This poem has a nice feeling. It starts out very strongly. You should decide if you want to put in punctuation and then stick with your rule. As it is, you put in punctuation some places (incorrectly at times) and leave it out in others. For example I wouldn't really change the first verse, because it's beautiful and works very well, but I would punctuate it, i.e.,
Beyond this life and me,
There's perfection.
The commas aren't so important, but the absence of the apostrophe in "There's" ruins the "perfection". You should also decide if you what to capitalize letters as in a sentence or at the beginning of each line. I like the former better, but that's a matter of taste.
The second verse is as beautiful as the first. I'd only put in punctuation:
Beyond the pain and fear,
There's salvation!
I don't know if you'd agree with the "!" at the end, but that's for you to decide.
In the third verse, I think there is a problem. First, does that ";" really belong there. It really affects the meaning. Did you mean instead a simple comma? Also, do you really mean "sanction" as in "authoritative permission or approval, as for an action", or do you mean something like "sanctuary"? I can see it going either way depending on what this poem is really about--see comments on the final verse, below.
In the fourth verse, "couldn't" needs an apostrophe.
Fifth verse: spelling mistake on "somewhere". Punctuation can really help here too. There are several possible meanings and different feelings that the words can suggest. The punctuation will ensure I get the ones you intend. Also, I'm having real trouble with "The sea is here, its time / Be; and begin to see". What does this mean? The word "Be" is really throwing me off.
Sixth verse: Another beauty. Punctuation will help.
Last verse: This is nice too. Now here is the delicate bit. This verse suggests (and I don't know if it's so) that this poem might be about the sexual act. If it is, this needs to be more obvious toward the beginning of the poem, and the whole of the feeling of the poem changes; we don't want to discover this at the end. If not the words need to be changed so as not to suggest this.
This is a very nice poem. With a little more work it can be a tremendous poem. At this point I'd give it a rating of 80 because it's so nice already. Fixed up this will be around a 95. (Sorry, I haven't looked to see if you wanted ratings, but there it is.)
Wow! I really like this...just so beautiful...loved the imagery, loved the way you've woven magic with your words!
A truly wonderful write altogether...
great work...keep it up and just keep those words flowing!
This poem is written very strongly, i like the depth you use in this poem, very well done, it sure caught my attention as i read it and kept it there all the way through :D
This poem has a nice feeling. It starts out very strongly. You should decide if you want to put in punctuation and then stick with your rule. As it is, you put in punctuation some places (incorrectly at times) and leave it out in others. For example I wouldn't really change the first verse, because it's beautiful and works very well, but I would punctuate it, i.e.,
Beyond this life and me,
There's perfection.
The commas aren't so important, but the absence of the apostrophe in "There's" ruins the "perfection". You should also decide if you what to capitalize letters as in a sentence or at the beginning of each line. I like the former better, but that's a matter of taste.
The second verse is as beautiful as the first. I'd only put in punctuation:
Beyond the pain and fear,
There's salvation!
I don't know if you'd agree with the "!" at the end, but that's for you to decide.
In the third verse, I think there is a problem. First, does that ";" really belong there. It really affects the meaning. Did you mean instead a simple comma? Also, do you really mean "sanction" as in "authoritative permission or approval, as for an action", or do you mean something like "sanctuary"? I can see it going either way depending on what this poem is really about--see comments on the final verse, below.
In the fourth verse, "couldn't" needs an apostrophe.
Fifth verse: spelling mistake on "somewhere". Punctuation can really help here too. There are several possible meanings and different feelings that the words can suggest. The punctuation will ensure I get the ones you intend. Also, I'm having real trouble with "The sea is here, its time / Be; and begin to see". What does this mean? The word "Be" is really throwing me off.
Sixth verse: Another beauty. Punctuation will help.
Last verse: This is nice too. Now here is the delicate bit. This verse suggests (and I don't know if it's so) that this poem might be about the sexual act. If it is, this needs to be more obvious toward the beginning of the poem, and the whole of the feeling of the poem changes; we don't want to discover this at the end. If not the words need to be changed so as not to suggest this.
This is a very nice poem. With a little more work it can be a tremendous poem. At this point I'd give it a rating of 80 because it's so nice already. Fixed up this will be around a 95. (Sorry, I haven't looked to see if you wanted ratings, but there it is.)
Wow! A beautiful, gentle, moving poem with lots of stunning, sentimental imagery. Highly metaphorical and colorful. I especially With blue crisp green; pearl waves'- so pretty! You have a very neat, precise style of writing, and it doesn't waffle anywhere. You don't need to edit or clean this up at all, its perfect.
Well done!
its calm, I really like your imagery. Your use of natural serenity is peaceful and makes the poem flow very well. Its not tiring or frustrating at all to read. A few word choices put the brakes on in a few places, but overall, this is a beautiful poem. Reading it was like taking a deep breath. I dont understand it exactly, but alot of the time, who gives a s**t? It was very well done.