Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by nicnatnoodles

Chapter 1 ~

As soon as he rang the doorbell, he had disappeared into the shadows of the dark night. A woman of late thirties stepped out onto the cold front steps of her beautiful, big white house. She had a pink silk robe on, which shouldn’t have been worn outside. It was too cold outside for something as thin as her robe. She gasped at the sight that lay on her front steps.

On her front steps, there was a female body. The female had olive skin tone. She had dark burgundy hair. The body was covered in blood and where there wasn’t blood there was at least one bruise. In some spots there were as many as three bruises. Her eyes were swollen shut and blackened. Her nose was broken and her lip was busted and swollen. She had marks around her neck which meant she was strangled for some time. Her clothes were torn and she had no shoes on. Her feet were cut and covered in blood and you could tell she tried to outrun her abuser.

“Fred!” the woman yelled and a man of around her age or maybe a little older came out. He was wearing long black sweats. He had dark brown hair and had serious dark blue eyes. He had some muscle but he wasn’t built. “Yes Terri?” he asked and she put a hand over her mouth gazing at the female in pure horror and shock. He turned his gaze toward where Terri was looking. He jumped back in surprise, and then ran inside to call 911.

He came out 5 minutes later. “They are on their way and they said not to move her” he told. Terri nodded and she pulled the robe tighter against her. “You should change… Ill wait outside” he advised. She nodded and went inside to go change. The ambulance was there 10 minutes after she had finished changing. Terri was now in a blue t-shirt, a coat who’s material was similar to fur, black jeans, and heels. When Terri went outside Fred rushed in to change. Soon Fred was outside. Fred was in a black polo, blue pants, and classy shoes. Terri spun her hair into a bun and Fred swirled his hair back with gel. She woke up their three kids when the ambulance came.

“What’s wrong is dad okay?” Tiffany asked. She had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. She changed her pajama bottoms into jeans but left her pajama top on. Her twin sister, Eden, did the same. Soon Taylor awoke, who had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Terri ran downstairs and found the girl that was on their steps was on a stretcher, and had an oxygen mask on her face. A man of forty, who had scrubs on, walked over and looked to her then to Fred and got out a little pad of paper.

“Did you know that girl?” he asked and they both shook their head. “Could you explain what happened tonight?” he asked and Terri bit her lip.

“We were asleep and I woke up to get some water when I heard the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs and we found her just like that. First Fred waited outside for the ambulance until I had finished changing. Then when I was done, it was his turn to go change while I wait. Then when the ambulance came I ran inside to awake the kids” she told and the man wrote it down.

“Well we are going to take her to the hospital. I'm afraid since you’re not family or a friend, you can’t go inside the ambulance” he said and hopped inside the vehicle. The family got into their Mercedes Benz and drove to the hospital.

They arrived at Lady Memorial Hospital 20 minutes later. It was practically empty since it was around three in the morning. “I'm looking for the girl… the bloody one… the ambulance just took her in” Terri said.

“Oh you must be talking about Jane Doe” she said and pulled out a folder and a clipboard.

“What do you mean Jane Doe?” Terri snapped nervously. She drummed her recently done nails against the counter.

“You will see” the woman replied. “She's in room 504 on the fifth floor” she told looking at the clipboard. She looked up and pointed to the hallway to the right which would have an elevator. The hospital’s lobby had been made for mind draining. It had pale tan walls and brown carpet that when you are waiting for news, this room would drive you nuts waiting. The chairs had brown wood and green cushions, which seemed so out of place it drove Terri crazy just looking at them.

Terri walked towards the elevator faster than the others. Of course both Tiffany and Eden were texting, and Fred was walking around as though he was sleep-walking. Her son Taylor was pushing his dad towards the elevator the best he could. Terri pushed the button with the 5 on it as soon as everyone was on the elevator.

“Mom why are we helping some person we don't even know?” Tiffany asked and Terri rubbed her eyes sleepily.

“Because honey it’s the right thing to do” Terri responded yawning. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“That’s stupid” Tiffany said.

“Well honey, so are you” Terri responded under her breath.

“What mom?” she asked and Terri gave her a confused look. “Oh I thought you said something, sorry mom” Tiffany apologized.

The elevator dinged and the door slid open, to another brain washing lobby. Terri stepped out and walked down four rooms down the hall. She could hear the T.V. on from the hallway. She walked inside to find the girl... who was me.


Another blood curdling scream filled the night. I wanted help, I needed it. I struggled to get up, limping; however even limping caused too much pain. I made it two steps before falling down yet again.

I looked around, and although I saw no one, I knew they were there. Teasing me; torturing me. I never feared anything until today. Today everything was different. Something went horribly wrong. I gave up on my attempt at walking after a countless amount of times I tried. I crawled forward, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I was going to die; bleed out, alone, with no one to help me as I go through excruciating pain.

I shook my head to rid myself of these thoughts. I refuse to give up. Surely, there must be someone nearby… Surely, I must not be this naive. I continued to pull myself forward, moving one elbow in front of the other. Ahead of me, only a few feet was a log, and on each side of the log was a large tree. I saw no other choice but to crawl over it. I moved one arm over the log and attempted to pull myself over it. A severe pain erupted from my side and I screamed from pain. Far away, I saw smoke slowly drifting into the air. I smiled, weakly, as I saw the smoke as a sign of smoke. Perhaps, there really was hope. I screamed out again.

“Help! Somebody please! Help!” A shadow came over my head. I looked over, as I still lay over the log like a piece of clothing set out to dry, and heard a laugh.

“Hello, Princess, I have come to help” I screamed again right before everything got dark.


I sat up straight, screaming. I heard loud, fast, beeping nearby, then I was pinned down. I thrashed around, fighting my attacker or attackers.

“Stop! Calm down! We are not going to hurt you.” My arm felt as though it was pinched and instantly I was calm and no longer fighting. I looked around to several people crowded around me. I was on a bed in a strange room.

“Where am I?” I felt as I was shrinking. It was hard to see and every part of my body was in severe pain.

“You're in a hospital. You're safe. No one can hurt you here.” I looked at my arm because it felt… different and there was a needle in it. I was getting ready to remove it until someone's hand blocked me.

“That's an I.V. Their putting medications in your arm to get rid of your pain as you heal.” I looked around at all the faces and they were all staring at me in horror, shock, and pity, and were attempting horribly to cover how they felt. The pain was dull now.

“I'm Doctor Renner; do you remember your name?” I looked into the face of him and he seemed pleasant. He had black hair that was graying; actually, grey hair with black parts. He had a square jaw and dark blue eyes.

“No.” I could barely remember the dream, what pieces I remember made no sense anyways.

“Well, you were attacked.” No kidding. Really? Never would have guessed. “Do you know who did this to you?” If I don't remember my name, I'm definitely not going to remember my attacker.


“I know, these are stupid questions. However, its standard procedure. Every case is different, everyone remembers different things.”

“So this happens often?”

“No, I'm just saying whenever cases like this happen; you never know who is going to remember what?”

“Let me just ask a question, and I want you to be perfectly honest, how many cases like mine, have you see, done, or heard of?”

“Well, none”

“Then you should probably not waste any time on standard procedure”

“Well those are all the questions I have for now anyways” he smiled, apologetically, but I was too tired and in too much pain to really care. “The people who found you, and helped get you here, are here.”

“Oh great more people I don't know” I said sarcastically.

“I'm Terri” Terri smiled and stuck out a hand. I stared at it with a smile on my face.

“Well if I knew my name, I sure would tell ya” I smiled, shaking the hand. A nurse with a nametag that said Betty came in.

“She needs to take a shower.” I nearly snapped at her but I looked at my body and most places were covered in blood. My hair was crusty with blood. “She's made remarkable progress. Her body is a lot more healed then what it was earlier. She has progressed a lot further then other people who have had some of the injuries she's had. It usually has taken people a week to get where she is now” Betty said smiling.

“See mom now we can go” Tiffany said and began to pull Terri away. Terri slapped her hand as hard as she could. Tiffany’s hand turned red immediately. “Oww mom” Tiffany complained.

“Shut up Tiffany” Terri and Fred snapped and I laughed. Betty picked up a locket off the counter next to the sink and handed it to Terri.

“When we were changing her into her gown we were searching for any items that would help identify her. Well when we did we found this locket around her neck. It has initials on the back… we think they are her initials. It says F.D. on the back” Betty told as Terri played with the locket. “I can’t get it open though” Betty shrugged trying to figure out a way.

“Can I talk to you in private, Terri” Doctor Renner said with a police officer. Terri stepped out. The room instantly gets quiet and it’s obvious everyone is trying to hear much to my displeasure. “We saw on her body, scars everywhere, which have been there for a while… This suggests, she's had a rough life, was abused by whoever she was staying with. It’s probably a good thing she doesn’t remember it; those scars are everywhere and most were from deep wounds.” He pauses, and I can tell what he's going to say next is not easy. “From what we’ve seen from the scars, it doesn’t seem as though, this is her first time being this critically injured. In fact, it seems like she might have gone through worse.” Instantly the room gets quiet, awkwardly quiet. A blonde guy who was buff from head to toe came up. He looked at me and smiled sticking out a hand, trying to break the silence.

“I'm Taylor” he said and I shook his hand. His father came up and gave me his hand tiredly.

“I'm Fred and super tired. No offence; don't get me wrong I don't mind saving your life I just wish I was able to go to sleep in this place. They have the most uncomfortable chairs here. You might prefer the chairs, you mind if we switched places? I'm sure you're ready to get out of that bed” he said trying to make a joke. I pretended to laugh and he bought it.

“Eden” a girl said in the back.

“Tiffany” said her twin who stood next to Eden. Terri came back in with the officer and Betty.

“The doctor told the officers everything you told them and all of your information. It seems that we can take care of you for a little while. It’s not against the law and we did find you. Plus you don't know who you are or where your from” Terri said and I felt like a puppy the neighbor found. Soon I'm sure they’ll put up signs saying found kid and it’ll have my picture on it.

“So your name starts with an F” Fred said and I shrugged, honestly not having a clue. “We should give you a name that starts with an F” he said smiling.

“Freak” Tiffany muttered and Eden snickered. Terri elbowed both of them hard.

“How about Faith” Fred suggested.

“Freda?” Terri asked. I shook my head quickly.

“Fibi?” Tiffany tried and I smiled but shook my head.

“Felicia?” Eden tried and I shook my head slowly.

“Fae?” Taylor asked. That was it! It was perfect; I loved the name. I nodded smiling.

“Well our last name is Jameson so for right now it’s Fae Jameson” Terri smiled and I smiled. I kind of liked them.

“Doctors said you can discharge her” Betty said looking at my chart. She handed Terri the paperwork and Terri signed it. Betty left with the paperwork and came back twenty minutes later (which went by fast) with a pair of scrubs that patients could leave with.

I limped into the bathroom and changed. When I was inside I heard Terri ask Betty a question. “Her hair has been dyed to be that dark burgundy right?” she asked.

“Actually the nurses looked at it and that’s her natural hair color. It’s never, ever been treated. It amazed everyone. We have never seen natural dark burgundy hair” she said. I changed quickly and walked out. A doctor stepped in.

“Okay there are a few things you must know. She, obviously, has amnesia because the extent of her injuries and she might have times where she remembers some things and some times where she doesn’t” he told. He had brown hair and brown eyes that looked as though he didn’t look at you he looked through you. You’re free to leave Miss Jameson” he said, now to me. I nodded and they said it was a requirement all patients being discharged had to leave in a wheelchair pushed by one of the nurses.

So Fred got the car and stopped in front of the hospital. He helped me inside the car, which barely fit all six of us. I felt squished as we drove home. Fred took a quick turn and they squished against one of my broken ribs. I screamed and he screeched the car to a halt. Taylor apologized over and over and Fred continued driving but slower. We arrived at what seemed like a mansion. I saw the blood all over the front steps and ran in and threw up. I apologized but they said it was alright.

“Follow me, Fae” Terri said and led me upstairs to a bedroom. She opened the doors to a huge king sized bed with lush blankets and pillows.

“Is this the guest bedroom?” I asked and she laughed.

“No that’s why we have the guest house. In the backyard is a separate place for the guests to stay in. You’re in a spare bedroom, not a guest bedroom” she smiled. “We will take you shopping for clothes soon” she smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

“You’re rich” I said without thinking. I was about to apologize but then Terri smiled and cut me off.

“It’s okay. Yeah technically we are” she smiled. “Well I'm going to go back to bed which I think everyone else is going to do. You should get some rest. The bathroom is through there” she said and pointed to a door near to the bed. I nodded now feeling sleeps clutches and yawned and with one hand I covered my mouth. She left, closing the door and I hopped onto the bed falling asleep immediately.

© 2011 nicnatnoodles

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Added on July 6, 2011
Last Updated on July 6, 2011