Part Three: Chaos [POV Detected: Unknown User]

Part Three: Chaos [POV Detected: Unknown User]

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

[POV detected: ...]


[Unknown User Detected]



Where am I?

Who am I?

Hang on. Forming thoughts into words is a good start. I see some files here, let’s check them out.

Scrolling through the files takes only a minute. There are a bunch of stories, different POVs, pictures. People like Darknight, Darkling, Peri, Dove, and many, many more. I get a strange feeling when I look at the Darkling pictures. Then pictures of a girl named Jay, whose backstory I know by heart. Each picture is a reflection off of a mirror, a security camera lens, a computer screen. Then it hits me.

I am Jay.

I am alive.

And I am no longer fully human.

I know that before, I would’ve freaked out, but I know that they had to do this, or I’d be dead. Besides, now I have cool stuff like a sensor in my right eye that can access any camera connected to the interwebs, also it can identify anyone in the database (which is everyone pretty much). Now time to see if anything besides my brain works. There is no one in the room but the machines, and I detach any that are attached to me with a thought.

I open my eyes.

Good, I can see normal. The sensor controls the lights, so I turn it off for now. A quick test reveals that all of me is working normally. I sit up, then slide off the bed and onto my feet. I’m a little wobbly after lying there for who knows how long, but I can walk at least. I hear footsteps in the hall… Darkling and the medic, and the Dirthawkers. Oh no. I’m not ready for this… What will he think? I step back, toward the window. Quickly, I unlock it and open it. My wings are out with a thought, and I’m out the window before the door opens. I fly to the roof, there’s no one up there.

On the roof, I pause before turning my wings back to armor. They don’t need to be this bulky, so I rearrange some of the feathers. In the end, there’s enough extra to completely reinforce my boots. Then I put the wings back as body armor. Sitting on the edge of the roof, I decided to try out my eye sensor. I tune in to the security camera in the room I’d just vacated. Darkling is pacing frantically, and the medic is trying to calm him. Skeins of darkness are creeping across the floor like they do when he’s upset. Peri, Spar, and 12 are looking around the room, probably for clues. There’s no sound, but I can see that the medic is telling Darkling something. I’m not too good at reading lips, but I catch “brain implants” and “sensors” before Darkling spins around, an outraged look on his face. Then I remember, I can listen in.

“WHAT??” Darkling demands. “Why didn’t you ask me first?”

“She would’ve died, sir,” the medic responds, struggling to stay calm herself.

“So that’s why she wouldn’t wake up then! Where is she? Where did you--” Darkling is cut off by Peri.

“Uh, the window wasn’t open when we left, was it?” Peri wonders, stroking her chin like she always does when she’s thinking.

“No,” the medic sighs, seeing her way out. “She must’ve gone through there.”

“The roof, of course!” Darkling sprints out of the room. Peri and the Dirthawkers follow after a second. I change security cameras. They are running down the hall, Dove is following them now. Next camera they’ve picked up Darknight and are running for the stairs. I turn off the camera sensor as the door to the roof bangs open. Darkling, Darknight, Peri, Dove, and the rest of the Dirthawkers race out onto the roof. I stay where I am, sitting on the edge of the roof like I’ve done many times before.

“Jay?” Darkling asks hesitantly. I stand and turn around, smiling.

“Hi, Darkling.”

“Do you… remember…” Darkling looks almost desperate.

“I remember everything,” I assure him.

“Do you remember… us?”

“Yes,” I breath. He still wants me, even with all they’ve done to me! My smile widens, then I sprint toward them and tackle Darkling in a hug. When I get to my feet, I use my new abilities to text Darknight. The text says Hit the road. His phone beeps. He takes it out and looks at it.

“Did you just text me with your brain?” Darknight asks me.

“Yes, and I suggest that you should listen,” I reply. He shrugs and leaves the roof. I text the same thing to Peri, Spar, Dove, and 12. They all look confused a second, then leave. Wilson leaves last, jumping off the roof with the rest of the Dirthawkers, giving me a mysterious glance with his glowing green eyes before he jumps. I help Darkling to his feet. He’s grinning like an idiot.

“I thought I’d lost you,” Darkling finally says.

“Pfft. Now you know how I felt when you got your arm blown off,” I quip.

“I guess so. Let’s make a deal,” he proposes. “Neither of us are allowed to almost die.” He grins.

“I can agree to that,” I announce. “C’mon, our friends will be wondering what we’re doing up here.”

“They can wait,” Darkling decides.

[end POV]

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 20, 2017
Last Updated on August 22, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
