Part One: Jay's Story- Chapter Five: S.W.O.R.D. vs. S.O.S. (and other crazy stuff)

Part One: Jay's Story- Chapter Five: S.W.O.R.D. vs. S.O.S. (and other crazy stuff)

A Chapter by Locke Redwyne (night sys)

The night of the attack is finally here. After a last review of the plan, Darkling outfitted the team with earpieces for easy contact and we were dropped at our starting points. I stand with three other villains whose names I’ve already forgotten, waiting for the signal.

“Get ready.” Darkling’s voice is accompanied by a burst of static that causes one of my companions to flinch. I lean forward, right hand on my sword hilt, left fingering the dagger strapped next to it. “Teams, report.”

“Alpha team, reporting in.”

“Beta team, in position.”

“Theta team accounted for.”

“Sigma team, on call.”

I glance at the three behind me. They nod. I press the button on my earpiece and whisper “Omega team, ready to rock and roll.” I hear a giggle from one of my team. “Shh. Remember the plan,” I say, no longer transmitting my conversation. “We attack with the other teams.” I point to the middle villain. “When I split off, you’re Omega team’s leader. Everyone good with that?” They nodded. The newly appointed replacement leader grins, letting fire flicker over his fists. Oh, right. His alias is Red Blaze.

A sudden explosion jolts me out of my thoughts. “That’s the signal! Go, go, go!” We charge, weapons drawn, towards the building that is now spewing smoke from the top windows. The signs across the front reads “Children’s Hospital and Rehabilitation Center.” The best way to get S.W.O.R.D away from the base is to attack a place like this, according to Darkling. I was skeptical at first, but he assured me that no deaths would be necessary. Even villains avoid killing when they don’t have to.

I stop at the door. “Keep going. Red Blaze, you’re in charge.” The pyrokinetic nods. I activate my wings and shoot off into the night. My lenses pick up another flying shape. Darkling. We both land on the roof of S.W.O.R.D’s headquarters. Heroes stream from the front doors and into helicopters to be carried to the Children’s Hospital. There, Darkling’s villains will keep them occupied long enough for us to find Morgan, grab her, and get back to the S.O.S. base. I quickly pick the lock on the roof access door and we enter the building. It’s silent, and there’s little security. What guards there are we manage to avoid. Darkling’s photokinetic illusion tricks come in handy, making us invisible as we sneak past the guard stations.

With every floor we search, my anxiety grows stronger. Where is Morgan? Finally, we reach the main floor. I sigh, stopping at the bottom of the staircase. “Nothing.” Darkling glances at me, worry flashing across his face. Then I look up, ready to leave out the front doors. The figure of a teenage girl about my age stands in front of the doors, silhouetted by the streetlights outside. The lights in the building are all turned off. I squint, trying to figure out who it is. She seems familiar...

“Jules. Let’s go,” Darkling whispers, not bothering to use the earpieces. He tugs my arm, pulling me in the direction of a side exit.

“Wait.” I don’t bother to whisper. The girl’s already seen us anyway. She steps forward.

“G-get away from here,” she stammers, obviously startled but attempting to seem in control. I step forwards. She steps back. Her voice...

“Morgan?” I gasp. She flinches. It is her!

“Jules?” She asks, recognizing me.

“Finally, we found you!” I exclaim.

“You were looking for me?” Light from outside touches her face, and her surprise is obvious. “Why?”

“To take you home,” I respond. Immediately, her entire demeanor changes. She stands taller, her hand on the hilt of a sword at her belt. Her confidence is no longer faked. When she opens her mouth, I’m almost sure I know what she’s about to say. She stares me down.

“I am home.”

© 2018 Locke Redwyne (night sys)

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Delete the first 'had' in the first sentence.
After 'Darkling' in the first sentence, replace 'had helped' with 'was helping'

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 6 Years Ago

Locke Redwyne (night sys)

6 Years Ago

*three thumbs up*

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1 Review
Added on November 20, 2017
Last Updated on August 21, 2018

The Coalition Files By Jay_is_Bluefire, Peregrinator7, and Crazy Dragon Lady


Locke Redwyne (night sys)
Locke Redwyne (night sys)


Wow, we haven't used this account in literal years! DID system of 19, idk if we'll be posting here but. I'm so glad to find this archive of our old writing. more..
