Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Chapter 2 ~

“Mom said I get to help you get clothes. And frankly your sense of style sucks” she paused eyeing my sweatshirt and jeans that were a little baggy. I'm sorry, I didn't have much of a choice in clothing! “I'm going to dress you and there is nothing you can do about it” she sneered and I groaned. Great! I get to be Barbie’s Barbie! Awesome! And I'm sure Ill look like either a clown or a s**t.

My eyes are no longer swollen. They're still bruised. I still have plenty of bruises and gashes everywhere. I don't limp as bad, and I have more strength. I suck up the pain and deal with today, knowing that it will suck.

She runs around the mall dragging me like a rag doll… I say like, because the only difference between me and a rag doll right now is I'm not being dragged against the floor. First stop Victoria’s secret. She gets a basket from a lady and starts dumping different make-up and perfumes and then she stops and I bump into her. She points towards me and the lady gets out a measuring thing.

“Lift your arms” she tells.


“Because you have to be measured according to your friend” and I groan and lift my arms, wincing from my broken ribs. Not only am I her Barbie but I am her puppet. She wraps it around my chest and looks at it.

“She's a 26 B” she tells Tiffany. Tiffany heads toward a table with nothing but bras on it. She gets the worst of the worst… lacy, silky, see through ones you use to turn on a lover.

I blush to the extreme where my face looks like a tomato. She picks up a bra and the woman with the measuring tape comes back.

“I'm sorry Tiffers but I made a mistake. She's a 26 C, almost a D” she tells and walks off. Tiffany turns a shade of white.

“She's got bigger b***s than I do, not that you can tell from the stupid sweatshirt” she mutters under her breath as she glares down and avoids my eyes. I smile and Tiffany pays for five million different bras, perfumes, and make-up. She still refuses to look at me as she rushes me to the nearest accessory store. She picks up a bunch of bracelets, earrings, hats, necklaces and other things. That’s when I stop and Tiffany tries to drag me out of the store.

There it was a sign in the back that said 'Free piercing*.*with the purchase of three or more items.' I dragged Tiffany to the back and the lady looked at our receipt. She nodded and pointed towards a seat.

“You aren’t seriously going to?” she asked and I have this feeling that I always wanted a nose piercing. I pointed at my nose and the lady nodded.

She left and then came back with the items in front of us. She picked up the needle and asked me if I was ready; I nodded and Tiffany looked the other way. I felt it go through my nose and I winced. Pain radiated from my nose. But it beats the pain I was in yesterday. She cleaned my nose and then put in a black diamond stud. It hurt but it looked awesome. The lady went over the rules of keeping it clean and then gave us a sterile cleaning kit.

We went into another dozen stores, Tiffany buying mostly skirts and girly and s****y shirts. Then after much objection, she bought some jeans, of which most were skinny, and a few outerwear items like blazers and cardigans, which she picked, so the shirts weren't so bad.

We left towards the parking lot and she dragged me to her car, a white Ford Focus. I got into the passenger seat and I turned around to face the mountain of bags. It was at least ten bags. My eyes went wide just looking at them. She bought most of the stuff.

She walks off and begins to talk to this tall six foot guy with big muscles and dark brown hair. He has on jeans and a white shirt striped with tiny blue lines. He has his back towards me and she points to me. He turns and I grab a bag as fast as I could and hide behind it. For the glimpse of a second I saw his face, I knew he was gorgeous. I blushed at the thought of it and I literally slapped myself for thinking of it.

Tiffany got in and she looked at me. “You’re weird” she said emotionless. She reverses and the guy stares at the car as we pass by him. I sigh as we finally head home. That's where I thought we were headed, until she turns into a parking lot.

“Where are we?”

“You're getting a stylish hair cut, that is a mess” I don't bother arguing, I already know I will lose. We walk in and she waves at a Spanish guy. He motions toward the chair in front of him.

“Is she spanish?” Tiffany’s response is a shrug.

“She could be. I've never seen olive skin tone like this. She's mixed with something. Its just… fabulous! And this hair, is it natural?”

“Yes, now she needs a hair cut and I just know she needs some Enrique magic” Tiffany smiles , eyes my hair and makes a face.

“Well I'm not dying it, this is natural, and she's got natural brown highlights at the bottom of her hair.” He looks at Tiffany, and she is nodding, rushing him. He brings me to the sink and makes me sit in a black leather seat as he washes my hair. Its so relaxing, I no longer feel the dull pain. He brings me back to the seat and begins to cut my hair. He moves around so fast, from one side to the other, he looks like the Tasmanian devil on Looney Tunes. He blow dries my hair and spins me towards the mirror. I admit, I was impressed by the results. My bangs come straight across my eyebrows, and he moves them so they crooked across one side, and then blend at the end in with my hair. Its layered at the front bottom. It brings attention to the brown highlights at the bottom of my hair. It looks like a hair cut a model would have.

“I was think Ashley Simpson hairstyle, you know when she had the red hair”, Enrique says and Tiffany nodds and smiles at the results. We arrive home and she drags me to the living room. Soon she returns with all 27 bags. Wait… 27? Where was I during those 27 bags of hell?

She moves this tan piece of lush furniture in the shape of a circle and about half the size of my bed and dumps all the clothes on it. Terri comes out and she organizes the clothes.

“Look mom! For her, we got miniskirts; tube tops; tank tops; t-shirts; dresses; heels; sneakers; skinny jeans; and a bunch of accessories” she lists and I nearly faint. I really wasn’t paying attention to what she bought. All I know is that I picked out a few jeans. Where did the skinny jeans come from? Plus every time she paid she handed over a card.

“Receipts” Terri says and Tiffany hands over the receipts. She looks at the prices and sighs. “A little more than what we agreed on but that’s okay” she says and smiles at me. “Did you have fun?” she asks.

“Sure” I said sarcastically and she believes it.

“That’s good; I'm glad you and Tiffany had a good time” she hands Tiffany a basket and Tiffany throws all of the items, (which actually fits in the basket surprisingly) and she hands the basket to me.

I walk upstairs and put away all the clothes that she bought for me into the dresser. Mind you, that took an hour. I put all the accessories on the dresser and the make-up in the bathroom inside a drawer. I turn around and there stands Tiffany.

“I'm waking up early each day to help you get dressed. When I said I'm dressing you, I meant it. Plus you have all my classes with me so there’s no way to avoid me” she sneers and hands me a piece of paper.

“Class like school?” I ask and she rolls her eyes.

“Duh! What else would class be?” Tiffany asks as though I'm the dumb one in the conversation.

“So wait I… have to go to school… and with you?” I ask and she nods walking out. I groan as I hop onto the bed dreading tomorrow.


“I look like a freak” I moaned looking at the results of what Barbie has done to me. Barbie… I mean Tiffany has literally dressed me from head to toe. She made me wear a pink lace “cami” top, black skinny jeans, pink heels, 5 bracelets on each wrist, (one set pink and one set black), black silver hoops, and then she flat-ironed my dark burgundy hair. She put black eyeliner on me with grey eye shadow and red lipstick.

Taylor!” She called. “If you look bad Taylor will tell you” she said hopeful. Taylor came over and opened the door. He grinned a wide grin at me.

“Wow! You look hot!” he yelled. I blushed and then she grabbed some make-up.

“Her blushing reminded me that she needs blush”

“She doesn’t need blush or make-up. Hell she was hot in the hospital bed” he told. I blushed even more. “She has that gorgeous olive skin that is, well, gorgeous on girls and she has a beautiful face and a hot body. Trust me she's fine” he told and kissed my cheek before leaving.

She waited until he left and then she looked outside her room. “Looks like you already have a guy that likes you. God I'm good” she grinned as though she actually accomplished something. I still say I look like a freak.

“Kids bus!” Terri called. Tiffany grabbed my hand then grabbed 2 book bags. She handed one to me and we ran towards the school bus. We hopped on and she pulled me towards the back. There was an empty seat and I sat into it to avoid Barbie’s clutches. However she jumped into my seat and I groaned.

“Like I said you can’t avoid me” she smiled and I closed my eyes. The gorgeous guy from the mall sat in the seat next to her and began to talk to Taylor. She pulled a belt out of her bag and handed it to me. “Put it on” she said. I slid it into the loops and buckled it. It was white and had black studs. She made me turn towards her and she messed up my hair. She turned it to the side and part of my bangs covered one of my eyes. “There better” I groaned. I didn’t even know why she was helping me.

The bus screeched to a halt and I almost hit my head on the seat in front of me. She laughed and all I wanted to do was get off this thing. A few stops later we had everyone which was a full bus.

The next stop was at a red brick building. All the kids got off and I followed Tiffany. Well to be technical, Tiffany dragged me. Tiffany stopped as soon as we got off the bus and I bumped into her and then bumped into the gorgeous guy. He turned around and I ran off before I made an even bigger fool of my self. I walked up the steps to find a bunch of girls glaring at me. I ducked and looked down. I walked to my first class, which was history, which according to my schedule was room 121.

I stood outside the class room and a girl who had grey skinny jeans, a black tank top and black converse shoes approached me. She had a nose piercing too. She had black hair with different color highlights. She had brown eyes which hid behind blue contacts.

“Hi” she said smiling. She looked at me from head to toe and smiled. “You have a real nose piercing! Crap. I have a fake one… you wont tell anyone will you?” she asked and I shook my head. “Great my name is Star” she smiled.

“Hi Star; my name is Fae” I said.

“No” she said.

“What do you mean no” how many people knew I was dropped off at the doorstop?

“No I meant the way you pronounced my name. It’s Starr. You roll the r” she smiled. She repeated her name several times again, to help me.

“Hey Fae” Tiffany said. I faked a smile as I looked up.

“Hey Tiffany” I returned the greeting, without any enthusiasm.

“Hey s**t” Star greeted.

“Wicken” Tiffany snapped back. The door opened up and Tiffany walked inside flipping her hair over her shoulder. I groaned and walked inside. Today is going to be a long day.

The period went by fast as all I did was pass notes with Star and Tiffany. It was going fine until Tiffany grabbed the wrong note and read what Star was saying about her. Tiffany glared at Star and I hated being in the middle of this. The bell rang, scaring me which made me fly up. I ended up hitting my knees on the desk and that made a loud noise, grabbing the class’ attention. Oh and guess who else turned around. Gorgeous mall guy. Is there any place I don't see him?

I ran out to my next class which meant going upstairs. I walked upstairs trying hard not to fall because of these stupid high heels. I managed to make it to my next class unharmed until I walked through the door. My foot slipped, twisting my ankle and I fell down. People who were already in the class laughed. A girl with a mini-skirt and a low-cut shirt came over and stuck out her hand. I used it to pick myself up.

“New to heels huh?” she asked and I nodded. She pulled out a chair and sat in the one next to it. “I'm Essie” she smiled, leaning onto the desk staring at Taylor. Unfortunately, I was able to see down her shirt.

“Your shirt… it’s…” I began unsure of how to tell her. She smiled and looked down and readjusted her shirt.

“Sorry about that” she said and continued to smile at Taylor.

“You like Taylor?” I whispered and she turned in her chair. She nodded and popped her lips which made a smacking sound. She had pink and black eye shadow and pink lipstick. She had a lot of lip gloss on and a lot of mascara on. She had blonde hair with pink highlights. She had green eyes and a small nose. She recently touched up her eyebrows. She was wearing a pink low-cut shirt and a grey micro mini-skirt on. She had grey high heels on with straps that came across her foot.

This class was called Visual basic 1. It was in 232 and it was on the corner of the building. The teacher was an old woman who had grey hair that formed a small afro. Essie typed on the computer notes to me.


Essie101: So wait you know Taylor Jameson?

Newgrl1: Well yeah… I live with them… temporarily.

Essie101: How do you like… live with them?

Newgrl1: Long story. Don't wanna talk about it.

Essie101: You’re shutting me out. I'm hurt.

Newgrl1: You barely know me!

Essie101: I was just kidding and trying to make conversation.

Newgrl1: Oh okay.


That's how we spend our class talking. The bell rang and I was halfway through the day. Thank God. Third period was on the same hallway as my second period. I got there quickly and I put my things down in a seat. As I was walking to throw something away my heels slid against the floor and I bumped into a girl.

She had skin the color of a chocolate bar. She had black straight hair. She had grey eyes and was around my size. She had a pair of shorts on and a white t-shirt on. She didn’t wear any make-up or accessories except a pair of silver hoop earrings. She got angry at first but smiled after. “I'm Iza” she said.

“Yeah I'm sorry about that; my name is Fae” I told her.

“You took my seat” she said and I looked back. My stuff was sitting in the chair at the back of the room. “But Ill sit next to you if that’s okay” she said in an asking way. I shrugged and she sat down. This class was English and we had a teacher with short straight brown hair that flipped at the bottom. She had black rimmed glasses and a pointy nose. She seemed to glare at everyone at first but then she relaxed her face.

“My name is Mrs. Reven” she told. “This is your English class. Write down your list of materials. If you need materials to write them down, borrow them from a neighbor. Don't ask me because I don't lend out anything.” I looked over to her desk and there was a pile of empty notebook paper and a pile of boxes full of sharpened pencils. Oh yes, we wouldn’t want you to lend anything of yours. We wrote it down on our notebooks and then she played a PowerPoint on class rules… which took up 60 minutes. After the PowerPoint was shown the bell rang. It was time for lunch. Everyone left their stuff and I did the same. Iza dragged me in line where all I bought was an apple. Iza didn’t think that was adequate so she bought her lunch and then bought me lunch. We sat down at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. Star, Essie, and another girl came over.

“Hey Star” Iza said as Star waved at us. “You know them?” she asked and I nodded.

“This is Marty” Star introduced. The girl had big black rimmed glasses and a small nose. The glasses made her look like an owl. She had long brown hair. She smiled at me and sat down next to me.

“She is really quiet” Essie said smiling and sat down next to Iza.

“Okay what’s new” Iza said.

“Essie still has the biggest crush on Taylor” Star said.

“Essie has a crush on everyone” Iza laughed.

“Including Cael. Talk about hot” Iza grinned.

“Everyday they talk about how hot Cael is” Marty says.

“Can you blame us?” Iza said happily. She pointed with her fork at Cael. I turned to see Mall guy. I gasped and turned back around. Cael is mall guy… great.

“Isn’t he hot?” Star asked.

“That’s mall guy” I snapped.

“So you know him?” Iza snapped. “Wait where did Essie go?” she asked. We looked around but Star ignored the question. We looked at her and she sighed.

“She went to eavesdrop on them” Star said. Soon a running Essie came over.

“Guess what! Okay so I was sitting there and Tiff goes ‘don't you hang out with that loser Fae’ and I was like yeah. Then Taylor goes ‘for a loser she's extremely hot’. Then Cael goes ‘who’s Fae?’ and I pointed over here and it was the perfect timing. You turned around and he smiled at you. He turned and looked at me and smiled. ‘Yeah she's gorgeous. You say you’re her friend right?’ and I nodded of course. ‘Well maybe if you do me a favor Ill do one for you too’ he says and winks. Then he waves me away and I had to run over here” Essie says.

Soon I got a bunch of ‘Cael’ this and ‘Cael’ that. “Enough! Jesus! Oh Cael! How gorgeous you are! Oh Cael just look at your rippling abs. Oh Cael, would you go out with our ugly friend because you’re just so hot? Honestly gag me with a spoon!” I snap at them while I ignored the fact that Star kept making neck motions.

“Gag you with a spoon?” someone asks from behind me. I freeze and I'm afraid to turn around.

Soon, Star has to have her moment in the spotlight. “Oh Cael” she moans mimicking me. My face turns to the color of a tomato instantly and I look down.

“You’re telling me” the person behind me laughed and they pulled up a chair. Soon I was face to face with Cael. “Hi… I know we haven’t had a proper introduction but when I say my name please don't say ‘Oh Cael’” he smiles and I glare at him.

“Oh you think you’re funny don't ya?” I ask and he smiles even more. There is nothing I want to do more right now than slap that smile off his face.

“Oh I think I'm hilarious” he says still smiling. “In fact I know it”

“Good thing the feeling isn’t mutual” I said getting up and grabbing the apple I still I haven’t ate.

“Oh come on… I'm not that bad” he says following me. I stop and he does just as well.

“What do you want?” I snap.

“Friday, 7:30, the movies” he says quickly.

“I don't do dates” I said quickly.

“It’s not a date, there’s going to be a bunch of other people. Not just me and you.  As much as you want that, you were practically moaning my name back there.”

“Okay shut up. I will go. But it’s not a date” I said cutting him off.

“See ya there!” he says as I walk away. I walk off going to the remainder of third period and then fourth where the only thing I could think about how much I wanted to slap him.

© 2011 nicnatnoodles

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Added on July 6, 2011
Last Updated on July 6, 2011