Jay POV: A Battle

Jay POV: A Battle

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

[Jay POV Detected]

I run out of the room we’ve been living in for the past couple of days, and immediately see chaos. Bad guys are coming in, smashing pods, and taking the chrysalises. Pitch is defending Quiver’s chrysalis as tons of bad guys attack him. We rush out immediately and start beating up people, especially the ones who have the chrysali. We take the chrysali and put them back into the smashed chambers, not really knowing what else to do. We seem to be winning as tons of Serephimbian agents stream into the room. Three of them seem to have animal powers, another, who looks like Pitch, has light and ice powers. I see the three also helping, and two younger versions of Swanhawk, one identical, and one very different. Someone swoops by me, rocks circling around her. Bullutt and his gang are also helping. Finally, finally, it seems as if we’re winning. Just as we’re fighting the last of them, I see Pitch go down, and I don’t see him come back up. Someone swings a sword in my face and I’m a bit too preoccupied to think about Pitch for the moment.

After fighting off the enemy in front of me, I scan the crowd for Darkling. He might be an annoying twit at times, but he’s still my boyfriend. I see him backed into a corner by about five enemies. I freeze two and shatter them, then stab one. Darkling uses his darkness and light to shove the other two aside and knock them unconscious.  In the chaos, we’re separated from everyone else, and all I can focus on is stabbing one enemy after another.

One. After. Another.

Blood covers my sword and drips down my arm, but I don’t notice, I can’t notice, not in the chaos of the battle and the screaming, but I don’t know who’s screaming. I can’t find Darkling, he’s lost in the chaos, the destruction, the screaming, screaming, screaming, and I realize that it’s me, stabbing and stabbing and screaming and screaming. The flood of enemies seems to never end. I swing my sword and an enemy falls. Another swing, another dead, and they’re not human anymore, they’re just blank-faced white-skinned creatures with human weapons that I cast aside like they’re nothing, and I’m stabbing and stabbing and I can’t stop screaming…

Suddenly, as soon as it began, the chaos, the destruction, the battle, it ends. The enemies, defeated, run for the exits. I move to follow, still caught in the heat of battle, the blood pounding in my head, but Darkling catches my arm and stops me.

“The fight’s over, Jay,” he says firmly. “It’s over.”

And I’m standing there, covered in blood that’s not my own, the echoes of my screams still dancing around the room. I can tell that there is damage to nerves, to wiring, but I don’t know where. Darkling stares at me for a moment, then he gasps. I find where the nerves, the wiring, where’s it’s broken, sparking. A sword, a mace, a spear, something, had dragged its sharp blade through me, leaving a huge cut on my side and stomach that I didn’t notice, but now that I’ve noticed, the pain hits me like a sledgehammer. Black dots race over my vision, and I fall. Darkling catches me, murmuring words I can’t understand, can barely hear. Then the spots become splotches, taking over my vision and I black out.

[POV End]

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 21, 2017
Last Updated on February 28, 2018


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
