Third Person POV

Third Person POV

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

[Third person P.O.V. Detected]

Darknight, Darkling, Jay, Agent 12, Wilson, Peregrinator, and Sparrowhawk crept along the side of the building.

“He’s in here,” Jay confirmed, checking the tracking device. “Let’s go.”

They split up, the Dirthawkers went left and the rest went right, blocking the one exit. Darknight nodded, and they burst through the door. Darknight, Darkling, and Jay fanned out into the warehouse.

Meanwhile, the Dirthawkers climbed up onto the roof. “There’s a skylight here,” Sparrowhawk called. After prying it open, Sparrowhawk and Peregrinator dropped down and hung by a rope Agent 12 and Wilson were holding. Agent 12 tied the rope down, and Sparrowhawk dropped down and met up with everyone else by the door, then fanned out to block it and advance through the building. Peri stayed in the rafters to watch. Agent 12 dropped down to join her, and Wilson kept vigil on the roof.

“We know you’re in here,” Jay called into the darkness. “Might as well come out!”

No response. The group stayed silent, trying to hear if anyone was there. From the back of the warehouse came a thump and a muffled yell.

“Let’s go,” Darkling whispered, and they quietly crept forward. A glow came from the back of the warehouse, from a separate room. Jay slowly opened the door. A bare lightbulb illuminated an empty room.

“What?” Jay exclaimed. “He should be right here!” She pointed at a bearskin rug that lay haphazardly on the floor. Darknight stooped to examine it, then pulled the rug aside, revealing a trapdoor. “Oh,” Jay said, flustered.

They go down the trapdoor. Peri, 12, and Wilson wait patiently on the rafters outside the room for the okay to come in, but it doesn’t come. “What are they doing?” Peri whispered to 12. Finally, overcome with curiosity, Peri hops down and walks into the now-empty room. “Where did they go?”

Suddenly, the trapdoor is flung open. Darkling, Jay, and Sparrowhawk pile out, dragging a bloody and unconscious Dove behind them, met by a startled Peri holding a stun gun. They all cleared out of the room. Just in time, because Darknight and the S.W.O.R.D leader launched out into the room, mid-fight. Silently and unnoticed, the S.W.O.R.D leader’s daughter snuck out into the warehouse and hid behind a pile of empty boxes.

The fight eventually made its way out into the warehouse. Darknight blasted at the S.W.O.R.D leader with darkness, which was dodged. The S.W.O.R.D leader picked up a heavy wardrobe and threw it at Darknight, who rolled out of the way. The wardrobe smashed on the ground, and a sharp piece of wood struck Peri as she scrambled out of the way. With a kek of surprise, she falls behind a pile of boxes, knocking the S.W.O.R.D leader’s daughter into the open.

In alarm, Agent 12 dropped down from the ceiling and unsheathed his longswords, then advanced on the S.W.O.R.D leader’s daughter. She scrambled back, then tore out of the warehouse, fast as lightning. A green, brown and tan flash erupted from the roof. Wilson had pounced on her. Unfortunately, she was already gone, and Wilson crashed into the ground.

Peri stumbled out from behind the boxes. Just as she staggered away, Darknight and S.W.O.R.D.’s leader crashed headlong into them, sending empty boxes flying everywhere. Wilson recovered and swooped in, snatching Peri up and carrying her to safety. Agent 12 hurried over to her. She was bleeding heavily from a wound in her side, courtesy of the sharp wooden splinter. Agent 12 hurriedly bandaged the wound, then told Wilson to watch her. Then he charged back into battle, seeking revenge.

Darknight and S.W.O.R.D’s leader continued their battle. They grappled back and forth, across the warehouse. S.W.O.R.D’s leader had the advantage of strength, but Darknight had the advantage of flight. It was like the Strong Man v.s. Hawk Guy battle all over again. But would the end result be the same? That’s what Darkling and Jay were worried about. Darkling and Jay, so far, had just stayed with Dove, who’s new scar had finally stopped bleeding. He was still unconscious but breathing regularly. Spar was nowhere to be found, and Agent 12 was helping Darknight.

Disaster seemed imminent. S.W.O.R.D’s leader had the upper hand and was slowly but surely punching his way to victory. Just before he pounced on Darknight, Spar leaped in and sliced at his face. S.W.O.R.D’s leader reeled back, screaming. A red scar traversed his face, across both eyes. Spar dove his way out of the churning chaos and somersaulted onto the ground, unscathed. Jay and Darkling both cheered. S.W.O.R.D’s leader stumbled and fell, grabbing his face and yelling in pain.

Darknight staggered away, over toward where Peri lay on a cot in the corner. Wilson was standing over her, mumbling in his native language. Her face was almost as pale as her blood-stained outfit. “She’s barely breathing,” Agent 12 was saying. “We need to get out of here fast.”

Darknight reached out and brushed Peri’s hair out of her face. His hands were shaking. “Okay,” He agreed. His voice was also shaky. Jay searched around with Darkling until they located two stretchers: One for Dove and one for Peri.

“No necesitamos una para ella,” Wilson said. He offered a ride on his back. Agent 12 hoisted Peri onto the griffin’s back, then hopped on behind her. Wilson took off toward the S.O.S. building. Darkling and Jay heaved Dove onto a stretcher. They picked up the stretcher telekinetically and started carrying it out. Dove seemed to be looking at something behind Darknight. His good eye widened in surprise. He opened his mouth, trying to speak.

“Look out!” He cried. Darknight whirled around to see S.W.O.R.D’s leader bearing down on him, Dove’s broadsword in his hand. Darknight prepared to dive away, but he didn’t have to. Spar came out of nowhere and bowled S.W.O.R.D’s leader out of the way. Spar grabbed Dove’s sword. Again, he leaped out of harm’s way. Spar hurried out the door after Darkling and Jay and took off as a kestrel, flitting around in the air. Darknight stood alone in the warehouse for a moment. Then he heard a whooshing sound. He turned around quickly to see who it was, but he slipped and fell. The S.W.O.R.D leader’s daughter appeared next to him, a wicked sharp dagger in her hand.

Yelping in surprise, Darknight leaped away, then took off, flying (literally) toward the S.O.S. The girl stared after him, glaring. Her eyes gleamed dangerously in the dim light of the abandoned warehouse. A rufous bolt appeared next to her, and the next thing she knew, she had been struck over by a laughing Sparrowhawk. He quickly sped away as she yelled after him, shaking her fist angrily. She threw daggers with her eyes as Spar, laughing now with a killy killy twinge to his voice, flew off. Even Peri’s faint kekking could be heard.

[third person P.O.V. End]

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Added on November 20, 2017
Last Updated on May 2, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
