![]() Chapter 7: Tough Times and Rough MemoriesA Chapter by nickdaman6![]() So, I'm back! After that huge hiatus... Anyways, this chapter goes into Dallas and his past. A pretty cool chapter, I think. I hope y'all like it!![]() Chapter 7: Tough Times and Rough
Memories Everything was hazy, fuzzy, nothing
looked right. The voices that were heard echoed and reverberated in his mind. “Dallas… Please be okay…” a familiar
voice begged. “He’ll be fine, he just needs rest”,
said one voice. It sounded oddly familiar, but foreign as well. It continued, “We
need to leave, let him be by himself.” “No. Can I… I just want to be here
to make sure nothing else happens to him”, the first voice pleaded. “Me too!” peeped a high-pitched,
younger voice. A small bark followed in agreement. “Well he made some loyal friends, I
can say that. He was always good at befriending the right people.” The second
voice had a hint of sadness to it. “I’m sure he’ll be fine, but if you want you
can stay here. I have to attend to some work. Delilah, we’ll talk later.” “Of course, and thank you, Grant.” ‘Delilah, Grant… They made it’, he
thought. ‘We’re here, we’re safe…’ Once this thought passed through his head,
Dallas returned to his wakeless coma. The
day was sunny and the sky was clear. There was a desert directly outside the
car and mountains capped with snow could be seen in the background. To the west
of those mountains, storms could be seen forming; which caused snow to fall on
the mountains, but rain to fall in desert, if luck had its way. Although, luck
never really went the way Dallas usually wanted it to go nowadays, but for once
it was starting to turn. He
turned his attention away from the window and looked forward, seeing the
massive expanse of concrete road they still had to travel. “We’re about… an
hour away?” His friend next to him questioned, mainly to himself. The figure
next to him was clothed in a black dress shirt with a nice pair of blue jeans.
He had dark curly hair and glasses on his face, with a goatee/mustache combo
to top it all off. Grant really cared about his outward appearance, so he
always made sure to look his best, especially with his clothes. He turned to
Dallas, “So, daydreaming, again? Man, what’s with you and your head?” A laughed
accompanied this. “Heh, well I just like to think, what can I say?” A smile made its way onto Dallas’ face. “Call me a philosopher, you know? I have to ask those important questions of ‘What do women really want?’ or ‘Did the chicken really come before the egg?’” Laughs echoed throughout the car at Dallas’ “witty” remarks. “Do
you always act like such a smart a*s?” “Truth?”
Grant nodded. “Hell yes.” Again,
they both laughed at his comment and it wasn’t much longer before Dallas began
to feel a little drowsy, so he laid his seat down and took nap. After another
week of classes and work, he needed the rest for the weekend. He could handle
school, or even work, alone, but put the two together and he was having a rough
first year of college. This weekend was going to give him and Grant some time
away from the school, giving them a chance to relax outside of the school
grounds. Once he closed his eyes, Dallas quickly fell asleep. An hour passed
before he was woken up by Grant, but it felt like he had fallen asleep only
seconds ago. “Hey!
Wake up, we’re here!” Grant said as he shook Dallas awake. He woke up just in
time to see them turning off the road onto a dirt path covered by a forest. It
was a short drive through the woods before they reached a clearing. Once they
were through the clearing, they saw a valley at the foot of a mountain, dotted
with several houses. In the center of the town, which Grant pointed out, was a
mansion bigger than any of the other houses in the area. That was Grant’s
house. They drove along the dirt paths straight to this house, pulling up to
the driveway and stretching as they exited the car. “Well,
welcome to chez la Grant. Big, huh?” Obviously, he didn’t need to question
this. “Yeah!
You could fit another family in this house!” Dallas agreed as he looked in awe
at Grant’s abode. Grant’s car was the only one on the stretching driveway. In
fact, his was the only car that Dallas had seen on the way into the gathering
of houses. “You know, I haven’t seen a single car here. Everyone on vacation?”
Dallas questioned as he looked at his watch. It read 3:30 PM. “Well,
everyone’s probably at work or school. Now come on! I’m sure my parents left us
something to eat!” Both Dallas’ and Grant’s eagerness caused them to not even
give the fact that no one else was here a second thought, satisfied with the
answer Grant had given. They
took their bags out of the car and rushed to the front door, quickly opening it
with Grant’s house key. The entry way was huge. It had two staircases on either
side of the room that both led to the second story of the house. A giant
chandler hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Paintings and
portraits decorated the walls of the entryway. Some depicted magnificent
environments, while others were of people in suits, dresses, and other such attire,
clearly Grant’s ancestors and family. Flowers also dotted the entryway, being
placed on different tables or stands located along the marble tiled floor. On
the opposite side of the doorway was an arch that led to other parts of the
first floor, including the kitchen, living room, and dining room. Obviously,
the two hungry college students decided to venture into the kitchen first. The
kitchen was as glorious in design as the entryway. It also had white marble tile
making up the floor. In the middle of the kitchen was an individual marble
countertop, which the both of them put their bags on. The walls of the kitchen
were lined with more counter tops, some of them having electronic appliances on
top of them, but no food. The same could be said of the numerous wooden shelves
and the wooden pantry that were all open. As well, the fridge was no different,
missing almost every piece of food or container of liquid that should have been
held in there. A small, clear CD case was on top of the island with a sticky
note on it saying “WATCH!!!” Grant
grabbed his laptop out of its carrying bag and opened it on the counter. He
opened the disk tray and laid the CD down in it. It loaded up the video that
was on it, showing instantly that something wasn’t right. The camera was
shaking around slightly and the setting of the film was in the same kitchen
that the two were standing in. Eventually, the camera came to a woman with
long, curly, black hair and a few age lines that showed she was older than
Dallas or Grant. “Mom”, escaped from Grant’s lips. She
finally spoke. “Grant! Listen to me, okay?! Listen to what I have to say!” What
came out of her mouth was spoken very fast and frantically. “We’re leaving!
There’s been an incident and your father is being called away! He’s taking us
to a military facility to keep us safe in Colorado Springs! We’d wait for you,
but we don’t have time. We need you and your friend to come to the air force base
in Colorado Springs and we’ll meet you there, okay? Mommy loves you, honey.
Stay safe… Please, dear god, stay safe...” It sounded more like she was begging
someone to keep him safe rather than telling him. “Mom…
What the hell is going on?” He turned from his computer screen to face Dallas,
thoughts racing through his head at what could possibly be happening. “We need
to get to Colorado Springs. Something’s going on and we’re not gonna figure out
what it is unless we go there.” “Alright,
let’s hurry!” Dallas agreed. They grabbed their bags and threw them into the
back of the car. Grant sped out of the driveway and back onto the highway, not
worrying about getting in trouble or hitting anything. It was easy to tell
Grant was worried about his mother’s message and Dallas tried to calm him down.
“Look, man. Maybe it’s a false alarm. I bet they’re okay, so don’t worry,
alright?” “Don’t
worry? Don’t worry?! How can I not worry?! Did you watch that same video?
Something is wrong, she was on the verge of tears and I have never seen her that
shaky or worried before. We need to get to Colorado Springs. Now!” All of this
came out in an angered tone that Grant was using to mask his worriedness. He
was sure something was going on and he wanted to make sure it didn’t harm his
family. Colorado Springs was about forty-five minutes away from the small town.
Thirty minutes into the drive, they saw something troubling. A
long line of cars on the opposite side of the interstate began to appear,
accompanied by hundreds of people walking and not wanting to wait for the
traffic to clear up. While the opposite side of the interstate was full of
cars, the side Dallas and Grant were on wasn’t. Military vehicles could be seen
mixed in with the civilian vehicles and military-grade helicopters were flying
overhead, away from Colorado Springs. “What the hell…” was all that came out of
the duos’ mouths. A man in a military uniform ran from the other side and
stopped their car. The car came to a screeching halt as Grant rolled down his
window to speak with the soldier. “Are
you two crazy?! Why are you heading towards the city?” The soldier asked in a
serious tone. “We’re
going to find my parents. What’s going on here?!” Grant asked worriedly. “Well
son, where were your parents?” “At
the air force base in Colorado Springs.” The
soldier’s face suddenly went rigid and fear could be seen in his eyes. “The air
force base…? Son, I’m sorry to say… If they were at the air force base, then
they are most likely dead, or- ” “Dead?!”
Grant interrupted him, obviously not believing what he said. “What do you mean
dead, what’s going on?!” “They…
Overran the base, no survivors have been reported. Now the city is on full evac
and no one is allowed to enter the city.” Grant’s
face turned into one of disbelief. His face fell to the steering wheel in front
of him and his hands grabbed onto his head. “My family… Dead? It can’t be…” Dallas
put his hand on Grant’s shoulder as a few tears began to fall from his eyes.
Grant turned his head to Dallas. “They’re dead? No, it-it just can’t...” He was
still in disbelief at this fact as he turned his head back to the stare at the
steering wheel. Dallas
looked towards the soldier. “What do you mean it was overran? By who?” The
soldier looked at Dallas. “What do you mean who? It’s more like what overran the base.” This caused Dallas to have a confused look cover
his face. “Wait a minute…” Realization finally dawned on the soldier. “You guys
don’t know, do you?” “Don’t
know what?” Dallas questioned. The
soldier let out a heavy, tired sigh. “It’s been happening since yesterday. We
had localized reports in Denver of some weird, beast-like creatures attacking
and killing people.” Fear took hold of his voice. “They moved too fast for us
to stop them there, but we… We tried to quarantine this area to begin a counter
attack. You can see how that went.” The soldier turned his head to face the
refugees walking along the interstate. “The only advantage we have against them
is that they can’t stand the light, something about UV rays burning their skin.
I don’t know. But that doesn’t help us enough, since they just hide in
buildings during the day and that’s a death sentence compared to facing them at
night. What’s worse is that even if someone escapes an attack from these… These
“lurkers” with just a scratch, they’ll begin to turn into one of them within an
hour.” Dallas
had a mixture of fear and shock on his face, one that was mirrored by Grant who
decided to listen to what was happening, as well. “Did you see them overrun the
base?” “Well,
no, son. But they swarmed downtown in a matter of hours. I don’t see what’s
stopping them from-” Before the soldier could finish his sentence, Grant
already put the car into gear. “Grant!
What are you doing?!” Dallas questioned, knowing full well what was going
through his friend’s mind. “He
didn’t see them attack the base! Maybe they’re okay, maybe they weren’t
attacked, maybe… Maybe they held out!” “Grant!
Listen to me!” Dallas yelled as he reached to turn the car off. “They swarmed
downtown Colorado Springs within hours. HOURS! I’m sorry, but there’s no way
that the air force base could have held out.” “They
could still be alive! They could have ran away!” “Then
they would be with this group. If you don’t see them, then- ” “They aren’t dead! They’re alive, I just know it… And we’re going to find them! Now give me the keys, Dallas!” Grant scrambled and clawed for the keys, grasping for any hope that his family might be alive. He was pushed away by Dallas and held back by the soldier. “Grant!
Get a hold of yourself. Do you think they want you to throw your life away? Do
you think they could’ve made it out of there? I’m sorry, but they’re gone.”
Dallas began to calm down after saying this. “You
don’t know that, Dallas! God d****t! You don’t know that! You don’t… You don’t
know…” Grant broke down and began to shed tears openly. His head hung low. “Oh
god, they’re dead aren’t they, Dallas?” His voice was shaking, as was his whole
body. “Yes,
Grant. I think so. I’m sorry.” His
friend started to sob and the shaking in his voice and body became more
violent. The soldier let go of him. “Listen, son, I’m sorry, we’ve all lost
someone to these damned creatures. And I know it’s hard, but we need to
survive. If there’s anywhere safe that you know of, you should head there.
And,” he turned to the scared and hurt people behind him “take some of them
with you. There’s a refugee area close by, but I don’t think it’ll be there by
time we arrive.” “Right.”
Dallas turned his attention back to his friend. “Hey, Grant? You’re in no shape
to drive and we need to get back to your mansion. Here, switch seats with me
and I’ll get us back there, okay?” “Alright…”
The young, crying man still hadn’t gotten a hold of himself, but was able to
get into the passenger’s seat while Dallas took the driver’s. “It’ll
be okay, man. We’ll mourn when we get back.” He patted his friend’s shoulder,
then gave directions to the soldier on where the valley of houses was. A few
vehicles were still functional, so they would take the elderly, children, and
injured who weren’t infected to the valley. Everyone else could walk that
distance in about a day or less. Once that was settled, the pair of college
students made their way back to the mansion and began to set up what would
become the Fortress. That’s
how it all started. Some freak medical experiment gone wrong, some disease
passed on through food or an infection, something like that, but it didn’t
matter now. It started that day, and, a year later, it looked like there was no
end to it, not yet. Dallas began to weave in and out of
consciousness, again. His eyes flickered open slightly and saw that the room
was completely dark. Night. Something moved at the foot of his bed, and he saw
Dodge sleeping and running while he dreamt, like he always did. On the side of
his bed, he felt something move up and down. He turned his head to find Delilah
laying her head on her arms next to his bed side. In her lap was Kael’s head.
Both of them were asleep. ‘So it wasn’t a dream’, he thought.
A small smile came to his face as he closed his eyes again. ‘Good. Then I can
rest a little easier now.’ With that, he returned to his dreams and his
memories. Recounting the events that had happened over the past year in his
mind like a movie.
day was clear and the sun was just beginning to set. Birds were chirping all
throughout the woods one last time before night bid them to sleep. Animals
began to scurry through the leaves and twigs on the forest floor to return to
their homes. It seemed like a normal twilight moment: serene, peaceful,
perfect. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. Accompanying
the animals and birds was the fear of not being able to see tomorrow, that a
lurker would come and kill them, then devour their corpse. It was a fear that
was felt by every living being, even humans. Even though lurkers didn’t tend to
live in the woods and chose to hideout in manmade structures instead, a stray
lurker was still a threat from time to time. This was what kept Dallas and his
friend alert and on their toes. His
friend, the soldier who he met on the interstate about two months ago, was Sgt.
James Pepper. He was a slightly older man, about twenty years older than
Dallas, and had tanned skin with black hair. A scar came across his left eye,
permanently keeping it shut. The blame for that could be pinned on his earlier
service in the military. James served as a sniper in his younger days with the
army. But after having his eye cut open by an escaping convict in a military
police camp, he decided to return home and join the National Guard. That didn’t
prove to be any safer than when he was in the army. After
they returned to Grant’s mansion, refugees and evacuees started piling in,
taking shelter in the many houses around the valley. About a day later, the
rest of them made it, a couple of soldiers coming along with them, including
Sgt. Pepper. He reported that there was about a hundred people with him,
children, women, and elderly included. The rest of the group decided to stick
with a bigger division of the soldiers who would escort them to the nearby
military refugee camp. They never heard from them again, so everyone assumed
what happened to the group. Luckily for the Fortress, they were still there,
two months later. They
walked cautiously through the forest, completing their scouting trip for the
day and heading back to the Fortress for some rest. Their guard was down
slightly due to not seeing any signs of lurkers hiding in the woods. With such
a day like this, the two passed the time by asking each other “would you
rather” questions. “Alright,
alright.” Dallas began after laughing at James’ last comment. “Would you
rather… Watch porn of your parents, or watch porn with your parents?” The
sergeant gave a hearty laugh. “Well, son, I got to ask: are you choking the
chicken in both of these?” “Of
course! Wouldn’t make it a hard decision otherwise!” “Alright,
fair enough. Hm… I’d have to say… With.” They
both laughed at the sergeant’s answer. “Yeah, I’ll agreed with you there. It’d
be weird if you were doing that while watching your parents.” This gave both man
shivers as Dallas said this. “Yeah. Let’s not think any harder on this one,
huh?” “Yup.
I can agree with ya on that!” They looked towards the sky. The sun was barely
visible, they had to hurry back to the Fortress. “Alright, son. Double time,
let’s move!” The sergeant said in an audible whisper. They went from walking to
a light jog, making more noise as they moved, but allowing them to reach safe
haven faster. The
scout team reached the opening where you could see the Fortress from the
forest. About a mile more and they’d be home free. As they went back to
traversing the forest, they began to hear something follow them. Their pace
became faster and faster, then they took a sharp right turn into some dense
brush to try and escape what was pursuing them. It was only a matter of seconds
before the thing that was chasing came into clear view. Even in the dim
twilight, Dallas could see the lurker that was sticking into the shadows and
avoiding whatever specks of light remained. The
lurker began to sniff around the area and Dallas and Sgt. Pepper watched as
they held their breath. Every now and then, the beast would scream in pain as a
stray bit of light softly touched its bare skin. It almost looked like it was
about to give up, then it turned and looked directly at the brush the men were
hiding in. Its eyes seemed to focus on them and an unsettling feeling grew
inside both of them. They knew that it had found them. As it looked at them, it
stood there, waiting for the fear of its glare to force them to leave their “sanctuary”. “Listen,
son.” Sgt. Pepper whispered. “Just remember what I’ve taught you over the past
few months and we’ll make it out of this.” He examined the area around the
clearing and spotted the trees on the other side of the forest. “Aim for that
tree across from us. Use a rock. That should distract it long enough for me to
get a clear shot at its head.” The only response he received from the young
scout was a simple nod. Dallas
picked up a stone, crept out of the brush just enough to get a clear shot at a
tree across from them, drew his bow back, and fired. Once the stone hit the
bark of the tree, the lurker’s head shot up and he stood on his hind legs, looking
towards the sound. Sgt. Pepper shot up from the brush and took aim at the
monster. Its head turned to face the man looking to kill it. Then, he fired.
The bullet reached the monster, but only grazed its head. Only one thing
happened, and it wasn’t what the scouts were hoping for. A wail, an enraged,
death threatening wail, rang throughout the forest as the lurker charged Sgt.
Pepper. In
panic, the experienced sniper fearfully fired a few more rounds before the
lurker jumped on him and pinned him to the ground. Quickly, Dallas took the
bowie knife on his belt and stuck it in the spine of the nightmarish creature.
A cry of pain rang out from its lungs. It swept behind it blindly to hit
whatever had attacked it. Dallas rolled out of the way and into the clearing,
arrow knocked in his bow and ready to fire. Before he could however, the
monster charged him with fury in his eyes, forcing him to roll out of the way
again. He didn’t have time to fully draw his bow and fire it at the creature. He
examined the situation and saw Sgt. Pepper’s rifle on the forest floor next to
him. If he could make one clear shot at its head, the monster would fall. He
waited for the lurker to charge him. It drug itself up from its last attempt
and, with the form of bull, readied itself to charge at its prey. For a few
seconds, they stared each other down. Dallas cocked his gun. As the empty shell
from the rifle hit the leaf covered floor, the beast charged. Time slowed and
Dallas’ heartbeat dropped. He needed to wait until the lurker was close enough
for him to make a crystal clear shot. It felt like an eternity before it was in
range, but soon enough, its head became a bulls-eye. Dallas, using the last bit
of lighting in the area, took aim, put his finger on the trigger, and fired.
The bullet stayed true to its aim and reached the skull of the deformed
creature, ripping through the bits of brain and bone that allowed it to live. It
fell hard onto the ground and sled to the feet of its killer, who only stared
down it for a moment and then turned his attention to his friend who was hidden
by the brush. He
rushed through the foliage to see Sgt. Peppers leaning back against a tree with
his hand on his right arm. Once he looked at the sergeant’s arm, Dallas could
see a dark, red liquid flowing from in between his friend’s fingers. That could
only mean one thing: the lurker had infected him. The deep scratch wasn’t near
any arteries or organs, which means he would live, but the poison would change
him into the creature that now laid dead behind them. There was no way the sergeant
would come out of this as himself. “No.
No, it can’t be. You can’t… This isn’t happening…” Dallas repeated his
statement several times over in disbelief as the injured Sgt. Pepper turned towards
him. “Heh.
He got me good, didn’t he, son?” His worried partner ran over to him. “Guess
that’s what I get for not taking my time to aim.” Though he was joking about
his injury, the sergeant knew he was in a grim situation. “Hey,
hey! We’ll fix this. Maybe… Maybe it was just a scratch from the tree! Yeah,
maybe…” Dallas’ reassurance fell on deaf ears, even to himself. “Yeah?
Well, I don’t think a tree could do this to you.” The veteran sniper lifted his
hand up from the scratch that he was hiding. When Dallas saw it, he knew there
was no way that wasn’t a lurker scratch. There were three bloody, red streaks
on the flesh of Sgt. Peppers arm. The cuts themselves almost ran the width of
the arm, nearly severing it from his body. Worse yet, was how deep each
individual cut went. Each one cut through muscle and tissue enough to be able
to show bits of bone at the deepest point. “So, you think a tree could do that?” “I…
No.” Sgt.
Pepper looked at his friend for a moment before saying, “Okay, son. I don’t
want to lay this on you, but… I’m not coming back as one of them and I’m not
the kind of man to commit suicide. So, I need you to do the honor.” As he
finished, he handed Dallas the pistol he carried at his side. “Please.” “No!”
Dallas said in disbelief. “No, you can’t ask me to do this! I can’t kill you! I
just… I can’t!” “Look at me, son! Look at me!” Dallas reluctantly turned his head to the infected sergeant. “I can’t turn into one of them. That’ll only help those… Things. So please, I’m begging you. Don’t let me be one of them, that’s no way to live.” At this point tears began to form in both men’s eyes. The sergeant was scared, scared of turning into one of those horrid creatures. The only way out of this was death. Although he didn’t want to do it, Dallas knew that killing him would be merciful. So,
he took the gun out of the sergeant’s trembling hand. He cocked the bolt back,
loading a bullet into the chamber. With his hand shaking, he aimed the gun at
his mentor, who he had learned everything about survival in this world from. “I’m
sorry…” Dallas let out weakly. The
sergeant gave a weary smile. “Don’t be.” With that, Dallas let his finger pull the
trigger, which caused a loud bang to echo throughout the forest. Dallas jolted up from his sleep and
quickly regretted it. The sudden movement caused a dull, throbbing soreness in
his shoulder. This brought him back to reality as he remembered what had
happened. “It was… It was only a dream. More like a nightmare, but… It felt so
real…” He turned his head to look out the window to his room, seeing that it was
daytime, probably late morning. At that moment, Delilah and Kael opened the
door with a few bowls of cereal and a bowl of dog food for Dodge, who was
following right behind them, in their hands. “Hey, guys. How’s it going?” The
injured man greeted them nonchalantly. All of them faced Dallas at the same
time. Once they saw that Dallas was awake, they all rushed to his bed, dropping
the bowls of dry food in the process. Dodge climbed up onto the bed and
began licking Dallas as he pet him. “Nice to see you too, you mangy mongrel.”
His canine companion barked with glee at hearing this. As he was still petting Dodge, Kael
came up onto the bed as well. “Hey! You’re okay! I was worried, well… I mean,
my sister was really worried, but I
kept reassuring her everything would be okay!” The boy covered up the fact that
he was worried very hurriedly. He wanted Dallas to think that he was still
looking out for his sister and not vice versa. Although, nothing could be
further from the truth. Finally, Delilah came up to his
bedside. She was giving Dallas a weary smile, showing the exhaustion from the
amount of time she spent making sure he was okay. “I’m glad you’re awake,
Dallas. When you collapsed after we went through the forest, we were scared
that you… That you…” She couldn’t finish her sentence, but she didn’t need to.
Dallas held her hand to know he was okay and that he understood. He only held
it for a few seconds, but it helped Delilah calm down more than he would know. Tears
began to form in her eyes. “I was so scared, Dallas.” She enveloped him in her
arms, happy to see her savior and friend still alive. Dallas returned the hug and began to
comfort her. “Shh. It’s okay. I’m here, I’m alive. It’s alright.” When she
ended the hug, she had a smile on her face. “Thanks.” She sniffed once so the tears in her eyes stayed
there. Once she felt better, she continued the conversation. “So, besides the
shoulder, how are you feeling, now?” Dallas got back into a seated
position on his bed. “Well, besides that, I’m feeling a lot better, but I could
definitely use some food.” This caused Delilah to giggle. “I
should’ve guessed. Well, we were bringing you something, but…” They both looked
at the spilt breakfast on the floor near the door to the room. “Well, Grant
wanted to see you when you woke up, anyways. So, we can go get some food before
we head over his house to see him.” “Sounds good to me, let me get
dressed and we’ll head over there.” “Alright. Your clothes are in the
chest at the foot of your bed. We’ll be waiting outside.” With that, Delilah,
Kael, and Dodge made their exit, while Dallas reclaimed his belongings from
where they were stored. ‘Right when I wake up’, Dallas
thought. ‘He probably wants to know what I found in Colorado Springs. He’ll be
disappointed when I tell him I couldn’t explore the base.’ This brought back
the memories of the dreams he had while he was out. He cringed as he remembered
the pistol in his hand. He swore he could feel its weight, it almost felt like
it was real. It almost felt like the first human he ever killed, his mentor and
friend, was right in front of him, begging Dallas to end his life. The memory
was too painful to relive while he was awake. ‘I guess what they say is true:
the past is the most painful when remembered, and the most real when relived.’ © 2014 nickdaman6Author's Note
Added on July 18, 2014 Last Updated on July 18, 2014 Tags: apocalypse, end of the world, zombie, adventure Authornickdaman6Durango, COAboutWhere to begin... Well, I'm a college student right now at Fort Lewis College, and I have a passion for the arts; music, theatre, art, writing, I love it all. I'm a musician and writer when it comes d.. more..Writing