Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Chapter 3 ~

Barbie has been dressing for the past five days (including today). Yes, today was Friday. And that date… not date, whatever, cant get off my mind. It doesn’t help that since he asked me to the movies, he’s been at our table talking to us and making sure that I was still going.

Today Barbie said I had to wear a mini-skirt since I haven’t worn any this week. My outfit was a black mini-skirt, a bright blue one sleeve shirt (and the sleeve being short), black heels, black hoop earrings, grey eyeliner and blue eye shadow. I had 5 black bracelets on each wrist and my locket.

I got on the bus and Tiffany ‘accidentally’ pushed Cael into the same seat of me. He sat down and grinned at me. “Hey” he said and I nodded looking out the window. “You should really thank Tiffany she makes you look really hot” I turned to give him a look. “I mean she makes you look even hotter” he stuttered.

“Smooth” I muttered.

“Cant say I didn’t try” he said.

“Didn’t try what?” I snapped.

“Never mind” he said and when we got to the school he rushed off. I got to class as soon as I could. Waiting only made the class go by slower.

“Guess what” Tiffany said to Star. Star leaned back behind my back and looked at Tiffany.

“What s**t?” Star said.

“Ignoring that, Wicken, Cael asked Fae on a date” she responded quickly.

“What! Get out of here! He never asks girls on dates or even goes on them! Why didn’t you tell us? That explains why he’s been at our table for the past few days!” Star snapped shocked.

“Ladies!” screamed the teacher shrilly.

“It’s not a date!” I whispered when the teacher turned her back.

“Sure its not!” Tiffany said.

“Yeah she's been dazed since Monday; in her own world. And now we know why” Star said and she poked me, giggling. The bell rang and I ran out of my seat to avoid everyone.

“You haven’t heard the last of this” she yelled and I turned back to see Star talking to Cael about something. Great. Just great. I rushed to my next class where Essie was waiting for me.

I hoped she didn’t know about Cael since they all text each other constantly. I tried to rush past her but she grabbed my shirt and my heels slipped, making me fall down.

“Star just sent me a text saying you have something to tell us” Essie said. She had a green micro mini-skirt on and a white skin tight shirt on. “By the way love the outfit today” she said as she looked at me from head to toe.

“I have nothing to tell you since nothing is going on” I snapped. Everyone was thinking this was a big deal and it’s really not. He was an idiot, who got under my skin worse than nails on a chalkboard. There was nothing going on and I was getting sick and tired of them saying it was.

“Sure” she huffed and walked off. I threw my stuff down in the seat, closed my eyes, and rubbed the side of my face trying to calm down.

“You okay” he asked and I opened my eyes. Cael stood there with an emotionless look on his face. I groaned as I saw him and put my forehead on the desk.

“I'm perfect. Never been better” I told sarcastically. He pulled up a chair and looked at me, smiling.

“Oh come on. What’s wrong?” he asked and used a finger to lift up my chin. I slapped his hand away.

“Them” I said. I hoped he would understand what I meant by them. The four girls that are just too weird for me.

“Oh you mean the girls you hang out with” he grinned.

“Yeah… they just don't understand” I sighed and felt another wave of frustration come over me.

“Well then you should hang out with me and the gang” he nudged me. I shrugged and gave an answer that was good enough.

“Ill think about it” I gave in and faked a smile. The bell rang saying that class had begun.

“I hope so” he said and walked off towards his seat. Effie came back and sat down next to me. She began to type on the computer and I hoped she didn’t talk about it.


Essie101: Sorry.

Newgrl1: Yeah. Its okay, I guess.

Essie101: I'm bored!!!

Newgrl1: I'm about to fall asleep.

Essie101: Same.


So I curled up on my desk and fell asleep. I don't know when she fell asleep but I know it was after me. I was shaken awake. “Morning sunshine” she said in my ear. “The bell just rang” Essie said and I got up lazily. I yawned and went to pick up my book bag… but it wasn’t there. She handed it to me and I looked at the clock. The bell was about to ring. I ran as fast as I could to my next class, and in heels, so I wouldn’t be late. The teacher almost shut the door in my face but I managed to slide in. She glared at me as I walked by. Iza was saving me the seat she said was hers. I sat down quickly to avoid people’s faces.

“Write down these notes and then Ill explain the notes and the homework” she commanded. She played another hour long PowerPoint. When we finished the bell for lunch rang.

“Oh my God I think my hands are about to fall off” Iza said. Another girl walked up to Iza and nodded.

“Yeah those notes were killer” she said and walked off. I had to agree those notes were long and my hands did hurt.

“The notes were nothing but on poetry. You think our assignment is to write a poem?” I asked and Iza shrugged.

“I hope not. I'm horrible at writing” she responded and we went downstairs to go to the cafeteria. Marty, Star, and Essie were already at the table. Today Iza didn’t want to go in line and we sat down at our usual table.

“So what’s new” Iza asked, picking at her manicured blue nails. I didn’t say anything and I waited for Star to blurt it out.

“Well” Star began; “I don't think anything is new” she smiled and winked at me. I sighed and mouthed the words ‘thank you’ and she nodded.

“Well yesterday in gym” Marty began and Essie began to moan, “They had a basketball game and they were playing shirts versus skins… No big deal right? So Taylor is a skin and he had to remove his shirt. Essie walks through the gym sees him and faints. Full out faints. She was unconscious for what” she pauses and looks at Essie then continues, “10 whole minutes” she laughs.

“Wow Essie” I said laughing. She blushes and her face turns the color of my hair.

Star points behind me and I turn around. Cael is leaving his table to come over here. “So why is it that Cael comes over here everyday?” Essie asks and Star looks as though she is going to slap her. “What? Can I just ask a question?” Essie asks dumbfounded.

“Hello girls” Cael says and I fake a smile. Star looks right at me and I smile at her.

“Hey Cael” I hear all four of the girls say. I turn around to look at him and then Essie goes to his table, which leaves an empty chair. He sits in her chair and he’s looking across the table at me.

“You thought about it?” he asks and I realize I totally forgot that he asked me to visit his table.

“Honestly, I forgot” I smile. He shrugs and I'm waiting for his next question.

“You want to?” he asks and the way the girls are looking at us, it seemed like we are playing tennis.

“Hmm… maybe… maybe not” I try and this makes him frown. For once, he isn’t smiling.

“I'm hoping more for a maybe then a maybe not. Heck even a sure would be better” he tells and I nod.

“Sure” I groan and he gets up. He heads back towards his table and I follow, grudgingly. There’s a bunch of people at his table and they are mostly guys. I bet all the guys are athletes by the way they look.

“Who’s the babe?” one guy says and I bit my lip unsure of what to do. The guy is grinning at me like an idiot… which is what he pretty much is. He has red hair and a bunch of freckles. He’s got a muscular body with muscles as big as my head.

“Her name is Fae” Cael says and I smile. Eden narrows her eyes at me and then smiles at Cael.

“More like Freak” she says and only Tiffany laughs.

“Cool hair” says a brunette ignoring Eden. A bunch of people nod agreeing. I grab the end of my hair and flick it between my fingers, thoughtlessly.

“Yeah… it’s natural” I say and she gasps amazed.

“For real? That’s awesome!” she says and grabs a little of it.

“The girl rubbing all over your hair, is Miller and the idiot over there” he points to the redhead who said I was a babe, “is Mickey. Strange how they are related” Cael jokes and I smile.

“Are you two you know?” Miller asks.

“What us? No” I laugh and Mickey comes over.

“So what you single?” Mickey asks.


“Want to join us at the movies” he asks.

“Sorry but I beat you to it” Cael smiles and puts his arm over my shoulders. I remove his arm immediately.

“Denied!” Mickey yells and everyone bursts into laughter.

“So you two are going to” he asks and I begin to feel a little frustrated.

“No” I reply flatly.

“She just says that around you guys, just a few days ago, she was moaning my name” he smiles and winks at Mickey. I roll my eyes, trying to play it off. All the guys at the table got quiet and smile. Eden chokes on what she's eating and starts a coughing fit.

“Not even. The girls were talking about him and I was imitating them when he came up and heard me.” Before anyone had something to say, the lunch bell rings and I begin to walk off.

“Can I walk you to class?” Mickey says and I shrug.

“You think you can hook me up with Essie” he asks and I frown, not wanting to answer.

“I'm so sorry, but she does like someone else” I respond and he sighs.

“It just doesn’t get better does it?” he says. “I hope to see you tonight anyways” he says.

“Yeah… you will.” I said entering my classroom. He walks off and I sit down next to a confused Iza.

“What was that about?” she asks.

“Just a guy who wanted me to hook him up with someone I knew” I reply. Then as I had guessed the teacher gave us an assignment so we would write a poem. She said we were going to read it next class. Then the bell rang to a fourth period that went by quickly.

When I got home I didn’t know how much Barbie was going to play dress up with me, for my not-a-date.


 “No! No! No! Oh my God none of these work!” she screamed. Tiffany threw another and another outfit of mine on the floor. The floor was now covered with both her clothes and mine.

“Would you stop?” I screamed for the millionth time. She ignored it, yet again and ran into her room.

“This is perfect!” she yelled from her room. She ran back with a bag. “If this works you can keep it” she grinned confident. I was seriously tired of changing for something that wasn’t even important.

I walked into my bathroom, which was the size of a bedroom, and I pulled out a shirt which had 2 layers. The outer layer was tan and its material had diagonal rows of holes. The under shirt was light blue and made of silk. It matched the lining of the shirt perfectly which was a v-neck shirt.

I already had on tight jeans that had scuff marks all down the jeans which Tiffany said were an old pair of hers. The shirts clung to me and as I looked in the mirror I realized that it really did look good on me.  I opened the door and Tiffany gasped then narrowed her eyes.

“It never looked that good on me” she muttered. “It actually looks good” she sneered. I shrugged and she clicked her tongue. “Yeah it actually looks good with the pants too” she said. She looked through my heel collection and she picked up a pair of light blue heels that matched my shirt.

She pulled me to the bathroom and with the curling iron set a few curls into my hair. She touched up on my make up and plucked a stray eyebrow hair with no warning.

“Oww!” I yelled.

“Oh you’ll live” she said and grabs my face by the chin. She turns my face sharply from one side to the other. “Perfect” she smiles at her, I guess, accomplishment.

I walked downstairs and Terri smiled at me. “So like you’re going on a date?” she asked.

“No but with this outfit I'm hoping someone asks” Tiffany said appearing behind me. Eden glared at me from behind the kitchen counter then slammed the fridge door shut.

Eden? Are you okay?” Terri asked.

“Just perfect!” she screamed and ran up the stairs. Terri shrugged and we heard a knocking on the door. Tiffany opened the door to find Mickey, Miller, Essie and Cael standing there. I walked up when they called my name.

“Hey guys” I said grinning. I looked behind them to find a huge Chevy Silverado. “Oh boy” I muttered trying to figure out how I was going to get in that huge thing.

“You ready?” Essie asked and for the first time she was wearing sandals. This surprised me and so did the fact she was wearing jeans. I nodded and we headed back to the huge truck.

Mickey and Miller went in first and then Essie. Cael got in and then he stuck out a hand for me to use to get up. I almost let go when I felt how hot it was but I got up and sat in the passenger seat. Cael started the truck and it let out a big growl and then a hum which lasted the entire time we were driving. He played the radio and soon after we arrived at a tan building. On the front of the building were bunches of posters for different movies.

There was a booth in the middle of the building with double doors on each side. A brunette girl stood in the book with a red and white striped shirt and black pants.

“Hey Marissa” Cael greeted and she nodded in return.

“Hey Cael what’s its going to be today?” she asked and flashed a smile.

“How about ‘Death con 5: Viva la Vegas’” he told. She nodded and touched her computers monitors which meant it was a touch screen.

“For how many?” she asked.

“Fae and I” he said and pulled me close to him. I tried to pry myself away from him and failed. She stopped smiling when she saw I was coming.

She handed the tickets to Cael while glaring at me. Mickey stepped up and ordered his tickets for him and his sister. We stepped inside and Cael pulled me to a bench.

“We are waiting for a few more people” Cael told me calmly. I groaned as I smelled the popcorn. He laughed and pulled me close to him. Mickey grinned at the sight of us and he nudged Miller.

“Aww you look so cute together” she said and I blushed. Cael flicked her off and she flicked him off in return.

“Wow” I muttered and Cael shook me. “Hey no shaking” I snapped. Soon Taylor, Eden, and Tiffany stepped through.

“The gangs all here” Cael said. If looks could kill Eden would have murdered me at the sight of Cael holding me. God how I hated that bit…girl. Cael dragged me in line. “What do you want Monkey?”

“Don't call me that. And I don't care, You choose.

“Alright, one large popcorn, a drink, and two boxes of milk duds” he told the cashier.

“Why two?” I asked.

“Because when you try milk duds you're going to want more” he said grinning. “You want anything else?” he asked.

“A bottle of water?” I asked and he told the cashier. He handed her his card and she finished ringing him out. The cashier handed me the bottle of water and Cael grabbed the rest. We waited on everyone else who bought popcorn then we went inside.

We entered the last theatre room and everyone headed towards one of the last rows. Cael sat down and put his feet up on the seats in the row in front of us. Soon everyone else put their feet up and I did the same since it seemed the proper thing to do.

The theatre got dark and the movie began playing. The first thing you saw was credits and then someone’s head got chopped off and blood squirted everywhere.

“This is extremely corny and fake but its one of the best horror movies” Cael whispered and handed me a handful of milk duds. I ate one and the first thing I tasted was chocolate. I bit into it and I found it was chewy and it got stuck to my teeth. But they were so delicious!

“I hate that you're right. Milk duds are delicious” I whispered and Eden leaned forward to shush us. For the heck of it, I flicked her off; she gasped and all of us began to crack up.

“Funny” Mickey whispered and I shrugged. “You know that this is the only movie theatre that plays old movies” he told and I shook my head.

“You're going to tell me where your boss is or I'm going to chop off your head” the main character said.

“Never!” the man screamed as he tried to get out of the handcuffs that secured his hand to the chair he was sitting in.

“Fine! Have it your way” the main character screamed and he swung the sword and the head flew off and hit the camera. Miller began to laugh hysterically. She  has the laugh of  a hyena, and its one of those contagious laughs. After she started laughing we all began to laugh.

“Ah-hem” said a man flashing a flashlight on us. We looked up and he tapped his foot impatient.

“What?” Mickey snapped.

“You're too loud.” Out of nowhere Miller burst into laughter. Cael shushed her and apologized to the guy.

“So, Monkey, you enjoying the movie?” he whispered and gave me another handful of milk duds.

“Yeah, but don't call me Monkey. You're not as bad as I thought” I whispered back smiling.

“You really thought I was bad?”

“You have no idea.” He gasped and threw a milk dud, which hit me on the mouth. He started laughing again, and I threw one back. Not long after that, we had started a food fight.

The movie attendant returned with a worse attitude. “You need to leave” he sneered.

“Dude, you take your job way too seriously; I bet you only make minimum wage yet you take it this seriously? That's really pathetic”, Mickey laughed and walked past the guy. The guy said nothing as we walked by, and he refused to look at us afterwards.

We left the theatre while Cael held the door for an elderly couple. He caught up and walked with me. He bumped against me on purpose and I bumped him back. He helped me up into the truck then got in. He dropped Effie off first. She winked at me and then left. Then he dropped off Mickey and Miller. They left quickly because they had something ‘important’ to do.

“How about tomorrow we hang out for the afternoon?” he asked. “Ill pick you up early and we’ll hang out” he tried.

“Is that what you meant when you said ‘at least I tried’?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” he asked grinning.

“That you tried to ask me out?” I guessed.

“Well that too… unless you reject me then Ill deny asking you out” he said. I narrowed my eyes and smiled.

“Guess you won’t have to deny” I said as he pulled up in my driveway.

“So is that a yes?” he asked and I got out and ran towards the front door.

“You tell me. I already know you wont leave me alone until I say yes”.

“So Ill see you at 9 a.m.?” he asked

“I guess so!” I yelled and waved as he drove off. I walked inside and went upstairs to my room and called Star. She answered on the first ring.

“Yes” I heard her chomping on a piece of gum and then silence, shortly followed by a pop. I rolled my eyes and I said the first thing that came to mind.

“You will never guess what!”

“What?” she asked, sounding completely bored.

“About tomorrow…”

And for some reason, I didn't hate him as much as I did at the beginning of the week.


© 2011 nicnatnoodles

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Added on July 6, 2011
Last Updated on July 6, 2011