The Mill Pond
A Poem by Ariana Omnomnom
How it feels to be affected by bipolar 
What a little part of me
Is bitter, and not so kindly
Take me to the mill pond
I want you to
Take me to the mill pond
I'm sad today
I won't come out today
I'm sitting on my own
Don't take me to the pond today
Don't take me to the the pond
If I knew a little more
The mill pond would be an open door
I don't have the heart to see this through
But, just maybe, could you
Take me to the mill pond?
© 2015 Ariana Omnomnom
Added on February 21, 2015
Last Updated on February 21, 2015
Ariana OmnomnomBroken, Nowhere, Canada
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/ahr-ee-ya-na, ahr-ee-ah-na/
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