Part Three: Chaos [Chat Doc Online]

Part Three: Chaos [Chat Doc Online]

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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[Group (serephimbian_agents) online]

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Blue_Jay_003: HELLO ALL!!!

talon_myrd: Meat salad is still delicious.

tiger_owl: Wilson makes delicious meat salad.

#sitnc: Talon, what did you do to her??

talon_myrd: Absolutely nothing. Wilson made it for her.

#sitnc: Wilson, what did you do to her?

Blue_Jay_003: Meat salad is gross.

Ego got a pulmentum consequat cuniculus obtinuit me ab eadem persona.

archer_3: Is anyone else hungry? I can catch the rabbits, Wilson can cook them, and Gena can go on and on about how good they are.

derpyhawker378: Why can’t I catch the rabbits?

fugitive12: Peri, you’re a peregrine! Peregrines don’t eat rabbits!

derpyhawker378: But what if they did...

archer_3: *to Peri* But... then what would I do?

dangerous_guy: I know what you can do… (whispers)

archer_3: Get over here so that I can strangle you, you son of a-

#sitnc: Alright, let’s stop and take a breath before we do something that we regret.

dangerous_guy: Love you too, Ky.

tiger_owl: So... What’s going on for dinner?

Blue_Jay_003: Forget dinner, check this out! *link* The link is to a live news report that I watched like five seconds of and thought: this is definitely Incitatus challenging Darknight.

#sitnc: Incitatus? Like Caligula's horse that he tried to make a consul?
Blue_Jay_003: What?

#sitnc: Nevermind. Anyway, we get to see Darknight get killed? Sounds like fun. I’ll come. Where’s it happening?

Blue_Jay_003: Darknight is not getting killed! We’re helping him, duh!

derpyhawker378: ...she actually has built up the courage to fight him? Remember what happened last time?

tiger_owl: What happened last time?

archer_3: I don’t remember...

dangerous_guy: Umm... Did someone die?

talon_myrd: Don’t ask me!

#sitnc: Hey, Talon!!

talon_myrd: SHUT UP, CRESCE!

#sitnc: YOU SHUT UP, YOU *****.

archer_3: Alright, alright, we’ll all go, whether it’s to watch Darknight get viciously murdered, or to help him, we’ll all go.

[Group (serephimbian_agents) offline]

derpyhawker378: *Huff* FINE. You guys coming?

fugitive12: Sure, I guess, if you’re halfheartedly going too.

[Dirthawkers_group has left the server]

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© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 21, 2017
Last Updated on August 22, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
