![]() Chapter 8: RavenA Chapter by Nikki CongdonMr.
Lee was blind as a bat, which is funny because he was a bat. He was a plump man with thinning, gray hair
and a small nose. He wore a pair of nice
kaki's with a black, bulging belt that was nearly undone. As his shirt, he wore a plaid button down that
was loosely tucked in and hanging out in the back. A pink tie hung around his fat neck. A white cane lay next to my teacher as he sat
in his desk, staring at his computer screen blankly. His intern must be missing. I took my seat and dug out my notebook.
Another day of things I've already
learned. I thought harshly. It was
true; I was a braniac as well as a badass.
I wasn't too sure where I had gotten the gene, but in every class, it
felt really easy and that's a reason I escaped so much. After I had rummaged through my
backpack looking for a pencil, Derek sauntered into the room. He looked spiffy in his pressed uniform,
courtesy of dad I figured. He sat down a few desks away and glanced at me. I
flicked my eyes away, too embarrassed to admit I was drooling over the most
popular guy in the school. A few airhead
girls giggled into the classroom, some texting while walking and the others
gossiping about my return and then two jocks hustled into the classroom right
before Mr. Lee slammed the door loudly. They took their seats and I snickered
at them. "Good Morning class!" Mr.
Lee yelled. He acted like he was deaf as well, so he had to scream his lectures
at the top of his lungs. "I hope
you all-" Someone tapped on the door. I stifled a snicker as Mr. Lee
waddled over to the door, felt blindly for the knob and turned it angrily. "Sorry Mr. Lee," his
intern hustled in, breathing heavily.
Mr. Lee's intern was different from last time. It was a young guy, probably a graduate with
square glasses and a shock of red hair. He
was tall as he wore dress slacks that were too short for him and a shirt that
was a tad too long for him. He carried a
briefcase with papers peeking out. He
clutched the bag as if his life depended on it. "I was grading papers last
night and I fell asleep and I just woke up 15 minutes ago and I had to get here
on time and-" "It's ok Mr. Bradley." Mr.
Lee yelled. "It happens. Did you finish grading the essays?" "Y-Yes sir!" Mr. Bradley
exclaimed. He began passing them out as Mr. Lee waddled back to the front of
the classroom, his cane clicking as he moved. Mr. Lee cleared his throat and
picked up from where he left off, "I hope you all finished reading the
section on high flying and attacking demons in the sky…" I slowly began to
tune the blind teacher out. Of course I didn't read the section because I
already knew how to attack a demon in
the sky and I had missed an entire week of classes. I sighed as I began to
doodle in my notebook. The intern named
Mr. Bradley finished passing papers out, but gave nothing to me. He walked up
to my desk and bent down. "I believe we haven't
met," He extended his hand. "I'm Mr. Bradly, your student
teacher." His breath smelled like a tic-tac. "Raven," I hissed, not
taking my eyes off my drawing on the cover of my notebook. I did not take the
student teacher's hand either. "It's very nice to meet you
Raven. What animal do you change into?" "Think about it," I said
flatly. "Oh! You're a raven! What a
beautiful bird!" "Mr. Bradley!" Mr. Lee
exclaimed. "You are not to be
flirting with my students." "B-but I wasn't!" The
intern protested. I just rolled my eyes. Mr. Lee demanded that Mr. Bradley take
his seat behind the desk and finish any papers that needed to be graded and
then put the grades in the grade book for the blind teacher. "Now," Mr. Lee droned on.
"Today we will be going outside to the practice field to test your
abilities to defend yourselves in the air. Bring your stuff with you because
you will be dismissed from the field to lunch." The two boys high-fived as
we all packed our notebooks away and clustered around the door. Using his cane, the blind teacher slapped the
legs of students to clear a path for him to the door. "Should I come with?" Mr.
Bradley asked nervously, not wanting to upset Mr. Lee again. "You might as well, but I'll be
keeping a close eye on you." The class snickered, even the principal's
son. Mr. Lee could be stupid sometimes. Mr. Lee lead the way into the hall,
waddling crazily to the staircase. He puffed
as he walked. The rest of the class
followed behind, the girls texting wildly and the guys trying to wrap their
arms around their tiny, stupid waists.
Derek walked alone, as did I, so I felt obligated to join him and at
least talk to him. "Hey," I called nicely,
trying not to startle him. It failed. He looked at me, startled, surprised
and curious, "Hey, what's up?" "Not a whole lot. Just in a lot
of pain." I raised my sling to indicate my arm. Derek smiled. "I never asked what you
did," "Tangoed with a demon. No
biggie." Derek grinned as he walked. By now, Mr. Lee had made it down the
stairs with the help of his intern and was heading out the door. The cool air blasted through the hallway and
my hair shifted off my shoulders. It was getting too long for my taste. "Well, let's hope you don't do
the foxtrot next." He joked. The
talking between us stopped as we listened to the two jocks cooing the dumb
girls. Derek turned to me, "Do you
know which demon you fought?" That was a strange question. I looked at him
funny and then thought about it. "Sid. He was a spider. He said
to call him spit." "Did you actually fight
him?" Derek asked, concern mixed in his voice. I was sort of confused that
he was concerned for me. "Well I did, but then a friend
came to my aid and finished it off." "Who?" He pestered on. So
many questions! "Whitney." I replied.
Derek thought for a moment and then pulled his phone out. It was an IPhone,
like everyone else's, but he had a blue case with an eagle on it. "What are you doing?" I
pestered. It was my turn to ask all the question now. "I've noticed that there have
been more and more demons spawning these days. The numbers are out of this
world. There are thousands and growing and I don't understand why." "Ok..." I said, not
understanding what the point was. We were getting close to the field so he
would have to wrap this up quickly. "Some of the demons have been
graduates." Derek continued. "I'm looking for someone and I fear that
she went demon." "Who? I could help you find
them! I'll be your bounty hunter!" I answered giddily. If I got the
chance, I would go demon hunting any day. Besides, they probably wouldn't let
me guard people for my future. "No." Derek said flatly.
"You're injured and you've tangled with a demon already. I don't want you
to get hurt or in trouble because of me." I rolled my eyes as I smiled,
"I am the master of escaping and besides, I'll heal." Derek sighed as he thought about his
options. "Besides," I added. "Daddy would get on your case if
you did it. He already hates me." "True." Derek sighed.
"Fine. You can help." I threw a fist in the air and hopped on my good
foot. Derek grinned softly as he watched me jump with joy. "So when do I start boss?"
I asked eagerly. Derek threw his hands in the air as
a surrender, "Hold on! Hold on! Let's talk about this somewhere else.
Somewhere private. How 'bout we meet after lunch?" "Where?" "I'll come find you in the
hall." I nodded as the group halted. Mr. Lee turned around slowly, trying
not to collapse and cleared his throat with a loud grunt. "Alright! Let's put your skills
to the test. Haley! Raven! You're up first." Mr. Lee called. I grumbled
under my breath as I threw my backpack down. "But sir!" Mr. Bradley
intervined. "Raven is injured. You can't possibly make her do a change and fight against another
student!" Mr. Bradley sounded urgent and very concerned for my health.
What a moron. "Firstly, I did not get a slip
saying that Ms. Sterling was hurt and secondly," Mr. Lee countered
harshly, "I am the teacher and
since Ms. Sterling has escaped so many times that I don't think she would have
any problems." I rolled my eyes. The girl I was supposed to be
"fighting" was glued to her phone. She either didn't hear her name
because she was too obsessed about texting or she didn't care at all about the
class. It was a required class, so we
couldn't get out of it. I stepped forward, in front of Mr. Lee. "Where's Haley?!" Mr. Lee
yelled, making my eardrums ring. A blond head bobbed up, her blue eyes very
innocent and scared. "Y-Yes?" She stammered as
she shoved her phone in her pocket quickly, hoping the intern didn't see it. " You are fighting against
Raven." Her plucked eyebrows raised up on her perfectly made up face. She bit
her lip nervously. I laughed inside. This would be easy. I walked past Mr. Lee
and a trembling Mr. Bradley and took the sling off my injured arm. Lucky for
Haley, I was injured so I had a disadvantage. Very slowly, I extended my arm
and felt pain run up my arm. I swore under my breath. This may be harder than I
thought. Haley padded next to me, her legs
trembling slightly. Her phone peeked out
of her pocket and her hands itched to text someone about what she had to do. "Listen to me." I hissed.
She looked at me with utter terror. Great, my badass reputation scared everyone
on campus. "First, I'm not going to beat you up. You haven't done anything
to me. Second, my arm is still busted so you have an advantage." "O-Ok." She stuttered. "Get ready to change!" Mr.
Lee called. I extended my arm fully and bit back a shriek of pain. I bit hard
on the inside of my cheek. "CHANGE!" Haley changed easily, shrinking
into a hummingbird. S**t. I changed to my black raven form and took off, feeling
pain in my wing. It would hurt like hell afterward. Haley buzzed around, making
it for me to focus on her since she flew so fast. My eyes darted back and forth, left and
right, trying to find the perfect time to attack. Right when I thought I had the
timing perfect, I charged, but there was nothing there. Suddenly, I felt a
prick in my back. I swiveled my head to see the colorful bird right behind
me. My squinted my eyes in disgust as I
tried to attack by swiveling my whole body in the air, but I was way too slow.
I lost the air in my feathers and plummeted to the ground. I would have hit the ground too if
not for Derek. He swooped to my rescue by catching my small body in his arms. I
stared into his eyes and silently thanked him for catching me. The hummingbird
buzzed around joyfully, waiting for my return to the sky. I hopped onto Derek's
arm and pushed off, pumping my wings wildly.
I reached the humming bird and tackled it in the air. She somersaulted a
few feet before regaining her balance.
My eyes locked on her body and charged, but once again she was too
fast. This time, she got me in the back
and sent me to the ground for good. I landed in the grass and changed,
incredible pain coming with the change. "You alright?" Derek was
right beside me as I struggled to get up. Haley landed nearby and changed as
well, fear coating her honey eyes. "Oh My God! I am so
sorry!" she shrieked. Her manicured fingers twirling her honey blond hair
nervously. I waved her off, "It's ok. You
were a worthy opponent." "Moving on!" Mr. Lee
shouted, breaking Haley and my little chat. "Derek and Val, you're
next." Derek made sure I was up and ok.
He even helped me back into my sling before he got ready for his
change. "Ready!" Mr. Lee
exclaimed. "CHANGE!" Derek changed fast, Val right behind him. Val was a vulture, his red, ugly head visible
in the gray sky. Derek was a beautiful
eagle, a bold white head against his brown feathers. He fought diligently and
even won. Val toppled out of the sky, landing with a soft thud. I smirked as
Derek landed and changed back to stand next to me. "That's how it's done." He
grinned. I punched his shoulder lightly with my good arm. "Ha. Ha. Next time you can
fight the hummingbird and I'll fight
the vulture." There were a few more battles and then we were dismissed,
leaving Mr. Bradley to tend to a screaming Mr. Lee. Derek and I broke away from the group and
slowed our pace toward the great hall. My stomach growled. "Who are you looking for?" Derek hesitated for a second,
thinking about it. "Her name was Tanya." My eyebrow shot up. A grin played on
my lips, "Oh?" I was going to have fun with this. "It's not what you think!"
Derek countered quickly. "She was a good friend. We'd known each other
since we were little. Her mom was a
teacher here and we were really good friends.
She disappeared last summer and was never to be seen again. The higher
up had high hopes for her. Her mother
killed herself once they gave up the search for her." The "higher
up" was a committee of old farts who decided where each graduate would use
their talents, whether teaching, guarding or other crap like that. It sort of
sucked having someone pick a lifestyle you would have to live with for the rest of your life. "So you think she went
demon." "Yes." Derek stated, his
voice sounding sad. "I'm almost positive she did." "Then why risk your life for
someone who has gone demon?" I was utterly confused now, which didn’t
happen very often. "Because her mother made me
promise to find her and give her something." He stopped for a moment and
opened a small pouch on his white backpack. What he pulled out was a small vile
of clear liquid. The vile was made of crystal with a little stopper on the top.
It shined in the weak sunlight trying to break free from the clouds. "What's in it?" "I'm not exactly sure. She
never actually said. She just instructed me to find her and give it to
her." I shrugged my shoulders as he placed the delicate vile back into his
bag. "Aren't you worried it would
break in there?" "I keep it protected." He
smiled as we arrived to the doors.
Students filed in crazily, some even pushing to get inside. What was for
lunch that was so good? "When do I start?" I
demanded eagerly. You don't get to hunt demons everyday when you're an academy
student. It would be more fun as well
since I was going to be doing this illegally. Williams would have to try and
stop me if he didn’t want me doing it. "Whoa!" Derek exclaimed as
he pulled me aside and had me wait for the steady stream of students to slow
down. "Heal up first, then we'll
talk. Besides," he added, "We have a huge capture the flag game
coming up. Guys vs. Girls." I had totally forgotten. "That's true." I grinned.
"And I'm going to beat the s**t out of you." Derek grinned as he waved
me off and headed off to his group of guys. I hustled through students to where
my odd group sat. "Hey," I huffed.
"What's up?" Betty looked up, a butterfly clip in her dark hair and
smiled. I slid the straps of my backpack off and sat next to her on the
bench. Flora and Whitney sat opposite
from us. Next to Whitney, a scrawny, rust haired boy sat, cringing at my
site. He had a dusting of freckles. A notebook was neatly placed with a pencil on
top the ratty cover. "Raven," Whitney soothed,
"This is Rhett. I met him today in class." I eyed the boy and he
cringed with fear. He must have thought
I was going to beat him up. "Nice to meet you Rhett."
I replied. Rhett nodded, but didn't say
a word. Lunch was served (Chicken Nuggets, no wonder) and we chowed down. After lunch, Rhett litterly jumped out of his
seat and darted out of the hall. Whitney eyed me angrily. I looked at her
alarmed. "I didn't do anything!" I
protested. Whitney shook her head and dashed after him. I sighed and pushed my
plate aside. Betty was pawing through a
magazine, some fashion magazine it looked like and Flora was gripping her
stomach, pain twisting on her face. "Are you ok?" I asked,
somewhat concerned for her health. "Did you eat something bad?" "No," She squeaked.
"I-I just have cramps." She picked up her bag and ran out of the
room, clutching her stomach. I watched her, confused and worried. "Is she seriously ok?" Betty shrugged her shoulders, not
taking her eyes off the magazine. "If she has cramps, it's probably her
time of the month. She'll be alright." I sighed inwardly and headed off,
preparing myself for the next class and hoping Friday would come soon. *** Friday did come fast. I had finally
healed up after my injury with the demon and I was ready to play capture the
flag. Rhett had finally warmed up to me
and didn't run off every time I came to sit down for a meal. He still wouldn't talk to me though. I
assumed he was shy. The night of the game, I was giddy
with excitement. I had my black gear ready the night before and after class I
ran to the dorm rooms to change. Flora caught up to me and looked at me
confused. "Why are you so happy? You got
a hot date?" I cracked a smile but shook my head,
"No hot date tonight. Just a game of capture the flag. You should play!
I'm gonna beat the s**t out of Bradon tonight and besides, you would be a good
talent that we could use." Flora laughed, "What use would
I be?" "You're very useful." Was
all I could say. I didn't want to tell her, not yet at least. I also knew that
I could become team captain easily. "How?" she challenged. "Come and play and you'll find
out." She thought for a second and then nodded and agreed. I threw some
black clothes at her and told her to put it on. She caught them with ease. There was a knock on the door. "Enter at your own risk."
I called as Flora giggled into her leggings. Betty walked in with Whitney
tagging along while Jane pestered her. All three wore black. "Ready for dinner?" Betty
asked. "Just about." I grabbed
something from my closet and slid it into my pocket. When Flora was ready, we
all headed out. Rhett stood outside the girls dorm room, names like pervert, horn-head and girly girl flew in the air. "Shut your face!" yelled
after the voices in the dark. My eyes burned with rage. "It's no use Raven, they won't
learn." He told me. "I won't stop until they
do." I patted his shoulder with a smirk. He cringed at first but then
relaxed. Whitney noticed that Rhett
wasn't in black. Jane had left us do to her "image". She didn't want
to taint it. "Why aren't you in black?"
Whitney asked Rhett. "The guys won't have me on the
team." "Their just morons." I
told him as we entered the hall. "I know, I usually just watch
and sketch." Apparently, Whitney told me he had a notebook of sketches
that he had done of everyone here. When I heard that, I thought, s**t. I was probably in there, beating
someone up. We sat down in our usual spot in the
great hall and dinner was served. Whitney pleaded me through the whole meal to
let Rhett somehow join our team. It was a really good idea, but a very risky
one. I had scanned the crowd before we sat down for people in black and once
again, more guys than girls. It was a girls vs. Guys game and we were gonna
lose so this was an option I needed to exploit. "Fine!" I sighed and she
bounced in her seat. Rhett smiled a little bit. "You'll have to figure out
a way to sneak by the ref's." "I got a way." Rhett
smirked. I nodded with approval, "You
know where our base is." He nodded, finished his pizza, waved and zipped
out. When we were done, I stood up and said, "Come on, we have a game to
© 2013 Nikki CongdonAuthor's Note
Added on August 13, 2013 Last Updated on August 13, 2013 Author![]() Nikki CongdonPlover, WIAboutHey! I'm Nikki! I'm 15 years old and I have dreams of getting at least one of my writings published! I love to read, write and I preform in plays and musicals at my school! I play flute and learning C.. more..Writing