This is an experimental write from my pen. so please feel free to comment and critque
Trying always to be right, has stirred this world in oblivion.
Some old prophecies, 'to err is human' , lingers in mind, but, still flaws are unacceptable moving many hearts in disdain.
Time and again, this needs to be unriddled, seeking a transcendental solvent, to unveil the face of humanity and embracing the wrong, refining to amble on the same path coherently.
"Some old prophecies,
'to err is human' ,
lingers in mind,
still flaws are unacceptable
moving many hearts in disdain."
The above words are amazing. Need to be posted in places where decisions are being made. Forgiveness and kindness can lead us away from hate. When you swim in hate and revenge. The mixture will become only pain and misery. I like the logic of this outstanding poem.
Posted 13 Years Ago
I like this ^_^
actually expresses some of the points I made in a recent posting of mine and do find it to have rather excellent qualities about it, such as delivering the perspective that to be flawed is human, and for all of humanity to embrace 100% corrective structure is inhumane. happy to see someone who shares that point of view :)
as for constructive criticism, possibly a needs for explaining what's experimental about the poem in an author's note or something... it seems to be structure-less and has no indication of rhythmic flow, but idk if that's what you're meaning by experimental. I know many modern poets feel that they can translate ideas and emotions better without adherence to a meter or any sort of rhythm, but idk if that could be considered experimental since it's quite a normal known way-to-write in the poetry community.
also, delivering ideas works best when they're not out right acknowledged except maybe being revealed within the final stanza of the poem... as a poet, the first thing one should do is infiltrate the mind of their audience by coaxing them with metaphors, thoughts, and techniques to embrace contemplation on the topic at hand without actually telling them what the poem is about.
just a few pointers there and feel free to contact me through inbox if you really need anything else...
overall it's pretty good, keep it up and can't wait to see more ^_^