Chapter 2: Raven

Chapter 2: Raven

A Chapter by Nikki Congdon

It was an awful ride to the nearest hospital, but apparently I had a broken wrist and a fractured femur. The girl graciously stayed with me while they bandaged me up. She even made an excuse for me so I didn’t have to tell the truth about how it all happened.

            “We were skateboarding and she tried to do a huge jump, but landed wrong.”

            “In high heel boots?” The doctor asked.

            “Well, I had made a bet that she couldn’t do it-”

            “Plus it adds another level of difficulty” I added. The doctor looked unsatisfied by the story but bought it anyway. When he had left, the girl looked at me.

            “Where are you going to go? I mean, you can’t fly.”

            I hadn’t really thought about where I was going to go. I had no money but I had a phone the academy gives to all their students.  I knew I had no choice, but to go back or they would find me anyway.

            I sighed, “I have to go to the academy.”

            The girl looked confused, “What academy?” I was a little shocked.  A girl her age, who can transform really well and hasn’t heard of the academy?  I explained all about it, but she still didn’t recognize it.

            “Well, you should come back with me.” I pointed back. “It’s not the best place in the world, but it’s some place. Besides, I don’t want you wandering around when demons are on the loose.” She nodded and when we were able to leave, I told them to bill a fake address. I was pretty good at that.

            Once outside, I dialed a few numbers on my phone.  A black car came rolling in.  It was Jacobson, I could tell by the glint of his sunglasses. He was my favorite driver.  He couldn't change but his daughter did because his wife could change into a snake. His wife was feisty sometimes. Jacobson worked as a Keeper. Keepers went to changer's aid and even toted the escaping changers back to campus. Keepers also were obligated to kill any rogue demons so Keepers were trained highly in combat.

We hopped in and I saw that devilish smirk come across his face. “What did you do this time Raven?”               

            “Broken wrist and fractured femur.  Guess I can’t learn for a while.” He smirked and shook his head.

            “You out illegally?” He asked me.

            “Couldn’t you tell by the clothes?” He laughed.

            “I guess I didn’t notice.” He drove off and then glanced at the girl who had saved my life through the rear view mirror.

            “Who’s this?”

            “Another shape shifter like me. She saved my life, but doesn’t know about the Academy.”  I informed him

            “Strange. Well, the drive will be an all-nighter so I’ll stop by some fast food restaurant and get us something to go. You must be hungry.” The girl looked up with a predator look in her eyes. She nodded. Jacobson smiled. His chestnut hair shined in the lights as he drove.

            He pulled into a McDonalds and asked us what we wanted. My friend ordered three hamburgers, a large fries and a milkshake while I ate one burger with a medium fries with soda. She polished her food down quickly.

            “What can you shape shift into Ms.?” Jacobson asked politely.  Such a gentlemen.

            “Wolf.” She whispered. Jacobson nodded.

            “Just tell me if you need to eat anymore, Ok?” She nodded, balled her trash and curled up in a ball to try and sleep.

 When her heart slowed into a deep slumber, I had to know, “What did you mean back there when you told her if she was hungry you would feed her. When I complain, you don’t feed me whenever.”

“Raven, she’s a wolf so she needs lots of food to keep her going. For you, you don’t need as much.” I sighed. He was right.  I laid my head against the window and let Jacobson drive us to the Academy.


I felt a light touch against my thigh. “Raven, Wake up.” I cracked my eyes open and saw Wolf girl awake as well.  The Academy gates were in front of the car.

“I’m not allowed to drive you inside. You’ll have to walk the rest of the way.” I grunted as I got out of the car.  Jacobson waved as he drove off in a cloud of dust.  The high heeled boots I was still wearing were really killing me right now.

            I walked up to the gate and found the keypad.  The girl trailed behind me.  She wore no shoes still and we were on gravel.

            “Hello? This is Jan.” A very familiar voice sounded.

            “Hey Jan…” I mumbled into the intercom.

            “Raven Sterling! It’s about time you showed up.  March your butt to the principal’s office immediately!”

            “But Jan-”

            “I SAID NOW!” She shouted and the gate swung open.  I grumbled as wolf girl followed behind, nervous as ever.

            “Do you mind if I stretch my legs?”

            “But-” It was too late, she changed and ran around like a dog.  She wagged her fluffy tail and bounced around me.

            I had to laugh a little, even though I was in a crappy mood, “Alright, you’ve had your fun. You have to be human when you meet Jan.” She changed back to her human form and smiled.

            “Who’s Jan?” She asked.

            “She's the receptionist who gets really cranky with me since I wind up in the Principal’s office all the time.  We’re on a first name basis right now.” By now, we could see the tall buildings.  Some were the classrooms, while the two largest ones were the dorm rooms.

            “So what’s your name?” I asked

            “Wolf.” She responded.

            I eyed her, “No, your real name.  Not your animal.”

            “It’s Wolf or Wolf Girl.  Everyone called me that because I hung around wolves.”

            “So you don’t have a human name? Like mine’s Raven?”

            “Yeah.” She stared down at her battered feet.  The girl shuddered as goose bumps played on her skin.  It was early morning and even though it was September, it was quite cool.

            “Take my jacket. You’ve got to be cold.” I slipped it off and handed it to her. At first she didn’t take it, but gave it.  She slipped it on and snuggled into it.

            As we got closer, I thought of a name, “How ‘bout we call you Whitney? It’s a pretty name.”

            The girl shrugged, “Sure I guess.” We arrived at the front door and I could see Jan with a pissed off look on her face. I opened the door and Whitney followed sheepishly behind. 

            “Raven,” She hissed.

            “Hello Jan!” I said sarcastically as I sat down in a seat across from her. I propped up my good leg on her desk, showing the heel.  She stared at me with eyes of a demon (except, with no red).

            Her hair was a graying black and tied in one of those receptionist buns that would make you lose circulation in your head.  She sat straight up and typed furiously on her keyboard. We were great friends. 

            “It’s about time you showed up otherwise we were going to have to call the firing squad again to drag you back here again. Your parents would have been disappointed.” The firing squad was one of my lower moments.

            “I don’t have any parents.” I snapped back.  She glared across the desk until her eyes ran over Whitney.

            “Who’s this?” She said with a level, grumpy tone.

            “Whitney. She’s a shape shifter as well. She saved my life.” She was standing in the back of the room.  When I had said her name, she shuffled over to me. Jan scanned the girl down.

            “Are you registered?”

            “No ma’am.” Whitney squeaked.

            “Do you have any parents?” She reeled on.

            “I-I’m not sure. I lived in a foster home.”

            “So you’re a shape shifter, but you’ve never heard of The Academy?”

            “Yes ma’am.” Jan leaned over her desk and pressed a button. “Principal Williams, could you step out here for a moment. There’s someone you wants to see you.” Immediately, I shook my head no. I didn’t need to see Williams. Principal William’s door opened and a heavy built man in a suit stepped out.  He was middle aged with chestnut hair, like Jacobson, but darker. His nose was large and he had a unique jaw line.

            “Miss Sterling! How nice of you to join us again.” His voice was husky, with a north woods accent.

            “Nice to see you too Principal Williams” I muttered, looking away. I felt his steely gaze at first, but when his gaze shifted to Whitney, I relaxed, just a little. His gaze showed amusement and curiosity.

            “Hello Ms. what is your name?”

            “W-Whitney.” She stammered.

            Principal Williams extended his hand, “Nice to meet you. I heard that you’re a shape shifter that doesn’t know about our academy.” She nodded shakily.  He continued. “Let’s start by asking what you can do.  Could you demonstrate outside your shape shifting ability?” We all shuffled out of the office and let Whitney go in front.  She turned around, facing the three (I don’t understand why Jan was even here.) of us and took a breath.  Extending her arms, she let the transformation happen.  Her legs and arms shortened and she grew into a wolf.  Once it was finished, Principal Williams and Jan clapped, but I just stood there. There was no need to clap for a change.

            “Well done Whitney. Why don’t you change back and we can talk in my office about your opportunity.” She changed and we all followed him back into the office.  “As for you Ms. Sterling,” He pointed a finger at me, “I’ll deal with you later. Derek will show you back to your dorm room.” Derek slinked out of Principal William’s office. 

            Standing taller than his father, Derek had the same heavy build, but his face was softer looking than his father's and not that weird and intense.  Coming out from the shadows, he gripped my good arm with a strong grasp as if I was going to take off and escape again.

            “Ow. Thanks for the warning.” I said with annoyance

            “Don’t take it personally,” He retorted. I rolled my eyes as he dragged me out of the office.  He had a fast pace and was hard to keep up since I was tired, my femur was fractured and I was wearing high heeled boots.

            “Hey, can ya slow it down! I-”

            He whipped around whispered harshly, “Listen, you’re the most reckless person here. I don’t want to be seen around you.”

            “Oh, so your worried that your reputation?” to shut me up, he covered my mouth.  His hands were rough, yet soft and it smelled of fresh, lemon soap. I struggled against his grip, screaming under his grip.

            "Don't talk to me," He hissed as he let go and pulled me along.

            We reached my building and he stopped at the front door. “Get inside and shape up.” He ordered.

            “Like father, like son.” I muttered as I rubbed my arm.  He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it tightly.

            “Shut up. I’m serious. Shape up and fly right. I think your pretty cool," He hesitated and my eyebrow's flew up on my forehead a little. He thought I was cool? "It's sort of cool that we have similar classes and how you can stand up for yourself. You're different from other girls. I'd hang out with you, but my father hates you and he thinks that I'd turn into you." I rolled my eyes silently. Of course his father hated me.  I was reckless and caused lots of trouble.

            I narrowed my eyes, "And?"

            Derek's eyes showed worry. He didn't like the pressure of the bossy girl. "I-just shape up." He cursed

            "Then why the hell did you give me s**t about not talking to you when you think I'm cool and crap like that?" I blew up. First you give me s**t and now you all of a sudden like me?

            He shrugged his shoulders, acting cool about it. "Eh, things change." He then sped off, his hands in his pockets. My sodden face cracked a smirk. I had to admit, I liked Derek with his snarky two faced attitude. You didn't see that every day and besides, I liked a guy like that.  Once he had disappeared, I headed inside.  Sun streamed through the windows as I painfully climbed the steps to the 3rd floor to my dorm. 

            Once I arrived on my floor, I notice that a girl was standing in front of my door.  It was two girls actually.  One looked very familiar with dark hair and in summer clothing. The other girl had brunette hair and a backpack slung over her shoulder. I stalked over to them.

            “What the hell are you doing by my door?” I demanded. The girl with the darker hair answered.

            “My friend here is going to be your new roommate.”  I then remembered the girl was Betty, the butterfly girl.

            I squinted, “I didn’t ask for a roommate!”

            “You honestly didn’t have a choice Raven.” Betty pointed out. Rolling my eyes, I pushed past the girls and slammed the girls.

            “You may be my roommate!” I screamed, “But that doesn’t mean I’ll let you in!”

© 2013 Nikki Congdon

Author's Note

Nikki Congdon
ignore grammar

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Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on August 13, 2013


Nikki Congdon
Nikki Congdon

Plover, WI

Hey! I'm Nikki! I'm 15 years old and I have dreams of getting at least one of my writings published! I love to read, write and I preform in plays and musicals at my school! I play flute and learning C.. more..

Flower Flower

A Book by Nikki Congdon

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A Chapter by Nikki Congdon