WhenA Chapter by anonymousethis is about a school dance . . .And when you hug me, it feels like magic. And I stare down over your shoulder and never want to let go. It's like completeness. Like I can breathe. Like if I just stay in the circle of your arms we'll all turn out okay. Like snow. Like glittering, magical snow that is so wondrous, that fills-you-up, that loves you. If I stay with my arms around you in that dark gymnasium, everything will be okay. It has to. © 2012 anonymouse |
StatsAuthoranonymousecity of two thousand poepleAbouti love to read and write. really i'm very silly but looking at me you wouldn't guess that. i like to dance and sometimes i will dance for no apparent reason. i think stretching is fun, and being lazy.. more..Writing