Chapter 18: Flower

Chapter 18: Flower

A Chapter by Nikki Congdon

The nights got colder as December rolled around. I was finally cleared to go back to my dorm room and back to classes. I was so far behind in schoolwork, it took a lot of long, friday nights with Ethan's help to get caught up.  Raven had the same problem and Derek helped her get caught up as well.   All the girls were giddy with excitement as Winter Formal came closer with each day.  I was so happy to finally heal from my injuries, but I would have scars on my ankle from where my demon dad who I drove out of my body.

            On the day of Winter Formal, I couldn't wait for classes to be over so I could we could get ready for the magical evening.  When classes were over, I met up with Raven and we bolted to the dorm room.  Whitney trotted over in her wolf form to catch up.  Jane was right behind her.

            "We need to get ready.  I will have to do your hair and we'll need to do make up as well." Raven ran off the checklist.

            "Where are we doing this?" Whitney panted out as she changed quickly.

            "Our dorm room. Let Betty know and make sure you bring your dresses." Jane sprinted off and Whitney nodded. Tonight was one of the few nights that Mrs. Berlowski was going to let the boys into the girls dorm to escort us to the great hall where the dance is. I opened the glass door to the building and we witnessed the commotion of girls running in and out.

            "Let's go." Raven yelled over the noise. She took my hand and I took Whitney's as we ran up the stairs single filed through the commotion.  Once we got to the third floor Whitney ran ahead to grab her dress as Raven and I unlocked the door and ran inside.  We both took our dresses out of the closet and hung them on the door.  A loud knock erupted and Whitney, Jane and Betty stood outside with their dresses.

            "That was fast," I commented as I brushed my hair.  Raven was gathering supplies from the bathroom.

            "I knew where she was," Jane only shrugged. They hung their dresses up as well and we began the makeover.  My hair was curled, Raven's trimmed, Whitney's placed up in a bun with ringlets, Jane's curled with large curls and Betty straightened. We did makeup and then dressed in our gowns. Everyone looked amazing.  While we waited for the boys to escort us, we tinkered with our hair and makeup, making last minute adjustments.

            "Knock, Knock!" Someone knocked. Raven called for them to answer and the trio of boys strolled in.  All their faces showed surprised as they looked over the glamerous girls. Derek was magitized to Raven's side.  Rhett strolled, a grin on his face as his eyes sparkled and Ethan maneuvered his way to me.

            "You look like a rose," He breathed into my ear as he helped me into a jacket. Once everyone was ready, we all headed out of the dorm and to the great hall. The wind howled as we quickly scurried inside, laughing as I held up the hem of my skirt.

            Once inside Ethan took my jacket and hung it up. "Shall we dance?" He asked. I glowed with happiness as I was spun onto the dance floor. The others followed as we danced the night away.  We felt the beat as we jumped up and down, our bodies moving with the music. When a slow dance began, I found Ethan and danced so slowly with him, letting him spin me every once in a while.

            "My little flower," he murmured and I smiled softly. When the song ended, Ethan took my hand and guided me through the crowd and out of the great hall.  We turned left and into a small room with a small window. Ethan left the door cracked and then leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met and sparks of electricity made the hairs on the back of my next stand up.  His lips moved vigioursly, as if he hadn't kissed me in a lifetime.  I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying not to fall down.  I felt my back bend as I was laid gently onto the ground.  Alarms went off in my head. I didn't know where this was going. I was now on the floor, hair sprawled on the wood.

            "What are we doing?" I whispered, trying to figure it all out.

            "I'm not sure yet." He admitted and then leaned in again to kiss me, but I placed my finger up against his lips.     

            "We aren't going to have sex." I said plainly. Ethan looked at me, a little stunned and then agreed.  My heart relaxed a little bit and then let him kiss me as I sat back up.  He kissed my cheek and then outlined my lips.  I could still hear the music coming from the dance floor. I sort of wanted to get back there, to be with friends but Ethan was too busy wanting to kiss me.  It was starting to smother me. He moved away from my lips and to my neck, kissing with butterfly kisses.  Shivers ran down my spine. 

            Something stirred in the tiny room. I clenched onto Ethan. He looked at me, bewildered.

            "I heard something." I told him.

            "Probably a rat," and then returned to kissing me.  I sighed inwardly. The noise happened again, a little louder this time and Ethan heard it.  We both looked around in the dark room, trying to see if it was actually a rat or something else.

            "What the hell?!" Ethan cursed under his breath. I slipped a hand into his. The noise sounded, even louder and a figure appeared in the shadows.

            "Who are you?" Ethan demanded. He shielded me from the person.  I couldn't tell if it was wearing a dress or something else.

            "Someone who wants your soul," The voice hissed. It sounded like a girl's.  The figure pounced onto Ethan's back.  I screamed as I tried to help him get the person off him.  The girl had her nails dug deep into Ethan's shoulders.

            "Get off me!" he shouted as he rammed his back into the wall. No one heard the commotion because the music was so loud.  The person stayed firmly on.  She wrapped her dainty legs around his waist.  Her slim arms were around his neck, trying to suffocate him.

            I managed to get up and get behind to pull hair.  She hissed in frustration as she took a hand and jack slapped me against the cheek.

            "Don't touch her!" Ethan shouted as he transformed to his elephant. The figure fell off his back and Ethan stomped around, trying to smash the intruder. Taking his trunk, he curled it around my waist and hoisted me onto his back.

            "You're not getting away from me," The figure hissed. Ethan stomped out of the room, destroying the doorway with it.  As Ethan trampled through the great hall entrance, people started to notice and screams started splitting eardrums. I held on tightly to Ethan's tough, grey skin as we trampled through the cold.  Ethan stopped to turn around to see if the figure had followed, but instead of a figure, there was a cheetah.  I saw the glint of red eyes and my stomach lurched.

            "Demon!" I shouted into Ethan's ear. His eye looked toward me for a second, showing remorse and worry and maybe even an I'm Sorry. The cheetah walked over to us, its coat shimmering against the body structure. My heart pounded against my rib cage. The cat bared its fangs. Ethan snorted back, flapping his ears to try to scare it off. It didn't work. The cat pounced and knocked Ethan over. Its strength was not like any regular cheetah. People started streaming out of the great hall and watched in horror of the scene.  I was thrust off Ethan and landed 10 feet away from his heaving body. The cat jumped on him as if he was a table. She padded around and then dug a claw into his skin, making him change back to his form.

            "Ethan!" I screamed. The cat jumped off and then changed.  It was a girl, wearing a black jumpsuit and ski mask. Once Ethan had turned back to himself, she dragged him to his feet and whipped a dagger out, placing it lightly on his neck.  I laid on the ground, my foot throbbing in pain.  The world was coming into focus.  The girl pulled Ethan back, his feet stumbling blindly.

            "Stop!" A heavy voice shouted. Principal Williams.  He stood in a nice tailored suit with a white flower in the breast pocket.  "There is no need for bloodshed." Apparently, the principal couldn't tell it was a demon.

            "There is always a need for bloodshed." The black figure hissed as she slit Ethan's throat. Blood spurted and I screamed.  "Time to become demon," The figure breathed. I could barely pick it up.

            I screamed again as I dug my fingers in the cold dirt.  I was shivering. Someone ran up to me, comforting me as another person gave me my coat. Tears dripped down my face, making it cold.  My heart twanged with pain. He was gone. My love was gone.

© 2013 Nikki Congdon

Author's Note

Nikki Congdon
ignore grammar

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Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on August 14, 2013


Nikki Congdon
Nikki Congdon

Plover, WI

Hey! I'm Nikki! I'm 15 years old and I have dreams of getting at least one of my writings published! I love to read, write and I preform in plays and musicals at my school! I play flute and learning C.. more..

Flower Flower

A Book by Nikki Congdon

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Nikki Congdon