One More Time
A Book by noahlane
Jessi has suffered with the death of Kaycee White for years since the accident. She spends hours volunteering for a local center against teen suicide and bullying since recuperating from depression. 
© 2014 noahlane
Author's Note
- First off, thank you for reading, and any basic errors?!
I hate those because I don't know they're there most of the time.
- What do you think of the overall theme?
- What should the title be?
- What do you like, dislike, and PLEASE be honest :)
New to Writer's Cafe.
Added on December 19, 2014
Last Updated on December 19, 2014
Tags: Jessi, Sam, Kaycee, Karty, white, Christmas, depression, suicide, bullying, piano, car, accident
noahlaneCalgary, Alberta, Canada
Graphic Designer, musician, artist, writer, foodie, peacekeeper, animal lover, fashionista and a feminist to the bone more..