Part Three: Chaos [POV Detected: Arke Hunter, the Eagle]

Part Three: Chaos [POV Detected: Arke Hunter, the Eagle]

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

[POV Detected: Arke Hunter, the Eagle]

I swoop through the sky. Two skeins of darkness indicate Darknight and Darkling. Another figure glides through the air, probably Jay. I can’t give Darknight the letter now, that wouldn’t be wise. I’ll wait. I can stop the battle, I know it. Up ahead, I see that Hawk Guy has set up a fighting ring of sorts. He knew that she’d respond to his challenge. And she fell right into his trap. Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. I swoop high above Jay and yell “IT’S A TRAP! TURN BACK!” She whirls around, almost falling, but Darkling catches her.

“Who’s there?” Darknight demands. “Show yourself!”

“Not a chance,” I mutter, winging away from them and into the shadows of the trees.  Then I shout again. “HE’S EXPECTING YOU, HE’S PREPARED, JAY TURN BACK!!”

“How do you know my name?” She yells at me.

“That’s not important,” Darknight mutters. Then, louder, “Who are you?”

“I’m surprised you didn’t recognize my voice,” I reply quietly. He doesn’t hear, though, and looks around in confusion, trying to pinpoint where my voice had been coming from. I keep moving, though, so he doesn’t see me. The dark of night hides me from view, and I know how to avoid being seen. The three of them reach the fighting ring and look a little surprised that the ‘mysterious voice’ was right. Jay steps into the ring, ice sword drawn, while Darknight and Darkling slip back into the trees to avoid being seen by Hawk Guy, who is standing-- wait, STANDING?

Jay seems to have come to the same confused conclusion. “How are you standing?” She wonders aloud.

“Why should I tell you?” Hawk Guy growls in reply.

“Well, if you’re gonna kill me anyway, I don’t see why that matters,” she retorts.

“Still not telling. Let’s get on with this.” He levels his broadsword at her. “En garde.” I smirk. Hawk Guy doesn’t know the first thing about fencing, but he's still determined to use that phrase? Then Jay charges. She ducks Hawk Guy’s slow swing, stabbing up with her sword, but he unexpectedly flies up to avoid the strike. He’s a bit rusty, but Jay’s still not ready to fight him. He’s had almost a lifetime of training, and she’s had… what, two years? Three? She isn’t ready. It’s time for the letter. I slip into the trees behind Darknight and shove the letter into his hands. Then I dart back into the air before he can see me, coming to rest at the top of the tree he’s behind.

He doesn’t alert anyone, but slowly opens and reads the letter. He gets a little choked up at the end, and I see a tear fall onto the paper. Then he folds up the letter and shoves it into his pocket before Darkling can see it. Satisfied, I turn to watch the battle. And see that Jay is in mortal peril. Hawk Guy stands over her, broadsword raised. Jay’s short sword is kicked off to the side, out of her reach, and she has a cut on her forehead. It’s bled a lot, and I have a feeling her powers are now useless. Time for me to step in. Flying up, I draw my sword.

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 20, 2017
Last Updated on August 22, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
