a series of explosive shurikens at the group.

Atomic Samurai intercepted the attack, deflecting most of the projectiles with his blade, but one managed to slip through, embedding itself in his chest. "No!" Tatsumaki screamed, her voice filled with anguish as she watched the life drain from Atomic Samurai's eyes.

With his last breath, Atomic Samurai lunged at Sonic, his blade slicing through the ninja's defenses. Sonic gasped as the sword pierced his heart. "You... you got me," he choked, blood bubbling from his mouth as he fell to the ground, dead.

Atomic Samurai collapsed beside him, a faint smile on his lips. "It's up to you now," he whispered to his comrades before his eyes closed for the last time.

Tatsumaki and Metal Bat stood in stunned silence, their hearts heavy with the loss of their comrade. "We have to keep fighting," Tatsumaki said, her voice trembling but resolute. "For Atomic Samurai."

Metal Bat nodded, his grip tightening on his bat. "For Atomic Samurai," he echoed, his eyes burning with renewed determination.

As they turned to face the remaining threats, the ground shook with the arrival of King Naues and his dark allies. The battle was far from over, but the heroes of City Z stood united, their spirits unbroken even in the face of overwhelming odds.

King Naeus POV: 

King Naeus, enraged by the defeat of Sonic and Garou, decided it was time to escalate the battle. His red eyes gleamed with malevolent determination as he continued to exchange blows with Saitama and Blast. The ground beneath their feet crackled with the intense energy of their clash, sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

With one hand, Naues blocked a devastating punch from Saitama, his other hand deftly pulling out a hologram controller. The device flickered to life, revealing the image of Kralos, who had just regained consciousness. "Kralos," Naues barked, his voice resonating with authority, "gather your forces and bring Gigabone here immediately. Summon the Nether Ender Dragons as well."

Kralos, though battered and bruised, nodded with grim determination. "At once, my lord," he replied, the hologram fading as he moved to carry out his orders.

Naeus turned his attention back to the fight, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "You heroes have no idea what's coming," he taunted, deflecting a powerful blast from Blast.

"We'll see about that," Blast retorted, his eyes narrowing as he launched a barrage of energy beams at Naues. Saitama, unfazed by the villain's threats, delivered a series of rapid punches, each one causing the ground to tremble.

Moments later, the sky darkened ominously as nether reinforcements flooded into the city. In the frontlines loomed the monstrous Gigabone, a colossal skeleton warrior whose very presence seemed to drain the light from the surroundings. Flanking him were the fearsome Nether Ender Dragons, their scales shimmering with dark energy.

"Now the real battle begins," Naues declared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. He gestured toward the newly arrived reinforcements. "Destroy them all!"

Heroes POV

As the battle raged on, the air was thick with the clash of metal, roaring flames, and the fierce shouts of the heroes. Blast and Saitama, the top-ranked heroes, teamed up with Metal Bat and Tatsumaki, creating an unstoppable force. Each hero brought their unique powers into play, creating a symphony of destruction against the formidable Gigabone.

Gigabone, a towering skeleton enveloped in dark energy, loomed ominously over the battlefield. His eye sockets glowed with an eerie crimson light, and each step he took made the ground tremble. Despite his intimidating presence, the heroes stood their ground, their resolve strengthened by the need to protect City Z and its people.

Blast soared through the air, a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of energy beams. Each beam cut through the air with a sizzling sound before slamming into Gigabone with explosive force. The giant skeleton staggered under the assault, dark energy crackling around his bones as he struggled to stay upright.

On the ground, Tatsumaki's eyes glowed a brilliant green as she tapped into the full extent of her psychic powers. With a flick of her wrist, she sent waves of telekinetic force crashing into Gigabone, hitting his skeletal frame with the force of a freight train. Chunks of bone splintered and shattered under her relentless attack, though Gigabone's dark energy tried to repair the damage.

Metal Bat, muscles bulging with raw power, charged at Gigabone with a fierce battle cry. His indestructible bat swung with incredible speed and precision, each strike landing with a resounding crack. He targeted Gigabone's legs, aiming to destabilize the giant skeleton and bring him down to a more manageable height. The repeated blows began to take their toll, and Gigabone's movements grew increasingly unsteady.

Saitama, the one-punch man, watched his comrades' efforts with a determined expression. He knew it was time to end this battle. As Gigabone reeled from the combined attacks of Blast, Tatsumaki, and Metal Bat, Saitama clenched his fist, ready to deliver the final, decisive blow.

With a burst of speed, Saitama launched himself into the air, closing the distance to Gigabone in an instant. The giant skeleton turned his glowing eyes towards Saitama, sensing the immediate threat. But it was too late. Saitama's fist, imbued with the full force of his unmatched strength, collided with Gigabone's chest.

The impact was cataclysmic. A shockwave rippled out from the point of contact, shaking the very earth and sending debris flying in all directions. Gigabone's bones, unable to withstand the sheer power of Saitama's punch, shattered into a thousand pieces. The skeletal fragments scattered across the battlefield, raining down like a macabre hailstorm.

Seeing Gigabone shattered and defeated, the Nether forces lost their nerve. With a mix of fear and desperation, they called for a retreat, hastily pulling back their troops and dragons. The dark beasts roared as they took to the sky, retreating into the safety of the Nether, their once formidable presence now a distant threat.


Saitama and Blast turned their focus back to King Naues, resuming their fierce battle with renewed determination. The air crackled with tension as their attacks clashed, sending shockwaves across the battlefield. King Naues, his eyes glowing with a sinister red light, unleashed bursts of dark energy and flames, trying to overpower the two heroes.

Just as it seemed they might be gaining the upper hand, a new threat emerged. A massive portal materialized in the sky, its swirling vortex casting an ominous shadow over the battlefield. From within the portal, a wave of wither skeletons and pigmen warriors poured out, their eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. Leading them was Kralos, the fearsome wither knight, his armor gleaming darkly. Above him, a wither floated menacingly, its three skeletal faces twisted into wicked grins.

The final wave had come. The heroes braced themselves for the onslaught, their resolve unshaken despite the overwhelming odds. Saitama, Blast, Metal Bat, and Tatsumaki stood side by side, their combined strength ready to face this new threat.

To be continued....

Chapter 5- The last battle part 3

Tatsumaki and Metal Bat POV: 

Metal Bat and Tatsumaki stood on the battlefield, ready for whatever came next. The air was thick with tension, and they could hear the distant roars of the approaching three-headed wither.

Kralos, seeing his chance to strike, charged at them with his dark army. "You won't stop us!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the air.

Metal Bat swung his bat, smashing through the skeleton warriors. "Bring it on!" he shouted, his eyes blazing with determination. Tatsumaki, hovering in the air, used her psychic powers to lift boulders and hurl them at Kralos's troops, sending them flying in all directions.

Kralos snarled, frustrated by their strength. He conjured a dark spell, summoning even more skeletons. "You can't win this!" he shouted.

But Tatsumaki wasn't having it. "Enough of this!" she yelled, her eyes glowing green. She unleashed a massive psychic wave that sent Kralos and his minions tumbling backward.

Seeing his forces crumbling, Kralos decided it was time to retreat. "This isn't over!" he snarled before disappearing into a shadowy portal.

As Kralos fled, the ground shook, and the three-headed wither emerged, roaring and spitting deadly projectiles. Metal Bat gripped his bat tighter. "Let's take this thing down!"

The wither charged at them, its heads blasting the ground with dark energy. Metal Bat dodged and swung his bat with all his might, hitting one of the heads with a loud crack. The wither screeched in pain, but it wasn’t enough to stop it.

Tatsumaki focused her powers, creating a barrier to protect them from the wither’s attacks. "We need to hit it all at once!" she yelled.

Metal Bat nodded. "Got it!" He leaped into the air, aiming for the wither’s central head. At the same time, Tatsumaki unleashed a powerful psychic blast, targeting the creature’s other two heads.

The combined force of their attacks was too much for the wither. It let out a final, ear-piercing scream before collapsing to the ground in a heap of black smoke and bone fragments.

Naues POV:

Naues was furious, watching his army retreat. Blocking punches from Blast and Saitama, he snarled with rage.

Naues: "Enough of this!" he shouted, unleashing a tornado of electricity and nether flames at the heroes. The searing heat burned their skin, and the force knocked them backward.

With another roar, Naues unleashed dark inferno flames and crackling electricity. The intense energy scorched their flesh and drained their strength. Desperately, the heroes fought back, but they were clearly struggling against his overwhelming power.

Blast: "He's too powerful," Blast gasped, his skin blistering from the heat as he tried to push back against the relentless assault.

Naues laughed maniacally, blasting Saitama and Blast backward with a powerful burst of energy. He ascended into the air, conjuring a massive magma rock, an inferno tornado swirling around him, and a colossal thunderstorm that shot lightning bolts and flames at the heroes.

The sky darkened with his power, the battlefield lit only by the fiery and electric onslaught. Naues focused the storm's fury, the nether flames, and the magma rocks, directing the full force of his assault at Blast. Overwhelmed, Blast's defenses crumbled.

Naues descended with a malevolent grin, towering over Blast's bruised and battered form. He grabbed Blast, lifting him effortlessly.

Naues: "Your end is here," he hissed, draining all of Blast's energy in a terrifying display of dominance, leaving him lifeless. The once-mighty hero fell limp, a grim testament to Naues's unstoppable might.

The Final Stand Part 2:

Saitama: "You've killed enough heroes today!" Saitama yelled, lunging at Naues, aiming to deliver a serious punch.

Naues dodged and unleashed a massive torrent of electricity from his spear at Saitama while conjuring a powerful inferno tornado that whipped and seared Saitama's skin.

Saitama screamed, weakening under the assault, before breaking free with a powerful twist and landing a punch on Naues, canceling his attack and knocking him to the ground.

Tatsumaki, Metal Bat, and Silverfang joined Saitama, their faces etched with determination.

Silverfang: "Let's do this," Silverfang, the S-Class Rank 3 hero, said as they attacked Naues all at once.

Naues snarled, rising from the ground, and met their combined assault with unmatched ferocity. Tatsumaki's psychic powers clashed with Naues's dark energy, the air crackling with their conflicting forces. She lifted massive chunks of debris and hurled them at Naues, who deflected them with bursts of nether flames and electricity.

Metal Bat swung his weapon with relentless fury, each strike powerful enough to shatter steel. He targeted Naues's weak points, but Naues's agility and strength made him a formidable opponent. Each time Metal Bat's bat made contact, Naues retaliated with devastating force, sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

Silverfang's movements were a blur, his martial arts skills honed to perfection. He delivered a flurry of blows, each one calculated to exploit any opening in Naues's defenses. Despite his age, Silverfang's speed and precision were unparalleled, and he managed to land several critical hits. However, Naues's resilience seemed boundless, his wounds healing almost as quickly as they were inflicted.

Fueled by the memory of fallen heroes, Saitama charged again, his fists glowing with immense power. He traded blows with Naues, each impact shaking the ground. The sheer force of their clash created shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield, uprooting trees and shattering boulders.

Naues roared in frustration, summoning a storm of magma rocks and lightning bolts, hurling them at the heroes with deadly accuracy. Tatsumaki erected psychic barriers, deflecting the worst of the onslaught, but the sheer volume of attacks began to overwhelm her.

Tatsumaki: "Hold strong!" she shouted, her voice strained but unwavering.

Metal Bat, undeterred by the chaos, leaped into the fray, swinging his bat with a ferocity that belied his exhaustion. He managed to smash through Naues's defenses, delivering a crushing blow to his side. Naues howled in pain, retaliating with a surge of dark energy that sent Metal Bat flying.

Silverfang took advantage of the opening, his fists a blur as he pummeled Naues with a series of rapid strikes. Each blow was precise, targeting vital points and disrupting Naues's concentration. For a moment, it seemed as though the tide was turning.

But Naues, fueled by his dark power, refused to fall. He unleashed a devastating burst of energy, knocking Silverfang back and staggering the other heroes. Rising into the air, he summoned all his remaining power, creating a massive inferno tornado combined with an electrified storm. The sky darkened, and the ground trembled as he prepared to unleash his final, apocalyptic attack.

Saitama, seeing the imminent threat, pushed through his fatigue and pain, his determination unwavering.

Saitama: "We have to stop him now!" he shouted to his comrades.

Tatsumaki, Metal Bat, and Silverfang rallied around Saitama, their combined strength and resolve burning brighter than ever. As Naues unleashed his powerful attack, the heroes launched their final assault.

Tatsumaki focused her psychic energy, creating a barrier to shield them from the worst of Naues's power. Metal Bat swung his bat with every ounce of strength he had left, each strike reverberating with the determination to protect his friends. Silverfang's movements were a dance of death, each strike a testament to his years of mastery.

With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, Saitama charged at Naues, his fist glowing with the power of his ultimate attack. He broke through the storm of flames and lightning, his resolve unshakable. With a final, earth-shattering punch, he connected with Naues's chest, the impact creating a shockwave that obliterated the inferno tornado and sent Naues crashing to the ground.


But the battle didn't seem to be over yet. Suddenly, a huge alien warship appeared above them, its massive silhouette casting a dark shadow over the battlefield.

"It's Boros," Saitama growled as a hologram of Lord Boros materialized before them.

"So, it seems you defeated my ally," Boros's voice boomed, his single eye glaring at the four heroes through the hologram.

He looked at Saitama with a cruel smirk. "I am looking forward to our rematch," he said before the hologram flickered and disappeared.

The alien ship's cannons began to charge, their ominous glow intensifying as they aimed at the heroes below. The air vibrated with impending doom as the final battle loomed on the horizon.

"Let's do this," Saitama said, his voice filled with steely determination. Without a moment's hesitation, he launched himself into the air, his fist aimed at the warship, ready to face the next challenge.

The sky crackled with energy as the heroes prepared for the onslaught. Beside Saitama, Tatsumaki levitated, her psychic power flaring, while Metal Bat and Silverfang readied themselves on the ground, their resolve unwavering.

As the first beams of the ship's cannons fired, the heroes braced for impact, their eyes locked on the colossal threat above. The final battle had begun.

Chapter 6- Return of Borus

The alien warship loomed ominously in the sky, its cannons still glowing with the accumulated energy from its relentless bombardment. Below, the battlefield lay in ruins, a desolate wasteland that bore witness to the ferocity of the previous conflict. Despite the devastation around them, the heroes' resolve remained unbroken. They steeled themselves for the next onslaught, their determination unwavering and their spirits unyielding.

As Saitama soared towards the massive warship, the alien vessel began unleashing a renewed barrage of destruction upon the ground below. Massive beams of energy streaked down, exploding on impact and sending shockwaves through the terrain. The ground quaked violently, and debris flew in every direction, creating a chaotic and dangerous environment.

Silverfang, Tatsumaki, and Metal Bat sprang into action without hesitation, their focus shifting to counter the invading ground forces and mitigate the relentless bombardment.

"We need to hold the line here!" Silverfang shouted, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle. "Tatsumaki, handle the aerial bombardment. Metal Bat, you're with me on the ground."

Tatsumaki nodded, her eyes narrowing with fierce determination. She raised her arms, her psychic energy flaring around her like a tempest. With a powerful gesture, she erected a psychic barrier above them, deflecting the incoming energy blasts from the warship. The sky above lit up with the impact of the deflected attacks, but her barrier held firm, shielding her comrades from the worst of the assault.

Meanwhile, Metal Bat and Silverfang faced the ground invasion head-on, their movements a blur of lethal precision. Alien soldiers poured from the warship, their numbers seemingly endless and their intent unmistakably hostile. Metal Bat swung his weapon with unrelenting fury, each strike sending waves of enemies flying. His eyes burned with a fierce determination as he fought to protect his comrades and the world they had sworn to defend.

"Bring it on, you freaks!" Metal Bat roared, his bat crashing through alien armor and bone alike with devastating force.

Silverfang moved with the grace and precision of a master martial artist. His fists were a blur, each strike delivered with pinpoint accuracy. Despite his age, his speed and strength were unparalleled, and he cut through the alien ranks with ruthless efficiency, his every movement a testament to his years of training and experience.

As the battle raged below, Saitama finally breached the warship's defenses. He punched through the hull with ease, the reinforced metal crumpling like paper under his immense strength. Landing inside the ship, his presence was immediately sensed by Boros.

"You've come at last," Boros said, his voice echoing ominously through the warship's corridors. Emerging from the shadows, his single eye glowed with anticipation and malice. "I've been waiting for this rematch, Saitama."

Saitama's expression remained stoic and unyielding. "You won't get away this time, Boros," he declared, his voice steady and filled with resolve.

The two titans clashed with a ferocity that shook the very foundations of the warship. Boros unleashed a flurry of attacks, his speed and strength greatly amplified since their last encounter. Saitama met each strike head-on, his movements precise and effortless, his power seemingly limitless.

"I've grown stronger, Saitama," Boros declared, his voice a mixture of rage and excitement. "This time, I will defeat you!"

Saitama's serious punch collided with Boros's ultimate attack, the impact creating a blinding explosion that rocked the entire warship. The vessel shuddered under the force, alarms blaring as systems began to fail and structural integrity was compromised.

Back on the ground, Tatsumaki, Silverfang, and Metal Bat continued their relentless defense. Tatsumaki's psychic barrier flickered under the sustained bombardment, the immense strain beginning to show. Despite the overwhelming odds, she held firm, her eyes blazing with determination and unwavering resolve.

"We can't let up!" she shouted, her voice filled with urgency. "Keep pushing them back!"

Metal Bat and Silverfang fought with renewed vigor, their combined efforts creating a formidable defense. Alien soldiers fell in droves, their advance halted by the sheer power and resolve of the heroes. Each swing of Metal Bat's weapon and every strike from Silverfang's fists brought them one step closer to victory.

Inside the warship, the battle between Saitama and Boros reached its climax. Boros, battered and bloodied, refused to back down. He unleashed one final, desperate attack, pouring all his remaining energy into a devastating beam of pure destruction.

Saitama met the attack with his serious punch, the collision creating an explosion that tore through the warship. The vessel began to disintegrate, its structure collapsing under the immense strain and the catastrophic damage.

As the warship fell apart around them, Saitama delivered the final blow, his fist connecting with Boros's chest and sending him crashing into the depths of space. The explosion of energy from the impact illuminated the sky, a beacon of the heroes' victory and the end of the battle.

With the warship's destruction, the bombardment ceased, and the remaining alien soldiers were quickly overwhelmed by the combined might of Tatsumaki, Silverfang, and Metal Bat.

The battlefield fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the exhausted heroes. They had won, but the cost had been high. As the first light of dawn broke through the darkness, they stood together, their bond forged in the fires of battle and their resolve stronger than ever.

Saitama descended from the sky, landing beside his comrades. "It's over," he said quietly, his voice filled with both relief and sorrow for the fallen heroes.

Tatsumaki, Silverfang, and Metal Bat nodded, their expressions reflecting the weight of their victory. They had saved the world once again, but they knew that as long as evil existed, their fight would never truly be over.

"Let's go home," Saitama said, a faint smile crossing his lips. Together, the heroes turned and began their journey back, ready to face the future with unwavering resolve and the knowledge that they would always stand together against whatever challenges lay ahead.



The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a golden hue over the devastated battlefield. The once tumultuous ground was now eerily silent, the remnants of the fierce battle scattered across the landscape. The warship's twisted metal and alien technology lay in ruins, a testament to the heroes' hard-fought victory.

Saitama, Tatsumaki, Silverfang, and Metal Bat stood amidst the wreckage, their bodies weary but their spirits undaunted. They had faced an insurmountable threat and emerged victorious, their unity and determination the key to their success.

Saitama looked around at the aftermath, his usually indifferent expression softening with a sense of quiet satisfaction. Despite the destruction, he knew they had prevented an even greater catastrophe. He glanced at his comrades, his respect for them deepening.

"We did it," he said, his voice calm yet filled with a quiet pride.

Tatsumaki, her psychic aura now dimmed, nodded in agreement. "We did. But we have to rebuild and stay vigilant. There will always be new threats."

Silverfang, despite his age, stood tall, his eyes reflecting both wisdom and fierce determination. "Indeed. This victory is just a reminder of what we can achieve together. The world needs heroes like us, now more than ever."

Metal Bat, his bat resting on his shoulder, smirked. "Anytime, anywhere. They won't know what hit 'em."

As the heroes began to gather their thoughts and plan their next steps, a convoy of vehicles approached from the distance. The Hero Association had arrived, bringing medical teams and support personnel to assist with the aftermath. The sight of reinforcements brought a sense of relief to the weary heroes.

Among the arriving heroes was Zenon, Genos's brother. Unlike Genos, Zenon had chosen to remain mostly human, though he had augmented his body with advanced cybernetic enhancements. He approached Saitama with a look of admiration and concern.

"Sensei, are you alright?" Zenon asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Saitama nodded, a rare smile crossing his face. "I'm fine, Zenon. We all are."

The medical teams quickly set to work, tending to the injured and assessing the damage. Despite the losses, the atmosphere was one of resilience and hope. The heroes had faced an overwhelming force and had come out on top, a testament to their strength and unity.

In the days that followed, the Hero Association worked tirelessly to rebuild and restore order. The citizens, inspired by the bravery of their protectors, rallied together, their faith in the heroes stronger than ever.

News of the victory spread quickly, and the heroes were celebrated across the world. Monuments were erected in their honor, and their names became synonymous with courage and sacrifice. The battle against Boros and his alien army became a symbol of humanity's indomitable spirit.

Saitama, however, preferred to stay out of the spotlight. He continued his simple life, training diligently and maintaining his unassuming demeanor. Yet, he couldn't deny the sense of fulfillment that lingered after the battle, a feeling that he had finally found a purpose beyond mere strength.

Tatsumaki, Silverfang, and Metal Bat continued their duties as heroes, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced together. They trained harder, prepared for any future threats that might arise, knowing that they could rely on each other no matter what.

Zenon, following in his brother's footsteps, joined the Hero Association more actively. He vowed to honor Genos's memory by becoming a hero who could protect those who couldn't protect themselves. His dedication and prowess quickly earned him a respected place among the ranks of the heroes.

As the world slowly returned to normalcy, the memory of the battle against Boros and the nether invasion remained a powerful reminder of what could be achieved when heroes stood united. The scars of the battle would fade, but the legacy of their courage and resilience would endure.

"Let's go grab some ice cream," Saitama said, a rare smile spreading across his face, breaking the tension that still hung in the air. "Maybe a certain tornado could use something sweet to calm down," he added, glancing at Tatsumaki with a playful wink.

Tatsumaki blinked in surprise, a faint blush rising to her cheeks. She huffed, trying to mask her embarrassment. "Don't get cute with me, baldy," she retorted, though a small smile tugged at her lips.

The other heroes exchanged glances, their weariness momentarily forgotten. A collective sense of relief and camaraderie washed over them as they realized that, despite the immense battles they had faced, they were still standing together.

And so, the heroes stood ready, vigilant and unyielding, prepared to face whatever new challenges the future might bring. Their victory over Boros and the nether was not just an end, but a beginning, a testament to their enduring spirit and the unbreakable bond that made them heroes. This triumph forged a path forward, one where hope and resilience would light the way through the darkest of times.

The End... for now.

© 2024 nounanirt

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Added on June 20, 2024
Last Updated on June 21, 2024
Tags: One punch man, Rainimator, Naues, Nether, Kralos, Hogsworth, Infernius, Gigabone, Death, Destruction, Battle, Action, Pain, Suffering, Heroism, Evil, Conquest, Aliens, Tatsumaki, Saitama, Genos, etc



Favorview palace, Guangzhou, China

Amateur writer. Big fan of One punch man. more..