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A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

Blue_Jay_003: Ooh, wait a minute! Dove, Peri, look what I just found online!!!


The Eagle

Rumored to be in contact with Darknight.

Placed under close watch.

??/??/???? - S.W.O.R.D. has, unfortunately, had to dispose of Eagle because of her… connection to Darknight.

Riots in the streets only hours after the news released the above statement.

Eagle is rumored to have a daughter and a son, though nothing has been said or seen of either. S.W.O.R.D. is rumored to have custody of both.

Blue_Jay_003: This is dated the year she was killed.

fly_eagle_fly: And your reason for showing us this is?

Blue_Jay_003: I thought you might want to see it…

derpyhawker378: Huh. When is the article dated? Mom “died” in 2000, right when Dove was born.

That_one_guy: Interesting… the article says it’s dated… oh, that’s very interesting…

Evil_Mastermind: What’s interesting?


Evil_Mastermind: In case you were wondering… this is Darknight.

fly_eagle_fly: Oh, falcon mute.

Evil_Mastermind: Excuse me?

fly_eagle_fly: I got that from Peri…

derpyhawker378: *ahem* it’s actually FLACON mute.

Evil_Mastermind: That’s not any more appropriate. What’s a flacon? Nevermind, don’t answer that. I don’t think I want to know. Darkling, do you have a link to that article?

That_One_Guy: Yeah, right here... *link*

Evil_Mastermind: Thank you. *opens link* Interesting… S.W.O.R.D. kept her records, DNA samples, and bits of her power. I wonder… *clicking* *beeping* Oh my.

derpyhawker378: Ugh I hope they don’t track me like that. I’ve tried my best but they interrogate us every month.

Evil_Mastermind: You might want to see this… *copy-paste*

S.W.O.R.D’s Plans For the Future:

We (S.W.O.R.D.) are hoping to create a new generation of heroes, with only the best qualities, the best intentions. Unloyal heroes are not helpful to the hero community, and therefore should be eliminated. So, we have taken over the collecting of DNA samples from all S.W.O.R.D heroes and heroines, and finding the samples from heroes long dead. With only the good aspects of these samples, we will create the ultimate heroes. An army with no doubts, no evil thoughts, no disloyalty.

This is the hope for our future. And I hope you will help me complete it.

Leader of S.W.O.R.D

Blue_Jay_003: Wow… that's… crazy. It sounds like Hitler reborn or something.

derpyhawker378: ARE YOU [BEEEEEP *censored*] KIDDING ME?!

Evil_Mastermind: Jay, I know, right? Language, Peri. I don’t know why I haven’t seen this before, it’s dated… oh, my #$%^& it’s dated 2000.

derpyhawker378: Well then luckily Mr. Leader hasn’t carried that out yet BECAUSE ME AND NONE OF MY FRIENDS HAVE BEEN MINDWIPED IF YOU DON’T NOTICE THAT ALREADY

That_One_Guy: The year… oh, this is not good.

Blue_Jay_003: Oh, this isn’t good at all.

fly_eagle_fly: The year what?

That_One_Guy: Dove… that’s the year you were born.

fly_eagle_fly: That’s the WHAT again? The year I was born?!?!?!?!?!?!? Do you even know what this could mean?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

derpyhawker378: I mean, seriously, the whole point of being a hero is protecting the common good. Apparently, that was twisted when that [BEEEP *censored*] came to power. Maybe he just wanted to eliminate Hawk Guy’s line a millionfold cause what he did to Strong Man.

Evil_Mastermind: Peri, did you even read what Dove wrote?

fly_eagle_fly: Yeah, did you even read what I wrote?

derpyhawker378: Yes I did read what Dove wrote.

Blue_Jay_003: And actually Peri I looked this up the other day: my dad is related to Strong Man, he just doesn’t know it. He has no powers.

derpyhawker378: BOIII S.W.O.R.D.’s leader is gonna have a kick out of that!!

Evil_Mastermind: Did you not comprehend what Dove wrote Peri? He… he might be… *crashing, curse words*

That_One_Guy: AGH, calm down Darknight! We’re in the same room!

Evil_Mastermind: Sorry, I had to destroy something before I exploded.

That_One_Guy: Apparently, but that didn’t mean you had to throw my favorite chair out the window.

derpyhawer378: It’s hilarious watching Darknight blow his top!

Blue_Jay_003: Yeppp, I saw the chair from here. And didn’t he kick it, not throw it?

Evil_Mastermind: Ha ha, very funny. I clearly remember throwing the chair.

That_One_Guy: That was my favorite chair! Now it’s RUINED!!!

Evil_Mastermind: Woah, Darkling, calm down… oh, flacon mute. *crashing, banging, smashing, yelling*

Blue_Jay_003: What is going on over there?

derpyhawker378: HEYY you just used the phrase I made up and that you claimed you didn’t like! Haha! *kekking*


derpyhawker378: Over a chair? You two really need anger management.

That_One_Guy: Maybe… I have an… object and I’m not afraid to use it.

Evil_Mastermind: That’s a-- no, not gonna say it. Ew, gross! Get that thing away from me! It’s USED!

fly_eagle_fly: I have a vague idea of what is going on in there and it’s not good. *door opens* OMG, THIS IS CRAZY!!!! Oh, so that’s what he’s slapping you with. That is disgusting. Jay, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Blue_Jay_003: Awwwww. *clang as metal rod falls on ground* I really wanted to use that. *Whooshing noise* *choking noises* That should teach you two not to fight. You’re the leaders of two villain agencies for Christ’s sake, behave like it!

Evil_Mastermind: Agh, put me down, you’re killing me here…

That_One_Guy: And yet we’re still typing. How odd. Peri? Still there?

derpyhawker378: Yeah I’m just letting you people finish what you started. Anyway, please educate me on what Dove’s millennial birth means.

That_One_Guy: Well, if Dove was born the same year that memo went out, then it is possible that he… isn’t entirely Darknight’s and Eagle’s child.

Evil_Mastermind: I really hate when people say stuff like that…

Derpyhawker378: Really? Huh, that’s interesting. Wait, sorry, I have to go…

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[System error. Please stand by]

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

Author's Note

Locke Redwyne (night sys)
*DUN DUN DUN* What will happen next???

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Added on November 20, 2017
Last Updated on May 2, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
