Nice lines filled with life learned wisdom and truth, for to love is to let go, and allow those we love to be free ...
And yet, I have witnessed time and again that those who seek to think others have lessons that need to be learned, also, have a few things to learn themselves in their own lives, for who hast appointed anyone that lofty position of teaching another a lesson, when every Human Being is faulted and flawed, and though all Humanity does attempt to wield that scepter of teaching lessons as though we were God (playing God for a certainty) in impugning damages against those who have harmed us or taken us for granted? We should not, and must not, think in such a fashion that appears correct, but it utterly wrong.
And yet, right or wrong, wronged or taken for granted, we all need time to heal, and if we love someone, we will allow that time for healing which they need, and which, perhaps is due to wrongs that we have inflicted. For to not to do, to insist upon everything fixed and okay, is us, rather than another, playing at that lofty position of God in the life of someone we claim to love...
Very deep message here that is, obviously, two fold, for it always does take, at least, two to tango. Enjoyed this read!
Perhaps we should learn not to cling. Then, "letting go" would be a simpler thing. It's nearly impossible to love needy people because they suck the happiness out of you to fulfill their own agenda. I believe love must be an equal, independent, and willing to become a symbiote to contain two as one. That is why we have marriages at alters, because the self is being sacrificed to a new creation.
I had a few Blue Moon lover. They were fun, when they showed-up at 2 am.
"Once in a blue moon
You'll want me there
Like i was there for you
Every single day"
I liked the honest words above. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thanks so much, Coyote! Your words honestly bring me so much joy and peace. Thanks for reviewing my .. read moreThanks so much, Coyote! Your words honestly bring me so much joy and peace. Thanks for reviewing my writing!
Many moon's for a true love that makes one Blue yes it's one in a lifetime we want to keep. Love how you brought this piece together, no pun but keeping it together is hard.
Thank you for sharing.