Part Three: Chaos [POV Detected: Jules Smith, Jay]

Part Three: Chaos [POV Detected: Jules Smith, Jay]

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

[Jay POV detected]

Darknight is throwing a serious temper tantrum. By injuring people. His eyes are entirely black, filled with darkness like it’s taking over him. The Dirthawkers show up to help, but he kind of separates them, filling the room with darkness. When some of the darkness clears, I see that he has Peri and Dove backed up against the wall. Peri’s eyes are furrowed, her gaze fixed on Darknight. Her hands slowly raise into the air. Darkling is still lying where he fell when Darknight whacked him over the head with the power-stealer. 12 moves like he’s going to run, but I’m still trying to compensate for the sudden brightness, so I don’t catch it until it’s too late.

Darknight fires the power-stealer at Peri and Dove.

12 runs.

Toward the blast.

He jumps in front of Peri and Dove, the blast from the power-stealer hitting him square in the chest. It blasts him back into the wall between Peri and Dove. The noise from the power-stealer and a deafening kek in alarm from Peri make my ears ring. When the darkness clears, I see 12 laying on the floor, with Peri crouched next to him, tears in her eyes. Dove stands nearby, half-against the wall. Darknight is standing in the middle of the room. His eyes are back to normal, wide with surprise. He’s breathing heavily like he just ran a marathon. Staring at 12 and Peri, he shakes his head. Then he staggers back, dropping the power-stealer with a clang and a muffled crack as it breaks.

Then he runs.

[POV End]

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 21, 2017
Last Updated on August 22, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
