I really, really...really like this. Unfortunately, technically speaking, is isn't quite a Tanka. Pity.
Thank you for entering my recent contest and I look forward to more of your writing.
(While my contest winners/selections are not primarily based upon specific forms, when a piece of writing is submitted espousing a particular form, it is my obligation to judge it based upon the guidelines and dictations of that form.)
This is my way I suppose of telling you perhaps that, given the theme of the contest- and the parameters I noted/requested- had this been submitted as free verse most certainly it would have placed. :-)
Also, while I'm on a roll here, I should point out for any others reading this, that my choices for "winners" of contests aren't always a reflection of my judgment of the "best" prose; other factors such are taken into consideration such as: " is this good writing AS WELL AS a good fit for a potential project?", "Can my photographer work with this?", "Do I have the ability to translate this to film?" etc.
Indeed, it pains me to reject writing- which in some cases is far superior to others- based solely upon the determination of its' compatibility for my needs and or limitations.
Manda, that's a cute invitation! "Will you be my anti-valentine?" LOL. I wrote a poem with this similar theme, it's entitled "Skipping Valentines". Hmm. I enjoyed this write.