![]() SteakA Chapter by Nina Dassler![]() Alice realizes she has a spirit in her mind, but she doesn't know how many, or that they have an effect on her..a deadly one.![]() All of a sudden, Alice was no longer afraid. She was blatantly aware of the spirits around her, but for some strange reason she was suddenly one hundred percent calm..and hungry. (Since she was under the illusion that she was still human, HAH as if..anyway she thinks she’s “human hungry”, so we start the adventure to her favorite steakhouse in town) Steak!! For some reason, she’s had an uncontrollable need for steaks since she was able to eat her first one at 4. Then her keys are floating through the air..(She still has no idea the voice in her head is actually me, a ghost, but I promise I’m helping her! Mostly..). OUCH! The keys had flown right at her when she reached for them, and slammed right into her tits..f**k! (The keys bounced off her tits and right into her hands, in one smooth movement). She suddenly had a wave of nausea as she saw the blood covering her hands. But they didn’t hit her that hard..and this wasn’t fresh blood. Did she have a steak last night..? (This poor girl..she killed her entire family last night, as she’s a demon spirit now with no control over her primal needs..I almost feel bad for her but what can I do..) She starts a trembly but with a newfound steadiness walk towards the car, not noticing that her feet weren’t touching the ground. When she got to the car though, and tried to open the door..her hand went right through! Then she looked down and screamed, “What the hell is going on?! What’d I do?!?”. (At that point I lost it, broke down and gave in.) “I love you Alice. “Who is that!?” No matter how much I try and deny it, I cannot see this happen to you..we’re going to find a way out okay? (Alice is crying now oh no, oh no what do I do) “Please just show yourself..I can hear you so clearly like you are right next to me but..just let me see you please, if you truly want to help me as you say..” “Believe me sweet girl I do, but I can’t, not yet. You have not developed the power to bring me forth yet, this talking is all I can do for you on my own. But be warned, master will not be happy I took pity on you. I may be punished which means..you are too. For see, we are linked, the only way for you to survive the accident was for me to link myself to your soul, and join it with mine. In doing so I seem to have brought about a rather..sexual side too. I see that you feel it as well?” Alice was instantly both embarrassed and aroused by the question, not sure whether or not she was even sane anymore. She was seriously already dripping a little from the sound of this mans’ voice alone, and to her horror he seemed to know it. “Well little Alice do not be afraid, for I have been around for thousands of years, but haven’t aged a day since I turned 19. I am in excellent physical condition..f**k! Not that you can see it..god damn it no sex right now we need to train you! NO FUN UNTIL YOU CAN BRING ME FORTH!” Now she was scared, but even MORE turned on...she reached down to touch herself, but her arm came to a stop inches away. She could feel the warmth radiating from it and yearned to touch it, confused until she realized..”Hey mister! How DARE you stop me?! You’re the one who f*****g turned me on in the first place! The nerve of some people..let go!!” “Darling calm down, I need to be strict with you or I know you won’t listen..but I suppose I’m not being completely fair, so I’ll help you…” (This was my chance! I loved her too! And if I did it now..while he had her thinking he was gonna..well she’d never even know it was me! Besides she could never love anyone like me...I lost control and took over her arm; I forced it into her untouched p***y and pumped while she screamed in pain, not knowing why she was abusing herself this way and while stupid Alex sat there inside her mind beside me, unaware of my presence and thinking she was doing it because she was driven wild by him. Then she started to moan..)”Mmm yea baby yea don’t stop, ohhh..this is the best you were right ahhhh I love youuuu I do uhhh please please uhhh” (Oh my god...she thinks it’s him and he thinks it’s her, how could this be so perfect?! I kept pumping, feeling the tightness and oh..) “Wait stop stop stop!!!” (I stopped immediately, not sure who exactly he was talking to. Did he know I was here..?) “What?? Who are you telling to stop, that was you wasn’t it?!?” (Oh s**t.) “No it wasn’t..are you telling me that you weren’t controlling your hand just now?” “Not just my hand, my whole f*****g arm! I thought it was the connecty-thing you were talking about!” “Okay darling no need to panic, I think I know exactly what the problem here is. Go to sleep.” For some reason his words alone calmed her, and she suddenly felt the urge to sleep..(that’s right..shhh..sleep monkey, sleep) “Alice?” As she fell to the ground she thought she saw a beautiful man’s face peering down at her..then she fell into a deep sleep, unknowing that it would be a very long nap. She was scared, alone, and hungry yet the irresistible lull of the dream world pulled her in almost too easily..(“Did you do that?”) A long silence followed, but finally an answer came. “Yes I did. We need to talk.” © 2016 Nina DasslerAuthor's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on May 23, 2016 Last Updated on May 23, 2016 Tags: Supernatural, Soft-core erotica, High school, Romance Author![]() Nina DasslerSanta Cruz, CAAboutHi! My name is Christina, I'm in the USAF, currently awaiting my location. Writing is something I do in the minuscule amount of spare time I have, and I hope if anyone reads what I write that they enj.. more..Writing