As I sit, alone, in my car pouring smoke from the depths of my soul and matching music to my mood, I am exploring my wire crossing brain. The visions of you are so vivid, that I almost cant contain myself. I want feel your lovely lips on mine while walking through the mall, just because you felt like it. I want to laugh and flirt with you under the eyes of judgers because we don’t care that were “that couple”. I want to drape my fingers through yours, look into your broad brown eyes, and know that in that moment, we are both so at peace with the world that the coldest winds couldn’t shiver our spines. However, you see, I am tortured with the awkwardness of my feelings being afraid to cross the bridge from my mind to my mouth. For rejection lives under that bridge and if my footsteps awake him, I don’t know what he’ll do. All is not lost however, no matter how scared my feeling are of my words, they will never be scared of my pen. So I’ve written to you to express these feelings, in hopes that they will be replaced by romantic and theatrical feelings. So what do you say darling? You wanna catch a movie or something?