II - Where's my Water- Cell Phone?

II - Where's my Water- Cell Phone?

A Chapter by Noelle Leveritt

Six pages in word. Six. Pages.


Avery POV

"That play was great!" Jasmine smiled beside me. I smiled back warmly, nodding in agreement.

"And honey, that guy that sat beside you, all I have to say to that is damn. Is he on steroids or something?" I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"He looked decent, maybe, but his poor charisma ruined his physical appeal." She scoffed beside me.

"First of all, will you stop using those big words? You could've just said his mouth was overloading his looks. And second, it doesn't matter what he said, nothing can ruin those biceps." I chuckled, somewhat getting where she was coming from. Still, though, his personality had ruined it for me. How dare he call me incompetent simply because I dropped my cell phone and popcorn? Everyone makes mistakes like this.

My anger flared within me as I clenched my fists.

"Woah, woah, girly, calm down." Jasmine waved a hand in front of my face, bringing me back into reality. "He didn't even say anything that bad to you. I don't see why you're so offended. You can't fall down at your feet every time a person calls you stupid, okay? Anyone who knows you knows that you're not stupid." She was probably right. I took a deep breath, regaining my composure. Suddenly, my phone began to ring.

Don't stop believing....

That's not my ringtone. I quickly dug my phone (or whoever's phone this was) out of my pocket, clicking answer.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey, B-dawg, it's me."

"As you may have guessed, this isn't 'B-dawg,'" I moved my fingers in a quotation motion, "This is Avery."

"Man, I didn't know. Usually Brayden doesn't let one of his hookup buddies control his phone..."

"Hookup buddies?!" I practically screeched into the phone, "I am not and never will be anyone's 'hookup buddy.' And on top of that-"

"Look, dudette, I've been friends with Brayden way longer than you've known him. He's not interested in a girlfriend, you were just a one time thing." My mouth fell open.

"This is infuriating! Look, I have no idea who Brayden is. I went to a play, and now I have someone else's phone. I mean, I know I dropped mine but-" Realization hit me in the face. My face paled, and the phone I was holding up to my ear almost dropped to the ground.

That arrogant b*****d... he... he has my phone... and I have his.

"I gotta go, Princess I-Have-STDs, I think I may have your friend's phone." He tried to say something, but I pressed end call before he could utter a word. I quickly went to the messaging app and typed in my number, sending a message.

Hey, this is that girl from the play? The one who spilled popcorn? Yeah, that one.. I think you have my phone, but it's totally cool if you don't, I mean how would you know? Haha... yeah...

I visibly cringed at what I had typed, selecting it all and pressing delete. I took a deep breath. Okay, take two.

Hey! This is the girl who may or may not have your phone because you dropped it and I dropped mine at that school play and I just wanted to know if you want to get it back because I kind of need mine.

Okay, even bigger cringe. Why am I so perky? What am I trying to look like, a cheerleader?

Third time's the charm.

Hey so I have your phone and I think you have mine too and I kinda need it back. Please don't be angry that I'm saying this to you, I'm not trying to sound mean, I just need my phone and I really need to know if you have it but if you're busy it's ok!

That's when the phone was rudely snatched from my hand.

"God, you couldn't play it casual if your life depended on it," Jasmine muttered as I shot her a glare. She handed the phone back to me, and to my surprise, the text message actually seemed normal.

Hey... This is that girl from the play, and I think you may have my phone.

It vibrated almost immediately.

Is this popcorn girl?

I blushed, remembering the embarrassment of the incident earlier. 

Yes, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that. That was embarrassing. 

Aren't you a cutie? ;)

No, no I'm not. :(

Maybe this phone swap isn't such a bad thing. I never thought a hot girl like you would end up with my phone. ;)

I'm not falling for that absolute rubbish; I'm not that stupid. I just had a conversation with Princess I-Have-STD's, I'm not going to fall into the king's trap.

Princess STD's?

I don't know, some friend called you. He called you 'B-dawg.'

Ohhhhh, you mean Zac.





Stop that. When can we meet to exchange phones?

"Can we go here?" Jasmine pointed to the bakery. I realized that I was hungry, nodding as I rubbed my stomach. She laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the store. We placed our order, as my phone vibrated. I finished ordering my meal, grabbing the phone when the waiter walked away.

I have football practice today and tomorrow, it might be Sunday before I can meet up. I have all the numbers I need, I'll let anyone who texts you know what's going on.

Sunday?! No. Now. I need my phone now.

Fine... Where are you?

My face showed my relief.

I'm at Ruby Bakery on the Square. Can you meet me here?

Sure, I'll be there in a couple minutes.

in a couple of minutes*

Excuse me?

Just correcting your grammar.


I set the phone down on the table in front of me. I waited seven minutes before it vibrated again.

Get ready to drool, I'm making my entrance. ;)

Whatever. ¬_¬

I put the phone down as the door swung open. He was dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, his eyes looked even more green than they had before. His eyes scanned around the Café, until they landed on me. He smirked, walking over to me. 

"Hey." He said, when he had finally gotten there.

"Hi." I said.

"Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me phone-guy was coming? I'm sorry, whatever-your-name-is, but you're the hottest thing I've ever seen." My face heated, as I mentally face-planted. He chuckled at her, tweaking her nose.

"You're a cute little thing." She blushed, smiling warmly. My chest bubbled in irritation.

He's only here to give me back my phone! Not flirt with my best friend!

I cleared my throat and he turned his attention to me. 

"Not to be rude, or anything, but I'd like my phone back." He smirked, getting it out of his pocket. I handed him his phone, and he handed me mine.

"I put something in there for you." He winked, turning and walking out of the Café. Jasmine looked at me.

"Check your phone! Check it! Check it! Checkkkk itttt!" I laughed at her, opening my phone.

"Okay, okay!" I opened my phone, and the messaging app was open. I inspected all of my messages to see if he had done anything when my phone vibrated.

Hottest Guy in the Universe(Brayden): hope you like my gift, popcorn girl ;)

© 2016 Noelle Leveritt

Author's Note

Noelle Leveritt
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Added on September 29, 2016
Last Updated on September 29, 2016


Noelle Leveritt
Noelle Leveritt

Madison, MS

An aspiring writer* wattpad for writing: -mkalright- wattpad for graphics: graphicsbyanonymous (obviously i'm no longer anonymous fanfiction: noelleleveritt writerscafe: noelleleveritt scriboph.. more..
