Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

I wake up the normal way, head tucked under my feathers, but I immediately realize something is amiss. Light blinds me when I lift up my head. What in the world? I usually wake up around 3 and go up to the roof to hang with Spar, 12 and Wilson and watch the sun rise. But the sun’s already out. How could I have slept in?

As my eyes adjust, I realize something else is weird. My feathers are back to the immature brown they were when 12 first took me in to be trained. My mind immediately wanders. Could we have turned back into kids again? How would that even be possible? My suspicions are confirmed when 12 walks in, groggy-eyed. His hair isn’t green and blue anymore, it’s a shaggy dirty blonde that almost reaches his shoulders and is sticking out in all directions. He’s about 2 feet shorter than he was before, and the muscle shirt that he usually wears to bed is baggy on him. His face is the most innocent face you could get on a teenage boy that’s just woken up. Upon this sight, I immediately start kekking in laughter.

12 looks at me in confusion. “What’s so funny?” His voice is about 2 octaves higher, and his voice cracks. This just sets me off even more. I kek so hard I fall off my block perch and onto my back, letting out another kek of surprise, and then start laughing again.

Suddenly Spar bursts into the room. “What’s going on?” he asks. Except he’s a kid too. His longer blonde hair is now close-cropped, he’s about a foot shorter, and his voice sounds like a 10-year-old’s would. He pauses, realizing the change in his voice, then sees me and 12, and starts laughing too. Finally, when our stomachs hurt from laughing so much, (and 12’s eyes hurt from staring at us awkwardly) Spar asks, “How did this happen?”

“Dunno,” 12 replies, shrugging. “What even is going on?” He finally realizes the change in his voice, then sees his hair and his shirt. “Oh. We’re all kids now?”

I think so, I thought-speak to 12. But we don’t know if I’m a kid yet.

“I’m pretty sure you are,” 12 says, looking at me skeptically. “You’re in an immature plumage.”

Well, let’s see, I say, and promptly go into human form. Everything seems a lot bigger. 12’s eyes widen when he looks at me, and then 5 seconds later, both boys are on the floor, rolling around in laughter.

“Seriously?” I say, and jump at the sound of my own voice. I sound like Sayyaf when he’s lost his voice and has a cold! Instinct barrels down on me, and I bolt to the bathroom, and when I get there, nearly faint in shock.

There had been no pictures of me when I was younger. Just me as a baby and as a little kid, but never a teenager. My eyes widen in how different I was�" am. I am so short I can’t touch the door frame even if I try my hardest. My eyes are big and bright, and my hair’s a bit shorter, just touching my shoulders and as poofy as a rousing falcon. My S.W.O.R.D Varsity Fencing shirt is so big it touches my knees, and my shorts are so big they reach my ankles. 12 walks in too to stand by me, and has the same reaction when he looks in the mirror. I realize I’m taller than him.

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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sorry I forgot to say that XD

Posted 6 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 23, 2017
Last Updated on February 27, 2018


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
