Darknight POV

Darknight POV

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

[Darknight POV Detected]

We all get into cars, Jay and Darkling in one with Kyndra, the other Serephimbian agents in another two, taking Spar with them. I get stuck in a car with 12, but also with Peri and Arke, which is a plus. I sit in the driver’s seat, but then Arke comes over.

“Out.” I reluctantly get out and see that Peri’s stolen the passenger’s seat, leaving 12 and I in the back seat. I glare at him, and we both end up staring out opposite windows. I’m still trying to get used to the fact that Peri has a boyfriend. Arke starts the car, revving the engine loudly. I roll my eyes. Unfortunately, she notices, and slams the accelerator, jerking the car forwards and slamming everyone else into the backs of the seats. I see the other three cars start off.

Almost immediately, we spot cars in the rearview mirror. We’re being chased. Of course we’re being chased. Why wouldn’t they be chasing us? I turn around in my seat to look out the back window. There are no less than twenty cars, maybe more, chasing the four cars that the others drove up into the mountains to rescue us. Familiar scenery blurs past the windows, tall, tree-covered hills and rocky cliffs. We pull ahead of the others, and I see that there is actually a fifth car, that Jay appears to be controlling from in her own car. Arke looks back for a second and curses when she sees the large number of cars following us.

When we reach a turn in the road, far ahead of the others, she slams the brakes. “12, Darknight, out of the car,” she says curtly. “You too, Peri.”

“No,” Peri and I say in unison. “Not happening,” I add, “Not after last time.”

“Darknight. It’ll be fine. Trust me on this,” Arke says.

“The last time I trusted you on this, you almost got killed by S.W.O.R.D.. Not again.”

“Out. Now.” She doesn’t leave any room for discussion, but reaches back, opens my door, and shoves me out. Peri does the same for 12, then they slam the doors and drive off in a cloud of dust, leaving 12 and I standing on the side of the road, with almost identical baffled expressions on our faces. Jay and Darkling’s car drives up, and she stops the driverless car next to us. Did they plan for this?  I wonder, as I move to get in.

“I’m driving,” 12 decides, sliding into the driver’s seat.

“What? No, I’m driving!” I protest, trying to pull him out. He shoves me out and closes the door. I sigh and climb into the back, as far away from 12 as I can get. He notices, and turns around to look at me, eyebrows raised.

“I know you don’t like me, but we have to work together,” he says calmly.

“As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right on both points,” I grumble. “What now?” 12 just turns around and starts the car. We set off, and the car is awkwardly silent. 12 knee drives and twiddles his thumbs, occasionally jerking the wheel to avoid swerving off the road.

“So… Um.” 12 says.

“What?” I snap.

“You know, Peri and I have known each other for a while…  and…”

“Yes. I’m aware that you two know each other,” I say impatiently.

“Yeah, but would it it be okay if… er… if… uh.” I can tell his cheeks are burning under his mask.

“Spit it out!!” I practically yell. “Say it or don’t.” I know where this conversation is headed, and I don’t like it, not one bit.

CanImarryyourdaughter?” he says, in one breath.s

WHAT?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!‽‽‽‽‽” I shout it so loud that 12 nearly drives off the road. He swerves violently to avoid hitting the guardrail. “You’re asking this now?!”

“Well. . . yes?” He says hesitantly. “Would there be any other time to?” I shake my head in exasperation.

“NO!” I shout nearly as loud as the first time. “You are not marrying my daughter! Ever!!”

“Why?!” 12 demands. “I’ve known her for…” he stops to count on his fingers. “... SEVEN years?!”

“If you can count it on your fingers, it’s not long enough.”

“How?! Most people marry after only one or two years of knowing each other!”


“So why can’t I marry her??”

“Because I said so,” I growl. 12 looks at me, frustrated.

“You do realize that if Peri wanted to marry me, she wouldn’t worry about what you say, right?”

“We have to focus,” I snarl. Something catches my eye, and I turn to look behind us. I see Jay’s car swerve towards the lake.

“What the heck?” 12 mutters. He sees it too. The car drives straight for the lake, then  hits a ramp and flies over the lake. I can’t see what happens because there are trees blocking my view, but I don’t hear a splash or the sound of metal-on-water.

What are they up to?

[POV End]

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 21, 2017
Last Updated on February 28, 2018


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
