Well, to start off, I'm quite sure anyone who is reading this has pondered endlessly about the definition of happiness. And I, in all humbleness, feel a deep urge to try to express my own opinion regarding this topic. Everyone is born different, which is known to all. Everyone has a different destiny and distinct paths to take along his journey. Making this super common conception a base to start with, I shall now come to the significant points I want to stress. Despite all of these myriad dissimilarities in various measures, happiness remains standard to all. What makes up happiness? Why are we injected with the poison that makes us always always look forward to happiness? Who said it is something to look forward to,in the first place? That phase in life where we never ever get hurt or we get all our dreams come true or we live reverie states of mind will not be experienced by any of us. We must accept it does not exist. Happiness is something you choose, by your own. Waiting for destiny to show you how much it's faithful to your desires, won't work. Neither will being upset over your helplessness. The world is endlessly wondrous, in terrible and great ways.And we are all given the capability to observe. Which, in fact, makes us all at the same level of our so-called persuit of happiness. We can all observe,freely. We can contemplate beauty. All forms of beauty. We can all fall in love with art. We can all find worlds inside of us, so we can never be bored. I know it is extremely annoying to tell people start off with yourself and create your happiness by your own. Because, honestly it all sounds euphoric and flimsy. Some people just have nothing to start with. And some people have had their fullest from pain and don't have any capacity left to make anything... Even if it's just changing perspective.Who said pain should be erased? Who said you should constantly look forward to something else? Who said you're not allowed to feel what you feel like? There's no right way to live after all, you know? Start off where you are. From YOU. Your own skin affiliated with your pain, feels,thoughts, secrets,hopes and fears, Give up on your pessimism and that's enough. And I'm not asking you to embrace optimism either. Happiness does not depend on people or events or luck or fate or love. Find it and lose it. Grab it and let go of it. 24/7 Euphoria is psycho. All you need is a vision. Don't fear having one. Take opportunities if you can. Speak, try, see,feel, taste, deliver, think, create, and be more than less. We're all on the same quest here in this very earth, looking for truth. Do not go with the flow. Let them not forge your beliefs. Don't waste your time. Happiness is(?) what you decide you want it to be. A mediocre life is the last thing you'd like to live...