Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

“Ok, everyone. Remember, we have to go by our real names,” Kyndra reminds everyone.

“What’s your real name?” Tenebris asks her.

“Kyndra,” she says.

“But I thought that that was your alias…”

“My alias is Night Tracker, Tenebris.”


“What’s my real name again?” Jay asks.

“Seriously?” Kyndra asks. They’re on the bus, taking up a large chunk of seats. Kylara and Draike sit next to each other, as do Talon and Gena, and Jules and Tenebris. Kyndra sits next to (White Ninja).

“What’s our schedules?” Draike asks.

“I’ll send them to you. Apparently, Darknight chose our electives,” Kyndra says.

“Oh, dear,” Darkling mutters.

When the bus arrives at the school, Coma High, they file off of the bus and to their assorted classes. Everyone except for White Ninja has band first period, and they go off, holding their instruments. Kyndra plays trombone, Talon plays alto sax, Gena hits stuff with sticks, Draike plays euphonium, Kylara plays piccolo, Jay plays clarinet, and Darkling plays bass clarinet. When they get to class, they see Mandy, Max, and Johnny. Mandy is messing with her tenor sax and Max is trying to get a note out on his tuba. Johnny has a shiny silver trumpet that he’s trying to blast the ear drums out of the clarinets in front of him with. Kyndra puts her instrument together as soon as she can and her and Mandy start having a competition of who can play the loudest, and Johnny, Talon, and Draike soon join in. Max is still trying to play a note on his tuba and finally succeeds, accidentally playing louder than all of them.

“Alright, alright. Y’all are annoying. We get it. Now shut up,” Jules says, and Kylara nods in agreement. A bunch of the flutes are ogling over Wilson’s arabian flute and trying to figure it out.

“When did you get short, Mandy??” Kyndra asks. “I thought that you were two inches taller than me, not a whole head shorter!!”

“What??” Mandy stands next to her. “Holy flakon mute, you’re right!” Her voice is higher and more nasally.

“What was that? Kato’s taller than Mandy?” Jules stands next to them. “Hey, I’m taller than her, too!”

“Yeah, Mandy’s about 5’2”, and we’re about 5’4”. No wonder my clothes were so much longer, since I’m normally 6’. “

“I’m normally 5’10”!” Kylara says. “But I’m only about 5’6 now. Guess I didn’t grow as much in high school as you two.”

“How tall am I?” Draike asks, standing up as tall as he can, but he’s still shorter than Mandy, by at least two inches. Darkling is shorter than him, and Max is 5’0”, the tallest guy. The band director calls the band to order and they start doing warm-ups as a class.

“Draike!! Quit playing E natural! It’s key of B flat!” Kyndra hisses at him.

“Sorry!” he apologizes. They continue into their pep songs. Jay gets an evil look in her eye and pulls something out of her pocket. When the teacher looks away, she quickly pulls back on the rubber band and lets it fly. It hits Draike on the head, causing him to yelp with surprise. The teacher looks over just as he slingshots it back at Jay.

“Quit horsing around,” the director snaps. “Detention.” Draike starts to argue, but the band director shuts him up with a look. Jay grins smugly, picking up the rubber band and slipping it back into her pocket. It hadn’t even hit her. The band picked up again where they’d left off, but Draike was staring daggers at Jay. After band, he hisses to her:

“You are so dead,” and walks on to his next class. The day blurs past for most of them, and soon it is lunch. Jules and Kyndra immediately rush up to the library and check out as many books as they are allowed to. Mandy also goes up to the library, but checks out graphic novels. Everyone else piles into a giant lunch table and starts eating their lunch, and having side conversations. After lunch is gym, and everyone goes into the locker rooms to change.

“This shirt makes me look fat,” Talon complains.

“These shorts don’t fit!” Gena says.

“Get over it,” Kyndra tells them.

“It’s not supposed to be a fashion statement,” Jules tells them. They pile out of the locker room and go into stretching and warm-ups. They are doing laps today, and a few of them grin, but most of them groan. Kyndra’s boyfriend, Aix is in their class, too. After about three laps, everyone has to walk except for Kyndra, Aix, Kylara, Max, Johnny and Mandy.

“Come on, slow pokes!” Kyndra says as they lap their friends.

“I’m not used to running! I’m used to flying everywhere, ok? This isn’t fair!!” Talon whines and Gena nods in agreement.

“Pick up the pace, ladies!! No time to jaw, get running!” the gym teacher, Mr. Gaxon calls. Tenebris, and Draike glare over their shoulders indignantly at him. Max, Mandy and Johnny are running side by side like nothing’s wrong in the world, and pass most of the people in class.

“I’m not as fast as I was,” Mandy says to Max.

“Well duh, our legs are two feet shorter!” he replies. They continue to run until the bell rings, at which point Gena swears and they all make their way inside to change and run to the next class, trying not to be late. Unfortunately for them, they don’t make it on time and so slip into their assorted 5th periods late.

“Gaxon?” a student asks Kyndra, and she nods. The student gives her a sympathetic look, and they start on their work.

After class, Jules, Mandy, Kyndra, and Tenebris are walking down the hallway, and a guy sidles up to Jules.

“Hey, beautiful. Wanna hang later?” Jules doesn’t get a chance to respond, as Tenebris takes his algebra textbook and smacks the guy over the head with it. The guy moans and falls to the floor, unconscious.

“Let’s get out of here,” Kyndra suggests, and they rush out of the scene.

“That wasn’t a very good idea,” Mandy says, raising her eyebrows.

“Eh, it was worth it,” Darkling replies with a shrug. “And kind of fun.”

“Villains,” she mutters, rolling her eyes, and runs to catch up with Max and Johnny as they go to a different hall.

They hurry to their next class and barely make it on time.

“Seriously, is the whole time schedule dedicated to making us late?” Kylara complains.

“Just you,” Draike says, kissing her on the forehead. Unfortunately, the teacher was walking right past them when he did so.

“Detention, Mr. Eiss. PDA is strictly prohibited,” he barks. Draike just glares at the teacher as if he wants to snap his neck.

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Author's Note

Locke Redwyne (night sys)
AAAAAAAAAAND that's all we got, sorry! We (Peregrinator7, Jay_is_Bluefire, me, y'know, the usual gang) will try to finish this.
Oh, yeah, btw, later on, Gena realizes that she can shapeshift into a human. Wilson as well. Butterfly Travelers. I'll write it someday.

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Added on November 23, 2017
Last Updated on February 27, 2018


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
