a bad joke chapter 3: love like winter

a bad joke chapter 3: love like winter

A Chapter by nightmask

meeting jane his crush in art class who is a junior way out of his league


 she groaned, he moved her hand away some snow and ice was in her almost shoulder length raven black hair. A small cut was oozing blood and next to her foot was the chunk of ice with some blood on it as well. “Crap” he said, he steadied Jane, too small to pick her up like a hero he put her arm around his neck and helped her walk to the nurse’s office. “Put pressure on your head okay?” he said and she nodded slowly putting her hand over the wound again. Iocus put her down on a bed cot and looked for the nurse. She wasn’t there so Iocus grabbed an ice pack, some wet towels and cleaning alcohol. He went back to Jane who was rubbing her head. 


        “Here” Iocus said handing her a wet towel to clean here hands stained brown and red not serious enough to turn black. He got another towel and succeeded in stopping the bleeding and get some ice and blood out of her silky hair. He put some cleaning alcohol on a cotton swab, the smell always made him want to sneeze, but it was a good fresh smell. He dabbed the wound with the cotton swab till it seemed to be sealing it’s self up. “Ok you should be good to go” he said sitting down next to her bed gathering his bag and handing her a disposable ice pack. She put it on her head wincing only a little bit.


        “How did you know how to do that?” Jane asked. Iocus looked up, but didn’t look her straight in the eye “My dad’s a doctor so I know some stuff” he said giving her a small smile. “Your in my art class right?”Jane asked . “Um yeah, but I’m in drawing and painting 3 your in AP” he pointed out. She sat up letting Iocus see her face more. She looked like a teenage version of Kate Beckinsale from underworld only 30 times more mysterious and 20 times more beautiful. He blushed, he had always had a crush on her. He liked to watch her in art class while she worked right next to him. Problem was she was older, taller and had a boyfriend. Might as well forget it. Jane stood up and removed the ice pack, “Is it still bleeding?” Jane asked turning her head so he could see her profile. “No” he said throwing out the wet paper towels. “Thanks, Iocus right?” saying his name like a pronouncing an alien word that felt odd in her mouth. “no problem” he said handing her bag “bye” he said and left.


        Iocus ran outside his heart pumping. “F**k, what am i going to do now? I missed the friggin bus” he said under his breath. He heard Jane coming out of the school “Need a ride?” she asked pulling out her cell phone. “Um ya thanks” he said walking over to her. She typed something fast into the keyboard on her phone. “My dad’s gonna pick us up” she said to Iocus as they both sat down. He nodded and as every second passed awkward silence floated between the two followed by the drumming of fingers and the scuffing of shoes against the gray concrete floor.


        “So...... where do you live?”Jane asked turning to him. “Um Black Valley road # 23 in the court” he said. “Hey Jane? Is that your dad?” Iocus asked pointing to the black mercedes. “Ya come on” Jane said picking up her bag and running over to the car as Iocus followed quickly behind. The father stepped out of the car or rather out of a magazine of the most beautiful people in existence. Even though everyone looks like a model except for Iocus there still were people more beautiful then others especially Jane’s family including Jane as well. “Who’s this?” her father asked in a deep whispery voice. “My friend Iocus, can you drive him home?” she asked. Her father nodded not taking his eyes off of Iocus. “Sit in the back, buckle up please” he said which sounded more like a well hidden threat to Iocus.


        “O.... OK” he said meekly and opened the door, strapping on his seat belt immediately. The car had a faint smell of peppermints which was erased completely out of existence as Jane entered the car the lavender smell in her hair erupted inside of Iocus’ nose. She sat next to him and buckled up as well. Her father put the car in reverse and then pulled out of the parking lot rather fast. “Your doctor Read’s son right?” Jane’s father asked, Iocus could see the father’s eyes staring at him menacingly through the mirror in front of his head. “Good I know where he lives” the father said making a sharp turn. “Jane, how do you know each other?” The father asked. “he’s in my art class and he helped me when I got hit by a chunk of ice” Jane explained. “are you ok?” the father asked. Jane nodded “Yeah it’s fine now” she said smiling toward Iocus, who blushed more and looked at his feet.




© 2008 nightmask

Author's Note

the picture is what jane looks like if it's not clear enough think of her as a teenage Kate Beckinsale from underworld

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Wow! This is intense here, will read more

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1 Review
Added on December 26, 2008
Last Updated on December 28, 2008



i am me, there is not much else to say. i like sweeney todd, tim burton, anime, and bright shiny colors, lol(z) ha ha. i was recently diagnosed with abcd, no...wait...asbd....adad.....ughhh......(mean.. more..

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