![]() falketales of the unheard part 1A Story by norajesus![]() part one of a novel i am working on. part one was published in a self-published comic book, under the name Shadez comics (alain. UAE).![]()
The unexpected letter
The smell of sweet-bread
dancing along with the smell of roasted coffee bean filled the place while he
sat quietly waiting for his granddaughter to shout out loud as he was expecting
it to happen. He knew her quite well, he believed he knew her far more than she
did, for she reminded him of her mother; bold and outgoing, yet she lacked
experience in life. Well, he thought she was still young to have much of an
experience as him, yet she had seen a lot at her age. He had to take her in his
care after the death of her parents that she always refused to talk about. He
knew that there was darkness in their death yet he would never force her to
speak of matters she blocks. He raised his eyes so that they matched straight to the back door as she entered holding a basket filled with strawberries she planned to decorate her bread rolls with, she glanced him and pretended she didn't notice him, he grabbed his stick to make a sound and coughed twice, yet she refused to acknowledge his existence. He stared at her braided brownish hair for a minute, he stood up and took a random dish in need of a clean that sat in front of him and walked slowly towards her. He spoke softly: Dear Linda, this dish needs to be cleaned before the leftovers get too hard to wash off... Linda: I will come to that later on. She looked straight into his face while hiding her anger. Yet he could see through her clearly. "What's the matter dear child" he asked. "This is no longer a life that suits us, three people, an old man, a lady and a servant. I can't be taking care of us all the time. You can't expect me to be able to get up every morning and provide us with every need" Her breath grew harder as she tried to control it with grace. Father Amyntas got closer to her, hoping he could comfort her at some point. He was surprised by the words that came out of her reddish lips for he expected anger, but to rage this way that was not the Linda he knew. There was something he didn't know about. He could sense it. She took a deep breath and continued to talk "I don't see why we should travel monthly, moving from town to town, city to city, telling stories and secretly meeting alchemists and visionaries for some prophecy that was told ages ago by an old sorcerer who hardly remembered his own name. Father Amyntas, we are wasting our time while we can be living in peace in my father's mansion, protected by guards and surrounded by servants...Look at your leg; you hardly can even walk..."
Father Amyntas: I have not asked you to come with me, do not
question my mission. If you have no interest in wasting your precious time, you
are a free bird my love, you can rest in your fathers place. Do not degrade my
mission, do not offend my years of work for you don't see the whole picture my
She watched his face
wanting any sign of forgiveness in his features, she wanted to stay quiet but
her lips deceived her with words she didn't wish to say "father. I do not
intend to offend you or to question your mission. But this is madness. How are
we going to get this mystical child when we are not even sure where to begin
searching?"…"I will search the whole planet if it needs to, the time
is close, it's been fifty three years already and I will not allow darkness to
rule our world again, not if I can help it." He looked directly into her
eyes as the
back door opened delicately, a handsome
yet troubled man in his early twenty appeared holding a letter that seemed to be
containing a vital matter that made him stood quietly for a moment before he
presented what he had read.
He looked straight to Linda, a girl whom he loved secretly, for he knew she did not share the same feelings yet she was rather just 19 years old. But she had an elegant mind; she had the grace and beauty that made a lot of great men bow down and kneel to her, seeking her hand in marriage. She refused them all, her grandfather never forced her on anything, and surely he would never force her to wed anyone she may not desire.
He stood there, having no idea how to present the dreadful
news. He turned his eyes to the man he admired the most. He joined Amyntas's
search willingly not only because he believed in his case, but also because
Amyntas had saved him once from almost becoming a slave, and for that he must
never forget how in debt he is to him. "didaskalos (teacher), I have bad
news, I'm terribly sorry to announce it to you, but Lycus was found dead last
month, the news arrived late due to the traveling we did." Said the boy.
"DEAD?" The shock appeared clearly on Amyntas's face, a shock filled
with sorrow, "hand me the letter!"...Hoping that there was a mistake
in it, that it was someone else, some other Lycus. He held his breath for a
minute, the young boy came closer to him and handed him the letter and backed
down, he focused his ocean eyes at his didaskalos, wondering how can he make
him feel better, is there a possible way to cheer someone who just lost one of
his beloved? How does one act? Does he cry? Or hold it back? He couldn’t think
of anything, he just stared at his master, one of the greatest men that ever
made an entrance to his life. He gazed at Amyntas while he was reading about
the death of his childhood friend and an oath brother. He noticed his eyes were
getting watery, tears started to team up, yet he refused to allow them down, he
held it in. Amyntas raised his eyes and looked at them both, one after the other.
"I haven't apologized.. to him, I left him in anger, said things I should
not have said..."
"Father... we all say things we don't mean" said
Linda as she tried to make him feel better. "No, it's not. He was sick. I
should have known better. I allowed my arrogance to come in between of what is
right and wrong. .I just...I can't believe this is happing"
"I should have known better"
Amyntas wiped his tears away while he took the last look on
the letter. He folded it in, and placed it in his pocket. "Without Lycus
in the city, the city will fall to ashes, we must be there"...Linda
approached her grandfather with a face full of grief...
"When do we leave?"
"Tonight...My Love, tonight
The lost boy
The sound of thunder rumbling above him hardly kept him
asleep. Yet that’s not the real reason he was awake all night, his uncle, or
that’s what he was taught to call him though he knew he had absolutely no blood
relationship with him; Took him out of his bed with no previous alarm. He could
not consume what was happening in his head, he only knew he had to run, and
that there were men.. Evil men, were trying to catch them. Why? That he did not
His uncle managed to be ahead of them, and hid among the huge
oaken trees. He lowered his face to the boy's left ear." Listen to me
carefully, run as fast as you can and keep going directly to the sunrise, never
follow the sunset, and never stop your journey, search for the three falls sea.
There, head to the city of Chasma, once you arrive, go to the main library and
show them your back. The boy shook of fear "the three falls sea?"
Asked the boy. "Yes, never stop. Do you hear me? ". The boy could hardly
understand what's going on, but he knew at such times, he could only obey.
"I'm I clear?" "yes.." "Now run boy. We separate here,
don't wait for me. You hear me??"
He ran quick, yet he could hear his uncle's screams, he knew
they found him, they had attacked him, but he knew he cannot go back in there;
such a little boy can't win over them. Them; which he didn’t know what they were.
He ran
for long, his legs could carry him no more. The voices faded out, and the sun
was rising. He knew he was perfectly safe. He laid under an oak tree...Similar
to the one he hid behind with his uncle; he wondered if his uncle was still
alive. The screaming couldn't go off his head. He turned his face to the aged
oak for a prayer.
wanted to focus on the prayer yet he couldn't clear his head. Voices, the eco
of the screams, the names...The three falls sea...He just couldn’t consume it
all at once. He raised his head up allowing the sneaked rays of the sunlight
between the leaves to fall over his face. He kept staring at the two letters
craved on the tree, "C&L forever". He could not help not to think
if that was a true love, friendship? Did it last forever? Is it as old as this tree?
He held himself, he needed to concentrate on the important matters, and not be
distracted by other people's memory, but he could not help it. It's who he was.
He did not have time to look into their memories. He thought, he needs to keep
walking, he needs to move on. Towards the sunrise "don't let the curiosity
win…" he held his fist tightly and backed away from the oak.
"I must walk"
Uriah never understood who he was, or what he was, he knew
he was different, but to what extent? He never knew. He feared knowing his
power and what is he capable of, he was afraid of allowing all his power to
take control of him for when he was only ten years old, he was able to enter
his guardian personal memories. He lived it, and he still remembers it clearly,
how could he live it when he was not yet born at such time? He saw her past
through her blue eyes by touching her rusted brownish memory box. That was a
great thrilling game to play when he was a little; entering people's memories,
living other people's past and knowing more about them, this helped him to
understand their actions and behavior. That
didn't last long, once the great guardian father knew about it, it had to have
an end. He informed him that he must stop or else he might be forever be lost
in a memory or the darkness might take control of him, he never knew why people
are so afraid of the darkness. Why did everyone hate the nights, he found it
peaceful and relaxing, it's the only time that the giants stopped moving in the
area he lived in. He loved the giants; he befriended most of them, well except
Topaz. Topaz hated humans in all forms. He didn't agree with allowing Uriah to
dine with giants for he had red hair and he must be a warlock. Warlocks, who no
longer exist, had once betrayed giants and slaughtered most of them in the great
battle of the dragon eye. Myth has it, warlocks tricked the giants to help them
reach the valley of the shadow of death, once they crossed it, warlocks needed
giants no more and decided to attack them with their dragons. No one knew
exactly what happened there, however since then, no dragon nor warlock had ever
been seen, yet a lot of warlocks did not march with the voyagers, so where were
they? No one knows.
kept moving forward, he reached a place that was filled with huts, it did not
seem to be countryside or a city, he decided to knock at one of these huts, and
ask for food for he was terribly hungry. He decided to knock the largest hut. The
closer he got, the louder the voices he heard, apparently, it was sort of an
eatery, he knocked couple of times, yet no one noticed him, the voices were
louder than his knocking, suddenly a drunk man came out of the hut, drunk
enough to not notice Uriah beside the door. However, another man did notice
him, and he asked him to come in. Uriah entered the hut, noticing that there
were no women, the place was full of dreadful men, most are drunk, and others
were starting to get drunk. The place smelled horrible, but Uriah did not mind,
he was only thinking of food. He came closer to the man who seemed very
confident. The man lowered himself to Uriah. "How old are you mate?"
Uriah replied "I'm almost thirteen years old sir" the man laughed a bit, he seemed amused. "I ain't a sir, and you
surely are tired, you been traveling a lot? Are you alone?" Uriah did not
want to say he was alone for he was a bit frightened, yet he had no one, he couldn't
say what happened yesterday, he couldn't trust people yet he was starving, he
needs food, he never had felt that way before, he was spoiled at most.
Uriah: I'm with no one, I came alone...
The man: So you ran
away from your home ha?
Uriah: Kinda yes, um,
I'm hungry, but I really have nothing to offer. But I promise you I'll do
anything you want in return.
"You say anything?
I think I'll accept this offer." Said the man. He screamed at the waiter who
seemed to be working for him. "Oi, fetch
some bread and hard cheese for this champ, and get him some wine, he needs to
lighten up."
Uriah: It's early
morning...And I don't drink sir...
man laughed hysterically, and pated Uriah on his back "today you
will...Today you will". Uriah waited for his dish to arrive as men came
and went, they didn't seem to belong to this place, each seemed to have their
own story, Uriah kept observing them, different men, soldiers, travelers,
thieves, farmers. They all seemed to him to be broken; he prayed
he would never end up like them. However, there was a man who seemed rather
interesting. He was neither drunk nor drinking, he was shining, he had black
cloth with several layers, and they were oddly clean. He wondered if he even
belonged to these lands, he had darker skin than the rest yet he wasn't black,
he was handsome yet he had many scars on his face, was he a solider? Uriah had
hard time understanding for the man did not wear any armor. His plate arrived,
he couldn't care less about anything around him anymore. He ate and ate up to when
he felt the food was coming out of his throat begging to get out. He laid back
and had a deep breath, the man came to him and looked at him with greed, Uriah
remembered his promise, as soon as he was hungry no more, he regretted
promising a man he knew nothing about, the man came close and held Uriah's left
hand, "You said anything. Now it's time for you to pay your debt" said
the man with a wink, Uriah knew this meant one thing, one thing he did not
want, nor he ever imagined he had to do, Uriah was terrified, how can he escape?
Can he refuse? He said anything, what a dumb promise to make, a thirteen years
old boy in a place where there were no women, how did he not think about that?
He was paralyzed.
The man pulled him strongly. "Come on now, let's go!"
He pulled Uriah from his left hand and forced him to move his legs without even
wanting...Uriah screamed: "Please …I beg you, not this…I'll wash, I'll
clean everything you want, but not this, I beg you…" Uriah started to
tear, what's happening to him... He wanted to wake up from such a dream. The
dark man noticed what's happening to Uriah, he approached them slowly, he was
large, large enough to scare normal men, he had a sward that could only be
carried by two men, yet he seemed very comfortable carrying it on his back.
The dark man pointed at the owner with his sword.
"Let the boy go".
The owner was starting to feel troubled yet he decided to
hide it knowing that half of his staff were observing, he needed to keep order
, to not lose his power in front of his men, "bugger off , it ain't your
The dark man raised his gigantic sword so fast and smashed
the counter table next to the owner; it went down to pieces, leaving everyone
astonished by his speed and strength. He looked at the owner "leave the
boy or the next time it will be your head" the owner was terrified and
obeyed the order without a second thought. The dark man placed his sward back
in its place and carried Uriah on his back, he was huge that Uriah felt like a
feather, Uriah stared at the sward next to him, he noticed some of ancient words
written, he did not know how to read them, however he also noticed the eagle
and the snake carved on the middle of the sward, he heard about this symbol,
assassins had these symbols on their tokens. Tokens that are left after they
finish up a case, or that's what he heard about them. They lived in secrecy; no
one had ever seen an assassin. The only way to assign an assassin to do a case
for you is them coming to you.
Were these stories true?
Uriah fell asleep while he was carried by the mystery dark
man, the assassin as he believed him to be. He was extremely tired that he did
no longer care which direction they were going. He felt the wine through his
body. It was his first time. The cheap wine as he was sure of; made him feel
heavy at the head. He wished he could get it all out. He laid his heavy head
wanting to think no more, he was safe, he felt sheltered. The sound of rain did
not stop. Uriah was sure it was raining, however he felt too heavy to open his
eyes, he could hear the sound of rain drops, but never to feel it. He kept his
eyes closed while he embraced the pain in his head veins, however, he could not
ignore the obnoxious feeling in his abdomen, he woke up throwing out all the
food he had in that Morning, it did not matter to him where he was vomiting, he
needed it out, what a stupid idea he thought; drinking cheap wine from a dirty
allowing it all out, Uriah realized he was not alone. Two arms surrounded him,
that dark man was still around, Uriah turned his back and their eyes cached.
"How you feeling now buddy?" Uriah was glad he was around. He was
pleased to see someone who he can trust. There was no question that Uriah can
trust him, he saved him from a situation he had no benefit from, for that Uriah
will always be thankful.
Uriah: I'm quite well, thank you sir.
Uriah turned himself to face the man, he realized that the
man made a tent under a tree, the sun was gone already, how long did he sleep?
It couldn't be this long... "Sir, how long did I sleep? Is it night yet?"
The man seemed bit amused by Uriah's questions. He had a slight smirk.
"You slept for a quiet long time. Let's take you home boy". Uriah
kept staring at the dark man with a blanked mind, what should he say? He can't
go back. He needs to go further! "Sir, I can't go home...I..."
"Did you run away?"
"No...But I no longer belong there..."
"What's your name boy.?"
Uriah fixed his body posture, sat facing the man, he had
absolutely no clue how to answer that, should he give his real name? what if
his name lead the evil men back to finding him? He felt he must lie but he had
no name on his mind, he kept staring at the mysterious man; not knowing how to
answer. Should he create a new identity? Or should he trust?
"I... My name sir is...You know, names are nothing but a
title we give ourselves...Right?"
"So you are trying to tell me you have no name?"
"NO...I do I just... the names..." Uriah gets even
more confused than ever. He needed any name to throw at this moment. "My
name is Issra. Yes… Issra"
The rain stops, yet it still seemed like it's raining to
Uriah, he lied to the only person whom he can trust at this moment. He was sure
that it was easy to see through his lie. He feared the man's action. "Okay,
Issra. You can call me Shivaxian "
Shivaxian stood up, and gave Uriah last look before he left
the tent "lies are needed in certain matters, but let's not make a habit
out of it"
Uriah followed Shivaxian, he felt ashamed for he never lied
before, not in that way. He had the need to redress himself, to give a better
image to Shivaxian about him. The wind was howling, it was night yet rays of
light gave a good reflection of the surroundings, it was the three moons month.
A month where all the three moons appear at the same time. A moon of light, a
moon of fire, and a moon of fate. It's the time of the year where the fortune
of all creatures to be changed, for better or worse.
Nights had never been so bright. Uriah was mesmerized by the
plants that surround them. He kept gazing at it, he had always sneaked at
night, wandered the woods alone, however, he had never set his eyes on such
magnificent plants. They were thin and smooth, they shined golden rays, they
were as if the sun gave birth to plants.
He approached them, wanting to touch them. Shivaxian held
his hand tightly and asked him not to, he pointed that they were not to be
touched for a day after a rainfall. For a witched charmed them long time ago, and
whoever would touch them would be enchanted and slaved till the end of time.
The plants had great rumors about them, however, Shivaxian never truly met
anyone who had been charmed. Yet it's better to be safe than sorry.
In the noise of the wind, the chaos of thoughts, and the
aching of comfort. Uriah finally stopped feeling dizzy. He looked deeply into
his new partner. Shivaxian, or as he claims to be, a lie for a lie, he thought.
Uriah may be a young fellow but he had interacted with many people. He has seen
their past and he knew there was more to life than what meets the eyes.
Uriah could not make sense of what was happening, his new
partner rushed to kidnap him from his thoughts, in a speed of light Uriah found
himself on top of one of the tallest trees, Shivaxian dropped him there and
left, he could not see anything from such height, yet he heard noise, a noise
he had never heard before, sort of moaning of a bat yet it was stronger, more
compressed. He knew something had attacked Shivaxian, but he could not tell
what. He could not see a thing other than a lonely colorful house at the end of
the forest.
prayed Shivaxian would come back safe to him, he wished he could silence the
wind, the echo, the moaning, his thoughts, the dark men who made his uncle
suffer. What have he done so bad? Does life treat you the way you deserve? No,
he thought. Life is mean. Life is pain. His thoughts took him to a certain
memory; Ms.Birch memory. A woman with four children, who had always been
faithful. Who had always looked after her children while her man would get
drunk and flirts with every creature he passed; did she deserve what happened
to her? NO. How could life be so cruel? For her husband's mistakes, she had to
pay. She had suffered like no other. Endured a pain that a thousand men would
not endure, she witnessed her baby getting cooked in boiled oil. Even though
after the terror she had been through due to her husband's mistakes, Ms.Birch
was still a smiley person. A person who placed joy in other people's life. He
had viewed her story through her memories. She never complained or revealed her
sorrow. What a mourning he thought.
The striking clashes stopped while the wind rose it's
howling in range. It must be a victory to Shivaxian's side he thought! He held
tightly in order to not fall down.
Shivaxian, a shadow in Souragian, a giant's language that
died ages ago. He knew the language due to the history lessons he attended with
giants. How could a name match perfectly, he wondered. A lie, Shivaxian chose
this name perfectly to suit him, unlike Uriah, who chose Issra, a name with no
meaning. A common name for a human. The mystery that surrounded Shivaxian made
Uriah even more curious to learn about him, a ride through his memories would
put Uriah in ease perhaps? No, it's too dangerous. Uriah always fell on the
floor after he roams in people's memories. He could not easily do that while
they are alone. Any small mistake might put him in danger, a man shall be
trusted if never been crossed.
Uriah felt the ground was swallowing him. In a matter of
seconds he found himself on the ground. Dragged back by Shivaxian. The mystery
shadowy man. He was glad to see him. At last; he felt he can control his
movement, his legs and hands. He was pleased to no longer feel the need to keep
grabbing tightly to the tree. Shivaxian had a small fresh scratch in his face,
will be a good addition to the collection of scares Shivaxian had thought
The view was getting clearer to Uriah, while he followed Shivaxian's
steps. A gigantic mammal appeared near their tent, a creature large enough to
kill Shivaxian by landing on him. The creature had large wings; similar to
bats, and four large canines, the creature was surely dead for he was utterly
covered with blood.
"Ahool" said Shivaxian.
"What?" replied Uriah while he was still gazing at
the creature, in wonder of how could Shivaxian gets a tiny scratch while being
engaged with such a creature?
"This creature is called Ahool, they feed on flesh. And
tonight we will feed on it."
"Is that even healthy!?"Replied Uriah with worry
for he never consumed a creature that lived on the blood of others, for they
say it can turn you to a savage, Uriah hated savages, they have no way to
communicate. Uriah engaged with them once, after he left the giants in the mountain
of lavenia to hit back to his temporary shelter behind the valley. If it wasn't
for Topaz, Uriah would have been dead and probably eaten as a fine feast, funny
thing; Topaz was roaming the valley after an argument with Uriah.
Shivaxian seemed amuse with Uriah's ignorance, "no
child, I've had my most meals on such creatures, and I'm far away from savages,
or I think I am" said as he laughed.
Shivaxian went closer to the laid creature and grabbed it,
took a close look to its details, and laid it on the closest tree, took his
sword, splashed his blood all over a tree, ripped off his wings, took the
ripped wings and placed them on the ground.
"We have to leave now, before any other Ahool notice
the absence of one of their patch, this could put us in great danger" said
Shivaxian as he placed his sword to its regular place.
"You mean there is more than one!?"
"There are, and they easily notice the death or absence
of one another, the wings will keep the smell fresh for an amount of time that
will help us escape this place, for now we need to clear the place immediately,
can you carry the tent?"
"I think I can but. I don’t know how to fold it." Uriah
said while embracement filled his voice.
"Don't worry. I'll put it down" said Shivaxian as
he walked to the tent.
With the gigantic creature being dragged by Shivaxian and
the tent folded and packed safely with Uriah. Uriah discussed the idea of
heading towards the house he saw while he was on top of the tree, and won the
argument. Shivaxian had nothing in his hands other than to go with this idea.
He has to care for a child now. He is no longer alone. This child is now on his
protection, having an Ahool being around them was more than enough for Shivaxian
to be wide awake for everything around them, he would never forgive himself if
he got hurt on his watch.
The apolloies
The color of mother sun reflected to its surroundings, a
shining stone large enough to light up a room sat on his left index; The
Apolloies ring, a ring that's been passed from generations. The sons of the sun
as they call them, a kingdom of unique creatures; creatures who lived longer
than any other, peaceful creatures, full of light.
A king with a great kingdom, stared at a map in which his
kingdom might rise or fall, he gave a good gaze at it, could he change what his
ancestors lived for? Could he take his kinds to war? Apolloies are known to be
one of the first creatures yet one of the most peaceful, creatures who never
took sides, nor fought a battle. There were not many of options to choose, the
attacks against Apolloies were beyond to be ignored.
"Peace is always an answer" he thought.
A knocking echo came from behind as the footsteps grew
louder. A man with long black straight hair in his forties appeared with
trouble dominating his face.
"He is here, as you expected my king," said the
man, while the other was preparing to stand tall as he fixed his eyes on his
"I'll be in the elders chamber, send him there before
me" said the king as he walked gracefully.
Apolloies were creatures that were known to have long black
hair, and golden horns, which lived for a thousand of years. Their ageing
process is much different from human beings. Biological changes in the
Apolloies are much slower; ten years are equal to a year to a human, for that
they lived much longer than any human. Although Apolloies were known to have
long black straight hair yet only the king can braid his hair whilst protectors
have their hair in a ponytail. Citizens would have it straight open, along with
the chairmen and the royals. In Apolloies; citizens are treated equally with
royals, and chairmen. Apolloies were known for respect and love. They were
known to care for each other equally. Crimes of jealousy and revenge were very
rare. However, the king; Neuter had noticed certain acts of jealousy in the
court, and many other acts that was unfamiliar to the Apolloies. He thought the
world is changing for Apolloies. His own son started training the protectors
and volunteers to fight, trained them to kill. His son started a movement that
no apolloy ever did; He made an army.
The elders room was a great chamber filled with sculptures
and statues of figures, almost looking human figures except they had
exceedingly long hair and each had two horns that had the color of the sun,
everything in that room was marble white except the horns, they were shining
gold. Each figure was different from the other however they were all similar in
color and position, except one. One figure was different, it was larger, a
figure of a man with an incredibly long beard and hair, he was larger in size,
and his figure was placed in the center of all other figures as they lined together
surrounding the room resembling guardians. That figure had his horns broken,
the only figure that had his horns taken off. The magic of such small detail is
magnificent to Amyntas. These broken horns have always been what Amyntas longed
for to gaze at whenever he came to the elders chamber. The man that this figure
resemble was the source of pride for every apolloy, no one ever knew the true
story for rumors and myth had changed the original one to take another course,
however, everyone knew that this great man named Zesmat had his own horns taken
off by his own hands to place them the greatest dragon of all time yet the most
untamed. As Apolloies were known for peace, though it required him to kill a
creature but the benefit of ending its life saved thousands of souls of many
creatures. That was the most famous story that was going around; however,
Amyntas always wondered how much of truth was in that tale.
Amyntas entered the elders room with his eyes placed
directly to Zesmat figure, he was told that the king is excepting him there,
king Neuter; who have known Amyntas as he was a young man, the relationship
between Amyntas and Neuter was not full of love. They despised one another as
they first met however they were both connected to Lycus and for that they
learned to respect each other presence though each one stood for a different
view in most matters. Amyntas and Lycus grew together in the same foster house
though Lycus was born a sorcerer yet he never used magic for any cause. While
Amyntas had nothing special about him, he was just the friend of a popular boy
at their foster house and school. To Lycus, Amyntas was more than just a
friend, he was a younger brother, for most boys hated Amyntas, most had bullied
him which made Lycus feels responsible to take a move, and defend him in some
sort, and by making him his close friend, no one ever dared to bully him again.
Neuter was
expecting Amyntas, for he knew he received the news of Lycus's death. However,
he was not ready to handle it at such times. To Neuter, Amyntas is just
trouble. Neuter could only think of his people at such times, there was no time
to waste on old conflicts. However, he owed an explanation to Amyntas; it's a
king's duty.
As the sun lowered to touch the ground, Amyntas had
his eyes gazing at the reflection that each figure gave, "What a glorious
art view" he thought.
Neuter walked the hallway of the castle he owned for
hundreds of years as if it was his first time, he observed every detail. The
thought of losing his kingdom at any minute could not leave his mind and
thoughts, he walked swiftly towards the elders chamber, the guards prepared the
doors wide open after receiving the commands, Neuter walked straight to Amyntas
without saying a word. He stood facing him directly, politely lowered his head
as Amyntas bowed to the king.
Amyntas: I came directly as I have heard the news. I
can't bare the truth…
King Neuter stopped him as he was speaking.
King Neuter: Lycus is not dead, or I can say we did
not bury him yet; we received a hand with his ring on it. They wanted to light
fear in our hearts. The message you received was not sent from here.
Amyntas: his hand? Where is he? What is this nonsense?
King Neuter: how did you come here? You took the back
road; no side is open for entry other than the back road. The Hoxians are
surrounding us in every corner.
Amyntas could not believe what he heard, he knew
Hoxians always wanted to kill every human being, yet Apolloies were
always guarding them. He heard as he was traveling some rumors regarding
Hoxians attacking the Apolloies, in order to break the wall they built to
protect humans. Hoxians are dark creatures, they are the exact opposite to
Apolloies, as Apolloies had their power from light, Hoxians had their power
from darkness, and the three moons duration is their strongest period. Their
axes were doubled the strength, unlike Apolloies, Hoxians could not control
their power with mind; they only could use it as a physical part. Their attacks
are much stronger than others; their axes could kill a thousand horses with one
hit as it was rumored. Yet with the light of Apolloies peace was made, conflict
was a part of daily life between them, yet no war had ever started except for
the resent one.
Amyntas held his stick tightly as he was processing
what King Neuter told him.
Time had changed, there is not more peace, Apolloies
can't keep their walls standing tall if they refuse to use power against power,
Lycus is nowhere to find. Amyntas insisted in starting a war, for he knew
Apolloies are strong creatures, even if they haven’t been in wars for years,
however, they never seemed to lose a fight. King Neuter explained to Amyntas
how this is all is the work of Ceoriana, an evil witch, half spider half human,
from the race of Versuta
whom always wanted war with Apolloies due to old conflicts. Memories passed
Amyntas's mind, clashes of thoughts and ideas, sights of the past, as he was in
his early twenties along with Lycus. As they left their foster house and
decided to become travelers, warriors of exploring as they thought themselves
to be. They traveled city to city, land to land, no man knows the roads to
kingdoms as they did, they created maps, and secret paths, and they loved the woods
as a man loves a wife. One city had changed their lives, the city of Chasma; a
city that belonged to the kingdom of Ismatan. Mathematicians, scientists,
engineers, physicians and alchemists gathered all in one city, the city of
knowledge and creation, all strive to be the best, to create the best. Amyntas
and Lycus passed the city mesmerized by its beauty, and the knowledge that the
citizens had, people of different kingdoms would pass by to buy the newest
equipments they created, or to learn new ways of medication or whatsoever book
they wrote, all that jazz. The city was full of light and energy, books were
everywhere. Amyntas would never forget how a whole city would smell like one
big library. One day in that city, where everything's changed, Lycus insisted
to visit the city's main library, the library had a gothic theme to it, arced
large windows, smoky thick stones, and large indicator of time sat in the
middle of the library for everyone to see. Lycus was not interested in the
books as he was interested in the secrets the building held. Lycus had a
passion of hidden secrets, passes, and everything locked. He taught himself how
to unlock gates and secret walls. The library was full of puzzles for Lycus, a
feast. Amyntas and Lycus followed a red line that was drawn on the ground to
guide through the library. The place was filled with people, of all ages; a boy
of their age appeared to be approaching them. "How can I be of a
help" said the boy. He was dressed in black with red lines around his
shoulders, and a hat. He looked funny to Lycus, "We are here to discover
the secrets that this library has" said Lycus with pride. Lycus was full
of energy, he was daring, charismatic. It was hard for the boy to notice
Amyntas next to Lycus as Amyntas was shorter, and less attractive. Lycus was as
charming as a man can be, his golden hair and blue eyes would captivate any
woman, let alone the energy he had. The boy smiled back at Lycus "The secrets
of this library are beyond men's wisdom, our ancestors made it in a way only
the high hierarchy can unlock it." Said the boy with a daring glimpse. Lycus
was no man, little did the boy know thought Amyntas. The boy took them around
the library, quarters of different themes, connected with sequenced doors.
Different geometry shapes filled the halls. The sequence itself was a puzzle to
Lycus; nothing was made a coincidence.
Quzits lighted the path as they walked, creatures with butterfly wings,
and a tail of a raccoon; lightening tails, their golden light reflected the
geometries on the floor as they were flying around the library, the boy was a
librarian as he explained, the life of a librarian had a promising future in
Chasma, for they have the right to join the Altus; the high hierarchy. The
deeper the boy took them into the library the less crowded it became.
The sound grew more quiet, Lycus found himself with
Amyntas and Tiersen the librarian alone in a chamber that had a tomb at center
that connects eight geometric lines on the ground; each line connected to a
shelf on a side of the chamber, the hunger in Lycus to uncover the secrets grew
further, he directed himself to follow a line to the shelf, gazed at the books
for couple of seconds while others were watching, Amyntas knew Lycus was into
something, he may not be as smart as Lycus but he knew his friend very well. He
knew Lycus's mindset. The look of victory filled Lycus's face as he pulled a
book from the shelf, that little movement did not make a major change, however
the geometries on the line flipped; it turned from random shapes to figures of zodiacs,
"I have never seen such forms in this library for as long as I been
here" said Tiersen with a surprise, for the library was known for its
endless random geometries, yet never a sign of zodiacs. "you are about to
see what you haven’t seen in your whole life my new friend" said Lycus
with a smirk as he moved to another shelf,
"follow a line to a shelf, move one book, the less dusty book. It's
the key" said Lycus.
"Key to what?" said Tiersen.
"We are about to find out" replied Amyntas,
knowing his friend is never mistaken.
As the seventh book was dropped, the tomb moved
backwards to reveal a staircase leading to a larger chamber underground. Lycus
went first followed by his mates. The chamber was dim yet clean for an underground
secret place, a table of six people centered the room, with random opened
books, however, far away from the table, there was a desk, with a crowning
chair, it seemed highly important to Lycus. He directed his path to seize
whatever valuable object placed on that desk. He found a black leathered book,
a dagger and red stone. "What do you make out of this collection didaskalos?" said Lycus directing his words to his new
friend. Voices of two men discussing grew louder, Amyntas pointed to Lycus and
Tiersen that they must leave before they get caught, the three boys ran back to
the way they came from, Tiersen never been this stressed out, it was his first
time to ever uncover a secret, let alone in a place he worked for since he was
thirteen years old.
"Find the eighth book, it will place the tomb
back" said Lycus to Amyntas as they ran back to the chamber.
The boys had no time, as the strange men felt their
existence and started following them, bells rang as never before in the
library, Tiersen knew these bells only
rings to close the gates of the library in case of a major robbery. Tiersen took the lead to guide Amyntas and
Lycus out of the place.
Far away behind the valley, as they were catching
their breathe, Tiersen noticed Lycus was hiding something in his sleeves…"
what's that" said Tiersen. "This is something worth a fortune"
replied Lycus as he uncovered the black book. "YOU STOLE! You stole the
book!" said Tiersen in fear and anger…the book that changed their lives
forever, Tiersen's anger and fear was soon to fade as they opened the book. The
Jhara's book. The greatest sorcerer that ever lived. Prophesies, spells,
guidance, the balance of the world laid on one book, a book that was kept a
secret by certain people in that library, Tiersen's trusted the high hierarchy
with his life, yet his eyes were wide open, his fate has changed, now the three
boys have a mission, to protect the world from darkness, a darkness that filled
the place thousands years ago. In fifty years from now; darkness will rise, and
it's their mission to stop it. Amyntas's memories flue away as Neuter's son
came in to the chamber. Now he have one hope; Neuter's own son, his son can
bring Apolloies to fight, and bring Lycus back home; if he was still safe.
Amyntas had high hopes, Lycus was no fool, no man or creature with mind would
kill Lycus, for he hold great wisdom, and knowledge. Lycus knows how to guide the
boy to fulfill his destiny, to stop Ceoriana from retrieving her family's army
that lays in the underground of the three falls sea, sons of war. "The
time is near" thought Amyntas.
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